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international / eu Friday October 07, 2005 - 11:55 by Artur Radosz
On 13 and 14 October the Ethical Platform of the Council of Europe will meet to finish they work on recommendations regarding drug prevention in school. One of the most important questions they have is to if the instrument of drug tests should be done in schools or not. ... read full story / add a comment
international / environment Thursday October 06, 2005 - 14:36 by iosaf
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Luiz Flavio Cappio, is 58 years of age, a franciscan and bishop of the Brazilian town of Barra in the state of Pernambuco. He started 11 days ago a hunger strike - to stop the Brazilian government beginning work on a water pipeline/ canal / duct transfer system. ... read full story / add a comment
international / rights, freedoms and repression Thursday October 06, 2005 - 13:46 by Anthony
On Friday, those who joined London's monthly Critical Mass ride, found themselves being issued with letters from the Metropolitan Police, threatening arrests at future Critical Mass rides, unless the 'organisers' give notice of the route at least six days in advance, and warning that the police can impose restrictions on the rides once the advance notice has been given.The letter stated that the police are reviewing their 'policy' towards critcal mass ... read full story / add a comment ![]()
international / worker & community struggles and protests Thursday October 06, 2005 - 13:00 by iosaf
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on the 28th of August, Georgi Poltavchenko delegate to the central federal district of Russia suggested burying Lenin. That means putting him in a box, sticking it under ground, and hopefully forgetting about all the mausoleum stuff. As you'd expect the suggestion (thought to be supported by Mr Putin) has provoked a lot of public debate amongst Russians, former Soviet citizens and naturally the fans, non-fans, and "I never was a fan" types of leninism / centralised state socialism / sovietic tyranny - the world over. Join the debate - read on.... ... read full story / add a comment
international / environment Wednesday October 05, 2005 - 19:35 by DIET SIMON
Gorleben, northern Germany – The anti-nuclear group resisting the dumping of highly radioactive waste here says it has information confirming that the next trainload of it will arrive from France on 7 November, the anniversary of the day a French activist was killed last year. ... read full story / add a comment
national / crime and justice Wednesday October 05, 2005 - 18:17 by Fashionvictim
Officer accused of selling garda uniforms RTE 05 October 2005 13:24 A garda stationed in Dublin has been arrested for allegedly stealing garda uniforms and selling them to a film or theatre production company. ... read full story / add a comment
international / anti-capitalism Tuesday October 04, 2005 - 01:09 by ollie
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Busy and bothered US watches billions of dollars go to Europe, thanks to Charvez's anti-imperalism ... read full story / add a comment
international / rights, freedoms and repression Monday October 03, 2005 - 19:10 by R. Isible
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AlertNet (sponsored by Reuters) reports that despite disagreement by the European Parliament an agreement has been signed between the EU and Canada allowing the routine exchange between the two countries of private citizens details. ... read full story / add a comment
national / rights, freedoms and repression Monday October 03, 2005 - 12:28 by reader
Today's editorial in the Irish Times asserts that: "Shell's proposals went through the full gamut of the planning process during which those who objected were given full rights to make known their views" (!!!) Further on it praises the Judge who had the five men locked up: "Mr Justice Finnegan, President of the High Court, stood alone in recent weeks in upholding the rule of law, a duty he executed with exemplary even-handedness and for which he deserves to be thanked. " (!!!!!!) ... read full story / add a comment
international / anti-war / imperialism Sunday October 02, 2005 - 18:59 by browser
Shortly after his release from Abu Ghraib prison, Hajj Ali was treated by a psychologist, Dr. Mohammed al-Karchi, who gave him sedatives to sleep and other drugs to stimulate his appetite. In the past, he says, he believed that forgiveness is always better than revenge, but now he is filled with a hatred that he cannot shake off. The worst thing about it, says Hajj Ali, is that he hates himself for hating others. "How can it be," he asks, "that the victims are not being called as witnesses, that no one wants to hear their version of the story? How can it be that someone like Davis gets only half a year in prison?" "Davis and the others," he says, "killed our souls." ... read full story / add a comment
international / miscellaneous Sunday October 02, 2005 - 12:12 by Dave
international / anti-war / imperialism Saturday October 01, 2005 - 23:23 by Michael Hennigan
As the bloodshed in Iraq continues to get a lot of media attention because of America's involvement, in a striking contrast, the ongoing ethnic cleansing in Darfur, West Sudan, where an estimated 180,000 people have died in a campaign of genocide, merits wide indifference. It's not that there's nothing to report. ... read full story / add a comment
international / crime and justice Saturday October 01, 2005 - 18:44 by Vercingetorix (Ireland)
"Marriages are torn apart by the stress of coping with the abuses of government and the legal system, relationships with friends, relatives, children, and the ability to enjoy life can be twisted inside out." "They produce psychological depression, anxiety, substance abuse, sexual problems, obesity, and many other forms of disturbance that plague millions of people across the globe." "When you suffer in silence, when you allow the wrongs to stand without seeking redress and accountability, when you avoid demanding justice, you have become part of the problem. " +++ +++ +++ The above extracts have been taken from a recent article by David C. Grossack (Lawyer). The full article by Mr Grossack can be viewed at: +++ +++ +++ ... read full story / add a comment
meath / history and heritage Friday September 30, 2005 - 15:11 by Unbelievable
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Bertie Aherne: 'If you take a pencil and account for things like archaeology you will never do anything.' ... read full story / add a comment
international / rights, freedoms and repression Friday September 30, 2005 - 14:46 by Browser
By BRADLEY S. KLAPPER, Associated Press Writer Thu Sep 29,10:35 AM ET GENEVA - A senior U.S. official rejected calls on Thursday for a U.N. body to take over control of the main computers that direct traffic on the Internet, reiterating U.S. intentions to keep its historical role as the medium's principal overseer. ... read full story / add a comment
national / rights, freedoms and repression Friday September 30, 2005 - 12:58 by Shell Suit
international / anti-capitalism Friday September 30, 2005 - 02:13 by John Meehan
There has beena significant walkout of Left activists from the Brazilian Workers Party (PT), to join the Party of Socialism and Freedom (P-SOL). Reports at this link : ... read full story / add a comment ![]()
international / history and heritage Friday September 30, 2005 - 01:26 by iosaf
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2 case examples from this week on how treat old people. Both examples are wrinkly old social caring types, who protested against differing aspects of Blair's New Labour regime. One a retired social worker protesting £53.71 in council tax arrears. The other a stop the war troublemaking yobo on pills. ... read full story / add a comment
international / environment Thursday September 29, 2005 - 22:46 by Ciarán
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Analysis by Mike Davis of the full meaning of Hurrican Katrina. A reasonably long article but well worth reading. Davis being the one commentator who predicted almost precisely the social impact of a hurricane striking New Orleans. See the following link: Article courtesy of Le Monde Diplomatique ... read full story / add a comment
international / animal rights Thursday September 29, 2005 - 19:08 by Helena Escoda
Every year a bull is darded in the blood fiesta in Coria, Spain. ... read full story / add a comment |