Red faces in governments around the world after Cambridge Analytica dirty laundry comes to light
Red faces in government circles as UK and Kiev government use of Cambridge analytica, the company who "stole" (or bought?) data from 50 million facebook accounts, comes under scrutiny
Lots of red faces regarding Cambridge Analyticia,
the company who were freely handed "stole" the data of 50 million users from facebook for money
Apparently the MOD in the UK paid them 190,000 for psychological profiling and modelling
regarding public responses to government propaganda messaging.
They even gave them "List X" status with access to secret government documents!!
Also, apparently the government of Kiev in Ukraine hired them for strategy
in their attempts to bring Donesk under their control.
And now it appears that the US government and NATO are also using them for the same psychological warfare stuff
in it's attempts to bully Russia
Meanwhile, the US State Department has a contract for $500,000 with SLC. According to an official, this was to provide
“research and analytical support in connection with our mission to counter terrorist propaganda and disinformation
overseas.” This was not the only work that SCL has been contracted for with the US government, the source added.
In May 2015, SCL Defense, another subsidiary of the umbrella organisation, received $1 million (CAD) to support NATO
operations in Eastern Europe targeting Russia.
The company delivered a three-month course in Riga which taught “advanced counter-propaganda techniques designed
to help member states assess and counter Russia’s propaganda in Eastern Europe”.
The NATO website said the “revolutionary” training would “help Ukrainians better defend themselves against the Russian threat”.
What is clear is that all of SCL’s activities were inextricably linked to its Cambridge Analytica arm.
Here is the spin that the hilary crew have tried to put on this whole fuckup:
However competent you believe they were at it, it still looks like nefarious governments around the world were attempting to use this company for mass persuasion / dirty propaganda type shit and some of their dirty laundry is now coming up for scrutiny!
Kudos to Liam O Hare for reporting on this. Read his article here for
further interesting info on SCL/Cambridge Analytica including Tory government links(!):