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international / politics / elections / news report Friday November 28, 2003 15:19 by checking your fingernails regularly
Your "on the case, trusty, to the point, sharpening the same, intrepid, commentater of all things concerning how spanish and english state structures and institutions do their thing" reports... read full story / add a comment
national / anti-war / imperialism / news report Friday November 28, 2003 15:15 by James McKenna
Derek Mooney 33 , a single man from Blackrock county Dublin died today while serving with the United Nations' peace enforcement mission in Liberia. Another soldier is being treated onboard an Irish navy ship offshore, for injuries sustained in what was described as a "road accident." read full story / add a comment
dublin / miscellaneous / event notice Friday November 28, 2003 14:55 by Food Not Bombs Bublin
Co Founder of Food Not Bombs, Keith Mc Henry is speaking in Dublin tonight as part of his Drop Bush Not Bombs tour. He will talk about the movement he helped start 23 years ago. He will describe Food Not Bombs history, his experience as an American political prisoner and the global Food Not Bombs movement. He will show a video about Food Not Bombs. Keith will also discuss the movement's future and plans for A Food Not Bombs World Gathering to be held the week before the Republican National Convention in New York City. This will take place is spacekraft studio, Strandville Ave. North Strand, Dublin 3 at 7.30 pm sharp If you dont know where that is; go past connolly station, up Amien St, across the canal and Strandville Ave is the second turn on your right. Spacekraft is between the two sets of railway tracks. read full story / add a comment
national / anti-capitalism / opinion/analysis Thursday November 27, 2003 20:16 by john throne
Has US capitalism already passed its peak as the dominant world power? Is it in decline? If so what will fill the vacuum? Can Chinese capitalism develop its home market and become a major, or the major, world power? What all these issues and more mean for the anti capitalist movement. read full story / add a comment
international / anti-war / imperialism / opinion/analysis Thursday November 27, 2003 18:49 by Physicians for Human Rights- Israel
International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / news report Thursday November 27, 2003 18:38 by Food Not Bombs
Keith Mc Henry, the co founder of Food Not Bombs is due to visit Ireland next week as part of his Drop Bush Not Bombs tour. read full story / add a comment
dublin / anti-capitalism / event notice Thursday November 27, 2003 18:29 by dunk
saturday wynns hotel, 11.00 - 2.00 invited speakers from different groups organised by "trade metters ireland", cant find it publicised on their website, saw posters @ town looks like a very important talk, post cancun WTO analysis and other issues im quite amazed at how little its publicised, and that its not already on indymedia?? surely another example of how far behind we are with our communication?? read full story / add a comment
national / politics / elections / news report Thursday November 27, 2003 18:20 by Sean
Jim Barbour South Belfast { SP} 0.489% 167 votes Thomas Black East Belfast {SP} 0.595% 176 votes read full story / add a comment
kerry / environment / press release Thursday November 27, 2003 17:45 by Ailín
The arrival of contaminated war ships off the Kerry coast is an insult to the people of Ireland because of the danger posed by such vessels, the local branch of Republican Sinn Féin said today. read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / news report Thursday November 27, 2003 16:32 by Roughan Mac Namara
Focus Ireland Chief Executive Declan Jones is the external expert for Day 4 (Thur Nov 27th) of Merchants Quay Ireland’s week-long Dealing with Homelessness campaign. The 4th day of the campaign is highlighting issues facing families, children and young people. Each day of the campaign has highlighted different issues including the relationship between homelessness and drug and alcohol use. Mr. Jones said: “I support the many issues raised by this campaign. One of the problems we’ve found is that people with addiction problems are being forced into a position where they’re stuck sleeping rough on the streets because of the lack of suitable accommodation and services. This means they quickly become further marginalized and stuck in a vicious circle of substance abuse and homelessness.” read full story / add a comment
dublin / environment / event notice Thursday November 27, 2003 12:59 by Eoin Dubsky
COASTWATCH EVENT 10th Dec 2003 European Parliament Conference Room, Molesworth Street, Dublin 2 9.30 am till 4.00 pm read full story / add a comment
dublin / rights, freedoms and repression / event notice Thursday November 27, 2003 12:30 by raymond rowan
This friday,november 28th at 2 o'clock outside the central bank there will be a rally to draw attention to the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China and to put pressure on the governemnt to help two students,Fang Lang and Feng Liu who are still currently detained in China.They both attend Dun Laoighaire College. The campaign of murder,torture,intimidation and forced detention without trial waged against the practitioners of Fulan Gong is legally a genocide,so please make your voice heard and attend the rally. read full story / add a comment
national / anti-war / imperialism / news report Thursday November 27, 2003 10:34 by IAWM activist
Latest IAWM bulletin read full story / add a comment
dublin / anti-war / imperialism / event notice Thursday November 27, 2003 03:22 by Caoimhe Butterly
Vigil at israeil embassy, today Thursday 27 November 4-6pm, to protest at the shooting by Israeli army of ISM activist Tom Hurndall. Today is the 23rd birthday of Tom, who has been on a life-support machine since he was shot on 11 April. read full story / add a comment
international / anti-war / imperialism / news report Thursday November 27, 2003 03:17 by f
Cartoon of naked Sharon devouring infant wins top UK prize read full story / add a comment
international / anti-capitalism / news report Wednesday November 26, 2003 17:20 by K Parsons
The Thessaloniki 7 have been released on bail today!! read full story / add a comment
dublin / miscellaneous / event notice Wednesday November 26, 2003 16:24 by Matthieu
WHAT? This practical workshop looks at how to make Christmas presents and decorations from natural recycled materials. WHEN ? Saturday, december 13th, 11.00 to 13.00, 5 euros WHERE? At Cultivate, the Sustainable living centre, 15 - 19 Essex street west, Temple Bar. Phone: 01 674 64 15. Mail to: [email protected] or visit our website read full story / add a comment
dublin / environment / event notice Wednesday November 26, 2003 16:20 by Matthieu
WHAT? Modern eating, habits and food production practices are a major cause of the increase in heart disease, cancer, diabetes, arthritis - plus soil erosion worldwide. Eating locally organic grown food promotes health for all. Throughout the world, nature provides foods that are ideal for the health of the individual and the environment. Cecilia Armelin, a qualified dietetician and author of An Irish Eating Plan will explore the benefits of a healthy diet. WHEN ? Saturday, december 6th, 11.30 to 13.00, 6 euros WHERE? At Cultivate, the Sustainable living centre, 15 - 19 Essex street west, Temple Bar. Phone: 01 674 64 15. Mail to: [email protected] or visit our website read full story / add a comment
dublin / environment / event notice Wednesday November 26, 2003 16:10 by Matthieu
WHAT? Ireland's economy is heavily dependent on fossil fuels imported from elsewhere. With a peak in production of oil and gas predicted in the coming decades, and the need to tackle the issue of climate change becoming more apparent, Ireland needs to quickly move towards renewable energy. That raises two big questions: how and how fast, can that be done? This presentation by Richard Douthwaite and Michael Layden drom FEASTA explores Ireland's transition to renewable energy. WHEN ? Tuesday, december the 2nd, 19.30 to 21.30, 6 euros WHERE? At Cultivate, the Sustainable living centre, 15 - 19 Essex street west, Temple Bar. Phone: 01 674 64 15. Mail to: [email protected] or visit our website read full story / add a comment
dublin / rights, freedoms and repression / news report Wednesday November 26, 2003 15:06 by Brendan Young
There has been much public debate recently about stem cell research, using cells from human sources. Ignored and forgotten is the plight of women with crisis pregnancies, who for whatever good reason wish to terminate their pregnancies. read full story / add a comment |