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national / miscellaneous / news report Friday January 17, 2003 16:14 by Markos
5 1/2 mile Peace walk from the Shannon River at Bunratty Castle to Shannon Airport At noon Lá Fhéile Bhríde, Sat Feb 1st 2003 read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / news report Friday January 17, 2003 15:21 by WCA
Press Release on Bin Charges and Dublin City Council vote read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / news report Friday January 17, 2003 15:10 by AFA
We have received a couple of reports of racist posters in the Inchicore area with a slogan along the lines of 'If you want Niggers in the area, vote Sinn Féin'. read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / news report Friday January 17, 2003 13:51 by Eoin Dubsky
The Irish Minister for Defense Michael Smith stated in the clearest terms yet in an interview with RTE yesterday (Webpage: http://www.rte.ie/news/2003/0116/shannon.html, RealVideo: http://www.rte.ie/news/2003/0116/6news/6news3a.ram) that Ireland will not honour our legal responsibilities as a Neutral Power, and supports the slaugher of people in Iraq. read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / news report Friday January 17, 2003 13:38 by Noel Hogan
The Union of Students in Ireland (USI) are organising a National Demonstration in Dublin on Wednesday 5th of Febuary. read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / news report Friday January 17, 2003 13:19 by Ruairi
Following several weeks of campaigning, press work, looking into planning documents and drumming up a huge amount of public and political support - the Dartry Forest Campaign (near Cootehill) has succeeded in getting Coillte to back off from their plans to further butcher the amazing Dartry forest. It's a small victory so far but many small victories will make our revolution/evolution. THe linking of the global with the local really stirred some spice and momentum into this campaign. Onwards and upwards! read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / news report Friday January 17, 2003 13:06 by Liam
Comments by Peter Power TD, Limerick East. read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / news report Friday January 17, 2003 12:48 by Shane OCurry
The January 14 issue of The [London] Times features a story about how the construction of Northern Ireland's first-ever purpose-built masjid is being blocked by Ulster Unionist politicians. Please do read the story and if you feel that the Unionists are acting in an unfair and discriminatory manner then please email them or contact them. Remember to be firm but always polite. Their details are as follows: Email: [email protected] Address: 429 Holywood Road, Belfast BT4 2LN, UK Tel: 028 9076 5500 Story: http://www.timesonline.co.uk/newspaper/0,,171-542149,00.html read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / news report Friday January 17, 2003 12:42 by Sabrina
national / miscellaneous / news report Friday January 17, 2003 12:20 by Tristan Ewins
Human catastrophe looms in Iraq; the time for action is now - background on the last Gulf War, the probable consequences of any new war, and the interest that drive the Bush White House. read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / news report Friday January 17, 2003 11:14 by Eoin O'M
Sound arguments against low pay at a crucial time. read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / news report Friday January 17, 2003 04:32 by Cantaloupe
17 Angelenos mostly involved with the American Friends Service Committee (aka Quakers) lay down outside the Federal Building in downtown Los Angeles and were arrested for blocking the sidewalk. This follows on the heels of a c.10,000 person march on January 11th and just before the January 18th San Francisco/WashingtonD.C. anti-war national marches. read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / news report Friday January 17, 2003 04:23 by Brian Cahill
From time to time Sinn Fein and Labour pose as opponents of the bin charges, looking for a few cheap votes. This article takes a brief look at their real records on the issue along with that of the Green Party - another organisation which sometimes pretends to be a radical alternative to the right-wing establishment. read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / news report Thursday January 16, 2003 21:03 by LY
The Labour Party Spokesperson on Foreign Affairs, Deputy Michael D. Higgins will visit Iraq next week. The delegation will depart for Iraq next Wednesday and hopes to meet a number of political and non-Governmental representatives while there. read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / news report Thursday January 16, 2003 20:57 by Justin Moran
After a tied vote, Labour Mayor votes for the Charges - Labour Councillors Missing, Presumed Expelled read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / news report Thursday January 16, 2003 20:05 by Fintan Lane
Over 100 people attended a Cork Peace Alliance public meeting against refuelling at Shannon in the Imperial Hotel last night. The meeting, which was addressed by Ciaron O'Reilly, Eoin Dubsky and Tim Hourican, broke into discussion groups following a short question and answer session. One of the most interesting aspects of the meeting was the widespread support for continued non-violent direct action at Shannon. read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / news report Thursday January 16, 2003 19:43 by labour youth
This labour toerag councillor and Mayor has the cheek to say that he will vote yes to bin charges. read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / news report Thursday January 16, 2003 19:36 by Tim Hourigan
national / miscellaneous / news report Thursday January 16, 2003 19:13 by Timothy Perch
Dennis Kucinich (D-OH)is a Democrat opposed to war and "free" trade who refuses to put corporations and profits over people and he is not afraid to stand up for the common folk! read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / news report Thursday January 16, 2003 18:07 by hydra
Genoa Euro Parliament Appeal for Video Footage True Story of Diaz school raid read full story / add a comment |