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national / miscellaneous / news report Wednesday September 18, 2002 12:56 by freedom of speech
Paul O'Brien's original and engaging new book, Shelley and Revolutionary Ireland, tells the previously untold story of Shelley's relationship with Ireland. When Percy Bysshe Shelley set sail for Ireland in 1812 he was only 19 years old. He was full of radical enthusiasm and energy, having recently been expelled from Oxford for making his atheism public. read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / news report Wednesday September 18, 2002 11:47 by FIOM Internationale
Dear friends, I am sending you, this time only in english, the first results of what we discussed in Bruxelles in three groups, about seminars. The main objectives of this work are: to reduce the number of seminars, because we don't have enough space in the Fortress, to push the networks or groups proposing similar seminars to work together, so that the ESF can be a real moment of "building the movement,with bodies and brains"! read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / news report Wednesday September 18, 2002 11:12 by Michael
YATTA, West Bank 9-17-02 - Five children, all around eight-years-old, were wounded yesterday in a blast at a Palestinian school south of Hebron. Police and Shin Bet sources said Jewish terrorists were most likely responsible. read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / news report Wednesday September 18, 2002 10:18 by ted...
Thank you for... read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / news report Wednesday September 18, 2002 10:17 by Justin Moran
Just to remind everyone the dates and places for the Forum on Europe in Dublin. First one is at Liberty Hall on Friday the 27th of this month at 7pm and on October 4th at the Mansion House there's a return match. read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / news report Tuesday September 17, 2002 16:50 by Davie Philip
"So that was Johannesburg - Now What?" A conference to plan the way forward after the World Summit on Sustainable Development Organised by FEASTA in association with the Irish Doctors' Environmental Association and Trocaire. Saturday 21st September 2002. 09.00 - 17.50 In the Joly Theatre, Hamilton Building, Trinity College Dublin. read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / news report Tuesday September 17, 2002 16:07 by Amos
![]() Officers threaten to quit over commander accused of abuse read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / news report Tuesday September 17, 2002 15:17 by Ruairi
As Ireland rushes to embrace the amazing U.S. model of sham democracy, Florida is discovering that accidents don't just happen - they are often orchestrated! check this out! read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / news report Tuesday September 17, 2002 14:48 by Seamus
God, I just had to rely on the mainstream media once again. For what? News of Carrickmines!!! read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / news report Tuesday September 17, 2002 10:24 by Andrew
In 1927, two Italian-born anarchists Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti were judicially murdered in the USA .To commemorate the executions and to renew the commitment to the ideals they fought the WSM will host a talk and video showing on Friday September 20th at 8pm in the IFC, Temple Bar, Dublin. This is a fundraiser for Spacecrafts 'Accidental death of an Anarchist', admission is 5 Euro. read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / news report Monday September 16, 2002 23:43 by babsdebrawl
BNP to march alongside and protect Cuntryside alliance march on 22nd September this weekend. read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / news report Monday September 16, 2002 23:12 by Nacho
The Secret Behind the Sanctions How the U.S. Intentionally Destroyed Iraq's Water Supply read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / news report Monday September 16, 2002 21:40 by Marianne
This isnt news, dont beat me up, I was just wondering if anyone knows much about Food Not Bombs. I mean I know a bit but the problem at RTS will be the Bowls, spoons etc. I dont have much money and plastic ones will just be littered everywhere so if anyone can help or has suggestions please email me or reply here. Thanks. read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / news report Monday September 16, 2002 21:21 by Baffled in Belfield
national / miscellaneous / news report Monday September 16, 2002 18:54 by Aoife Ni Fhearghail
report on Denis Halliday meeting and list of upcoming events read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / news report Monday September 16, 2002 18:38 by King Mob
I want to know what happened to my article posted at 1:01pm today? Which bollock removed it? On whose 'authority' was it removed? Why was it removed? Was it for fear of offending the swp cliche who intimidate the rest of us who don't want their trotskyite shite rammed down our? I want answers; and I want them now; otherwise the lot of you in IMC Ireland will be sorry. Before any of you in IMC Ireland or elsewhere get up on your high horses; this is not a threat; merely stating the obvious. read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / news report Monday September 16, 2002 13:02 by Joseph Murtagh.
It is not just Enda Kenny who should resign. The hacks who fell deaf to his words should be expelled from the NUJ. read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / news report Monday September 16, 2002 12:48 by Chris O Ralaigh
Ogra Shinn Fein now has a new e-mail address read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / news report Monday September 16, 2002 12:44 by Joseph Farah
Do you want to know what life will be like for Christians in the new state of Palestine? We get some clues from the way they are being treated today with Yasser Arafat's Palestinian Authority. read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / news report Monday September 16, 2002 12:28 by Chris O Ralaigh
Ógra Shinn Féin this morning called for the immediate halting of a racist sticker campaign that began in Dublin city centre. ÓSF activists discovered these stickers, bearing racist slogans and attempting to link the 1916 Easter rising to the immigration issue, on the morning of Sunday 15th September in the north-inner city area of Dublin. read full story / add a comment |