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national / miscellaneous Tuesday January 15, 2019 - 05:28 by Gemma Rays
Gemma O'Doherty's Tedx speech in Longford which you never saw a mention of in the MSM. And for good reason! ... read full story / add a comment
international / eu Friday January 11, 2019 - 18:42 by 1 of indy
This article is being reposted here as it is incredibly important and gives an insight into the larger framework of forces acting on the EU. From this perspective one can see how Brexit is the sabotage operation. Even though a majority voted for Brexit, clearly bigger forces wanted it and as we know the people are usually ignored. As in when in Ireland we had to vote twice on separate occasions in EU referendum before we got the right answer. The European Union enters 2019 with a mass of unresolved problems, in addition to being torn apart by the most severe contradictions… The first and main problem is that the EU was created as one of the mechanisms of the US’ control over Western Europe. Without the American Marshall Plan, without opening American markets for European goods, without American troops on the European continent, without NATO, eventually, the European Union wouldn’t be possible. ... read full story / add a comment ![]()
international / anti-war / imperialism Thursday November 29, 2018 - 23:00 by 1 of indy
This article by Manlio Dinucci on the website reminds us of the carnage brought fought by the US and of it's barbaric underpinnings and they are not just of the most recent election cycles. It’s a fact, not an analysis, not even an opinion – the « free and open international order» promoted since 1945 by the United States has cost the lives of 20 to 30 million people throughout the world. No President, whoever he may be, has managed to slow the rhythm of this killing machine. ... read full story / add a comment
international / worker & community struggles and protests Tuesday November 27, 2018 - 22:31 by 1 of indy
This is an interesting article from ZeroHedge describing what As thousands of Amazon workers across Europe joined in coordinated strikes to protest the company's infamously "inhumane" working conditions - threatening the e-commerce giant's Black Friday operations - the company resorted to a tactic that hasn't been employed to resolve labor disputes in the West in a very long time: It called the police. ... read full story / add a comment ![]()
national / anti-war / imperialism Friday November 23, 2018 - 22:00 by 1 of indy
This essay was written by Manuel Garcia, Jr under creative commons license and is republished here as it's message needs wider circulation. Climate change action would kill imperialism, and that is why we can’t have it in America. American political power is based on fossil fuels, and the US military is the engine that consumes those fuels to produce that power. So long as there is an American political elite that craves lucrative personal prestige and the ability to dominate internationally, the US economy will be fossil-fueled capitalism that maintains the military colossus that enables and protects those elite ambitions. ... read full story / add a comment
international / anti-war / imperialism Wednesday November 14, 2018 - 22:34 by 1 of indy
This article from the World Socialist Website draws attention to the fact that not alot has changed with the character of those in power and the same underlying forces of imperialism is still very much present . Over the past weekend, the leaders of the world’s great powers met in France to commemorate the official end of World War I. German Chancellor Angela Merkel, French President Emmanuel Macron and US President Donald Trump pulled long faces, hugged each other and gave speeches lamenting the “horror” and “tragedy” of a war that claimed more than 16 million lives. But their talk of “tragedy” and “suicide” could not hide the fact that they are all engaged in active preparations for a new and deadly world military conflict. ... read full story / add a comment ![]()
national / politics / elections Tuesday November 13, 2018 - 22:03 by wp
LookLeft Magazine on Nov 2nd have published an article on the recent election of the far-right president in Brazil and it is high lighted here to draw attention to this sinister development The election of the fascist Jair Bolsonaro as president of Brazil marks the beginning of an intense period of reaction. It also signals the definitive end to the social democratic experiment that began in 2002 with the election of the Partido dos Trabalhadores (PT) candidate Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. ... read full story / add a comment
national / environment Thursday September 27, 2018 - 22:27 by DeSmog UK
Climate denial group the Irish Climate Science Forum (ICSF) has significantly escalated its lobbying campaign to prevent climate action. The group’s main function until now has been to hold behind-closed-doors meetings with infamous climate science deniers as guest speakers. But it has now submitted a document to the Irish Parliament insisting climate change simply isn’t as bad as scientists make out, DeSmog UK has learned. The group, which has no publicly accessible membership or officer list, has run a series of ‘invitation-only’ events in Dublin over the last 18 months allowing familiar faces from the world of climate denial, such as Richard Lindzen, William Happer, Henrik Svensmark and Nicola Scafetta to showcase their debunked arguments against taking action on climate change. ... read full story / add a comment
international / anti-war / imperialism Sunday August 26, 2018 - 23:07 by 1 of indy
There have been numerous attempts to frame the Assad regime with launching and carrying out chemical attacks in Syria. All of them so far have either been fake or carried out by the so called 'Rebels' and terrorists largely backed by Washington, London and Paris through their proxies in Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey before it turned away from the US after it organised an attempted coup against Erdogan. In all cases the chemical attacks and talk of them has been used by the US and it's allies as an excuse to bomb Syria. There is absolute no reason and motive for Assad to use chemical weapons either now or in the past. At this stage he has won the war in Syria and expelled most of the terrorists or done deals with them and arranged for them to be bused out. From a logical and motive point of view it would be insane for him to do this. He would gain zero. On the other hand it makes perfect sense not so much for the terrorists who are just pawns in a bigger game, but perfect sense for the US because Syria has been on their target since at least 2001 and they have wanted regime change from the start. They have also been humiliated that their terrorists have been defeated and their regional plans thwarted. This turn-around happened largely happened after Syria invited Russia into Syria to help in the war effort and it represents the fist time since the breakup of the Soviet Union that Russia has been able to get up of it's knee and challenge the destructive insanity of the US. And so this gives some background to the report below that appeared on RT. “Foreign specialists” have arrived in Syria and may stage a chemical attack using chlorine in “the next two days,” the Russian Defense Ministry said. This will be filmed for international media to frame Damascus forces. Defense Ministry Spokesman Major General Igor Konashenkov said the operation is planned to unfold in the village of Kafr Zita in Syria’s northwestern Hama Province in “the next two days.” ... read full story / add a comment ![]()
international / anti-war / imperialism Tuesday July 03, 2018 - 12:11 by Brian Cloughley
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News that a meeting has been arranged between Presidents Trump and Putin on 16 July was greeted with displeasure in many sectors of the western world, and especially by the military-industrial complex, the cabal of war-profiteering US and European oligarchs whose interests lie solely in maintaining their lucrative arms manufacturing empires. Trade is most important to them — but peace and friendship come way down their page of priorities, because it is enmity and distrust that lead to lucrative sales of weapons. ... read full story / add a comment
international / environment Tuesday May 29, 2018 - 12:29 by anon
The European Commission has today outlined new plans to cut down on single-use plastics and reduce marine plastic pollution.
The new EU-wide rules proposed by the Commission target the 10 single-use plastic products most often found on Europe’s beaches and seas, as well as lost and abandoned fishing gear. This will include an outright ban on the likes of plastic cotton buds, cutlery, plates, straws, drink stirrers and sticks for balloons where alternatives are readily available and affordable. ... read full story / add a comment
international / anti-war / imperialism Friday March 23, 2018 - 22:49 by fred
Red faces in government circles as UK and Kiev government use of Cambridge analytica, the company who "stole" (or bought?) data from 50 million facebook accounts, comes under scrutiny ... read full story / add a comment ![]()
national / environment Friday February 23, 2018 - 23:37 by Paul Lynch
2018 edition of MDEG info leaflet ... read full story / add a comment
international / rights, freedoms and repression Saturday February 03, 2018 - 22:18 by 1 of indy
This is a repost from the World Socialists Website now regularly censored by google and the headline catches the essence of how things are panning out today. On Wednesday, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg posted a notice outlining extraordinary plans by the social media company to monitor all the postings and messages of its users, censor independent journalism, and use artificial intelligence (AI) to report users to the police and intelligence agencies. ... read full story / add a comment ![]()
international / rights, freedoms and repression Monday January 15, 2018 - 23:11 by 1 of indy
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This interesting piece from Thierry Meyssan outlines the real plan behind the recent positive news about Rojava. It seems the empire has been selling the story of a wonderful democratic paradise about to be setup in Rojava when in fact the whole thing is a cover for the empire and once again shows how the Left have been used and subverted to promote their plans. The discussion in France on where the French jihadists captured in Syria would be judged, is a clear example of a false debate. It is animated by a television presenter and journalist that hide their links to their listeners. The issue of where jihadists of French nationality will be tried is in fact intended to lay the groundwork for getting rid of those that can testify to France’s military role against Syria. Hoping that its allies accept it, France is preparing to recognize a pseudo State, under the name “Rojava”, following the model used in “Kosovo”. ... read full story / add a comment
international / economics and finance Monday January 01, 2018 - 14:18 by 1 of indy
This is a repost of an important topic that doesn't get enough coverage by Peter Koenig for the Saker blog and is about the rapid move towards a cashless society which is being sold to us as only positive. This is highly unlikely to be the case. The other day I was in a shopping mall looking for an ATM to get some cash. There was no ATM. A week ago, there was still a branch office of a local bank – no more, gone. A Starbucks will replace the space left empty by the bank. I asked around – there will be no more cash automats in this mall – and this pattern is repeated over and over throughout Switzerland and throughout western Europe. Cash machines gradually but ever so faster disappear, not only from shopping malls, also from street corners. Will Switzerland become the first country fully running on digital money? ... read full story / add a comment
international / rights, freedoms and repression Sunday December 24, 2017 - 23:28 by 1 of indy
This is a republish of an important story covering the covert agenda of Facebook and outlining the dangers of uncritical acceptance of social media, The article first appeared on by Shelley Kasli What Alternative für Deutschland, Rodrigo Duterte, Mauricio Macri, Narendra Modi, Barack Obama, the Scottish National Party and Donald Trump have in common? They relied on their election campaigns on the advice of Mark Zuckerberg. Taking the case of the falsification of Indian elections, Shelley Kasli reveals the way Facebook manipulates democracies. A recent Bloomberg report has revealed how a secret unit of Facebook has helped create troll armies for governments around the world including India for digital propaganda to influence elections [1]. Under fire for Facebook Inc.’s role as a platform for political propaganda, co-founder Mark Zuckerberg has punched back, saying his mission is above partisanship. But Facebook, it turns out, is no bystander in global politics. What he hasn’t said is that his company actively works with political parties and leaders including those who use the platform to stifle opposition—sometimes with the aid of “troll armies” that spread misinformation and extremist ideologies [2]. ... read full story / add a comment
international / animal rights Sunday December 24, 2017 - 22:39 by anon
The Guardian published an article yesterday on how the Japanese have evaded through military technology the Sea Shepherd patrols that previously prevented them whaling and that they are now killing whales inside the internationally recognized Southern Ocean whaling sanctuary, that surrounds Antarctica. A fleet of Japanese ships is currently hunting minke whales in the Southern Ocean. It is a politically incendiary practice: the waters around Antarctica were long ago declared a whale sanctuary, but the designation has not halted Japan’s whalers, who are continuing a tradition of catching whales “for scientific research” in the region. In the past, conservation groups such as Sea Shepherd have mounted campaigns of harassment and successfully blocked Japan’s ships from killing whales. But not this year. Despite previous successes, Sea Shepherd says it can no longer frustrate Japan’s whalers because their boats now carry hardware supplied from military sources, making the fleet highly elusive and almost impossible to track. As a result the whalers are – for the first time – being given a free run to kill minke in the Southern Ocean. ... read full story / add a comment ![]()
international / economics and finance Monday December 04, 2017 - 23:21 by 1 of indy
This is a repost of an recent article (Dec 1st) by economic analyst and trade unionist Michael Taft on covering the good news trend where there is now a trend in Europe of reversing privatisations. And that is certainly something positive.
There is a spectre haunting Europe – the spectre of de-privatisation, re-municipalisation, and re-nationalisation. Local, regional and national Governments throughout Europe and in other countries - fed up with high costs, low investment, deteriorating quality and poor working conditions – are taking services back into public control and ownership. For many, privatisation has produced poor results; now they are starting to reverse that process. Public ownership is back on the agenda. ... read full story / add a comment
international / anti-war / imperialism Sunday December 03, 2017 - 23:16 by sayed
Speech by Hezbollah Secretary General Sayed Hassan Nasrallah on November 20, 2017, following the victory of Al Boukamal and one day after the meeting of the Arab League which again designated Hezbollah as a terrorist organization ... read full story / add a comment |