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international / environment / press release Thursday April 30, 2015 18:57 by Animal Protection Ireland
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Irish animal protection groups are shocked to learn from FOI reports that the National Parks & Wildlife Service, following "discussions" with Arts & Heritage Minister Heather Humphreys, decided not to sanction two coursing clubs for clear breaches of license conditions that supposedly apply to the holding of all coursing events, and that she gave them the green light to continue coursing hares during the 2014/15 season, despite what the NPWS officials referred to as the “seriousness of the incidents at these meetings”. read full story / add a comment ![]()
dublin / miscellaneous / event notice Wednesday April 29, 2015 21:27 by FUSION SUNDAYS
Dublin's only ethnic bazaar read full story / add a comment ![]()
antrim / worker & community struggles and protests / event notice Wednesday April 29, 2015 01:43 by Clonard Marxist
'Strike' Post May Day rally lecture. 'Veterans of the 84-85' miners strike will travel to Belfast & Derry to give their accounts of the momentous battle for Workers dignity against the might of Thatcher's police state. read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / opinion/analysis Tuesday April 28, 2015 15:01 by Robert Long
The commemoration to come, should be indicative, to those with discernment, of the true nature of the government of this country, those who WOULD take from us, everything that our fore-bearers tried to create. As we approach the centenary of the 1916, Easter Rising, we look to our government to remind us of the origins of our nationhood, of the goals, so cherished by former generations and their tremendous suffering and triumphs, so that we may, through self-determination forge for ourselves, a destiny that we may be proud of and a bright future for our children. However, if one engages in some reflection on our first century of modern nationhood, and in particular, the last several years, it becomes apparent that the ideals upon which our country is allegedly founded, are all but forgotten, purposefully forsaken, by those whom we entrusted to guard and implement them read full story / add a comment
international / miscellaneous / news report Monday April 27, 2015 16:46 by Sophia Har
As Nepal experiences aftershocks from Saturday's earthquake, it may find relief in the IMF's Catastrophe Containment and Relief Trust, a fund that cancels the debt of poor countries in crisis. read full story / add a comment
cork / arts and media / event notice Saturday April 25, 2015 16:17 by Yvonne Coughlan
This is a free entry event. All talents are valid. Just arrive in the day and remember to have fun. Venue: Lifetime Lab, Lee Road, Cork. 10am-5pm. read full story / add a comment
international / anti-capitalism / news report Friday April 24, 2015 21:54 by Mother Earth
Hundreds of millions have moved away from animal flesh. McDonald's is one of many chains feeling the change.
Animal Agony, Unionbusting, Deforestation, Human Disease, Crime, Corruption, Environmental Desecration, Energy Waste, in the world's biggest fast food chain,
McDonald's Has Closed 350 Stores Since Jan 1, 2015 Will Close 350 More This Year
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international / health / disability issues / opinion/analysis Friday April 24, 2015 03:21 by Polly Peptide
Suicide is often thought tragedy or failure—but a person can lead an exceedingly relevant and meaningful life and still have it end with suicide. Suicide, although thought taboo and negative consequence, should not be thought especially conclusive to render some final judgment on that dead person’s attitudes about the entirety of his or her life, or personal series of assumed values while living. Esteemed and valuable lives do happen to end with this form of partial self-control over one’s finality. It can at times be practical to circumstances. The vaunted platitude the “value of human life” (as cultural supposition) has had little real open discussion or debate. Irrespective then of all peoples’ personal opinions (even if personal opinions are not often particularly individualist) one should be able to argue that thee ultimate human right of being-hood (and all related rights of existence) is the right to decide for the self whether one even wants to live a human life (especially as related to circumstances one finds the self). This is really the most basic litmus test to freedom as essential criteria as to whether one is truly free or not. read full story / add a comment
national / anti-war / imperialism / press release Wednesday April 22, 2015 21:40 by shannonwatch
Shannonwatch are appalled at today’s decision by a court in Ennis to convict TDs Mick Wallace and Clare Daly for their attempts to search a US military plane at Shannon. The two TDs were given maximum €1000 fines, despite the overwhelming evidence to support their case that they had no alternative but to do what they did. “The court accepted without qualification the knowledge and expertise of the witnesses who outlined serious breaches of neutrality and other laws at Shannon.” said Clare Daly. “And let’s remember the details of this evidence as presented to the court. There was evidence of guns on military planes, of soldiers going to war through a country that claims to be neutral, of CIA rendition planes, and of ongoing refusals to inspect these planes. The judge accepted that Mick and I have been obstructed, sidetracked and ignored in our efforts to discover the truth about Shannon. Yet in sentencing us he took an extremely narrow of the law. He effectively admitted that his hands were tied, and he refused to deal with all the evidence presented to him.” read full story / add a comment ![]()
international / rights, freedoms and repression / press release Wednesday April 22, 2015 12:15 by Against Fox hunting
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Fox hunters are making life a complete misery for farmers in Ireland. They trespass on their lands, rip up fields of crops, destroy fencing, spread disease, and scatter flocks and herds in all directions as they stampede across farm boundaries, heedless of the damage they cause. Farmers Against Foxhunting and Trespass (FAFT) is campaigning for a ban on fox hunting in Ireland and upholds the right of all landowners to refuse permission to hunts that want to bully their way onto their lands. Last week, FAFT mounted a demo outside IFA HQ in Dublin to highlight the conflict of interest in the IFA's use of a helpline solicitor who happens to have a long high profile association with foxhunting. Also, the demo drew attention to the plight of two County Kilkenny farmers who have been subjected to a horrific ordeal of harassment and intimidation by fox hunters. read full story / add a comment ![]()
dublin / history and heritage / event notice Tuesday April 21, 2015 16:30 by Grupo Raices
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The Dublin based human rights and solidarity organisation Grupo Raices (Grúpa Fréamhacha) in collaboration with the Ireland Institute invite you to discuss the legacy of Roger Casement in his struggle for the rights of the Putumayo Indians, in the Colombian-Peruvian Amazon, and the situation there 100 years on. read full story / add a comment
national / anti-war / imperialism / press release Tuesday April 21, 2015 11:13 by shannonwatch
Edward Horgan of Veterans for Peace and Shannonwatch was detained at Shannon Airport last Saturday morning (April 18th) as a result of his attempt to search one of four US military Hercules C-130s at the airport. Speaking after being released by the Gardai, he said his action was a result of the failure of the Irish Government and the Gardaí to take steps to ensure that US military aircraft at Shannon are not acting in breach of international laws or Irish neutrality. Dr Horgan was about to board a flight to London to attend the AGM of Veterans for Peace UK when he saw the Hercules aircraft nearby. He walked over towards the aircraft and he approached the first Hercules C130 he was stopped by an airport security officer. "I explained to him that I wished to search the four aircraft but he prevented me from doing so" said Dr Horgan. "He was then joined by other members of the airport police and I was taken to the terminal building where I was handed over to a Garda Immigration officer". read full story / add a comment
galway / rights, freedoms and repression / event notice Monday April 20, 2015 23:10 by Marta Fabregat
Planting dreams, gather hope: grassroots visions for global environmental justice A Latin American History workshop linking Latin America and Ireland. This is part or a running series of Latin American Developent issues in Galway. LASC is organizing its yearly Latin America Week, and as part of our annual tradition we will hold a conference focusing on grassroots alternatives to global environmental issues. The environmental crisis that the planet is suffering from has affected the most vulnerable population on the planet. Many people in Latin America have responded to this crisis by taking decisive action to challenge Government and corporate policies in order to seek environmental justice. We are pleased to announce that this year's speaker veteran of the Water Wars in Bolivia, Maria Eugenia Flores. read full story / add a comment
national / indymedia ireland / news report Monday April 20, 2015 22:41 by 1 of Indymedia
The Indymedia mailing lists run by the global Indymedia server, used for the running of the Indymedia Ireland site for the contact form, reported posts, newswire editorial actions and various other tasks have shutdown and are no longer available. This has necessitated the setting up of a new set of working lists on this server but it means people will have to resubscribe if they so wish. read full story / add a comment
international / economics and finance / news report Friday April 17, 2015 15:22 by Sophia Har
The World Bank announces $650 million in new concessional loans and grants for Sierra Leone, Guinea, and Liberia at the start of the Spring IMF and World Bank meetings. read full story / add a comment
international / economics and finance / news report Wednesday April 15, 2015 15:30 by Sophia Har, Jubilee USA Network
The IMF issued a report today showing that debt and human crisis are driving inequality and financial instability. Jubilee USA Network calls for the establishment of structures to stabilize the global financial system and to protect low-income communities. The Ebola epidemic clearly demonstrates the need for these structures. read full story / add a comment
international / anti-war / imperialism / press release Tuesday April 14, 2015 21:01 by Plowshares
Veteran Brisbane peace activist Ciaron O'Reilly will stage an anti-war vigil today outside Gallipoli Barracks as 330 troops deploy to Iraq. O'Reilly was imprisoned in the United States for disabling a B52 Bomber on the eve of the 1991 Gulf War. In 2003, he was among five activists charged in Ireland with $2.5 million criminal damage to a U.S. war plane en route to the U.S. invasion of Iraq. read full story / add a comment ![]()
international / history and heritage / event notice Tuesday April 14, 2015 15:19 by Sharon.
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The annual RSF-organised hunger-strikers commemoration will be held at the GPO in Dublin on Saturday 2nd May 2015, beginning at 2pm. read full story / add a comment ![]()
dublin / bin tax / household tax / water tax / news report Tuesday April 14, 2015 00:15 by Solidarity Times
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Garda have attacked an occupation of Fingal council offices by water charges protesters causing injuries like the one pictured. We understand these happened when the Garda smashed a plate glass door in on top of the protesters who were occupying the entrance. According to one of those attacked posting to the Balbriggan page "Garda have attached 3 of us and shattered the fingal county council office doors on top of us picture to follow. If you listen to the video u will hear the glass crashing on top of us" The video is at https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=633082310156899 read full story / add a comment ![]()
dublin / education / event notice Monday April 13, 2015 23:57 by wsm
Yes it is on! The 10th Dublin Anarchist Bookfair which will take place Saturday 25th of April around Smithfield square. Come along and meet anarchists and hundreds of people curious about anarchism. The 10th DABF will take place on the weekend of April 24-6th in the new locations of the Generator the Cobbloestone and Block T around Smithfield square. Saturday will see us host a day of talks and workshops emerging out of a range of struggles and new movements with book and organisation stalls in the Generator. read full story / add a comment |