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dublin / crime and justice Thursday July 06, 2006 - 07:44 by Seán Ryan + Elaine
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We interviewed Peter Preston and have begun to transcribe this hour-long interview, the first half of it is printed here today. The second half will continue in the comments section. ... read full story / add a comment
national / crime and justice Thursday July 06, 2006 - 06:30 by Seán Ryan + Elaine
Orla Kaiser will not be in Court this morning. ... read full story / add a comment ![]()
international / rights, freedoms and repression Thursday July 06, 2006 - 04:27 by stand-in temporary assistant to the arch druid of barcelona
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Sgt Patrick D. Stewart died last September 25th in Afghanistan while serving the US military in Afghanistan. He was attached to the Nevada national guard and the helicopter he was travelling in was target of a rocket-propelled grenade. He was posthumously awarded the Purple Heart and Bronze star, a distinguished veteran who had served in the US military mission to Korea and active combat in Operation Desertstorm. Sgt. Patrick D. Stewart like any other distinguished combat veteran gets a memorial in his home town, though his body was cremated and his ashes scattered by his widow Roberta Stewart in Reno. Last May 31st she organised a memorial of her own to protest a decision by the US "department of Veterans Affairs" who have refused to honour her husband's wishes that a pentacle be put on his stone. This constitutes a breach of the 1st amendment, as Wicca has been accepted by Federal Courts as a religion since 1995. ... read full story / add a comment ![]()
national / rights, freedoms and repression Thursday July 06, 2006 - 00:53 by Madam K
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A large vibrant and vocal group of Irish born citizens , their parents and supporters gathered outside the Dail today pleading: " Let my parents work , Let my parents stay " In keeping with the declared sentiments of the Irish Proclamation to `Cherish all the children of the nation equally` Gerry Adams amongst others came to give support to the protesters demands . Along with Seamus Healy ( independant ) Joe Costello ( Labour ) Arthur Morgan ( Sinn Fein ) and Ciaron Cuff ( Green Party ) He welcomed them and their future valuable contribution to Irish society and expressed the hope that we would not forget our own recent past which saw so many leave Ireland. This sentiment was echoed by all the speakers present. One mother stated "We are qualified , we have degrees , let us contribute to Irish society, let us work. We have Irish passports why should these children live in refugee camps ? " ... read full story / add a comment ![]()
national / anti-war / imperialism Wednesday July 05, 2006 - 13:12 by Madam K
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On a bright Sunny morning over 30 people gathered in O'Connell Street to join the solidarity procession to the Four Courts in support of the the Five Pitstop Ploughshare defendants. A Solemn single file set of led by the defendents. At the Four Courts Carmen Trotter from NYC Catholic Workers and Ciaron O'Reilly addressed the crowd prior to entering Court 24 for the Jury selection. People were encouraged to maintain a vigil outside the courts to draw attention to the injustice of the Iraq war and Irish complicity in this. As I left most of the people were still there highlighting the Court case and people are encouraged to join as and when they are free to. The Morning Vigil will be a daily occurence gathering 8.30 a.m onwards at the Spire, O'Connell Street. Ciaron O'Reilly adressed the crowd stating 'This is our Third Ploughsharers Trial, the (justice) system here is designed to isolate you, demoralise you ,defeat you and utlamately get you to recant from any resistance to it, and, the only anti venom we have is the sense of community and solidarity and one of the things that touches me today is the pluralism of our movement of budhist and catholic, agnostic and atheist, pagan, socialists and anarchist and people with all different hairstyles , all different musical tastes...and they want us to be very uniform, they want us to be consumers they do not want us to be active citizens we feel that we have acted of conscious. Now it is up to the conscious of the community; the jury. One of our last jury members is here today having been touched by our testimony to see how their act of conscience resonates with theirs (the jury) what is running in aberrance. between these two consciousness is a legal system that trys to take all act out of consciousness...' ... read full story / add a comment ![]()
dublin / environment Tuesday July 04, 2006 - 10:12 by Christine
The theme of Thursday's protest against the M3 at Tara will be 'For the Children'. It is hoped that many people will being their kids along, to highlight the fact that Tara campaigners are fighting for the future, not buried in the past. Dress up and have fun! ... read full story / add a comment ![]()
cork / rights, freedoms and repression Tuesday July 04, 2006 - 01:03 by Niall Harnett
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In the last few days and weeks, a number of volunteers who met to discuss this issue at the recent Rossport Solidarity Camp Anniversary Gathering (http://www.corribsos.com/index.php?id=738), have been travelling to Bantry, Co Cork, meeting with the Bantry Concerned Action Group, supporting their blockade of the ESB pylon project and setting up the Bantry Solidarity Camp & Lodge. The Bantry Solidarity Camp & Lodge is ready now to receive visitors who wish to support the Bantry Concerned Action Group in their fight against the ESB (Electricity Supply Board) who are attempting to bully their way without permission onto their lands, woods and farms to construct pylons, poles and overhead power lines in order to facilitate the private development, Glanta Windfarm, on behalf of developers Murnane & O'Shea, who by all accounts have gotten their way in Bantry, Co Cork, for far too long now. I phoned Bob Murnane of Murnane & O’Shea on Friday for a comment/drink/meeting/interview, but he declined. Maybe we can meet another time Bob or perhaps you’d like to add a comment on to this article. BURY THE POWERLINES, NOT THE CHILDREN! ... read full story / add a comment
dublin / politics / elections Monday July 03, 2006 - 12:30 by mOuse
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Mr Preston wants to know why the journalists and mainstream media are not asking Minister Mc Dowell why he keeps referring to the attack on his daughter to the criminal case which resulted from investigations at the Goose Pub and not to the conspiracy of silence surrounding the removal and alteration of documents related to the civil case, in which he has implicated Mr Joe Costello TD? Mr Preston wants to know who provided the doorman service to the Goose Pub, where two people implicated in the assault on his daughter were allowed free access. Witnesses who made statements to the Gardai were minors and served openly in the pub and allowed access to the facilities. When Ms Preston was attacked, Mr Preston wants to know why the security at the pub called the gardai and not an ambulance. The girl was left standing outside the pub for fifteen minutes with a bleeding face. Two people implicated in the case have faced serious criminal charges. One is deceased, (shot). Mr Preston asks again why Michael Mc Dowell TD refers the issue to the criminal case and not the tampering with evidence in a civil case. He wants indymedia readers to be aware that the political parties who fight for rights of citizens do not stand in solidarity with him. He is forty three days on hunger strike. He has asked for Brian, who previously reported the story to make contact regarding the situation at the Goose pub. ... read full story / add a comment
down / environment Monday July 03, 2006 - 03:17 by >>>>>>
Green Party Councillor, Brian Wilson, on the Education Board for County Down has voted for the removal of concessionary bus passes for children. ... read full story / add a comment ![]()
national / anti-war / imperialism Monday July 03, 2006 - 00:35 by Tim Hourigan
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On Saturday a small bunch of peace activists entered Shannon Airport and distributed flowers and petals in rememberance of all the people killed in the Iraq and Afghan wars, and calling for an end of military use of Shannon, be it the US going to Iraq, Afghanistan or Iran, the Israeli Air Force, or the Russians and Belgians arming South and Central America. The date co-incided with the withdrawal of World Airways from Shannon. World is now routing its military flights through Leipzig in Germany. Although the Shannon option provided the most fuel effiecient route over the Atlantic, World Airways contends that it can cut out a crew change by using Leipzig and having a short route to the M.E. from Europe. World has brought most of the 600,000 troops through Shannon for the wars on Iraq and Afghanistan. ... read full story / add a comment ![]()
national / politics / elections Sunday July 02, 2006 - 21:12 by Shell to Sea
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Politicians from several political ideologies gathered at the gates of Leinster House on Tuesday 27th June to meet campaigners from Dublin and Mayo who wished to draw attention to a new leaflet on the issue of the Corrib Gas scheme. Joe Higgins from the Socialist Party, Mary Lou McDonald and Arthur Morgan from Sinn Féin, and Dan Boyle, Eamonn Ryan and John Gormley from the Green Party, were joined by Independent TD Jerry Cowley as they met some of wives of men who were imprisoned last year for protesting against the government-backed scheme to install a dangerous, experimental pipeline scheme through a residential area in north west Mayo. Mary Corduff, Maureen McGrath and Caitlín Úi Sheighin travelled to Dublin from Rossport to give interviews and pose for pictures to raise the profile of the campaign's new leaflet, aimed at informing voters in next year's election of the facts surrounding the contentious Corrib scheme. Although Joe Costello of the Labour Party was also present, it's not clear whether Labour would allow work on Shell's project to continue in the event of a Fine Gael-Labour coalition government. ... read full story / add a comment ![]()
dublin / housing Sunday July 02, 2006 - 15:30 by richard whelan
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Residents say goodbye to life as they knew it in Fatima Mansions ... read full story / add a comment ![]()
international / gender and sexuality Sunday July 02, 2006 - 15:27 by .
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An estimated 40,000 people attended! ... read full story / add a comment
dublin / rights, freedoms and repression Saturday July 01, 2006 - 23:16 by mOuse
Peter wanted an excerpt from a letter about Palestine , published with this article, it contains a quote by Terence Mac Swiney: "It is not those who can inflict the most but those who can endure the most who will conquer" The heading and date of the letter, which was published in an Irish newspaper recently was torn off, he retains some of the body of it, because of its pertinence to his case. Someone brought it to him during the course of the week. Day 41: He is experiencing little in the way of symptoms. He has sciatica in his back and headaches, for which he is taking solpadeine. His movement is good and he is walking alright. he is looking thinner and needs to sit a lot. The anger is there he wants people to know that the people involved in the cases around his daughter are murdering him and asserts again his desire not to be removed from the Dail, by ambulance. ... read full story / add a comment ![]()
mayo / environment Saturday July 01, 2006 - 19:05 by Eif (text), Eif, P, and Aron (photos)
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Thursday was a busy day for many in the north-west of Mayo. The shock generated by last year’s jailing of five men for attempting to safeguard their families and assert their democracy has since mutated into a steadfast determination to oppose Shell’s undemocratic profit-generating, PR master-plan of a pipeline. But such hard work on the ground deserves a bit of a hoo-ha now and then, and Thursday’s activities provided both. ... read full story / add a comment
national / consumer issues Saturday July 01, 2006 - 17:33 by Kathy Sinnott
I had several long, worried nights with one of my babies. She was having difficulty breathing. No temperature, runny nose, cranky upset crying…nothing I could take her to the A&E with. There was just a subtle change in her that gave me an instinctive and terrifying sense that she was forgetting to breathe. ... read full story / add a comment ![]()
international / rights, freedoms and repression Saturday July 01, 2006 - 15:39 by John Lannon
June 30th should have marked the end of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)’s transition government, and seen the start of a hopeful, democratic future. But instead it is a country where millions of people are still suffering at the hands of corrupt leadership and interference by foreign governments. Hundreds of Congolese and Irish people took to the streets of Dublin yesterday to highlight this, and to draw attention to the appalling human rights abuses in the country. ... read full story / add a comment ![]()
international / miscellaneous Saturday July 01, 2006 - 14:32 by Noise Hacker
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[ All images are COPYLEFT! ] ... read full story / add a comment ![]()
galway / anti-war / imperialism Saturday July 01, 2006 - 12:41 by jac
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Alternative Peace Rally as opposed to Weapons Of Mass Destruction Display, Nimmo's Pier, Galway June 25th 2006! ... read full story / add a comment ![]()
international / rights, freedoms and repression Friday June 30, 2006 - 17:30 by Revolt Video
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“Shell, Statoil and Marathon, supported by the Irish State, is proposing to build a dangerous, experimental raw gas pipeline and gas refinery in northwest Ireland. But they are being resisted………” ... read full story / add a comment |