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Gianna Tours Irish Universities highlighting Abortion issues

category national | rights, freedoms and repression | other press author Thursday November 03, 2005 12:49author by Hillaire Belloc - CDL Report this post to the editors

Gianna Jessen was a 7-month-old unborn baby when her mother underwent a saline abortion.

Gianna is touring Ireland as part of The Revelation Tour in Irish Colleges in late November. The tour is organised by Ultrasound – a pro-life student organisation which is going from strength to strength in our colleges and universities.

Make sure to come to see her at a University near you!

The Revelation Tour

Monday, 21 November UCD, 7pm – Theatre O, Arts Block
Tuesday, 22 November DCU, 7pm – Terence Larkin Theatre
Wednesday, 23 November NUIM, 7pm – John Hume Theatre 2
Thursday, 24 November NUIG, 7pm – O hEocha, Arts Millennium
Monday, 28 November UL, 7pm – SG 042, Foundation Building
Tuesday, 29 November UCC, 7pm – Boole 3, Boole Basement

Related Link:
author by Philip Larkinpublication date Thu Nov 03, 2005 15:41author address author phone Report this post to the editors

The night that I should have been conceived!

author by Gianna Watcherpublication date Thu Nov 03, 2005 18:10author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Arguments against pregnancy termination by Mother Teresa and Mary McAleese were read aloud in the circle as eyes fell to the ground.

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author by --publication date Fri Nov 04, 2005 00:16author address author phone Report this post to the editors

...if just one sperm gets wasted...

author by You're not adopting the unwanted children in institutionspublication date Fri Nov 04, 2005 00:37author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Don't pretend to be a lefty, your policies cause deaths and injuries from back street abortions, and global poverty from overpopulation. You don't believe in contraception. You're not feeding the starving.

Children conceived through rape shouldn't be born, and the woman's mental or physical health is risked if she doesn't abort the fetus.

In America your supporters have been killing health workers and harassing women who choose to control their own bodies.

This woman is disabled because the operation was botched, not because of abortion. I'm sure most disabled people are for abortion. Disabled people who are born should have equal rights and help. But some abortions are to prevent people being born who would suffer severe disability. You're causing disability. I am disabled and for abortion.

The Catholic Church that sexually abuses the children that are born. Then they covered up their abuse of the living for years, and the Catholic Church victimised the children who were abused, and let the abuse continue. The Catholic Church that does not give women equal rights.

Pro abortionists should go to the meetings. Ireland is digusting making women go abroad to control their bodies.

author by webwandererpublication date Fri Nov 04, 2005 14:34author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Not original - this is just another copy and paste-
and there was me thinking indymedia wanted original stuff

author by abort pro liferspublication date Sat Nov 05, 2005 04:32author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Yes those people who survived abortions shouldn't have been born - they are the result of botched operations. It's the surgeons not abortion that's the problem. And the reason it's rarely discussed is because it's uncommon. They are only a few in a population of 6 billion. You should be trying to get better health services.

You'll use any excuse against abortion. It's the doctor's fault she's disabled. It's a pity abortion survivor wasn't born dumb since she's not campaigning for women's rights.

Why don't you defend women's rights in the church and campaign for the children abused by Catholic pedophile priests? I bet you haven't helped any of the pedophile victims of the Catholic Church, or the millions that were physically abused by nuns and priests.

In rich countries millions of unwanted children end up in institutions, many older children aren't adopted or fostered. Most of these anti abortion hypocrites aren't adopting unwanted children. In poor countries unwanted children live on the streets, they live by begging, stealing or being exploited and don't have a childhood, or starve to death.

The anti abortionists who wrote here do you believe in contraception or sterilization? I don't suppose you're just against abortion because of botched operations, because back street abortions would be worse.

Even if abortion was banned women will have abortions. Legalized abortion means women don't have to damage their health through dangerous back street abortions.

My writing is copyrighted, no pro lifer is permitted to use it. copyright october 2005.

Legalized abortions save lives
Legalized abortions save lives

author by Bellocpublication date Mon Nov 07, 2005 18:24author address author phone Report this post to the editors

So what about the 20 million ethnic russians killed by communists?
It is not a right to murder babies.
Read history, think logicaly. We will not have a communist state here, me and many revolutionaries will not allow it happen. And not with words.

author by Elephant Roompublication date Tue Nov 08, 2005 13:44author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Listen to defiant Belloc children, being in favour of legalized abortion even if it means less suffering than banning abortion, immediately makes YOU a commie
Oh that's a good one Bollloc! No really top stuff..I'll see you on the ramparts ;)

Millions of women were horribly maimed, mutilated and even killed from the work of back street abortions.

Abortion exist wheter it's illegal or legal, it's part of the human condition. In fact legalising it within a caring society can *reduce* the number of abortions.

Why? Religous societies have higher rates of Abortions, teenage pregnancies and STDs than secular societies.

See the article, excerpts and *research* below,

Better off without Him

New research suggests that the Christian virtues are best represented in godless societies

By George Monbiot. Published in the Guardian 11th October 2005.....

..........But in the current edition of the Journal of Religion and Society, a researcher called Gregory Paul tests the hypothesis propounded by evangelists in the Bush administration, that religion is associated with lower rates of “lethal violence, suicide, non-monogamous sexual activity and abortion”. He compared data from 18 developed democracies, and discovered that the Christian fundamentalists couldn’t have got it more wrong.(6)

“In general, higher rates of belief in and worship of a creator correlate with higher rates of homicide, juvenile and early adult mortality, STD infection rates, teen pregnancy, and abortion … None of the strongly secularized, pro-evolution democracies is experiencing high levels of measurable dysfunction.” Within the United States “the strongly theistic, anti-evolution South and Midwest” have “markedly worse homicide, mortality, STD, youth pregnancy, marital and related problems than the Northeast where … secularization, and acceptance of evolution approach European norms”.

Three sets of findings stand out: the associations between religion – especially absolute belief – and juvenile mortality, venereal disease and adolescent abortion. Paul’s graphs show far higher rates of death among the under-5s in Portugal, the US and Ireland and put the US - the most religious country in his survey – in a league of its own for gonorrhea and syphilis. Strangest of all for those who believe that Christian societies are “pro-life” is the finding that “increasing adolescent abortion rates show positive correlation with increasing belief and worship of a creator … Claims that secular cultures aggravate abortion rates (John Paul II) are therefore contradicted by the quantitative data.”(7)

These findings appear to match the studies of teenage pregnancy I’ve read. The rich countries in which sexual abstinence campaigns, generally inspired by religious belief, are strongest have the highest early pregnancy rates(8). The US is the only rich nation with teenage pregnancy levels comparable to those of developing nations: it has a worse record than India, the Philippines and Rwanda(9). Because they’re poorly educated about sex and in denial about what they’re doing (and so less likely to use contraceptives), boys who participate in abstinence programmes are more likely to get their partners pregnant than those who don’t(10).............

6. Gregory S. Paul, 2005. Cross-National Correlations of Quantifiable Societal Health with Popular Religiosity and Secularism in the Prosperous Democracies: A First Look. The Journal of Religion and Society, Volume 7.

7. ibid.

8. Figures from the UNFPA’s State of World Population report 2003 for births per 1000 women between 15 and 19 years old are presented in graph and graphic form at:

9. ibid.

10. Alba DiCenso et al, 15th June 2002. Interventions To Reduce Unintended Pregnancies Among Adolescents: Systematic Review Of Randomised Controlled Trials. British Medical Journal 324:1426.

11. Gregory S. Paul, ibid....................

author by Martypublication date Sun Nov 13, 2005 11:45author address author phone Report this post to the editors

What a bunch of loonies! Now we can see just how crazy the pro-aborts are.

These are the kind of people who would abort handicapped people and who deny the existence of post-abortion syndrome which has left women devastated the world over.

I can't even figure out their rationale, since it clearly not about defending women. Hopefully just a case of teenage angst spilling onto the twenties. The funny thing is that in five years time they'll most likely have a job in the bank or in Daddy's company/law firm and will have forgotten all this mad lefty nonsense.

In the meantime, I'm looking forward to seeing that lady speak.

author by martha demetrioupublication date Sun Nov 13, 2005 19:13author email tadgie at verizon dot netauthor address author phone Report this post to the editors

where is your head? this woman is campaigning for womans rights. she is a woman and she is campaigining for the rights of other women like her to live. do you really think that you have the right to decide which woman should be allowed to live?

author by Jane - LY pers capacitypublication date Sun Nov 13, 2005 22:08author address author phone Report this post to the editors

...Won't be coming to UCD anymore, they booked it pretending to be a college society but it has now been cancelled.

author by Josephine Quintavalle - COREpublication date Sat Nov 26, 2005 16:42author address author phone Report this post to the editors

There have been 6,231,033 unborn babies killed by legalised abortion in the UK since 1967, which equals 10% of the current population. It is impossible to claim that abortion saves lives.

author by emmapublication date Tue Nov 29, 2005 17:04author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Gianna Jessen's talk was packed last night in UL. Looks like Youth Defence and Ultrasound are doing a great job

author by pat cpublication date Tue Nov 29, 2005 18:02author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Well they didnt have their way in UCD.

author by pat cpublication date Tue Nov 29, 2005 18:43author address author phone Report this post to the editors

be careful of these lifers who go around on lecture tours. you never know what they are really after. heres a story about a lifer priest who has been jailed for childabuse and possession of childporn. Read it at the link.

Related Link:
author by pat cpublication date Tue Nov 29, 2005 19:10author address author phone Report this post to the editors

response to hidden comment. is not a chat bulletin board. comments are here for the purpose of adding information (corrections, update, clarification) to the story. Please read the Editorial Guidelines before contacting us at "[email protected]" or using the Contact Us link. Thanks. -- 1 of IMC Ed
The rcc takes the lead in pushing the lifer argument in Ireland so its worth pointing out its more than 2% are involved in abuse. isnt it strange that the rc didnt care much about born childrten while priests were abusing them.

afew snippets here which illustrate the extent of child abuse effectively condoned by the rcc. even now they are protecting the abusers. the bishop of elphin only moved an alleged abuser after he was contacted by the HSE. the bishop had known about the abuse claims for 3 yrs.

"Diocese releases abuse statistics
The largest Catholic diocese in NI has released statistics which show that 15 priests have been accused of sex abuse there over the past 50 years.
Down and Connor"

"Church criticised in abuse probe
An Irish government inquiry into child abuse in a County Wexford diocese has uncovered over 100 allegations of sexual abuse by priests.
The 271-page Ferns report said the allegations were made against 21 priests who had been working in the diocese between 1966-2002.

The report said police investigations into claims of abuse were inadequate.

It also criticised bishops in the diocese for failing to take basic precautions to protect children. "

"Abuse claims 'against 26 priests'
Allegations of child sex abuse have been made against 26 priests serving in the Derry diocese over the past 50 years, the diocesan bishop has said. "

"Government Publishes Ferns Inquiry
25 October 2005

The Minister for Children, Brian Lenihan, T.D., published the Report of the Ferns Inquiry today (Tuesday, 25th October 2005) following its consideration by Government at their meeting this morning. The report has been published in full on foot of legal advice received from the Attorney General. The Report has been laid before the Houses of the Oireachtas in accordance with the terms of reference.

“On behalf of the Government I want to condemn in the strongest possible terms the repeated failure and gross dereliction of duties of those in positions of trust in the Dioceses of Ferns who engaged in acts of child abuse or failed to take effective steps to defend and vindicate the rights of the children concerned.” "

"Wednesday, November 02, 2005

West stunned as 27 Tuam priests in abuse scandal

A total of 27 priests from the Archdiocese of Tuam have been linked to allegations of child sexual abuse, the Western People can reveal. The figure is one of the highest in the country and will come as a major shock to parishioners in counties Mayo and Galway where the alleged paedophiles were based. "

"The Dublin investigation will focus on the response of the church authorities to allegations of sexual abuse against more than 70 priests in and around the capital.

It is expected the examination will recommend whether or not other dioceses should be the subject of a full statutory investigation by the inquiry.

The national audit is unlikely to look at every file on record in each diocese relating to child abuse allegations, but will instead seek to establish whether dioceses currently have adequate child protection measures. "

"Protesters demand church 'reparation' for dismissed cleric

Wednesday November 16th 2005

A PROTEST was staged yesterday in support of the Ferns 'whistle-blower' Fr Gerard McGinnity.

Twenty years ago the hierarchy dismissed Fr McGinnity from St Patrick's College, Maynooth, where he was a senior dean.

The cleric had tried to highlight the concerns of a group of seminarians about the "sexual orientation and propensity" of the then vice-president of the college, Mgr Micheal Ledwith.

Yesterday about 100 protesters from all over Ireland protested outside the residence of the Archbishop of Armagh, Sean Brady, to demand justice for Fr McGinnity, who is currently parish priest at Knockbridge, Dundalk. "

"State 'must probe Elphin sex claims'

Wednesday November 16th 2005

THE STATE has been told it must investigate the handling of clerical sex abuse claims in the diocese of Elphin, writes David Quinn.The call from Colm O'Gorman, the head of victim-support group One in Four, came after it emerged that the Bishop of Elphin, Dr Christopher Jones, knew about a sex-abuse allegation against one of his priests three years ago.

He only asked him to stand aside from his ministry last month following consultations with the Health Service Executive. "

Franciscans may repay cost of sex abuse trial

By Caroline O’Doherty
THE Franciscan Brothers are expected to agree to repay the State some of the hundreds of thousands of euro it cost to compensate two men for sexual abuse they suffered as schoolboys.

The State, through the Department of Education, initially accepted liability for the men’s ordeal at the hands of former Franciscan John Hannon, as the department had been made aware of complaints against him before he went on to commit abuse at a midlands primary school in the 1970s. "

author by Heidipublication date Sat Dec 10, 2005 17:11author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Gianna's visit to UCD was not stopped because they pretended to be a society, it was because UCD made unrealisable demands regarding Insurance. See for more.

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