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Wretched Are These Peacemakers

category national | miscellaneous | news report author Tuesday May 21, 2002 03:31author by Ken Adelman - TCS Report this post to the editors

The hypocrisy of the key Arab leaders launching a "peace initiative" while spreading hatred and justifying war is simply ghastly.

Let's make damn sure Americans aren't bamboozled by all this P.R. and hope to heaven that our leaders aren't taken in. President Bush's recent coziness at his Crawford ranch with the ruler of the vile Saudi regime, Crown Prince Abdullah, wasn't terribly reassuring.

To make it easy for FoxNews.com readers, and President Bush if he's among you, below are the facts that demonstrate such ghastly hypocrisy. Judge for yourselves.

Sunday's New York Times article from Cairo headlines the spin: "Leaders of Three Arab Nations Affirm Support of Peace Plan." Written by Neil MacFarquhar, it leads with more Arab spin: "The leaders of Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Syria emerged from a meeting late tonight to reaffirm their commitment to a peace initiative…"

Now let's see what our three "peacemakers" are printing in their official presses and saying through their officials. Let's start with the most important of the peacemakers, Hosni Mubarak, president of Egypt. Half of all Arabs are Egyptian, as was 9/11 master terrorist Mohammad Atta.

Shortly before the peacemakers met in Cairo, an article was published in the Egyptian government newspaper Al-Akhbar regretting that Hitler did not wipe out all Jews -- "If Only You Had Done It, Brother."

Written by Fatma Abdallah Mahmoud, it tells how Jews - not just Israelis, mind you, but Jews - "are accursed in heaven and on earth. They are accursed from the day the human race was created and from the day their mothers bore them. They are accursed also because they murdered the Prophets…These accursed ones are a catastrophe for the human race. They are the virus of the generation, doomed to a life of humiliation and wretchedness until Judgment Day. They are also accursed because they repeatedly tried to murder the Prophet Muhammad… Allah cursed them."

For slow readers, it reiterates the point: "Thus, the Jews are accursed - the Jews of our time, those who preceded them and those who will come after them, if any Jews come after them."

And then it comes to the punch line:

With regard to the fraud of the Holocaust... Many French studies have proven that this is no more than a fabrication, a lie, and a fraud!!… [Hitler] is completely innocent of the charge of frying them in the hell of his false Holocaust!!

Again, that was printed in the Egyptian government's own newspaper.

Now let's move to the second most important country, Saudi Arabia. The Prince's government-controlled daily paper Al-Jazirah recently featured an article by Dr. Khalil Ibrahim Al-Sa'adat that celebrated the perpetuator of the Passover massacre, the barbarous act that prompted the Israeli retaliation.

"May Allah have mercy upon" this mass murderer, "the quiet hero who infiltrated so elegantly and spoke so gaily. You defended your religion, your homeland, and your people. You attached no importance to [any] Arab summit; you did not wait for international agreements."

Rather, the murderer acted "courageously, full of willingness to [wage] Jihad, and with faith filling your heart, you executed your assignment and sacrificed your pure soul for your religion and your homeland."

So while the Prince spins "peace" with Israel, his Saudi government newspaper spins distrust and hatred: "The Zionists do not honor treaties, promises, and agreements, and understand only the language of resistance and Jihad… May Allah have mercy on you, oh beloved of the Arab nation."

Again, there's a nice religious flavor to the close: "You entered silently, with the faith and confidence with which Allah inspired you… Allah decreed for you a martyr's death. What heroism, courage, and strength - almost unmatched on the face of the earth!"

The third of our "peacemakers" hails from Syria. The tyrant Bashar Assad had his foreign minister, Farouq A-Shar, justify the terrorist war against Israel by redefining terrorism so as to excuse the killing of innocent children, mothers, and elderly.

"When your lands are occupied by foreign forces," he writes, "you have no alternative but to liberate your homeland. Your means are, first and foremost, to launch a war against the enemy occupying your land, or fight against the colonialism in every way possible…"

The foreign minister continues, "If [you] insist that there is no difference between the legitimate right of the peoples to struggle against foreign terrorism and killing innocent civilians in distant places, and if [you] insist that there is no difference between terrorists and those defending their land and trying to liberate it - then there is no difference between the victims of terrorism and the terrorists themselves."

All these excerpts are found on the invaluable website www.memri.org from the original documents themselves. Those documents tell more of the truth than "spun" articles of the esteemed New York Times like that filed over the weekend from Cairo. Let's be sure we, at least, are not as bamboozled as our leaders now seem to be.

Related Link: http://www.techcentralstation.com/1051/defensewrapper.jsp?PID=1051-350&CID=1051-051502B
author by Laylapublication date Tue May 21, 2002 17:20author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I agree that the Arab leaders are hypocrites. But that is the case with most politicians. Your leader, Sharon, is a murderer as well as a hypocrite. No matter what you say about the Arab leaders, that doesn't change the fact that Israel is illegally occupying Palestinian land and killing and humiliating its people. Just get the fuck out and leave us in peace. Palestine will never die and it certainly won't die quietly.

author by Proinsiaspublication date Tue May 21, 2002 22:08author email proinsias at aol dot comauthor address author phone Report this post to the editors

The land is disputed isnt it Layla ?.

How did Yasir Arafat start his political career ? By bombs and hi jackings
How did Sharon make his name? by saving Israel during the YOM KIPPUR WAR when the Egyptians had over-run a much reduced reservist Israeli army and he arranged a counter attack over the Suez Canal .
He saved his country from defeat in 1973
How did Yassir Araft make his name
It was not by planting flowers was it ?
I think it was by planting bombs .
Who saved Arafat ?--the Israeli invited him back from Tunis to Gaza when they thought peace was possible . What did he do -set up 9 security services --jobs for the boys --and bulit compounds everywhere --no houses for his poor people . Mind you the " camps " corruptly run by UNRWA since 1950 do have 2 and 3 storey houses and the PA has not bulit any new towns since 1993 when they got control of these areas again .

Lets get real and find some common ground between Arabs and Israelis which allow each of them to live where they want !

That is the difference between the two old men .

Try seeing if you could try to live together .

Try to see the good in each other and the first step is to stop preaching hate and lies .
There is room for everyone if you ll give peace a chance

author by (a)-syndicalistpublication date Thu May 23, 2002 04:05author address author phone Report this post to the editors

The land is hardly "disputed".It is being occupied and has been so for 35 years.Wake up from your dreamworld.

Also,sharon is responisble for several massacres,so there is no diffrences between the two at all.

author by MALACHYpublication date Thu May 23, 2002 19:03author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Ken Adelman is a former Reagan-Bush official and mouthpiece of the U.S. intelligence organizations and the military industrial complex. The fact that his views are published in articles and journals of "thought" should not distract people who really care about peace and social justice.

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