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national / health / disability issues Tuesday March 25, 2008 - 19:45 by C Murray
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The I.T Newswire is full of Information on the attendance of Mary Hanafin TD at the INTO Conference. headlines emerging discuss the secularisation of the Primary School System (only the religious would put up with the degradation that seems obvious to most parents..) and the ongoing 'reform'of the sector. I though that our 'Multi-culturalism' was strictly of White-eastern Europeans and bi-lingual Polish community, given the fight that many Nigerian parents have had to put up to have their kids access health and education services. Ms Hanafin did not dissapoint, her speech is accessible to download at:- , it is currently unavailable on (Department of Education and Science) ... read full story / add a comment
international / rights, freedoms and repression Monday March 24, 2008 - 12:03 by Gitmo
TAXI TO THE DARK SIDE / Alex Gibney, 2007, 106 mins., Not Rated) "Powerful. One of the really pivotal, indespensible documentaries of this decade. It will stand as an important historical record." - A.O. SCOTT, THE N Y TIMES ... read full story / add a comment
international / miscellaneous Sunday March 23, 2008 - 02:04 by Don Tolbert
Robert Fisk, in the Independent Easter Sunday, 2008, explains why Ireland is now at peace and how the ghost of empire has been exorcised. ... read full story / add a comment ![]()
international / anti-capitalism Saturday March 22, 2008 - 22:35 by Soundmigration
An Interview with Takis Fotopoulos Takis Fotopoulos (age 67), is a Greek-Londoner political philosopher, economist, editor of Democracy & Nature and The International Journal of Inclusive Democracy and former academic. Author of Towards An Inclusive Democracy and founder of the Inclusive Democracy movement . He is noted for his synthesis of the classical democracy tradition with the libertarian socialism tradition and the radical currents in the New Social Movements. He is the author of numerous books and over 600 articles which have been published in various languages. ... read full story / add a comment
international / anti-war / imperialism Saturday March 22, 2008 - 03:06 by Seán Ryan
Next Wednesday, the Supreme Court of Canada will begin to hear arguments about the legality of Guantanamo Bay, where Omar Khadr, a Canadian citizen has been held since 2002, when he was 15. ... read full story / add a comment
international / anti-war / imperialism Friday March 21, 2008 - 12:33 by Edward Horgan
The EU Commission, no less, has critisised Ireland and some other EU states for failure to respond to the Commissions concerns on rendition and other matters. In the meantime, executive jets associated with CIA rendition flights are being refuelled several times each week at Shannon airport. ... read full story / add a comment ![]()
international / anti-war / imperialism Thursday March 20, 2008 - 19:14 by Damien Moran
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international / crime and justice Thursday March 20, 2008 - 14:47 by F.E.M.
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A person who is caught red handed having sex with a sheep or horse or indeed any other animal will go to jail. Anyone distributing tapes containing explicit sexual handling of animals by humans will get a fine. Holland is known for its live sex of (usually illegally imported ) people with fish, dogs, sheep, horses, etc. and last year a lot was done to highlight this in the news all around the world. The Dutch freed kidnapped girls who were forced to have live sex with dogs in a show. The girls were send to a detention centre and deported. A law was formed to protect the dogs. At least a law will be implemented soon. Of course we will not stop here. Kidnapping and forcing girls to do these things should be forbidden too but so far the Dutch make too much monies on this so no law will be implemented and only paper tigers exist. They thought this one over for four years!!! Nice one. A sheep would take a shorter while to come up with this law. for the story in Dutch. ... read full story / add a comment
national / animal rights Thursday March 20, 2008 - 12:09 by Laura Broxson
Thursday, March 20, 2008 Mink farm targeted by animal rights group By: Joe Barrett ... read full story / add a comment
international / history and heritage Thursday March 20, 2008 - 01:20 by Predator of Xenu
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Obama has it seems made a wonderful speech which is being hailed as the bravest bit of rhetoric by a US presidential contender in generations by some and the most stirring bit of oratory since the Gettsyberg address by others. Oh yes. But what did he actually say & why? ... read full story / add a comment
international / crime and justice Wednesday March 19, 2008 - 20:35 by shapeshiftin reptile
"............Five years into this battle, there is an understandable debate over whether the war was worth fighting … whether the fight is worth winning … and whether we can win it. The answers are clear to me: Removing Saddam Hussein from power was the right decision – and this is a fight America can and must win… Over the past five years, we have seen moments of triumph and moments of tragedy. We have watched in admiration as 12 million Iraqis defied the terrorists, went to the polls, and chose their leaders in free elections. ........" ... read full story / add a comment
international / crime and justice Wednesday March 19, 2008 - 01:59 by shapeshiftin reptile
The BBC radio 4 "today" program is continuing a "countdown to war" series, in an edition focussing on the Azores Summit "one more day" ultimatum given by Bush, Blair & Aznar to Iraq to surrender its WMD, Aznar has spoken of his "clear conscience", "a safe Iraq", "not idyllic but positive", "a more secure world" Commercial Spanish language media titles are being put under copyright pressure to remove out-takes of the interview. You can hear the Aznar interview in its context at this link. ... read full story / add a comment
international / crime and justice Wednesday March 19, 2008 - 01:17 by shapeshiftin reptile
"........She is one of the faces symbolizing the Iraq war. Pictures showing her abusing Iraqi detainees in Abu Graib prison brought her notorious fame throughout the world. In her first interview in three years Lynndie England talks about Abu Ghraib, about Charles Graner, about guilt, her current life - and the role of the Bush administration........" The German current affairs magazine "Stern" publishes the Lynndie England interview Wednesday in its European print edition, but online versions are already available. It may be remembered that when the photos and scandal broke, Rumsfeld pleading ignorance asked how was he supposed to know what happened during the night shift in a prison on the other side of the world. As details of the abuse of extreme sexual nature were partially revealed he made a statement which is partially appended below. ... read full story / add a comment ![]()
limerick / anti-capitalism Tuesday March 18, 2008 - 20:29 by Cian Prendiville
April 7th to 13th is Latin America Week – a week full of opportunities to learn about, discuss and experience different elements of Latin American culture, history and politics. It is organised nationally by the Latin America Solidarity Campaign, and this year UL Socialist Youth is adding our support to others in UL to make this the best one yet. This year there will be movie showings on Tuesday and Thursday, a music workshop and play on Wednesday, a salsa night in the sports bar on the Thursday and Latin American food on Friday. Full details will be posted up soon. As well as all this UL Socialist Youth are hosting a public talk on the Monday with Enrique Galan, a Colombian activist, and Dave Convery, an Irish socialist just back from 6 months in Latin America. In preparation for Latin America Week I interviewed Dave about his time in Latin America: ... read full story / add a comment
international / worker & community struggles and protests Sunday March 16, 2008 - 21:22 by Anon
Olivier Besancourt the thirty year old mousturizer using Trotskyist who championed radical left hopes in the General Election last year & who did surprisingly well and winning 4.08% or 1,498,581 votes, & thus came fifth in Presidential candidates just behind Le Pen, & then rousingly called on French people to vote for Segolene Royal, has this evening called on French workers to a "General Strike". The call has been made as the Socialist lead of the first round of local elections at 47% has risen to a victory of 49.5% when all candidates of the left are put in one category just as if they are, which of course they aren't. Less than twenty five minutes this brave & rousing call was made - your indymedia ireland site reports it to you. Which just goes to show how au fait the modern lefty of either Trotskyist or non-mousturizer variety is with new technology. ... read full story / add a comment ![]()
international / arts and media Sunday March 16, 2008 - 04:10 by fancy that
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Tonight the BBC will air the first part of their 2008 "Passion" drama in which Simon Elliott the production designer has chosen to depict a "historically accurate" crucifixion as possible. ""He was probably put on a crude wooden gibbet and made to stand in a loose, foetal position. It was fiendishly designed."" says Mr Elliott who admits his work might offend Christians who like the traditional nails through the hands & feet image of a muscular sort of chap who manages to just hang there without suffocation or his hands being ripped apart. Pretty gruesome stuff you'll agree. You might even believe in it. In which case you ought jam the BBC switchboard tonight & write letters using the trusty name "disgusted". ... read full story / add a comment
national / consumer issues Sunday March 16, 2008 - 02:22 by clstrfck
Concern is also growing that, after Northern Rock and Bear Stearns, another bank casualty is looming on this side of the Atlantic. Many are now focusing on Irish banks, which have lent aggressively during the property boom. Irish Nationwide, which was recently given a 'C' rating from Moody's - not a ringing endorsement - is at the centre of rumours. The bank, with assets of €16bn, had a reputation for offering 100 per cent loans on property, and took equity stakes in many deals. ... read full story / add a comment
international / anti-war / imperialism Saturday March 15, 2008 - 16:17 by fnord
Western governments must talk to terror groups including al-Qaida and the Taliban if they hope to secure a long-term halt to their campaigns of violence, according to the man who for more than a decade was Tony Blair's most influential aide and adviser. Jonathan Powell, who served as Blair's chief of staff from 1995 to 2007 and is widely regarded as having been instrumental in negotiating a settlement in Northern Ireland, said his experience in the province convinced him that it was essential to keep a line of communication open even with one's most bitter enemies. Powell said: "There's nothing to say to al-Qaida and they've got nothing to say to us at the moment, but at some stage you're going to have to come to a political solution as well as a security solution. And that means you need the ability to talk." ... read full story / add a comment
international / gender and sexuality Saturday March 15, 2008 - 11:04 by C Murray
Both Guardian and London Independent are giving away free poetic booklets in a series, something which I.T has done over years with the 'Saturday Poem': Review section. The Guardian , yesterday published, an opinion piece about poetry and gender by a woman writer which alluded to the fact that only one woman was represented in the Guardian Series. Sylvia Plath. (excellent Poet ,cf embedded video) ... read full story / add a comment
sligo / environment Friday March 14, 2008 - 20:16 by Rayo
THERE are now growing concerns that the green area at the racecourse in Sligo will be rezoned and sold off. ... read full story / add a comment |