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The SakerA bird's eye view of the vineyard
Public InquiryInterested in maladministration. Estd. 2005
Human Rights in IrelandPromoting Human Rights in Ireland
Lockdown Skeptics
international / anti-war / imperialism / opinion/analysis Monday March 30, 2015 00:23 by indymedia
We are republishing this very interesting interview between 'The Saker' and Dr. Paul Craig Roberts a former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy under President Reagan and thereby someone with a key insider view and understanding and who writes compelling and hard hitting articles at his own site. The Saker is a blog that has grown in huge popularity because it has been providing very informative and insightful analysis of the situation in Ukraine and wider picture around it relating to the US empire and has accurately predicted the trajectory of this crisis and has helped counter the widespread propaganda that tries to hide the fact that the Kiev regime is a neo Nazi puppet regime used as a tool of Washington to try and destablize Russia and has explained and given context to how each of the European states and the EU are just vassel states of the US and how this crisis and the sanctions are hurting Europe and are essentially suicidal for its own well-being. The interview covers a number of wide ranging issues but what makes it great is the way it strips away all the pretensions that there is anything democractic at all in how the big game of geo politics is working and gets to the core issues and forces driving it read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / press release Sunday March 29, 2015 14:33 by Bernard Moffatt
Despite three reports on this mysterious, the last of which was the 'final word', ambiguities still persist and the most credible version of events would still seem to be the original report from1970 which drew on eye witness accounts. read full story / add a comment
national / anti-capitalism / other press Saturday March 28, 2015 17:46 by Red Banner
Issue 59 of Red Banner: a magazine of socialist ideas is out now €2 / £1.50 from bookshops or the address above read full story / add a comment
international / rights, freedoms and repression / opinion/analysis Wednesday March 25, 2015 19:18 by Anthony Ravlich
Some of what I saw behind the Global Iron Curtain which, in my view, exists between the UN and the rest of humanity. I describe what I consider to be very much of enormous and profound importance hidden from people. read full story / add a comment
national / education / event notice Wednesday March 25, 2015 09:05 by Laurence Cox
Presentations of two remarkable research projects on social movements in Ireland and beyond read full story / add a comment
international / anti-war / imperialism / press release Tuesday March 24, 2015 21:23 by Bernard Moffatt
A scenario that was thought to have ended with the Cold War seems set to return with vulnerable fishing communities in the front line. read full story / add a comment ![]()
dublin / worker & community struggles and protests / event notice Monday March 23, 2015 23:36 by peoples movement
Following Enda Kenny’s support for TTIP during his meeting with Obama on St Patrick's Day, and Minister Dara Murphy's spurious assertion in Brussels on Thursday that huge financial gains are possible for Ireland, it is important to demonstrate our opposition to the treaty. read full story / add a comment ![]()
dublin / housing / feature Monday March 23, 2015 22:56 by Grangegorman squat
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A massive eviction is underway in Dublin. It is at the complex of occupied houses and former factory spaces in Grangegorman.
Reports indicate that at 7am in the morning a very large number of private security angle grinder their way through one of the metal gates, invaded the area en massed and are erecting barriers (pictured) inside and trying to evict the occupants.
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national / housing / news report Monday March 23, 2015 20:57 by Grangegorman
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This Morning at 6.30am we were woken from our beds.Private security working for NAMA were breaking into our homes. We live in a flourishing squatted community in Grangegorman.This space which was once disused warehouses filled with rubble, asbestos and broken glass has been turned into an inspiring and beautiful place to be.The place is coved with artwork, and the community garden has begun to blossom.We have a circus space, poetry nights, folk gigs, Art Exhibitions, Fairs and a community Kitchen. read full story / add a comment ![]()
national / worker & community struggles and protests / event notice Sunday March 22, 2015 23:27 by Zero hours worker
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Many Dunnes Stores wrorkers are being screwed over by the company because they are on zero-rated hours which means you don't know until each given day how many hours you will be working and it can vary alot from week to week. This means you have no idea how much you will be earning from week to week and therefore it becomes almost impossible to budget for anything, let alone pay bills, rent, food etc from one week to the next. And this practice is widespread with other employers.
On Thursday, 2nd April 2015 (Holy Thursday) Mandate members in Dunnes Stores will stage a one day strike in 107 stores across the Republic of Ireland unless senior management in the Company agree to a meeting with the workers through their trade union in order to discuss all of the issues in dispute. read full story / add a comment ![]()
national / bin tax / household tax / water tax / photo-essay Sunday March 22, 2015 22:49 by Water is a right
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There was a good turnout yesterday, Sat 21st in Dublin for the anti-water charges demonstration. The plan was for the various groups to assemble at Heuston Station, Connolly Station and Merrion Square and converge at O'Connell brigde which they did. There were groups from all over the country, from Navan to Clonakility to Galway to Dundalk as well as thousands of people from the various communities in the greater Dublin area. Thousands and thousands arrived with banners, flags and placards of all types adding a lot of colour to the demonstration clearly showing this movement is still very much alive and vibrant and gives us all hope and confidence that we can still win. read full story / add a comment
cork / history and heritage / event notice Sunday March 22, 2015 19:46 by Seán Ó Murchú
Shinn Féin Poblachtach Chathair Chorcaí agus contae Republican Sinn Féin Cork City and County Annual Easter 1916 Commemoration - Cork read full story / add a comment
cork / history and heritage / event notice Sunday March 22, 2015 19:34 by Seán Ó Murchú
Shinn Féin Poblachtach Chathair Chorcaí agus contae Republican Sinn Féin Cork City and County Annual Easter 1916 Commemoration - Cork read full story / add a comment ![]()
international / anti-capitalism / news report Friday March 20, 2015 19:08 by Future Is Now
It has been 10 years since the European Court of Human Rights fined British courts 57,000 pounds for denying free speech to Steel and Morris in London Greenpeace V McDonald's, Unionbusting, obesity, strokes, heart attacks, cancer, animal agony, deforestation, rainforest destruction, energy waste, crime, litter, employee burns, unusual ingredients continue to be associated with the Western wrold's biggest restaurant chain read full story / add a comment
international / rights, freedoms and repression / news report Friday March 20, 2015 18:33 by Anthony Ravlich
American Professor describes the World's State Criminals deciding human rights issue at the international level. In my view, a Global Iron Curtain exists with the UN hiding much of enormous and profound importance from the rest of humanity. read full story / add a comment
international / miscellaneous / press release Friday March 20, 2015 01:33 by Jason Deegan
Have you ever witnessed a revolutionary idea that develops into an action and spreads globally, gathering more than 150 young people from all around the world with passion and dedication to make the world a better place? If you haven't, now is the right time to pay attention because a positive change is about to happen and it is called Anti-Corruption International. read full story / add a comment ![]()
dublin / miscellaneous / press release Friday March 20, 2015 00:24 by Finch Lawless
In the heart of Dublin, a new collective has occupied an old building to create a new radical, autonomous social centre and infoshop for our city. read full story / add a comment
UN Anti Racism Day Rally (#M21 Ireland) - Sat 21/03/2015 11:30 at Central Bank Plaza Dame St., Dub 2
dublin / racism & migration related issues / event notice Monday March 16, 2015 10:53 by Kieran OSullivan
#M21Ireland – A broad, democratic initiative for the ‘UN Anti Racism Day Rally’, called and organised by a number of anti-racist groups, civil society associations, NGOs, trade unions and others. read full story / add a comment
offaly / arts and media / event notice Saturday March 14, 2015 23:44 by Tadhg
The Irish Latin American Film Festival continues to make available to Irish audiences shorts and documentaries pertaining to the most interesting continent on Pachamama – Latin America. Focus on Chile takes place in Birr on Wednesday 8th in The Tin Jug Studio, starting with an arpilleras workshop at 4.00 pm, followed by Chilean Shorts at 6.00 and Chilean documentaries at 8.00 All welcome and free admission. read full story / add a comment
dublin / crime and justice / opinion/analysis Saturday March 14, 2015 17:29 by Con Carroll
when are we going to demand the truth, we could be hours, days, nights awaiting. will we ever get there who benefits. read full story / add a comment |