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international / environment Wednesday November 09, 2005 - 15:39 by iosaf
The red squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris) is indiginous to europe its a hibernating, rodent creature that lives in trees, collects nuts, carries rabies and TB, and hibernates. The Grey squirrel (Sciurus griseus) is indiginous to North America and was imported in the 19th century by english landowners to prettify their newly acquired scottish estates. The Grey squirrel is pretty much the same as the Red squirrel, but its hibernation period is shorter. thus when it wakes up hungry in january its fine little nose can hunt out the stores of nuts that its nieghbouring red squirrels have stashed. The result is famine for the red squirrels who have progressively died out since the introduction of the Grey to Britain (and thanks to the channel tunnel Europe). ... read full story / add a comment
international / rights, freedoms and repression Wednesday November 09, 2005 - 12:30 by pat c
The French rioters certainly do not rely on pigeon post for communication. By using mobile phones and email they have managed wrong foot the French police. ... read full story / add a comment
roscommon / arts and media Wednesday November 09, 2005 - 01:13 by Upstart Radio America
Howdy, my name is Shawn Patrick Lennon. My Grandpa was from Athlone, he came over here to the US on the Celt out of Dublin. I'm a second generation Irie now living in California. I know you've been trying to get a radio station up and running. Good luck, hope you're streaming soon and you're welcome to my work if you care to use it.. ... read full story / add a comment
international / environment Tuesday November 08, 2005 - 14:19 by iosaf
The authorities of Sao Paulo in Brazil have confirmed that the destruction of rain forest and their natural habitat has led to an inordinate wave of attacks from vampire bats. In the last two months, thousands of brazilians have been bitten, and at least 23 have died, from vampire bat bites. Those 23 who died, did not do so from loss of blood, but from rabies. The vampire bat comes in three sub species [he Common Vampire Bat (Desmodus rotundus), the Hairy-legged Vampire Bat (Diphylla ecaudata), and the White-winged Vampire Bat (Diaemus youngi) and all carry rabies. ... read full story / add a comment
national / rights, freedoms and repression Tuesday November 08, 2005 - 05:04 by mark
An outspoken human rights activist today told Justice Minister Michael McDowell that Irish society was very racist and unfriendly. Goretti Mudzongo, 35, originally from Zimbabwe, made a passionate speech in which she condemned the work permit system, the increase in charges for re-entry visas and the lack of recognition for migrant workers. ... read full story / add a comment
international / anti-war / imperialism Monday November 07, 2005 - 19:56 by eeekkkk
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national / anti-war / imperialism Monday November 07, 2005 - 19:12 by indie-soc
Shannon war protesters trial collapses again The trial of five antiwar protesters accused of criminal damage of a United States Navy plane at Shannon Airport has collapsed following a suggestion by the defence that the trial judge had attended the inauguration of George W Bush as US president. ... read full story / add a comment
international / anti-war / imperialism Sunday November 06, 2005 - 19:32 by Righteous Pragmatist
Ever since 9/11, I've been gloomily predicting the European powder keg's about to go up. By believed by 2010 we would be watching burning buildings, street riots and assassinations on the news every night. ... read full story / add a comment
international / rights, freedoms and repression Sunday November 06, 2005 - 03:36 by Kingfisher
Real democracies are populated with active not passive citizens; passivity is characteristic of totalitarian and other oppressive regimes. Prior to any government or ruling body eliminating hard-won liberties and circumventing constitutional rights, the population must necessarily become timid, fearful, apathetic and passive. How simple it becomes to harness and manipulate such a population! ... read full story / add a comment
international / housing Saturday November 05, 2005 - 15:28 by iosaf
This week sees 2 of Europe's very historic squat communities step up their latest campaigns to fight eviction. (1) St Agnes' Place in Kennington. London has been squated for 30 years, and though attempts have beenmade to evict some resident before the latest attempts by Lambeth borough to evict the community seem the most concerted yet. (2) The Rhino squat in Geneva called a demonstration which began at 14h00 today, and sees the wider housing movement in Switzerland support the 80 residents against the Geneva's canton's attempts to evict them by 22 november they have been in continuous occupation of the site for 17 years. ... read full story / add a comment
international / crime and justice Friday November 04, 2005 - 03:51 by hrm
Eye Witness Accounts from France ... read full story / add a comment
national / rights, freedoms and repression Thursday November 03, 2005 - 12:49 by Hillaire Belloc
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Gianna Jessen was a 7-month-old unborn baby when her mother underwent a saline abortion. ... read full story / add a comment
national / rights, freedoms and repression Wednesday November 02, 2005 - 19:03 by jim
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The only party that we would absolutely rule out are the Progressive Democrats "We have ambitions that can only be achieved in power. I think Sinn Féin is able and has already demonstrated its capacity for responsible government," Sinn Féin would prefer if improvements could be made to public services, especially the health service, through reform and efficiencies rather than through extra spending, ... read full story / add a comment
international / miscellaneous Wednesday November 02, 2005 - 14:59 by David Byrne
international / rights, freedoms and repression Wednesday November 02, 2005 - 14:50 by nano
John Howard, has raised the ‘spectre’ of a 'possible' terrorist strike (?) in order to implement, without proper parliamentary debate, a new law (or semantic alteration) designed to save us all! A ‘raw prawn’ strategy if ever there was one. ... read full story / add a comment
international / sci-tech Wednesday November 02, 2005 - 12:08 by pat c
Now hugo has really become a Spacer! ;) Venezuela And China To Build Satellite The satellite will be named Simon Bolivar, after the South American revolutionary. ... read full story / add a comment
international / anti-war / imperialism Wednesday November 02, 2005 - 11:33 by eeekkkkk
international / anti-war / imperialism Wednesday November 02, 2005 - 10:52 by frank
international / anti-capitalism Tuesday November 01, 2005 - 22:24 by AWTW
The AWTWNS packet for the week of 31 October 2005 contains three articles, all in this file. They may be reproduced or used in any way, in whole or in part, as long as they are credited. To subscribe, go to AWTWNS ... read full story / add a comment
international / rights, freedoms and repression Tuesday November 01, 2005 - 21:05 by Dominic
The cultural significance of Stan Tookie Williams alone is huge, even if I believed in the death penalty (which I don't) I would let this man live out his years. His anti-gang work during his 26 1/2 years in prison has been huge, for this reason alone I would be comfortable paroling him now (releasing him). As it stands he is set to be executed on the 13th of December... ... read full story / add a comment |