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international / anti-war / imperialism Monday September 24, 2007 - 11:26 by Coilín ÓhAiseadha
In his column in the Irish Times, the Washington Post's opinionator Charles Krauthammer has said that General Petraeus can defeat Al-Qaeda in Iraq. I disagree! Far from defeating Al-Qaeda, the US occupation provides Islamist fighters with ideal terrain on which to recruit and train to overthrow Mr Bush’s friends in the house of Al-Saud, and does nothing to prevent Al-Qaeda cells elsewhere from planning attacks elsewhere. Krauthammer’s comments bear no resemblance to the realities of fighting Al-Qaeda, and every resemblance to a propagandum formulated by the White House to justify a military strategy whose chances of success are next to nil. Krauthammer tells us nothing about Iraq, and everything about Washington. Whte House staff are sure to go on vigorously propagating this implausible "We can defeat Al-Qaeda in Iraq" message in the media in coming months. My counter-analysis provides a copyright-free debunker for reuse as needs arise. ... read full story / add a comment
international / anti-capitalism Sunday September 23, 2007 - 00:15 by Rafael Uzcategui
* A member of the editorial collective of El Libertario (; in Spanish & English) prepared this article for the 6th edition of the Costa Rican (A) journal La Libertad [September 2007;] in response to an inconsistent effort to establish impossible affinities between Chavism and Anarchism. ... read full story / add a comment ![]()
international / arts and media Saturday September 22, 2007 - 14:14 by C Murray
![]() ![]() The preamble to 'V':- "My Father still reads the dictionary every day. He says your life depends on your power to Master words" Arthur Scargill, Sunday Times, 10th January 1982. 'V', by Tony Harrison is no means his definite statement on or deconstruction of the systems of power that mitigate against people, that would involve a look at his entire work, which include his use of the Leeds vernacular in 'The Mysteries', his Translations of Seneca, which informed the 'Theatre Works', his defence of ordinary people in Bosnia, Bradford, northern ireland and his television collaborations which are collected in 'The Shadow of Hiroshima and other film poems' But in the last week the bogeys of the Thatcherite era have been re-surfacing in photo and press and contemporarising for the neo-cons.. The Brown regime. ... read full story / add a comment
national / consumer issues Friday September 21, 2007 - 23:58 by Gwen
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Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources, Eamon Ryan T.D. drastically cut subsidies for energy efficient homes on September 3rd and today Minister Gormley introduces regulations requiring the use of renewable energy systems in new buildings at the expense of the buyers. ... read full story / add a comment
international / rights, freedoms and repression Thursday September 20, 2007 - 22:09 by Kevin T. Walsh
The circus continues in relation to Bertie's cash lodgements and handouts - I will return to this in a minute.... But first I would like to point out the cutbacks in Sligo Hospital as reported today and as Drumm, the new God to Health said 'there are new limits now'. ... read full story / add a comment
limerick / rights, freedoms and repression Thursday September 20, 2007 - 13:23 by Adrian Nally
Open letter to Minister John Gormley TD. The letter outlines how Limerick County Council's motor tax office have forced me off the road and are now failing to take responsibility for my plight. It is a complaint to the Minister, in the hopes that he may help to resolve the situation. I have not had an acknowledgement from the Minister's department yet in relation to my email. I have circulated my letter to a number of newspapers and it remains to be seen if they publish its contents. ... read full story / add a comment ![]()
international / anti-war / imperialism Tuesday September 18, 2007 - 13:17 by Seán Ryan
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international / anti-war / imperialism Tuesday September 18, 2007 - 12:55 by PaddyK
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25 years on and the world simply forgets the Sabra and Shatila Massacres. ... read full story / add a comment
cork / environment Tuesday September 18, 2007 - 11:39 by John Baker
This conference was organised by the Irish branch of the Association for the Study of Peak Oil to bring together people from government and the industry as well as some of those working to alleviate the problems. Unfortunately for a variety of reasons Cork Shell to Sea has so far been unable to gain entry but stimulated by the ideas presented on the ASPO website and our own experinces we put this leaflet together that we think raises points that anyone working in this area would do well to consider. This is the text, we plan to distribute this leaflet outside the conference later today and to write a further article in the next day or two. ... read full story / add a comment ![]()
international / environment Sunday September 16, 2007 - 15:43 by Fu Manchu
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Each year the average Italian eats 28kg of Pasta which is derived from wheat. This week Italians were urged to go on "pasta strike" to protest rising wheat costs which has seen their daily staple increase 20% in the last year. Elsewhere in Europe shoppers and eaters have found the price of bread rising in similar fashion. For their part farmers blame changing climatic conditions which increase voracious vermin (who doth eat the wheat) and stricter measures by governments to combat climate related problems (the hot sun doth prepare the land for fires thus seeing its chaff & voles burnt increases forest fires) and of course the war on Iraq (for increasing the cost of all oil including red diesel). All pretty convincing reasoning in a passing casual interest slice of toast sort of way. ... read full story / add a comment
international / worker & community struggles and protests Sunday September 16, 2007 - 14:04 by john throne
The Service Employees Internation Union in the USA has led the way in the policy of co-operation with management. It is now facing increased opposition from within its own ranks to this policy. ... read full story / add a comment
antrim / rights, freedoms and repression Saturday September 15, 2007 - 11:26 by Davy Carlin
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international / anti-war / imperialism Friday September 14, 2007 - 16:46 by Seán Ryan
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Bush no longer looking for victory. 30,000 American troops to be pulled. The future of Shannon? Will we help to bomb and subdue Iran too? ... read full story / add a comment
international / crime and justice Friday September 14, 2007 - 07:54 by Brian
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An attempt to answer some of the criticisms of 'conspiracy theorists', to show that factors in modern society make it all too possible for conspiracies to exist, and difficult for them to be exposed. ... read full story / add a comment
national / rights, freedoms and repression Monday September 10, 2007 - 15:42 by C Murray
Michael Mc Dowell, being back in the High Court defending the Rights of the Father is awaiting judgement of the Mr 'G' case, in which a father has applied for return of his kids from another jurisdiction (UK) and the right to be a father and to educate his children. Another recent High Court case is being prepared to go to the Supreme Court regarding the rights of a woman to use the eggs she is storing and to have the dad pay for the future life and education of any child conceived as result of the process- the father won citing the end of the marriage and irreconcilable difference. She is appealing. Both cases involve:- Father's Rights to family and both are read for and judged within the confines of the Catholic Constitution drafted by De Valera and of course substanially amended by Archbishop Mc Quaid. The 'G' case should get loads of coverage. ... read full story / add a comment
international / anti-war / imperialism Saturday September 08, 2007 - 21:45 by Seán Ryan
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A new video from Osama Bin Laden has been released. ... read full story / add a comment ![]()
international / crime and justice Saturday September 08, 2007 - 15:42 by +
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Yesterday evening a rippling realisation which may yet become a tidal wave of emotions hit the copy editors of almost all commercial news entities on this continent. Editors of both newspapers and television news programs had to make a very quick decision as to how they would report the naming of Kate Mc Cann as a formal suspect in the case of her daughter's disappearance & then then subsequent naming of her husband. For this has never a run of the mill child abduction case. British commerical media raised an award fund of 2 million pounds sterling whilst the length & breadth of Europe's tourist destinations saw her photo displayed on posters with the phrase "look into my eyes" more often than not written in English. Her case was linked by her parents and the band of loyal followers who charted their unprecedented campaign to one other case of a disappeared child in Spain whilst sighting of the Mc Cann infant were made & investigated from Morrocco to Spain, Malta to Portugal. ... read full story / add a comment ![]()
national / consumer issues Saturday September 08, 2007 - 14:58 by C Murray
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The Irish Times this Morning 08/09/09 features headlines regarding Eamon Ryan's 'Signal' that the Green Party may be supporting the Referendum on the EU proposed for this country in 2008. The paper's Front page states that Minister Ryan believes that the 'accrued benefits' of EU membership signal a change in attitude by the Greens toward their EU policy. This is media manipulation of the highest order which accomplishes two things:- 1. It assures investors in Corporate Europe that the Greens are 'onside'. 2.It is part of a campaign instigated by Dick Roche TD, who assumes responsibility for both selling the public and manistream media the benefits of EU expansion and corporatism. ... read full story / add a comment ![]()
national / environment Friday September 07, 2007 - 11:50 by Alan
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The debate has started. One of the ESB unions, Unite-Amicus, wants the government to build nuclear power stations. We are told that it’s a “clean technology” that will reduce climate change. ... read full story / add a comment ![]()
national / arts and media Thursday September 06, 2007 - 15:55 by C Murray
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There is a retrospective of Ann Madden's Major works from the 1950's to Date running at IMMA until September the 30th, I had meant to write about it before. The themes are of voyages and mythos- including the Icarus story which is painted in red and gold, the paintings are ofter based in connected series through the East wing of the gallery or presented in Triptych form on the walls. Its a stunning exhibition, the later paintings are marked with small icons of crosses . the image shown with this little piece is one of a series of Aurora Borealis inspired paintings- and the exhibition is free, as is the Yeats collection at the National Library and of course walking on the Hill of Tara. ... read full story / add a comment |