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national / rights, freedoms and repression Tuesday January 20, 2009 - 11:56 by Shane OCURRY
It reads more like the adoring parish gazette piece about the bell ringer retiring after 30 years of good Christian service, than objective reporting about the significant, and highly unusual development of a Chief Constable being called to give evidence before an Inquiry into the murder of a solicitor in circumstances that are suggestive of a security force cover-up, if not actual collusion in the murder. It is hard to imagine how anyone could have heaped more praise onto the north of Ireland's former security top-dog. ... read full story / add a comment ![]()
national / animal rights Tuesday January 20, 2009 - 11:42 by Bernie Wright
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For a number of years (4 at least) Circus Vegas and other Irish Circuses with animals,( American Circus, Sydney, New York etc,) have been the target of the ALF (Animal Liberation Front) who repeatedly removed or destroyed their signs on a regular basis. This was due to their use and abuse of both Wild and domestic animals in their shows. The Vegas Circus told us as we demonstrated at their circus that they had signs damaged to the tune of over 2000 euro a few years ago. This circus is owned by some of the Courtneys Brothers from Wexford. ... read full story / add a comment
international / miscellaneous Sunday January 18, 2009 - 10:51 by Maidhc Ó Cathail
Wall Street's successful lobbying of the U.S. Congress led to the current financial debacle. But the bankers have no need to worry. The government have come to their rescue with American taxpayers' money, raising serious questions about whose interests the politicians really serve. ... read full story / add a comment ![]()
national / crime and justice Saturday January 17, 2009 - 16:20 by Jim Bean
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And give back the money he took from Shell. ... read full story / add a comment
international / anti-war / imperialism Wednesday January 14, 2009 - 20:08 by paul o toole
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Happy war, christmas is over ... read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous Wednesday January 14, 2009 - 19:23 by jim travers
The vicious assault on a bus driver and the theft of a Dublin Bus in Cork Street, Dublin last week has once again shown us that antisocial behaviour in becoming increasingly out of hand. For the past week bus services to the outer suburban estate of Jobestown and Brookfield have been suspended because of the continued rise in antisocial activities over the past number of months. ... read full story / add a comment
international / anti-war / imperialism Wednesday January 14, 2009 - 13:08 by Ronan - IPSC (pers. cap)
Please read this illuminating Factsheet on the breakdown of the Hamas-Israeli ceasefire. (Apologies for the straighforward nature of the text. Indymedia does not allow the report to be uploaded in it's original .doc format so it had to be pasted into the text box. The full report will be upload to the the IPSC website,,soon) ... read full story / add a comment ![]()
international / anti-capitalism Monday January 12, 2009 - 20:41 by Michael Gallagher
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Speaking as an individual, -I am not a member of any political party- I am throwing this out to all political parties and individuals who see themselves as genuine socialists in the mould of and the bearers of the mantle of James Connolly and Jim Larkin etc. ... read full story / add a comment
international / anti-war / imperialism Monday January 12, 2009 - 14:55 by Alex F
January 10, was a day when radical and muslim europe came together in a big number of cities of the EU to demand the end of the massacre and denounce Bush and Barak as murderers. Today a huge demo is scheduled in Brussels. Many, even on the extreme left, are uncomfortable with the religious undertones of many demos and the fact they end up in collective prayers. Also, the equation of the nazi swastika with the star of david is regarded as historically absurd and antisemitic, just as are cries for the destruction of israel and the burning of Israeli flags. I will try to address these thorny issues in this piece. ... read full story / add a comment
international / anti-war / imperialism Sunday January 11, 2009 - 15:43 by pat c
Solidarity with the Palestinian people! No to war in Gaza and the Middle East! Hands off the People of Iran unreservedly condemns the barbaric onslaught by Israel on Palestinians and the siege of Gaza. We call on supporters of our campaign to join the demonstrations taking place all over the country. The scale of terror being inflicted shows that the Israeli state is hell-bent on ethnic cleansing the Palestinian people. George Bush obviously supports the Israeli atrocities. Obama is keeping his mouth shut. But it is clear what side he is on. He supported the invasion of Lebanon by Israel in 2006 and has recently endorsed Israel taking ‘firm’ action against Hamas. ... read full story / add a comment
dublin / anti-war / imperialism Friday January 09, 2009 - 23:48 by Daniel Glesson
Have the Labour party gone soft on Gaza? ... read full story / add a comment
international / miscellaneous Friday January 09, 2009 - 17:19 by Maidhc Ó Cathail
Wall Street's successful lobbying of Congress led to the current financial debacle. But the bankers have no need to worry. The government have come to their rescue with taxpayers' money, raising serious questions about whose interests the politicians really serve. ... read full story / add a comment
international / anti-war / imperialism Friday January 09, 2009 - 16:51 by A Meagher
I logged onto Reuters to see photo-reports that would inform me in-depth about the latest in the Israeli/Palestinian conflict. I was disappointed and wrote to the agency to complain, saying: Your war coverage (I viewed 56 ‘Crisis in Gaza’ photographs published on January 8th) is dishonest and factually incorrect in purporting to show that "both sides" are suffering greatly. Instead of getting an insight, I got “balanced reporting”; 28 photographs focus on the Palestinian’s experience, while 27 feature the Israelis’. There are 8 photographs of Palestinians in mourning and 5 to 6 show Israelis in mourning. ... read full story / add a comment
national / anti-war / imperialism Friday January 09, 2009 - 13:27 by Pete - 'observer'
I have been at a few of the demos against the murders in Gaza, and rightly so... I deserve the right to go out on the streets and voice my opinion. There is one thing that bugs me though, the political parties are also out on the street and it doesn't seem they are there for the right reasons. Big banners bearing the names of political parties with no relevance to the situation. ... read full story / add a comment
international / sci-tech Thursday January 08, 2009 - 12:26 by Kevin Doyle
Anarchists want to change the world. Instead of the present order – capitalism – with its focus on inequality and profits for a few, we want to build a new society based around the principles of participatory democracy, freedom and production for need not profit. For anarchists the type of society we want to build is best summed up by the slogan: ‘To each according to their needs, from each according to their ability’. ... read full story / add a comment
international / anti-war / imperialism Thursday January 08, 2009 - 04:23 by Astrid Essed
By their unlawful and systematic character,combined with the blockade of Gaza, housedemolitions and extrajudicial executions, the Israeli attacks on Gaza are a dirty war against the Palestinian civilian population ... read full story / add a comment ![]()
international / anti-war / imperialism Wednesday January 07, 2009 - 14:09 by Andrew Flood
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In Workers Solidarity 105 we reviewed David Simon's 'The Wire'. His follow on project 'Generation Kill' which features some of the same actors is a 7 episode series following the United States Marine Corps' 1st Reconnaissance Battalion during the invasion of Iraq . It's based on the book published by Rolling Stone journalist Evan Wright. ... read full story / add a comment ![]()
international / anti-war / imperialism Monday January 05, 2009 - 22:58 by scorchio
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Obama who we note is not upsetting the inter-regnum by being presidential change boy when it comes to Gaza, has today named his future head of the CIA. That chap will get articles in the commercial press tomorrow and be assured a really high tech version of google earth after january 20th. But this article being of a tongue in cheek variety wishes to bring readers attention to Obama's appointee to be the director of national intelligence, a post created by Bush for Negreponte after Iraq which in theory allows one bloke or name to oversee the 16 US secret services. Only one name could do that. yep it's another Blair. ... read full story / add a comment
national / rights, freedoms and repression Monday January 05, 2009 - 19:43 by Tom Cooper
The Irish State, by way of government indifference, is moving stealthily towards rejoining the British Commonwealth. This must be confronted and reversed before it is too late. We can and should be on friendly and neighbourly terms with Great Britain, but as equals, not as a lesser or subservient state. We are a sovereign Republic, not a British council. ... read full story / add a comment
international / anti-war / imperialism Monday January 05, 2009 - 13:57 by Layla
It is easy to get bogged down in the details of the Gaza crisis and who said what. The underlying truth that anyone educated about the conflict knows is that the Palestinians are the true victims here and have been for decades. The Israelis know this better than anyone else. ... read full story / add a comment |