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international / crime and justice / other press Sunday March 08, 2009 17:13 by macavity
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Because of what is perceived to be at stake (a peace process which is widely acknowledged to have brought, rather than bringing, to an end an internecine conflict of extraordinary savagery and duration) - it is not surprising that the killing of 2 British army soldiers in an attack which also 2 civilian pizza delivery employees threatened - has moved from breaking newswires to front page position across not only European and US media but globally. Already there are over 200 news reports in Spanish langauge media across the South American continent with some titles and news agencies also providing background sections on "The Troubles" and linking to the condemnatory statement this afternoon by Sinn Fein president Gerry Adams. read full story / add a comment
international / crime and justice / news report Saturday March 07, 2009 03:15 by Jonathan Head
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Freedom of expression When asked to explain what kind of content had brought about the charge, the police refused to comment, saying it was too sensitive. But one officer, who did not want to be named, told the BBC it was comments about the monarchy posted by readers on the website at the end of last year that were at issue. The Thai authorities have been increasingly intolerant of perceived criticism of the monarchy in recent months. Thousands of websites have been blocked, and a number of people charged and arrested, including a well-known academic, who fled to Britain before he could be detained. However the use of the severe lese-majeste law has provoked widespread condemnation around the world, and a campaign by academics to have the law changed. By instead invoking the new computer crimes law - passed just 18 months ago - the authorities may be hoping to stifle debate about the monarchy without stirring up another outcry over freedom of expression in Thailand. read full story / add a comment
international / anti-capitalism / opinion/analysis Friday March 06, 2009 22:27 by Paddy Hackett
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Paddy Hackett writes: The world capitalist economy has plunged into a sustained economic depression. The signs are that this depression shall be deep and prolonged. The principal way by which capitalism can come out of the depression is by reducing both the living standards and employment conditions of the working class. The only other solution is social revolution involving the seizure of power by the working class from the capitalist class necessitating the establishment of a world communist federation. read full story / add a comment
national / gender and sexuality / news report Friday March 06, 2009 19:51 by Feminist
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Ógra Shinn Féin have produced the following short film for International Women's Day (Monday 8 March '09). We hope you enjoy, and promote this celebration of women in struggle, past and present. read full story / add a comment
national / gender and sexuality / feature Thursday March 05, 2009 22:33 by mechano/mechana
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According to Wikipedia International Women's Day started in the States in 1909, spread to Copenhagen and other parts of Europe and by 1911 was being celebrated by over 1 million people. Its an official holiday in many countries throughout the world and though it doesn't have this status in Ireland it is being marked by a number of groups and events over the next few days. Heres a selection from the events listed on Indy's Events Calendar.
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dublin / animal rights / other press Thursday March 05, 2009 03:35 by Francesca
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20 year-old, Dublin born adventure instructor Francesca Loughran talks about her plans to trek to the highest point in Asia, Mount Kinabalu, to raise funds for the ISPCA. The focus of this Trek is to aide the Orangutans of Borneo who are now an endangered species due to Biofuel's adverse effects on the environment. read full story / add a comment
meath / environment / news report Wednesday March 04, 2009 14:04 by TD
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to follow. read full story / add a comment
limerick / miscellaneous / press release Wednesday March 04, 2009 13:15 by CRPHS, Limerick
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The Limerick branch of the Campaign for a Real Public Health Service (CRPHS) have launched a new website,, to highlight health cuts and scandals in Limerick and help build a campaign against them. read full story / add a comment
dublin / rights, freedoms and repression / event notice Wednesday March 04, 2009 11:35 by seomra spraoi cinema
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One reason graffiti is such a volatile issue is because it touches on many fundamental questions of urban life. What constitutes public space? Who gets to decide how it will be used? Is advertising in public spaces a form of pollution? Jon Reiss’s 2008 documentary Bomb present a wide sampling of graffiti art from around the world, and a variety of viewpoints relating to graffiti. He includes interviews with everyone from first-generation graffiti artists to academic theorists: segments shot in South Africa, Brazil, Europe and Japan are particularly useful in broadening the discussion. read full story / add a comment
dublin / housing / event notice Wednesday March 04, 2009 11:14 by seomra spraoi cinema
La Zona is a contemporary satirical thriller by director Rodrigo Plá, contrasting the poverty of modern Mexico with heavily fortified, gated communities for the wealthy overclass and their families. read full story / add a comment
international / rights, freedoms and repression / news report Monday March 02, 2009 22:17 by Internationalist
Ógra Shinn Féin recently (17 – 19 Feb) attended an International Festival in Corsica. The Scontri Internaziunali, was organised by youth movement Ghjuventú Indipendentista, and held in Corte, the historic Capital of the Corsican Nation. The festival was organised to celebrate the diversity of culture, language and heritage in small occupied nations, and the various movement’s struggle for emancipation and freedom. read full story / add a comment
national / environment / other press Monday March 02, 2009 16:27 by dunk
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Discussion chaired by Frank McDonald, journalist with The Irish Times, on a broad range of architectural and developmental issues that have become apparent in Celtic Tiger Dublin. Contributors include Dr. Gary Boyd, Ciarán Cuffe TD, Robert Ballagh and Siobhain Ní Éanaigh. The majority of the speakers were very critical of Celtic Tiger Ireland, a change from previous "architectural discussion". The talk happened in Docklands "white elephant", CHQ, aka: Stack A. Sunday August 10 2008 was the day of the discussion, day after the worst rainfall that Ireland had ever seen in the month of august, a wake up call if ever there was one of how we have to adress climate chaos... read full story / add a comment
galway / rights, freedoms and repression / news report Sunday March 01, 2009 20:02 by TD
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Yesterday, activists with Galway, Free Palestine Campaign in solidarity with Israeli Apartheid Week (1st to 8th March) and in harmony with the "chorus of international opposition to Israeli apartheid and to bolster support for the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) campaign" manned an informaton table in Shop Street dispensing flyers on what Israeli goods/foodstuffs and their purveyors to boycott and gathering signatures for a petition calling on the Board of Eircom "To exclude from consideration the IBM consortium , which includes the Israeli based company Amdocs, for the soon to be awarded contract to provide your company with a new computer billing system." read full story / add a comment
international / environment / news report Friday February 27, 2009 17:02 by dunk
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Al Gore: "I believe we have reached the stage where it is time for civil disobedience to prevent the construction of new coal plants." Next Monday The largest act of civil disobedience will happen against global warming in the US. A large protest has been called at a coal-fired plant in Washington, D.C, 11,000 people are expected. In the days leading up to the protest, youth climate activists are organizing a conference called Power Shift ’09. Thousands of student activists plan to lobby lawmakers on Capitol Hill, urging them to rebuild the economy through bold climate and clean energy policy. Looks like the "climate camp movement" is continuing to grow globally and momentum is building in the lead up to COP15... Ireland too are organising thing for this summer. Also Greenpeace´s "lawful excuse" court battle win might open the flood gates for more direct action... read full story / add a comment
international / history and heritage / other press Friday February 27, 2009 11:16 by TaraWatch
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Smithsonian Institution, based in the US, is the world's largest museum complex and research organization composed of 19 museums, 9 research centers, and the National Zoo. The March 2009 issue features "Some of the world's most precious historic and artistic sites can be visited today—but might be gone tomorrow" read full story / add a comment
international / miscellaneous / feature Wednesday February 25, 2009 22:56 by helpers
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Are you a tax justice believer? read full story / add a comment
international / anti-war / imperialism / opinion/analysis Wednesday February 25, 2009 12:57 by TruthWillOut
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Amnesty's report on weapons used by both sides in Gaza finds much to condemn. The group is particularly hard on the U.S., having found numerous remains of American munitions -- including white phosphorus shells from Pine Bluff Arsenal, and a Hellfire missile made in Orlando. Another weapon which bothers Amnesty is a mysterious munition, filled with cubic particles. This type of ultra-precise strike capability is supposed to limit collateral damage and civilian casualties. So we turn once again to Garlasco's comment, from an earlier conflict: "It is unfortunate that these weapons are being developed specifically for use in densely populated areas which may negate the intended effect." read full story / add a comment
international / anti-war / imperialism / other press Wednesday February 25, 2009 09:12 by JusticeForPalestine
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Amnesty's report on weapons used by both sides in Gaza finds much to condemn. The group is particularly hard on the U.S., having found numerous remains of American munitions -- including white phosphorus shells from Pine Bluff Arsenal, and a Hellfire missile made in Orlando. Another weapon which bothers Amnesty is a mysterious munition, filled with cubic particles. This type of ultra-precise strike capability is supposed to limit collateral damage and civilian casualties. So we turn once again to Garlasco's comment, from an earlier conflict: "It is unfortunate that these weapons are being developed specifically for use in densely populated areas which may negate the intended effect." read full story / add a comment
antrim / miscellaneous / event notice Tuesday February 24, 2009 18:28 by Ciarán
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10 Years Of Revolution Find out how Venezuela is setting an example for Latin America and the rest of the World read full story / add a comment
international / environment / other press Tuesday February 24, 2009 17:19 by Tarapixie
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Tarapixies, Direct Action and tara Solidarity Vigil are staging a series of Protests and Events. Details below... read full story / add a comment |