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The Saker
A bird's eye view of the vineyard

offsite link Alternative Copy of thesaker.is site is available Thu May 25, 2023 14:38 | Ice-Saker-V6bKu3nz
Alternative site: https://thesaker.si/saker-a... Site was created using the downloads provided Regards Herb

offsite link The Saker blog is now frozen Tue Feb 28, 2023 23:55 | The Saker
Dear friends As I have previously announced, we are now “freezing” the blog.? We are also making archives of the blog available for free download in various formats (see below).?

offsite link What do you make of the Russia and China Partnership? Tue Feb 28, 2023 16:26 | The Saker
by Mr. Allen for the Saker blog Over the last few years, we hear leaders from both Russia and China pronouncing that they have formed a relationship where there are

offsite link Moveable Feast Cafe 2023/02/27 ? Open Thread Mon Feb 27, 2023 19:00 | cafe-uploader
2023/02/27 19:00:02Welcome to the ‘Moveable Feast Cafe’. The ‘Moveable Feast’ is an open thread where readers can post wide ranging observations, articles, rants, off topic and have animate discussions of

offsite link The stage is set for Hybrid World War III Mon Feb 27, 2023 15:50 | The Saker
Pepe Escobar for the Saker blog A powerful feeling rhythms your skin and drums up your soul as you?re immersed in a long walk under persistent snow flurries, pinpointed by

The Saker >>

Public Inquiry
Interested in maladministration. Estd. 2005

offsite link RTEs Sarah McInerney ? Fianna Fail?supporter? Anthony

offsite link Joe Duffy is dishonest and untrustworthy Anthony

offsite link Robert Watt complaint: Time for decision by SIPO Anthony

offsite link RTE in breach of its own editorial principles Anthony

offsite link Waiting for SIPO Anthony

Public Inquiry >>

Human Rights in Ireland
Promoting Human Rights in Ireland

Human Rights in Ireland >>

Lockdown Skeptics

The Daily Sceptic

offsite link Britain Paying ?180,000 an Hour to Switch Off Wind Farms Mon Mar 03, 2025 17:57 | Will Jones
Britain is paying almost ?180,000 an hour ? ?4.3 million per day ? to switch off wind farms because there is?nowhere for the excess power to go.
The post Britain Paying ?180,000 an Hour to Switch Off Wind Farms appeared first on The Daily Sceptic.

offsite link When Will Ofcom go After Times Radio for its Anti-Trump Bias? Mon Mar 03, 2025 15:00 | David Craig
Ofcom has been hounding GB News for its 'bias' in not being uniformly Left-wing. David Craig wonders when the brave regulator will notice that Times Radio pours forth anti-Trump bile all day long and takes action there.
The post When Will Ofcom go After Times Radio for its Anti-Trump Bias? appeared first on The Daily Sceptic.

offsite link Mannheim in Lockdown as Car Driven into Crowd Mon Mar 03, 2025 13:21 | Will Jones
Mannheim in Germany is in lockdown after a car was driven into a crowd, causing casualties. Police have told residents to stay at home.
The post Mannheim in Lockdown as Car Driven into Crowd appeared first on The Daily Sceptic.

offsite link US to Cease All Offensive Cyberoperations Against Russia Mon Mar 03, 2025 11:43 | Will Jones
Defence Secretary Pete Hegseth has ordered US Cyber Command to halt offensive cyberoperations against Russia as part of what analysts say is a wider move to draw Vladimir Putin into negotiations over Ukraine.
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offsite link New Elite Needed. Please Apply Here Mon Mar 03, 2025 09:00 | Dr Nicholas Tate
Out with the old elites, in with the new, says Dr Nicholas Tate ? preferably ones who don't sneer at the people they rule, shove woke dogma down our throats or fail spectacularly as leaders.
The post New Elite Needed. Please Apply Here appeared first on The Daily Sceptic.

Lockdown Skeptics >>

national / politics / elections Saturday June 06, 2009 - 13:42 by Election watcher   text 27 comments (last - thursday june 11, 2009 - 14:56)   image 1 image
Anyone able to get tally figures,etc ... read full story / add a comment
We have FF Worried - Now let's wipe them out! Vote Joe Higgins No.1
dublin / politics / elections Thursday June 04, 2009 - 16:24 by Joe Higgins   text 10 comments (last - friday june 12, 2009 - 14:32)   image 1 image
The Evening Herald today joined the political establishment in a desperate bid to dig FiannaFail out of an electoral hole in Dublin by publishing a pathetic 'Red Scare' smear against me as the Socialist Party Euro Candidate by Fianna Fail Minister of Defence, Willie O'Dea. Resorting to the most illiterate of political abuse, O'Dea pathetically tries to associate me with the ghost of the monster Stalin to scare Dublin voters, thereby insulting their intelligence.

The Herald is guilty of sharp practice and contemptible and partisan pro Fianna Fail propaganda by publishing lies from both O'Dea and Eoin Ryan without, quite deliberately, having afforded me any opportunity to respond. ... read full story / add a comment
Stop funding the Greyhound Industry
limerick / animal rights Wednesday June 03, 2009 - 16:36 by John Fitzgerald   text 10 comments (last - sunday september 26, 2010 - 18:50)   image 1 image
The finding of three mutilated greyhound carcasses this week at a popular seaside resort (Kilteery Pier in County Limerick) shows just how expendable these animals are deemed by their owners once their performance days are over.

The likelihood that they were greyhounds bred for hare coursing, judging from their build, should serve as yet another reminder that we are one of the few remaining countries that still permit this depraved and viciously cruel blood sport.

... read full story / add a comment
Fianna Fail could lose their Euro Seat to Joe Higgins
dublin / politics / elections Monday June 01, 2009 - 23:05 by Joe Higgins   text 8 comments (last - tuesday june 02, 2009 - 15:53)   image 5 images
Just when Fianna Fail's Dublin Euro Candidate Eoin Ryan thought it couldn't get much worse, it did. Mary Harney publicly endorsed him!

The hapless Eoin must have felt his political lifeblood chill as Harney's cold kiss of political support sealed his fate.Already spurned by many categories of workers from airport staff to teachers - all victims of Fianna Fail's slash and burn response to the Fianna Fail induced crash - now every nurse, doctor, hospital attendant and taxi driver whom Harney has alienated in her day will join the revolt. ... read full story / add a comment
national / politics / elections Friday May 29, 2009 - 11:30 by Ishmael Lemass   text 1 comment (last - tuesday june 02, 2009 - 17:51)
The latest opinion polls continue to reveal a decline in support for Fianna Fáil, traditionally Ireland’s most successful political party. Disapproval of the coalition FF/Green Government’s performance is at 84%, a staggering indicator of dissent. Yet FF – the Soldiers of Destiny - retain support from some 20% of the electorate. Apparently not all who are dissatisfied will vote against the party. ... read full story / add a comment
national / consumer issues Thursday May 28, 2009 - 05:15 by Is Linn an Tír Seo   text 3 comments (last - friday june 05, 2009 - 15:10)   video 1 video file   1 attached file
Could Ireland, in its own way, become a beggar sitting in a bank of gold? ... read full story / add a comment
national / rights, freedoms and repression Wednesday May 27, 2009 - 17:28 by Gregor Kerr   text 1 comment (last - tuesday june 02, 2009 - 21:18)
Since the publication of the Report of the Commission to Inquire into Child Abuse last week, we have heard a litany of so-called apologies and calls for the religious orders responsible for the running of what should rightly be described as child labour camps to ‘face up to their responsibilities’. ... read full story / add a comment
unnecessary- dead pigs not humane food
national / animal rights Monday May 25, 2009 - 10:48 by Bernie Wright   text 26 comments (last - tuesday june 09, 2009 - 10:13)   image 1 image
The animal liberation movement has the mammoth task of exploding the myths behind so-called "humanely produced" animal products, such as cage-free and free-range eggs or meat that is "certified humane."
We try to expose the truth behind the marketing of food products that supposedly cause less harm to the animals used to produce them--foods that are meant to assuage the guilt of people who are concerned about animals (sort of) but who stop short of not eating them. Of course this eases their consciences about causing suffering to animals. It is a half measure. ... read full story / add a comment
Vote Joe Higgins on June 5th
national / politics / elections Sunday May 24, 2009 - 12:39 by Joe Higgins   text 8 comments (last - thursday december 17, 2009 - 11:03)   image 1 image
There is fear and loathing in the vegetable patch. The greens are nervous and restive. Inclement environmental conditions have sapped their once bright emerald hue leaving them looking pale and sickly. But worse is to come.

Rumours abound of an army of ravenous caterpillars waiting to crawl all over them and expected to do so on June 5th. The greens know the consequences. Their once succulent leaves shredded, what beckons is a humiliating journey to the compost heap.

Greens, however, have strong survival instincts and so they are desperately trying to stave off the evil day. ‘I’m off to Tralee,’ Twittered Senator Dan Boyle, ‘ to say something controversial.’ That something was a call for the renegotiation of their Programme for Government with Fianna Fail. ... read full story / add a comment
national / rights, freedoms and repression Wednesday May 20, 2009 - 23:35 by A Freeman   text 20 comments (last - saturday june 13, 2009 - 11:06)
No prosecutions of clerical child abusers? ... read full story / add a comment
"little white dresses"
national / gender and sexuality Wednesday May 20, 2009 - 20:12 by ipsiphi   text 3 comments (last - tuesday may 26, 2009 - 15:44)   image 3 images
This story comes without a summary. It is indeed such a lengthy story that it could deserve the soundtrack of the popular movie "never ending story".

& So are you invited to read the main text or simply skip an opinion with what might pass for analysis and simply peruse at the Irish commission into inquire into Child Abuse Executive Summary of May 2009 the gist of which is being read more than U2 lyrics throughout the catholic speaking world.
... read full story / add a comment
international / rights, freedoms and repression Wednesday May 20, 2009 - 14:34 by Roger Yates   text 5 comments (last - wednesday june 17, 2009 - 14:33)
Gary Francione, US law professor, animal rights philosopher and founder of Animal Rights: The Abolitionist Approach explains why human and nonhuman rights are perfect together. ... read full story / add a comment
national / anti-capitalism Monday May 18, 2009 - 14:48 by Diarmuid Breatnach, personal capacity   text 14 comments (last - thursday july 30, 2009 - 09:34)
Despite revolutionary socialist idealogues stating the right of nations to self-determination and the duty of socialists to offer solidarity, most of the non-Republican Irish Left have ignored the Basques. With political, social and cultural organisations banned and their activists arrested and often tortured and then jailed for long prison terms (765 convicted political prisoners), the pro-independence Basque Left movement is entitled to socialist and anti-imperialist solidarity. ... read full story / add a comment
dublin / politics / elections Thursday May 14, 2009 - 22:13 by Joe Higgins   text 2 comments (last - saturday may 16, 2009 - 08:39)   image 2 images
Key Questions Not Being Answered

The fact that an economics commentator on the national broadcast network resigns to run in a Bye-election is hardly an earth shattering event. Yet it commands acres of coverage in the printed media and endless airtime. Why? ... read full story / add a comment
national / rights, freedoms and repression Thursday May 07, 2009 - 22:34 by Tara L   text 7 comments (last - wednesday november 17, 2021 - 13:32)
The major problem with the sex- trafficking issue in Ireland is legislation ... read full story / add a comment
national / politics / elections Wednesday May 06, 2009 - 17:14 by Chris.M.   text 14 comments (last - tuesday september 15, 2009 - 10:24)   video 2 video files
Why have we not been given reasons to vote yes? ... read full story / add a comment
Maryam Mirza in front of the Tehran University
international / rights, freedoms and repression Tuesday May 05, 2009 - 16:10 by Marek Lenarcik   text 7 comments (last - friday october 11, 2013 - 09:51)   image 3 images
Please switch off the voice recorder. I will tell you about the arrest and interrogation. It’s not for my safety, but for yours. I am afraid that they will search you when you will be leaving the country.

A woman in her late 20-ies opens the door to the hotel Firouzeh in central Tehran. She is dressed in blue jeans and a purple hijab covering her faultless shape. Headscarf which is supposed to cover her hair is struggling to stay somewhere on the back of her head.

Delicate smile on her cheerful face is assisting a firm handshake. It’s Maryam, an activist of the One Million Signatures Demanding Changes to Discriminatory Laws towards women. “Marek jaan (dear), welcome to Iran!” ... read full story / add a comment
international / anti-capitalism Tuesday May 05, 2009 - 10:05 by Paul Bowman
At the beginning of April, the G20 group of major world economies met in London. Media attention focused as much on the confrontation between police and demonstrators outside the conference as on what was going on between the suits inside. The London police were their usual charmless selves and even managed to kill an uninvolved man, Ian Tomlinson, on his way home from work. ... read full story / add a comment
international / rights, freedoms and repression Sunday May 03, 2009 - 16:30 by Michelle Clarke   text 10 comments (last - friday may 15, 2009 - 11:57)
What can we, the plain people of Ireland, contribute to the Theorists, Government politicians, the Bankers, the professions, the economists - to those who have constructed NAMA. These are the people we must learn to trust and if this is so, we the plain people of Ireland must be able to contribute our views, in a collective way, as part of the people grassroots press.

The common sense view is free and this is about democracy. ... read full story / add a comment
national / rights, freedoms and repression Friday May 01, 2009 - 17:01 by Sean Matthews   text 2 comments (last - tuesday may 05, 2009 - 15:06)   image 2 images
The recent G20 summit in London brought into sharp focus the level of police violence and intimidation in our society.

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