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Galway : Israeli Apartheid Week 2009 & What next for Israel and Palestine?
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rights, freedoms and repression |
news report
Sunday March 01, 2009 20:02 by TD - Free Palestine Campaign

"I have never before watched soldiers entice children like mice into a trap and murder them for sport" (Chris Hedges)
Yesterday, activists with Galway, Free Palestine Campaign in solidarity with Israeli Apartheid Week (1st to 8th March) and in harmony with the "chorus of international opposition to Israeli apartheid and to bolster support for the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) campaign" manned an informaton table in Shop Street dispensing flyers on what Israeli goods/foodstuffs and their purveyors to boycott and gathering signatures for a petition calling on the Board of Eircom "To exclude from consideration the IBM consortium , which includes the Israeli based company Amdocs, for the soon to be awarded contract to provide your company with a new computer billing system."
 "Israeli Apartheid Week (IAW) is taking place in more than 40 cities across the globe (the number of cities is growing daily). This year, IAW happens in the wake of Israel's barbaric assault on the people of Gaza. Lectures, films, and actions will make the point that these latest massacres further confirm the true nature of Israeli Apartheid. IAW 2009 will continue to build and strengthen the growing Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement at a global level"
Yesterday, participating in IAW, novelist, historian and political campaigner, Tariq Ali and Ronnie Kasrils, Minister for Intelligence Services from 2004 to September 2008 in the South Africa administration spoke in SOAS, Brunei Gallery, London. "This is much worse than apartheid. The Israeli measures, the brutality, make apartheid look like a picnic. We never had jets attacking our townships. We never had sieges that lasted month after month. We never had tanks destroying houses. We had armoured vehicles and police using small arms to shoot people but not on this scale.” (Ronnie Kasrils after a 2004 visit to the Palestinian territories, quoted in Chris McGreal, Mail & Guardian, October 24, 2006).
On Saturday, March 7th in New York City, son of Jewish refugees from pogroms in the Tsarist Russian Empire and the latest victim of McCarthyite witch-hunting in the US; Joel Kovel, will be discussing "The Israeli attack on Gaza: What is needed for a just solution to the Israel-Palestine conflict.? Alger Hiss Professor of Social Studies at Bard College in the Hudson Valley, New York state, he was recently sacked for his "anti-Zionism." This affable and courtly man, during the course of his Ireland-Palestine Solidarity Campaign organized tour promoting his book: Overcoming Zionism spoke in the Victoria Hotel, Galway in April 2007. See his: Statement Regarding Termination By Bard College" on Related Link President of Bard college, Leon Botstein can be protested to on this matter at [email protected] also, Executive Vice-President Dimitri Papadimitriou can be contacted at [email protected]
In the aftermath of Israel's ferocious and wanton attack on Gaza, Galway University's (NUI Galway) Law Society hosted a stormy debate on 21st Jan 2009 : What next for Israel and Palestine.? Sean Gannon, chairman, Irish Friends of Palestine and Tom Carew, chairman, Ireland-Israel Friendship League advocated the case for Israel. Dr. Philomena McKenna of the Galway Palestine Children's Appeal and Khaled Khalil, a Masters student in NUIG put the case for Palestine (Politube video to follow). To address two of Gannon's most most egregious contentions: Israel doesn't deliberately target children" and there is no UN provision for a Right of (refugee) Return. If the facts don't suffice and speak for themselves: 1,487 Palestinian children have been killed by Israelis since September 29, 2000 (and 123 Israeli children have been killed by Palestinians) we have the eye-witness testimony of Chris Hedges, journalist and author and currently, a senior fellow at The Nation Institute in New York City and a Lecturer in the Council of the Humanities and the Anschutz Distinguished Fellow at Princeton University and we also have the recently published report of a US lawyers report on Israeli crimes in Gaza :
Chris Hedges : The camp waits, as if holding its breath. And then, out of the dry furnace air, a disembodied voice crackles over a loudspeaker. 'Come on, dogs,' the voice booms in Arabic. 'Where are all the dogs of Khan Younis? Come! Come!' I stand up. I walk outside the hut. The invective continues to spew: 'Son of a bitch!' 'Son of a Whore!…' The boys dart in small packs up the sloping dunes to the electric fence that separates the camp from the Jewish settlement. They lob rocks toward two armored jeeps parked on top of the dune and mounted with loudspeakers. Three ambulances line the road below the dunes in anticipation of what is to come. A percussion grenade explodes. The boys, most no more than ten or eleven years old, scatter, running clumsily across the heavy sand. They descend out of sight behind a sandbank in front of me. There are no sounds of gunfire. The soldiers shoot with silencers. The bullets from the M-16 rifles tumble end over end through the children's slight bodies. Later, in the hospital, I will see the destruction: the stomachs ripped out, the gaping holes in limbs and torsos. Yesterday at this spot the Israelis shot eight young men, six of whom were under the age of eighteen. One was twelve. This afternoon they kill an eleven-year-old boy, Ali Murad, and seriously wound four more, three of whom are under eighteen. Children have been shot in other conflicts I have covered – death squads gunned them down in El Salvador and Guatemala, mothers with infants were lined up and massacred in Algeria, and Serb snipers put children in their sights and watched them crumple onto the pavement in Sarajevo – but I have never before watched soldiers entice children like mice into a trap and murder them for sport
Lawyers report : We spoke to Khaled Abed Rabu, who witnessed an Israeli soldier execute his two-year-old and seven-year-old daughters, and critically injure a third daughter, Samar, four years old, on a sunny afternoon outside his home. Two other Israeli soldiers were standing nearby eating chips and chocolates at the time on 7 January 2009. Abed Rabu recounts standing in front of the Israeli soldiers with his mother, wife and daughters for five to seven minutes before one of the soldiers opened fire on his family
UN General Assembly Resolution 3236, passed on 22 November 1974 declared the right of return to be an "inalienable right".
(General Assembly resolutions are not binding in international law). however, the right of return for the 1948 Palestinian refugees still exists according to international law and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) article 13 states that "everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each State. Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his country."

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Caption: Video Id: 1337 Type: Politube
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This video which shows two violent raids by the Israeli Occupation Forces on the 18th Feb 2009 has been brought to my attention by Iyad Burnat- Head of Popular Commitee in Bil'in and Head of Friends of Freedom and Justice in Bil'in - a Palestinian West Bank village which receives special treatment from the IOF for its unrelenting resistance to the nearby Apartheid Wall and which steals more than 60% of its land - the video was edited by his brother Emad (fresh out of hospital and, fair play, back in form again after a near fatal tractor accident at the Wall) and filmed by the brave Haitham Khatib.
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Very interesting video.
The Israeli rabble in the video discharged 5 rifle rounds and 10 stun grenades.
During the film there was no opposing rifle fire or even any movement on the streets.
Given the number of rounds and grenades discharged in a few minutes of filming this Israeli rabble must have discharged ten times that number during their entire pogrom.
One can only imagine what this scum gets up to when cameras are not present!
If this were multiplied up by the numbers of patrols day-in-day-out, and year-in-year-out this must add up to thousands of rounds fired each day and perhaps a million rounds a year purely as a means of intimidating innocent civilians in their own homes or going peacefully about their business.
The supposed 8000 missiles fired against Sderot pales into insignificance when compared to this goose-stepping rabble.
Once again, thanks TD and Galway.
I cannot understand, after seeing the video of the debate, why Sean Gannon assumes the title of "Chairman Irish Friends of Palestine" when he has not the slightest understanding of what Palestinians have been suffering over decades and when he dismisses the holocaust that has just happened on Palestinians in Gaza as "justified".
Where is this man coming from and what kind of filtered goggles is he wearing?
Also the taunting of children, calling them into the streets and then shooting them as "dogs", referred to in the article is a very grave symptom of the sickness that exists in the Israeli Defence Forces today. It is because of actions like these that the Refuseniks and the Shministim - the very bravest of Israelis - refuse to have anything to do with these Forces.
The night attacks on Palestinian villages is on the increase. It's a gloomy outlook for Palestinians and even more so for Israel. The IDF are acting like Black and Tans. Such wanton pride and power can only be destined for a massive fall.
The above commenter is correct? Press TV is reporting that according to International Solidarity for Human Rights the Israeli army has increased its attacks against the Palestinian territories in Feb, kidnapping more than 300 residents including dozens of teenagers and a number of women. The institution added that most of the kidnapped residents have been taken to unknown locations after the army broke into their homes during late night hours, while a number of residents were detained on roadblocks in different parts of the West Bank. The ISHR slammed the ongoing Israeli violations in the Palestinian territories and called on the international community to intervene and oblige Israel to abide by all principles of human rights, and stop the attacks against the civilians, especially the children.
Sixteen Palestinians also died in the Gaza Strip in February due to the Israeli siege as they were barred from leaving Gaza for medical treatment§ionid=35...20202
Regarding Gaza, Press TV is also reporting that : The fundamental problem is that Israel will not allow adequate flows of materials or people into Gaza ... we are talking about very simple things" said Oxfam spokesman Michael Bailey "Since the war there has been no pasta, no lentils and no fruit juice allowed into Gaza. There is no way in anybody's imagination that these are dual use items," he added.
They gave one of the victims of the Samouni street massacre by Israeli genocidal rabble in $700 compensation for the destruction of his home.
He can't use the money to buy cement for repairs as the Israeli jailers claim it can be used to make rockets.
"Gazasympathiser" : Nor can he use it to buy fruit juice, lentils or pasta as these essential food items, as pointed out in the above comment, are barred by the barbaric Israelis and if he has a serious medical complaint necessitating medical treatment outside Gaza and if there is a similar embargo on wood, he can't even use it to buy his own coffin, if that is his wish, for his inevitable Israeli engineered murder - all of this is acceptable to the contemptible EU who, led by Germany, every man jack of whom abstained from a recent UN resolution in Geneva condemning Israel's "massive violation" of human rights in Gaza; of which president of the UN General Assembly, Miguel Brockmann termed "genocidal" and UN Special Rapporteur, Richard Falk, called a "prelude to genocide."
A draft of the closing statement prepared for the upcoming United Nations-sponsored conference against racism in Geneva; Durban 2, states that Israel's policy in the Palestinian territories constitutes a "violation of international human rights, a crime against humanity and a contemporary form of apartheid. Israel's policy poses "a serious threat to international peace and security and violates the basic principles of international human rights law." In the draft, the organizers of the UN summit express "deep concern" over Israel's practices of "racial discrimination against the Palestinian people as well as Syrian nationals of the occupied Syrian Golan and other inhabitants of the Arab occupied territories." The draft accuses Israel of implementing collective punishment against the Palestinian people, as well as "torture, economic blockade, severe restriction of movement and arbitrary closure of their territories."
Furthermore, Israel is charged with perpetrating "a foreign occupation founded on settlements, laws based on racial discrimination with the aim of continuing domination of the occupied territories," and is termed a "threat to international peace and security."
Finally, the draft calls on the international community to protect the Palestinian people against Israel's "racist" policies.
Surprise! Surprise! Israel, Canada and the U.S. have already announced that they will be boycotting the upcoming summit, but why the tardiness of the EU in not joining the boycott of this latest manifestation of ... er..." Anti-Semitism.?" Has the spinelessness of the EU been exorcised on the road to Damascus or what.?
Yoni Goodman, animator of Waltz with Bashir has illustrated a new film depicting the life of a fictional boy in the Gaza Strip during the Israeli blockade of the coastal territory, only a minute and a half, Closed Zone was created for the NGO Gisha, a group devoted to freedom of movement. A spokesman for Gisha said that "though the use of a single animated character, Goodman tries to cause the viewer to feel empathy for the people of Gaza and see them as they are - a million and a half people who only want to live out their ambitions and dreams, something they cannot do because of their ability to move freely."
Caption: Video Id: Hzqw7oBZT8k Type: Youtube Video
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"Fictional" is a good word for it. Try depicting the boy with a bomb belt or such like and it will be a little closer to the truth.
You're vile! This is the reality.
Yeah, yeah, show the context of these photos. Why not show the blown up bodies of Israelis after a terror attack. Or the Palestinians Shahid videos extolling the killing of Jews? Who is vile?
The context, you ask? : A racist, colonialist, genocidal, rogue state established through ethnic cleansing and war crimes, maintained through ongoing state terrorism and egregious violations of international and humanitarian law, the complicity and collusion of the US/EU and the support of the morally perverted, the botched useful idiots of Zionism like yourself, besides brainwashed babbling idiocy and vileness, what's your context.?
Amazing the lack of pictures of SOUTHERN Israeli towns.Where schools are purpose built bomb shelters.
Where are the pictures of the destroyed Israeli houses.Where is the picture of Hamas rockets been fired from central GAza.
I ask you why did Hamas destroy the modern irrigation Units and Glasshouses left by the Israeli settlers.They were actually bought by a philantrophist but destroyed.
They could have used these green houses to grow more than enough food for GAza.
The real story about the greenhouses is far more tragic than reported by Johnson and amply serve to illustrate just how complex and tragic the situation in Gaza is.
In a nutshell, wealthy Americans, led by a Jewish investor, raised $14 million to purchase the greenhouses and turn them over to the Palestinian authority.
A noble gift, but which turned out to be something of a white elephant.
The PA was required to spend $30 million to repair the greenhouses.
The Palestinians produced a bumper crop of fruits and vegetables, but they ended up destroying the crop because the border was closed and there was no way to export the crop (there was no domestic market for them, because Palestinians already produce, in their existing greenhouses, enough fruits and vegetables for domestic consumption.)