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antrim / arts and media / event notice Friday August 25, 2006 11:48 by PRO // Daly / Mc Namee Cumann
IRSP spokesperson for the area, Charlie Clarke said, "Daly / Mc Namee Cumann of the IRSP plan to stage a white line picket on the Falls Road on Saturday afternoon between 2pm and 3pm. read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / other press Friday August 25, 2006 10:36 by Breda
Today's Examiner continues to highlight the hazards we may be exposed to at our local pools due to the lack of any testing or statutory body responsible for monitoring or compliance. read full story / add a comment
international / anti-war / imperialism / other press Friday August 25, 2006 08:01 by Kwang zi
“Israel has a right to defend itself” was the inane excuse offered to the world by the Bush administration for the murder and vandalism committed by Israel in Lebanon – what price ‘defensive warfare’ in today’s world? The unprecedented vandalism and indiscriminate slaughter in Lebanon was (we are supposed to believe) the measured response to a border incursion and two kidnapped soldiers! Hundreds of dead children, wanton destruction and the criminal oil pollution of the Mediterranean coast are the results of Israel ‘defending’ itself? read full story / add a comment
national / animal rights / press release Friday August 25, 2006 00:25 by Bernie Wright
The Alliance for Animal Rights is pleased to learn that Circus Sydney have retired the Ailing African Elephant Max to a safari style Park in Germany. This Elephant has been the subject of controversy since he started touring this season. He was one of two elephants at Circus Sydney that animal Rights Campaigners reported to Gardai over the last few months as in need of urgent medical attention for a hind leg injury . read full story / add a comment
antrim / history and heritage / event notice Thursday August 24, 2006 22:29 by Anti Fascist
Latest in a series of actions by the IBCC to commemorate the struggle against fascism in Spain. Bob Doyle is one of volunteers from here who fought in the SCW. read full story / add a comment
international / crime and justice / other press Thursday August 24, 2006 22:04 by yulio
GERARDO, Ramón, René, Fernando and Antonio are still behind bars in the United States, three of them in maximum security prisons, and all of them subjected to the hateful revenge of those in Washington who have made them the target of reprisals against the Cuban Revolution. read full story / add a comment
national / rights, freedoms and repression / opinion/analysis Thursday August 24, 2006 01:43 by Gurley Flynn
The British Monarchy is a basic cause of Irelands problem: abolishing the monarch would help end Ireland's British problem read full story / add a comment
national / anti-war / imperialism / press release Wednesday August 23, 2006 11:54 by Coilin+Sinead+Michael
THE ANTI-WAR NETWORK: - Welcomes the ceasefire in Israel and Lebanon, and condemns the latest Israeli incursion into East Lebanon. - Opposes any plan to send Irish troops to the region while the root causes of conflict remain. - Urges the Irish government to take diplomatic action to promote peace in the Middle East. read full story / add a comment
galway / rights, freedoms and repression / other press Wednesday August 23, 2006 00:01 by Eamon
The Islamic Human Rights Commission (IHRC) accused the UK government in the high court in London today of knowingly assisting "acts of terrorism" by Israel in its campaign against Hizbullah in southern Lebanon read full story / add a comment
galway / animal rights / news report Tuesday August 22, 2006 23:21 by Bernie Wright
Ireland West Tourism removes Galway Blazers Hunting Display after treat of protests by the Hunt Saboteurs. The Association of Hunt Saboteurs contacted Ireland West tourism in Foster Street, Galway following numerous complaints from the general public concerning a Galway Blazers hunting display in its window. read full story / add a comment
national / animal rights / press release Tuesday August 22, 2006 22:38 by Nuala Donlon
The Captive Animals Protection Society Ireland (CAPS) has slammed the DSPCA for its imcompetence following the society’s failure to secure an x-ray and Veterinary treatment for Max the male African Elephant in Circus Sydney, who has been removed from Ireland despite being the subject of a Garda Investigation under the 1911 anti –cruelty legislation. Max who had a severely deformed hind leg which was clearly causing him distress was forced to perform in the ring nightly. This had prompted floods of calls to SPCAs throughout the country since the start of the circus season. read full story / add a comment
mayo / environment / press release Tuesday August 22, 2006 18:44 by TH
Shell to Sea read full story / add a comment
dublin / history and heritage / event notice Tuesday August 22, 2006 17:53 by frankkeoghan
The 18th DESMOND GREAVES SUMMER SCHOOL takes place this weekend, 25 to 27 August at the Irish Labour History Society at Beggars Bush, Haddington Road, Dublin 4. read full story / add a comment
international / anti-war / imperialism / news report Tuesday August 22, 2006 17:24 by MichaelY
Bush speaking yesterday read full story / add a comment
sligo / anti-war / imperialism / news report Tuesday August 22, 2006 16:58 by Joe Flanagan
Over 60 people participated in the Anti War demonstration organised by the Anti War Movement and Palestine Solidarity Campaign in Ballymote Co. Sligo today. The demonstration took place near the site of the Michael Corcoran monument which was being unveiled by New York’s Mayor, Michael Bloomberg. read full story / add a comment
sligo / gender and sexuality / event notice Tuesday August 22, 2006 16:41 by redjade
LGBT Pride Northwest (August 26, Sligo) read full story / add a comment
international / crime and justice / other press Tuesday August 22, 2006 05:48 by budgie
Is the Hague court a joke or have we just lost our sense of perspective? The latest indiscriminate slaughter of children and innocent civilians in Lebanon by ‘God’s chosen’ seems not to warrant the attention of the Hague court. Carla Del Ponte’s latest remonstration against the Serbian leadership for not delivering war criminals to her court seems ‘slightly’ dissociative in view of recent events. Her obsession with Serbs now borders on the pathological. Would the civilian death toll in Iraq warrant her attention? Iraq now approaches one hundred thousand innocent civilian deaths – eighty percent directly attributable to the forces of occupation! read full story / add a comment
international / politics / elections / opinion/analysis Tuesday August 22, 2006 03:24 by Fiachra O Luain
On the 30th of July over 2 million people closed down the centre of Mexico City. Their demand: A fair vote by vote recount of July 2nd's Presidential Elections which they believe have been stolen by the governing PAN (National Action Party). Since then protestors have remained camping on the motorways and on the streets amidst the skyscrapers. The International Media have remained very quiet on the issues. Please read and feel free to contact me. This article was written on the 10th of August. Fiachra read full story / add a comment
national / sci-tech / other press Monday August 21, 2006 21:26 by R. Isible
For years people have been claiming to have discovered perpetual motion engines, "free" energy and other contraventions of the laws of physics as we understand them. An Irish company has now joined the throngs of utopianists and has "challenged scientists to test its claims" read full story / add a comment
dublin / consumer issues / other press Monday August 21, 2006 21:06 by Toe-tape
Images are printable from the Fianna fail Website Gallery. Harold's Cross has been lacking a post-office since the post-master died of a heart attack (RIP), whilst at the other end of the ward, a one-stop client shop for political bring and buy was opened just past La Touche Bridge. The shop looks like a Spar and Bertie was there to cut the ribbon and a bevy of tanned blondes in hats accompanied the opening cermemonies. Meanwhile pensioners and single mothers have to await the appointment of a new post-master or travel to alternate locations to get the services once provided by the State. read full story / add a comment |