Public Consultation / Irish Social Forum
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national / public consultation / irish social forum Thursday June 23, 2022 - 00:10 by 1 of Indy
Over on Substack on the "threadsirish" the following article was published on behalf of an Irish Nurse describing her experiences in the Irish Hospitals during the fake pandemic or scamdemic. Here is her account. Read on below ... read full story / add a comment
international / public consultation / irish social forum Tuesday May 31, 2022 - 22:26 by Irish Inquiry
Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of mRNA technology (which has been used in the C19 jabs), recently attended the 'Better Way Conference' which took place in the city of Bath in the UK. ... read full story / add a comment
national / public consultation / irish social forum Thursday September 01, 2011 - 10:40 by Declan Cullen
If we ever needed reminding about who comes first in relation to the terrible economic situation the country finds itself the ESRI article in the September 1st 2011 edition of the Irish Independent once again proves it. ... read full story / add a comment
national / public consultation / irish social forum Tuesday August 30, 2011 - 02:16 by Ruaidhrí O' Conghaile
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In the current economic climate, the issue of drug policy is all too easily swept under the carpet by our politicians, who instead prefer to focus on budgetary cuts as a means of addressing our massive fiscal deficit. What our politicians apparently fail to recognize however, is the economic idiocy of continuing to pour hundreds of millions of euros of taxpayers money into a failed drug policy. ... read full story / add a comment
international / public consultation / irish social forum Wednesday June 08, 2011 - 21:21 by Speranza
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Climate scientists lives are at risk. Why? Because they have produced evidence which shows the erxtent of Global Warming and the damage done to the environment. The deniers don't like this and neither do the big mining and oil companies. They go crazy at the idea of paying a carbon tax. These companies have deep pockets and it wouldn't be surprising if they slipped a few dollars to the nuttier deniers to threaten scientists and perhaps go further. Most deniers are harmless folk, they rarely leave their computers and wouldn't have the nerve to counter protest at an environmental demo. But there is always the mad few, looks as if they may be at work in Autralia. A number of Australia's leading climate scientists have been moved into safer accommodation after receiving death threats, in a further escalation of the country's increasingly febrile carbon price debate. The revelation of the death threats follows a week of bitter exchanges between the government and the opposition in the wake of a pro-carbon price TV advert featuring actor Cate Blanchet. Being a denier of GLOBAL warming and supporting the destruction of the Environment is easy. ... read full story / add a comment
national / public consultation / irish social forum Tuesday December 28, 2010 - 22:57 by Bryan Wall
"The ongoing economic destruction of Ireland is not surprising when one looks at the history of collusion between bankers and politicians, at the highest levels, in Irish politics. Over the years, some of this has been revealed by insiders and tribunals. " ... read full story / add a comment ![]()
international / public consultation / irish social forum Monday December 06, 2010 - 05:49 by Rebels Yell
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The German Ambassador Pauls described Ireland as a “coarse” country infected by pure unadulterated greed and avarice. He didn't mince his word either, describing examples of a small country with an over bearing elite of overpaid Government ministers, junior ministers and a gravy train of political life, living the high on the pigs back, oblivious to the reality of deprived estates of people of no property, the length and breath of Ireland. ... read full story / add a comment
national / public consultation / irish social forum Sunday September 20, 2009 - 11:08 by Greg T
Highlighting recent changes to the rent supplement scheme as well as other disturbing developments. ... read full story / add a comment
dublin / public consultation / irish social forum Thursday April 09, 2009 - 14:18 by Irelandseye
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There are so many places becoming derelict and abandoned; what should the Government do about this problem??? ... read full story / add a comment
national / public consultation / irish social forum Thursday October 23, 2008 - 05:44 by A Questioning Catholic waiting for change
This is a wonderful site run by an Irish Priest who believes in giving the full story of happenings within the Church in Ireland and worldwide and not the spin often given by those high up the ranks who give the watered down version or spin. There are interesting things to read about the Church worldwide every day even if you are not an active member of the Church or even a Catholic for that matter. ... read full story / add a comment
national / public consultation / irish social forum Wednesday March 14, 2007 - 23:37 by neptune's eye
This is thrilling stuff. I could point you in loads of directions at stunning analysis & biting cartoons. But it's best just to look at the nitty gritty of the pieces of paper that go into Hansard - the official record of the Houses of Commons and Lords SW1A Aaakkkmi6mi5. now one of those is a real secret society with hoods on. & I'm not talking about hoodies or asbestos. We do though (get hoodies & asbestos) because we're scum. Remember that the link in this "other press" article is to a site envisioned for people who aren't like you, that's why it's called "they work for you". Thanks to the foresight of some maligned predecessors & hard bleeding by other predecessors - we either live in the bubble of the Irish diasporia or in the republic of Ireland & a lot of voting households up the wee north. & it's not wee actually.... It's global. anyway ... read full story / add a comment ![]()
national / public consultation / irish social forum Monday February 26, 2007 - 08:02 by J. P. Anderson
Public health expert Dr Joe Barry said that the "truly shameful" government continues to bow to the alcohol industry in response to their lobby of govermnent. ... read full story / add a comment
national / public consultation / irish social forum Thursday January 25, 2007 - 05:16 by Saer
This segment review past segments and bring viewers up to date on the ongoing protest by Irish Republican political prisoners for political status. Éire Nua is also a topic of discussion ... read full story / add a comment
international / public consultation / irish social forum Wednesday October 11, 2006 - 02:12 by Michelle
with a future 911.” According to the Democracy Now website, on Capitol Hill, Democratic Congressman Dennis Kucinich is leading a briefing on Wednesday on whether the Bush administration is ramping up for a war against Iran ... read full story / add a comment
international / public consultation / irish social forum Friday July 14, 2006 - 13:21 by Fedayeen
The Israeli Air Force has killed fifty three civilians during its attack on Lebanon. ... read full story / add a comment
national / public consultation / irish social forum Saturday June 25, 2005 - 20:07 by James Sorensen
Review of Renewable Energy technologies for the elimination of the energy crisis and for Real Sustainable economic Development. ... read full story / add a comment
international / public consultation / irish social forum Friday June 24, 2005 - 23:18 by Henk Ruyssenaars
It's not only their genocide in Iraq and Afghanistan: in England twenty-two-thousand old people died as a result of the cold last year. In Brussels however, the British PM shamelessly lied about his country as 'supporting a social Europe'. ... read full story / add a comment
national / public consultation / irish social forum Monday June 20, 2005 - 15:15 by Hans Beckman
Review of Sustainable Technologies for eradicating Hunger and for Real economic Progress. Many Links to organic and sustainable technology web sites. ... read full story / add a comment
international / public consultation / irish social forum Tuesday October 26, 2004 - 00:17 by John Meeehan
This link : brings you to a useful analysis of the ESF by John O'Farrell published on the website of "The Blanket" ... read full story / add a comment
international / public consultation / irish social forum Friday September 24, 2004 - 19:58 by Suren Moodliar and Jason Pramas
analysis of the recent Boston Social Forum by two of its organizers ... read full story / add a comment |