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national / miscellaneous / news report Thursday November 21, 2002 03:53 by one_of_many
Netactivists from different countries call for an "International online-protest against repression in Italy on November 23rd - globalise solidarity" Target of the protest will be the italian department of justice (www.giustizia.it). read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / news report Wednesday November 20, 2002 21:55 by solida walsh
Former hizbulah Hostage Brian Keenan, backs the campaign to release Sinn Fein clerk Denis Donaldson. Brian Keenan ex middle east hostage sends in a Reference on behalf of prisoner Denis Donaldson, vouching for Denis Donaldson's character and urging the Brit magistrate to release Denis Donaldson's on bail. read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / news report Wednesday November 20, 2002 21:41 by ted
national / miscellaneous / news report Wednesday November 20, 2002 21:41 by solida walsh
Belfast mayor Alex Maskey, turned up at the closed Richardsons plant in the docks/york st, to highlight and support the sacked workforce's protest against the sudden closure of Richardsons/ICI plants in belfast and dublin. read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / news report Wednesday November 20, 2002 17:34 by OK
The Campaign for Free Education called a lecture boycott for today. read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / news report Wednesday November 20, 2002 17:05 by Pete Ranks
The US state dept. is to ask about 50 countries for 'contributions' in the event of a war in Iraq. Although the list of countries who are to be asked has not been published, a spokesman for the Canadian government has said that the US state dept. has sounded the proposal out with them already. Does this mean that we will now have to pay for the fuel that the US warplanes are taking on in Shannon? Just you wait and see... read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / news report Wednesday November 20, 2002 16:57 by Eamon
Maybe we could take a leaf out of IMC Philladelphia's method of rating Indymedia content and sidelining persistent spammers who continue to put inane and often irrelevant articles on the newswire. read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / news report Wednesday November 20, 2002 14:00 by Marcel Idels/Ecosolidarity Andes
The triumph of Lula in Brazil and leftists in South America marks a new era. The vast machinery of lies and broken promises - of the US, FTAA and the corporate media - lies in ruin. read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / news report Wednesday November 20, 2002 13:20 by €
or prague next week & next year. or Thessalonika next year. or Dublin next year. or any city you go to. read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / news report Wednesday November 20, 2002 12:26 by jm burr
terry eagleton, patricia mckenna, ivana bacik and richard boyd barrett are speaking at a public meeting in trinity college. read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / news report Wednesday November 20, 2002 12:17 by seeker
Following the success of our earlier Heritage Weekend and the recent Ecotopia event, CELT has been approached by Gluaiseacht to develop a series of environmental and traditional training courses. The aim is to offer a number of courses running simultaneously and open to anyone. NOV 30 & DEC 1, 2002 Bealkelly Woods, Tuamgraney, Co Clare. read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / news report Tuesday November 19, 2002 23:44 by Neil Mackay Home Affairs Editor
Abandoned double agents spill Ulster Dirty War secrets Rogue British agents name MI5 bosses in video expos read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / news report Tuesday November 19, 2002 21:59 by Chelo Alfonso
national / miscellaneous / news report Tuesday November 19, 2002 21:15 by Cleo mcwilliams
Paul what'isname, secretary of state is hoping to introduce water charges in Northern Ireland. Water charges are to be introduced into Northern ireland to pay for BRITS WAR IN IRAQ. we in northern ireland have not had to pay water charges, why should we now, why should we have to finance the brit military machine. read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / news report Tuesday November 19, 2002 20:44 by As do many other Ghosts
posted by naomi on Monday November 11, @04:20AM Pasted from Geurilla (sic) News Network read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / news report Tuesday November 19, 2002 20:14 by As do many other ghosts
A Modest Proposal: Let Iran "Liberate" Iraq by NOAM CHOMSKY read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / news report Tuesday November 19, 2002 19:40 by as do many other Ghosts
...in these days Prague has become one of the most opresive places in this world ... read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / news report Tuesday November 19, 2002 17:55 by here today
If Britain is a Poodle to Uncle Sam, what is Ireland? read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / news report Tuesday November 19, 2002 16:40 by Mags
While innocently promenading along our capital's premier boulevard (san triangular trees or spike, so far) yesterday evening - fully compos mentis for once - I betook myself to admire the Clery's Christmas Windows. A disappointing experience. They were sadly lacking in gigantic chimney scaling squirrels and nary a prettified anthropomorphic badger in sight. No 'moving' Santas or assembly lines of sweated elves. Just mannequins of weird looking 'men' in expensive clothes and golden turbans. Horrified at the death of the Irish traditonal imported American christmas I turned away, to wend my weary way homewards.... read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / news report Tuesday November 19, 2002 16:13 by €
senator for life of the Italian Republic (1991) ex- secretary general of PSI the Italian Socialist Party. who stood in 1983 on a joint PSI/PCI Socialist and communist platform for election to the Senate. For 40 years professor of Roman Law at the university of Fredirick II. read full story / add a comment |