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national / rights, freedoms and repression Wednesday March 07, 2007 - 01:07 by Eamon Sullen
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Fresh from smearing Manus O'Riordan, Eoghan Harris turned his ire on RTE's Tom McGurk – links below. In his Sunday Independent column on March 5th Ireland's mud thrower in chief says that it "behoves McGurk to be balanced". "Failing that, he should be fair", Harris continued. McGurks’s failing? He criticised the Sunday Independent. Also, McGurk was accused of going on the Buntollet Commemoration march of January 1969, the one that exposed the viciously sectarian nature of the RUC and of the northern state. The young protester’s heads were cracked open by the RUC and by their allies in the B Specials. The images received world wide publicity. Some people have long and bitter memories that perpetually fuel their rancid politics. ... read full story / add a comment ![]()
international / anti-capitalism Tuesday March 06, 2007 - 21:03 by Twenty Years Anniversary
![]() ![]() The Guardian are covering the issue in their 'Transport' section. For anyone nt old enough, the ferry went down outside of Zeebruge and many lives were lost. The doors on the huge ferry jammed and it took on tons of water. ... read full story / add a comment
national / consumer issues Tuesday March 06, 2007 - 16:17 by useless eater
Most readers and contributors to Indymedia, I presume, would be against the arms trade and money going towards 'third-world' exploitation, deforestation, or animal testing for eg., yet every one of us contributes to these decidely unethical practices. ... read full story / add a comment ![]()
international / rights, freedoms and repression Monday March 05, 2007 - 05:38 by Adri Nieuwhof
The Joint Advocacy Initiative (JAI), an initiative of YWCA of Palestine and East Jerusalem YMCA, carried out research among young people from the Bethlehem area, to examine the attitude of Palestinian youth towards non-violent struggle against the occupation and oppressive practices. ... read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous Sunday March 04, 2007 - 01:57 by jim travers
What is the mixed economy of welfare and why, despite Mary Harney's assurances in that, what she is doing is really in the interest of all the Irish people and not a back door method of promoting the privatisation of our health service in the interest of the doctors and consutant's who collectively and directly contribute to the demise of the same public heath service from within. ... read full story / add a comment
international / rights, freedoms and repression Wednesday February 28, 2007 - 02:25 by PaddyK
Irish Bishops make light rebuke of Israeli policy in Palestine but is there really an reason to expect real action in light of other recent church releases ? ... read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous Tuesday February 27, 2007 - 22:11 by Dave
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Maze Stadium V's Giants Park (Dargan Landfill) ... read full story / add a comment ![]()
international / history and heritage Tuesday February 27, 2007 - 05:50 by hogworts
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Last summer solstice (June 24, 2006) in Pretzien a tiny village of Saxony-Anhalt (former DDR - east Germany) not too far from Berlin occurred an incident of burning books or "Bücherverbrennung" as it is said in the German language. 8 months later 7 individuals went to trial on Monday accused of "inciting racial hatred" and "disparaging the dead". The men ranging in age from 24 to 29 also burned a US flag. Local villagers called the police who did not recognise the burning of a diary by Anne Frank as being that worrying. The men face up to 5 years imprisonment and the training of police officers in the state has been improved to help them deal with the large scale emergence of neo-Nazi groups & far-right crime. They'll be better skilled in understanding the neo-Nazis who get a job working next to them or the historical stuff behind a Jewish kindergarten being burned last weekend in Berlin. They may even read Anne Frank. ... read full story / add a comment ![]()
international / environment Monday February 26, 2007 - 16:36 by SPer
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PLANET BEFORE PROFIT: -> No to Nuclear; Demand mass investmet in renewable energy! -> Decent public transport as a viable alternative to driving! -> No to the destruction of the environment for profit! ... read full story / add a comment
national / politics / elections Monday February 26, 2007 - 15:58 by Dr Nick
Deppression and suicide is crippling our nations society so why does mental health not win votes? ... read full story / add a comment ![]()
mayo / rights, freedoms and repression Sunday February 25, 2007 - 20:46 by Bob Wilson
Five men from the village of Rossport, Co.Mayo, were jailed when they refused to stop resisting workers from Shell who had been awarded a Compulsory Acquisition Order to put a high-pressure gas pipeline through their land. They became national heros of a fast-growing campaign to defy the multi-nationals and their government backers and make them build their gas refinery at sea. This was the Shell to Sea campaign and this book tells the story of 'The Rossport 5' in their own words. ... read full story / add a comment
international / anti-capitalism Sunday February 25, 2007 - 20:14 by Brendan Young
The debate on the French Left about the forthcoming elections has parallels for the Left in Ireland – in particular for those leftwing Independent TDs and those on the Left who do not agree with supporting a government of the parties of the Right. In France the question is: should a united-left (anti-neoliberal) candidate support or be part of a government led by the Socialist Party (which will be a social-liberal or Blairite government)? In Ireland the question is similar: should the non-right-wing parties (Labour, Greens, Sinn Fein) be part of a government of the Right (FF, FG, PDs)? And should Independent TDs support a government of the Right? ... read full story / add a comment
national / rights, freedoms and repression Saturday February 24, 2007 - 06:09 by J. P. anderson
The most needy, most deprived are indeed very poorly served by the political establishment in Ireland. There is overwhelming evidence to suggest that most crime is linked to poverty, social exclusion, educational disadvantage and dysfunctional parenting, often each are combined. If we really want to reduce crime, we have to invest in the education and welfare of our disadvantaged children right from birth and even before birth. Early school-leaving has consistently identified as a major risk factor for offending, but there are no systematic supports for those at risk of dropping out of school. ... read full story / add a comment ![]()
international / environment Friday February 23, 2007 - 21:39 by Laure Akai
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Anarchists and ecologists are in their 12th day of a protest camp out in -20 degree weather. The proposed road through the Rospuda Valley threatens a unique wetlands but local residents have had enough of the lethal traffic problems in their town. A look at the problems facing activists in Poland with getting the word across when even the local priest tries to organize his parishoners to carry out a pogrom against the activists. ... read full story / add a comment
national / consumer issues Wednesday February 21, 2007 - 10:09 by Jim O'Sullivan
Over the past few years operators have been allowed to exploit mobile phone owners by misleading them into "subscriptiopn servcies" where they are exploited. Its time to call a halt. ... read full story / add a comment ![]()
national / rights, freedoms and repression Tuesday February 20, 2007 - 16:03 by Sean Crudden
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"A useful starting point, therefore, might be to ask not why there is so much disruptive behaviour in Irish second-level schools but why there is so little?" Professor Tom Collins The Irish Times, 20 February 2007. ... read full story / add a comment
international / rights, freedoms and repression Sunday February 18, 2007 - 21:32 by Kevin T. Walsh
Education.......... Community Service Cookery classes for prisoners at Castlereagh ... read full story / add a comment ![]()
international / anti-capitalism Saturday February 17, 2007 - 14:19 by La Plataforma
The Spanish “Transition to democracy” was simply a way to fortify the capitalist economic model. With such Transition, the Spanish dominant class eliminated all sort of social resistance and opened the way for business; they made a Francoism without Franco and presented the Transition as a triumph of the people. It was a history written by the owners of money and their fascist sentries. But Memory, Dignity and Struggle continue ... read full story / add a comment
galway / eu Friday February 16, 2007 - 15:28 by gníomhaí
Faoi dheireadh tá Gaeilge ina teanga oifigiúil den Aontas Eorpach, ach is scannal é nár tharla seo 30 bliain ó shin nuair a chuaigh muid isteach san AE ar dtús. Measaim gur seo seans deireanach don Ghaeilge teacht slán. Is trua é seo mar tríd is tríd táim i gcoinne an Aontais Eorpach. I mo thuairim, tá an eagraíocht ann go príomha chun an bóthar a réiteach do ghnóthaí móra. ... read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous Thursday February 15, 2007 - 15:06 by gníomhaí
Food prices 'set to soar'. I urge all Indymedia readers to pay heed- this is by all accounts only the beginning.... ... read full story / add a comment |