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offsite link Robert Watt complaint: Time for decision by SIPO Anthony

offsite link RTE in breach of its own editorial principles Anthony

offsite link Waiting for SIPO Anthony

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offsite link The Age of Stupid Strategy: How the West Mastered the Art of Losing Mon Mar 10, 2025 13:07 | Michael Rainsborough
Why is the West's strategy so stupid? Why do we always lose? Ukraine is just the latest ill-fated military intervention driven by simplistic liberal idealism, says Prof Michael Rainsborough. We need to kick the habit.
The post The Age of Stupid Strategy: How the West Mastered the Art of Losing appeared first on The Daily Sceptic.

offsite link Woke RAF Running Out of Gun Pilots After Anti-White Discrimination Backfires Mon Mar 10, 2025 11:29 | Will Jones
The RAF has launched a desperate search for pilots after a secret unlawful bid to discriminate against white men backfired and left the air force with an acute shortage of combat-ready flyers.
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offsite link The Descent of South Africa ? With Rob Hersov Mon Mar 10, 2025 09:00 | Richard Eldred
Special Episode of the Sceptic: South African businessman Rob Hersov on his country?s terrifying descent into socialism, kleptocracy and anti-white racism.
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offsite link Come, Ethical Bombs? Mon Mar 10, 2025 07:00 | Ben Pile
When bombing civilians becomes 'ethical' but heating your home doesn't, it's clear that ESG was never about ethics at all, says Ben Pile. Just power and control.
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offsite link News Round-Up Mon Mar 10, 2025 00:57 | Richard Eldred
A summary of the most interesting stories in the past 24 hours that challenge the prevailing orthodoxy about the ?climate emergency?, public health ?crises? and the supposed moral defects of Western civilisation.
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offsite link Voltaire, International Newsletter N?123 Fri Mar 07, 2025 14:41 | en

offsite link Arab League summit for Gaza Fri Mar 07, 2025 11:53 | en

offsite link The agony of the ?political West?, by Thierry Meyssan Thu Mar 06, 2025 04:20 | en

offsite link Voltaire, International Newsletter N?122 Fri Feb 28, 2025 12:53 | en

offsite link Everything is falling apart between the United States and the EU Fri Feb 28, 2025 11:50 | en

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international / rights, freedoms and repression Thursday February 07, 2008 - 06:46 by Avila TV   image 1 image
Venezuela suffered a Coup d'Etat in april 11 of 2002. ... read full story / add a comment
international / eu Wednesday February 06, 2008 - 18:39 by C Murray   text 12 comments (last - wednesday march 19, 2008 - 13:33)   image 1 image

The first abortion rights issue that I was involved in was a press-statement forwarded
by some polish activists who asked for dissemination of a petition to do with an
amalgamation of three far right parties which included the LPR, PiS and
another group. They had hoped to change the Polish constitution (article 38)
to 'protect life from the moment of conception'. During the ensuing parliamentary
debate and rucus, the tri-partite union who had attempted to force the issue
down throats split ;and Poland was found in breach of Human Rights Articles
in relation to the Alicia Tysiac case. ... read full story / add a comment
representing the arms trade
international / anti-war / imperialism Wednesday February 06, 2008 - 01:14 by +   image 1 image
The Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) has long been on of the most trustworthy & respected research resources for people who like to count Scud missiles & stuff like that. In addition to "stuff like that", they do pretty good analysis too & not for nothing have they been ranked in the top 30 most influential think-tank entities on the planet. But most people who use this site don't pay attention to think-tanks & probably wouldn't even notice if they were floating like Tom Cruise in a tank having a think about how bad & evil the arms trade is for the good reason they didn't get the right degrees or recruited by the appropriate sort of shadowy agencies in their youth. Thankfully SIPRI has now decided to offer a lot of its information not only for free, but in a format & language. In short - (for I know no other way) I introduce you to the website " Armsflow ". ... read full story / add a comment
RB Kitaj, 'The Murder of Rosa Luxemburg'
international / arts and media Tuesday February 05, 2008 - 12:24 by C Murray   text 2 comments (last - wednesday february 06, 2008 - 09:49)   image 3 images
Ronald Brooke Kitaj, Painter and Writer born in Cleveland 1932- died 2007.

RB Kitaj- Diasporist Artist and Magician.

He wrote in 1989 a book which was entitled 'The First Diasporist Manifesto', it was sold
along with catalogues that accompanied his Retrospective at the Tate Gallery. A further
book entitled :- The Second Diasporist Manifesto' was later published by Yale. ... read full story / add a comment
international / miscellaneous Monday February 04, 2008 - 12:40 by Michelle Crawley   text 1 comment (last - monday february 04, 2008 - 14:54)
Ryanair Profits Plummett amid market fears ... read full story / add a comment
international / rights, freedoms and repression Sunday February 03, 2008 - 19:29 by Coilín ÓhAiseadha   text 5 comments (last - monday february 18, 2008 - 07:43)
A Danish documentary crew working for the national TV channel DR1 has detailed the movements of CIA aircraft that have repeatedly transited in Greenland and flown through Danish airspace in connection with the covert agency's widely condemned programme of abduction and torture. Having gained access to flight plans, duty payments, hotel registrations, catering invoices and crew lists, the documentary shows that the Greenlandic airport Narsarsuaq has played a particularly prominent role in the so-called "extraordinary renditions" programme.
In a related development, DR's news programme this evening reports us that the Icelandic customs authorities have begun to search all international flights, in response to media coverage of shady CIA transits. ... read full story / add a comment
Shell To Sea newsletter
international / environment Sunday February 03, 2008 - 13:33 by JM   text 2 comments (last - sunday february 03, 2008 - 18:44)   image 1 image   1 attached file
National Grid won't be allowed to build a gas plant in Corse [Gloucestershire]. Villagers who have been campaigning against the building of a Pressure Reduction Installation in Corse are over the moon after a planning inspector refused permission for it. ... read full story / add a comment
international / sci-tech Saturday February 02, 2008 - 16:35 by ipsi
The NYPD whom you quite probably have seen on television have lobbied successfully to propose a municipal law "to amend the administrative code of the city of New York, in relation to permits for biological, chemical and radiological detectors." The Council Members proposing it are Vallone Jr., Addabbo Jr., Comrie, Fidler, Gentile, Nelson, Recchia Jr., Stewart and White Jr. (by request of the Mayor). You might have seen him on telly too, in fact you might have seen his telly station, his name is Bloomberg.

Their argument is that allowing the general public to use geiger counters & other bio- chem- or general WMD detectors may, will, does or perhaps did cause PANIC. They don't like panic. They like orderly queues & heroic administrations who chose to HQ their emergency services on a 23rd floor of a building leased by a party donor slap bang next to the World Trade Centre despite that bit of Manhatten being considered a "target" & the idiocy of clambering up 23 floors of stairs in a power outage.

... read full story / add a comment
limerick / rights, freedoms and repression Friday February 01, 2008 - 13:15 by Young Socialist
Last Wednesday (January 30th) was 75 years since Hitler came to power. To mark the occasion and remember those who died UL Socialist Youth organized a series of anti-racist activities during the week, as part of a national campaign. ... read full story / add a comment
international / politics / elections Wednesday January 30, 2008 - 15:53 by pat c   text 8 comments (last - monday february 04, 2008 - 12:02)
Democracy Iranian style: you are not allowed to stand for election if the Iranian Regime doesnt like your opinions! Under the Iranian political system, potential candidates are vetted twice, once by the interior ministry and the second time by the Guardian Council, which is made up of Islamic clerics. Full report at the link from the well known Pro US Propagandists Al Jazeera.

The Iranian government has barred more than 2,000 prospective candidates from contesting in forthcoming parliamentary elections, in effect removing the biggest rival to hardliners in power.

Most of those disqualified were seeking democratic changes within Iran's ruling Islamic government led by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the president. ... read full story / add a comment
international / anti-capitalism Wednesday January 30, 2008 - 15:21 by Peter Manson   text 1 comment (last - friday february 08, 2008 - 15:51)
One of the more bizarre claims made at the SWP UK Conference was that Lindsay German would be elected to the Greater London Assembly. The report below covers the conference and pre-conference discussions. More at the url.

Respect is alive and well, and the politics we pursued proved to be correct. That is the pathetic message the SWP leaders want people, including their own members, to believe. Yes, John Rees, Lindsey German, Alex Callinicos, Chris Bambery and Martin Smith treat the working class with barely concealed contempt. Under their post-Tony Cliff regime the SWP has not only adopted Joseph’s Stalin’s popular front politics, but also the same utterly cynical attitude towards the truth. SWP conferences are run along Stalinist lines too. Socialist Worker boasts of the January 5-6 gathering: “An overwhelming majority supported the way the party had conducted itself during the Respect crisis” (January 12).

... read full story / add a comment
Women & Crime in Iran.
international / gender and sexuality Tuesday January 29, 2008 - 10:14 by ribbid   text 1 comment (last - wednesday january 30, 2008 - 13:01)   image 1 image
"The licence of the magazine Zanan ('Women') managed by Shahla Sherkat has been cancelled as the monthly published articles undermining public confidence in law and order by leading people to believe that the Islamic republic was unsafe for women," the FARS news agency has reported citing an official it did not name.

Shahla Sherkat author, directing editor & founder of "Zanan" (="women") has told a handful of western news organisations that she has not been contacted by the Iranian state & learnt of the news herself on the FARS website. FARS is not the official Iranian news service (that's IRNA) but it seems quite likely. Her last monthly offering published a feature on gender violence & included a monthly toll. ... read full story / add a comment
national / arts and media Tuesday January 29, 2008 - 09:04 by Mariella Froster   text 93 comments (last - tuesday august 08, 2017 - 07:29)   image 2 images
Posters on will be familiar with the vitriol directed at Indymedia. Accusations of stasi style censorship are routine. For some time now, however, the fact that censorhip on is more frequent, arbitrary and subjective than anything seen on many other sites has become pretty obvious. ... read full story / add a comment
international / rights, freedoms and repression Monday January 28, 2008 - 17:00 by pat c   text 2 comments (last - monday february 04, 2008 - 12:29)   image 1 image
Here is an appeal from International Labour Solidarity Committee of the Worker-communist Party of Iran on behalf of imprisoned students, workers and political prisoners. Full text at link.

The news on the condition of over 50 jailed students in Iran is very worrying. Last week Ebrahim Lotfollaahi died under torture in the city of Sanandaj. Nearly two months since their arrest and detention, many students continue to be held incommunicado. Reports from prisons speak of long and severe interrogation sessions by the feared Information Ministry officials, with many students being tort ured and kept in solitary confinement.
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international / miscellaneous Sunday January 27, 2008 - 16:10 by tomeile   text 3 comments (last - thursday january 31, 2008 - 14:29)
The Dutch government is bracing itself for violent protests following the scheduled broadcast this week of a provocative anti-Muslim film by a radical right-wing politician who has threatened to broadcast images of the Koran being torn up and otherwise desecrated.

Geert Wilders , one of nine members of the extreme right wing PVV party in the Dutch parliament , has described the Koran as a 'source of inspiration for intolerance, murder and terror'.

Demonstrations from left wing and Muslim opponents of Wilders’ provocation are expected this week , while members of the Stop Islamisation of Europe group are planning to travel to Amsterdam in his support .
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Gender and Ecology
national / politics / elections Friday January 25, 2008 - 15:14 by C Murray   text 12 comments (last - sunday february 24, 2008 - 14:13)   image 2 images
The Taoiseach gets Friday off. Its a long-standing tradition that was facilitated by the
Labour Party in exchange for speaking time in the Dail.

The images on the Newswire of the Women's Protest in Belfast caught my eye,
given the Health and social problems that are becoming evident in Dolphin's Barn,
because someone gave Ms Harney 16 Billion Euros to continue to implement her Health
Policy which is to close down hospitals in areas that have high populations of young children.

Its called 'amalgamation'.

... read full story / add a comment
international / politics / elections Thursday January 24, 2008 - 23:02 by staring at rats
Prodi has quit his job as prime minister of Italy tonight.
Berlusconi will come back.
Naples has spent all winter without rubbish collection.
Padre Pio is half way out of his grave.
The Tiger mosquito has brought tropical diseases.

& that's about it.
you know what Berlusconi's like. he's a hoot. up-front mafia billionaire right wing botox-jowled fascist. We're leaving the age of "sociopathic socialist governments" in the EU. It will happen to South America next. Ah! but you protest Prodi wasn't a socialist... You'd be right too. Everyone is. ... read full story / add a comment
Serkalem Fasil- Ethiopia
international / crime and justice Wednesday January 23, 2008 - 11:42 by C Murray   text 6 comments (last - sunday march 30, 2008 - 11:54)   image 9 images
I have received over two years consistent appeals by Women's Writer's Unions for aid in advertising
repressions of Women Writers , some of the appeals have gone on the Newswire; and some have been passed
on to to groups where the campaign would be more effective. The plight of the writers has not in that period
alleviated and some are in dire situations. This morning another one arrived, an archive update of the
2007 Women's Day attempt to highlight the cases of imprisoned Women Writers and activists.

All their names are familiar, Amnesty, Human Right's Watch, Reporters Without Borders, International Women In Media
Federation, Committee for the Protection of Journalists and PEN Women's Union have advocated on their cases.

Links to the ongoing cases of Journalist and activist repression:-between Women's day 2007-2008.

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The Socialist #31 - January 2008
national / miscellaneous Tuesday January 22, 2008 - 21:56 by SP Online   image 1 image
The January 2008 issue of The Socialist (#31) now online at the Socialist Party website. See below for contents. ... read full story / add a comment
national / eu Tuesday January 22, 2008 - 14:40 by dom   text 16 comments (last - friday january 25, 2008 - 21:45)
EU data retention based regulations will probably be implemented in Ireland "within a month" without debate ... read full story / add a comment
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