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national / miscellaneous / news report Wednesday May 22, 2002 11:27 by Nicholas McMurry
Caoimhe left Cork at the end of last year to go to Palestine and Iraq. She didn't get as far as Iraq. She entered Yassir Arafat's compound in Ramellah but later regretted it, as this mail makes clear. She should be returning to Ireland shortly read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / news report Wednesday May 22, 2002 11:24 by Shlomo Shamir
NEW YORK - The ranking Democrat on the House International Relations Committee, Tom Lantos, has asked UN Secretary General Kofi Annan to conduct a formal probe into the operations of the UN Relief and Works Agency in the territories prior to the June 30 scheduled renewal of its mandate. read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / news report Wednesday May 22, 2002 11:18 by James
Tim Wise's misleading article below actually becomes the problem that he is trying to address. read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / news report Tuesday May 21, 2002 20:46 by I need a Catheter
The most recent split from the SWP get a website read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / news report Tuesday May 21, 2002 19:19 by Tim Wise
Israel bars any candidate from holding office who thinks Israel should be a secular, democratic state with equal rights for all. read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / news report Tuesday May 21, 2002 14:22 by RTS defence
The cases of at least 7 of those arrested on the recent Reclaim the streets protest were heard on Monday morning in the Bridewell court in Dublin. In addition at least 2 cases were heard last Friday. All of the cases were adjourned for the following dates. 5 cases will be heard on Monday July 1st, 1 case will be heard on Tuesday July 2nd and 2 cases will be heard on Friday July 5th. About 10 supporters showed up to show solidarity with those arrested. In all of the cases except one the police sought the adjournement in order to investigate bringing extra charges against the protestors. All of the hearings were dealt with perfunctorily by the judge who seemed somewhat amused by the cases. The only hitch was when the police lost the charge sheet of one of the defendants, but eventually they found it (although since the original read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / news report Tuesday May 21, 2002 13:40 by
Currently, the White House is concentrating on drawing attention away from the scandal to new threats of coming terrorist attacks by bin Laden. Vice-president Richard Cheney said that the USA was “practically certain” of becoming a target of a new terrorist act read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / news report Tuesday May 21, 2002 03:31 by Ken Adelman
The hypocrisy of the key Arab leaders launching a "peace initiative" while spreading hatred and justifying war is simply ghastly. read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / news report Tuesday May 21, 2002 03:25 by A.B. Yehoshua
The prominent Israeli author A.B. Yehoshua who is also a leading figure in Israel's peace camp gave an interview to the Arab-Israeli newspaper Kul Al-Arab[1] in which he expressed doubt of Yasser Arafat's ability to be Israel's peace partner and blamed him for causing disaster to the Palestinian people. Yehoshua also called upon the members of the Labor party to resign from the unity government, and argued that now is the opportunity for a revival of Israel's left which should call for a unilateral separation between Israel and the Palestinians. Following are excerpts from the interview: read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / news report Tuesday May 21, 2002 00:05 by zk
Madrid fights capitalism! read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / news report Monday May 20, 2002 20:45 by 8den
As the media attention over May 6th dies down, the matter gets turned over to Gardaí investiagtions and soliciters. However recent discoverys leads us to suspect the tactics and behaviour of the internal investigation. read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / news report Monday May 20, 2002 19:17 by Joe Murtagh
Ireland's green party won 6 seats at this weekends 2002 general election. Twice the amount predicted by political pundits. Their success can be attributed to two factors; A growing frustration with the previous coalition governments environmental policy (or lack of) and fallout from strategic voting. read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / news report Monday May 20, 2002 18:25 by postmodern
postmodernist election result? perhaps its the only analysis that could explain the outcome? read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / news report Monday May 20, 2002 17:15 by ;-)
'Garda ballistic vests helmets and Raid Jackets'. Ballistic vest and carry bag. Ballistic helments with visors and neck cape. Raid jackets. 125 ballistic vests. 125 ballistic helmets. 125 raid jackets . read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / news report Monday May 20, 2002 15:32 by saortinn
A few questions. I was at the RTS and am still wondering about several things that happened as I was on the periphery at the beginning and in the middle at the end. These are questions I have been asked and couldn’t answer. Who decided on Burgh Quay? Obviously somebody did as this was where the car was waiting? Where the Dublin Fire Brigade there already? If so do they act with the police often ? Did anyone see them harassed? Where the protesters corralled at College Green as part of some deliberate police operation? How many cops were there altogether? Did anyone see any physical attacks on cops? I did see empty cans hurled at cops on Burgh Quay but they were chucked from the middle of the throng. If anyone can iron these points out that’d be a really big help. read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / news report Monday May 20, 2002 14:04 by Christian
Here is a piece of news on BNFL that came in today, should be interesting... - apparently the British Nuclear Industry spent Taxpayers money to lobby for their ends with US President Bush. read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / news report Sunday May 19, 2002 18:34 by Paul Kinsella
100,000 Protest in Madrid Against Globalization. MADRID -- Some 100,000 anti-globalization demonstrators rallied peacefully through the center of Madrid on Sunday, chanting against capitalism and war and dancing to the beating of drums. Organizers said nearly 200,000 protesters marched behind banners that read: "No against the exploitation of Latin America" and "Against war and the Europe of capitalism." Many chanted "Another world is possible." read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / news report Sunday May 19, 2002 17:30 by shane
A tabloid today claimed that indy media was an "underground" website for subversives! Rather funny really as I am no terrorist and Im sure most people who use this arent either. read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / news report Sunday May 19, 2002 16:02 by Robert Krick
So Fianna Fail will take power in what is for them a sweet election. Fine Gael have withered away. Labour hasnt changed. The PD's are laughable. But, here comes the lefties. The Greens get 6-7 seats (i dunno i've lost interest at this point), Sinn Fein 5, and the Socialist Party 1. This is all common knowledge but what does it really mean. read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / news report Sunday May 19, 2002 13:14 by Interview by Between The Lines' Scott Harris
"Former Intelligence Officer Accuses White House and Pentagon of Providing Direct Support for Failed Venezuelan Coup Attempt". Between The Lines' Scott Harris spoke with Wayne Madsen, who now serves as the Washington correspondent for Intelligence Online based in Paris. read full story / add a comment |