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European Social Forum suggested Programme

category national | miscellaneous | news report author Wednesday September 18, 2002 11:47author by FIOM Internationale - European Social Forumauthor email fiom.internazionale at mail dot cgil dot it Report this post to the editors

Seminars and workshops so far proposed

Dear friends, I am sending you, this time only in english, the first results of what we discussed in Bruxelles in three groups, about seminars. The main objectives of this work are: to reduce the number of seminars, because we don't have enough space in the Fortress, to push the networks or groups proposing similar seminars to work together, so that the ESF can be a real moment of "building the movement,with bodies and brains"!

Now the list is about 117 seminars + the ones that we saw after Brussels meeting.

As we agreed in Brussels, the mergers are only proposals that the different groups/associations can accept or not. In case of refusing, and specially in case when the refuse comes from a single proponent, the seminar should become a workshop, that will take place in a space in Florence, out of the Fortress and with no equipment for simultaneous interpretation.Translations have to be provided by the proponents in a consecutive way, or have only one language.

There are already more than 150 workshops.

It is quite possible that you will find in these new lists some mistake or some missing proposal, due to the fact that many proposals arrived on the 6th and 7th of september and some of them were already put on the table in Brussels, and some not.

Of course we ask you to be patient and not get angry: all of us try to do their best! On the contrary, help us sending immediately your remarks.

I remind to all of you that the dead line decided in Brussels for the answers about mergers was the 17th: with Salvatore we decided to pospone to 19th, because we are late in sending the lists. On the 22 we will bring the third list, after your answers and remarks.Please, tell us also if anybody decide to cancel their proposal/s.
In case we don't receive any remark, the list will be kept as it is.

Send your messages to the following address
[email protected]

Follows the lists of 1 and 2 Areas. The third will arrive immediatly after

LIST OF SEMINARS AFTER Bruxelles meeting 7th and 8th of September - PROPOSALS


1. From European Union of neoliberal globalisation to……..


1. Financial criminality-capitals control ATTAC EUROPE


Resistance and alternatives to WTO Neoliberalism NETWORK SEATTLE TO BRUSSELS

3. Tobin tax and global taxes ATTAC EUROPE

4. Struggle against tax heavens ATTAC GERMANY and others

5. Domination strategies and alternatives ESPACE MARX

Anticapitalism: what we want and how to get it GLOBALISE RESISTENCE (GB), GENOA 2001, ALTERNATIVE-RUSSIA

Theoretical fundaments for alternatives to neoliberal globalisation

6. Financing for development:Europe after Monterey and Johannesburg; Which lasting development ATTAC FRANCE ONG IT –CAMP. DEBT. -FORUM TERZO SETTORE – KEEPERS OF THE RAINBOW (RUSSIA)

Which European governance;which relation north-south ALLIANCE POUR UN MONDE RESP…. ALTERNATIVE-RUSSIA

7. Cancel the debt and end structural adjustements CADTM, CCFDI/CIDSE + OTHERS

8. European ethical finance as a tool for fighting against social exclusion BANCAETICA,COOP MAG2, INAISE, FOND.CHOROS, ETHIMOS

9. Fiscal policy in Europe UNION SYNDICALE G10 SOLIDAIRE (FR)

10. Resisting and building: another enterprise is possible CONSORZIO CTM-ALTROMERCATO,

11. Solidarity economy networks RETE LILLIPUT+ROBA+OTHERS

12. Critically consuming: life style as opposition…

13. Communion economy: Proposal for a new economic action NEW HUMANITY – YOUTH FOR A UNITE WORLD

14. Power and property. European Capital and globalisation TRANSFORM!

15. Eurolatinoamerican Observatory on democratic and social develop. ARCI-ACLI-CESPI-LEGAMBIENTE-CECOP-FORUM TERZO SETTORE

16. Toward a postcapitalistic economy (1 day) KVARNI SCHOOL FOR POPULAR EDUCATION+MARXIST STUDIES CENTER

2. Water, air, land……Europe against unsustainable development

17. Water, common humanity goods COMITATO ITALIANO ACQUA, PUNTO ROSSO

Water, land, jealth,education:goods or rights? FORUM TERZO SETTORE, ARS,LILLIPUT


18. Alternative energy: movement’s experiences EUROSOLAR – LEGAMBIENTE


20. After Johannesburg…..: Europe’s role FRIENDS OF THE EARTH, LEGAMBIENTE,AMREF…

21. Thieves of future: ecomafias in globalisation LEGAMBIENTE,LIBERA,NUOVA ECOLOGIA

3. Central and eastern Europe in globalisation:alternatives to neoliberalism


Balkans: nationalisms,peace,migrations GREEK SOCIAL FORUM

23. Minorities problems in eastern Europe ATTAC HUNGARY, ALTERNATIVE RUSSIA, BULGARIA

4. Europe is not a merchandise: new rights for a new social model

24. Which European directive on public services ATTAC FRANCE

Balance on privatisations in Europe ESPACE MARX


Global drive of globalisation WORLD DEVELOPMENT MOVEMENT

This seminar should be on 3 days

25. Against merchandisation of education ATTAC FRANCE

Education and school system ATTAC FR, FSU, LIGUE ENSEIGN.UNEF


From students to temporary workers…COORD,ASS.MADRID, COORD.ASS.UAB,COLL.ROMA

This seminar should be on 3 days

26. Gender and social transformation:… ATTAC FRANCE, WOMEN MARCH

27. Commercialisation and privatisation in housing HIC

Communities and local resistence

28. Living longer changes rights and welfare AUSER,UDS,SPI-CGIL - FORUM TERZO SETT.

29. Social expenses reduction and privatisations LUNARIA,MANITESE,PUNTOROSSO,ARS

Free market and universal rights idem

30. Transports,environement and safety : G10 SOLIDAIRE ;SINCOBAS RASP.,SULTA CUB;UCS


31. Against health care privatisation and health merchandisation COBAS SANITA+OTHERS

32. Health in Europe between equity and access LILACEDIUS+OTHERS

5. Workers Europe between……..

33. Work in Europe- employment policies ATTAC FRANCE

Work changes in Europe ESPACE MARX

34. mobilisation against multinational ATTAC FRANCE

strategies for global social and workers rights FIOM-IG METALL-ATTAC.CC.OO.CNM-CUT

35. Neoliberalism and Trade Unions in Eastern Europe DEFENSE OF LABOR-WORKING GROUP EASTERN EUROPE

36. Financiarisation,workfare,new rights GREE, FIOM, ARCI….

37. Antineoliberal tradeunionism COBAS, CUB, SINCOBAS, G10 SOLID.

38. European trade unions recovery? Conflicts in 2002 FORUM SOCIAL EUROPE

39. Women and tradeunionism-gender/ professional equality INTERSYND.FEMMES,G10,FSU

6. Europe in food sovereignity



41. Food irradiament PUBLIC CITIZEN

42. PAC and alternatives strategies CPE, CROCEVIA

Suggested workshops in area 1 (from the first list)

Biologic and fair trade-concrete actions against

Neoliberal globalisation AceA Italia

Trade agreements and Europe-


Money and its social consequences. Create different

Exchange’s tools MONNETA (GERMANY)

“Oleoducto de crudos pesados”- Foreign multinationals

And banks implication in oil model CAMPAIGN AGAINST OCP

Against public insurance agencies for credit to exportation LES AMIS DE LA TERRE (FR)

New indicators for dealing with social, economic RETE LILLIPUT (ITALY)

Environmental complexity

Alternatives to globalisation and Europe enlargement INTERNATIONAL FORUM ON GLOBALISATION (UK)

Theater living ideas (cultural event) ALTERNATIVE RUSSIA

Against children work NO SWEAT EUROPE

“Sweated sisters”-Solidarity with workers in devel.countries NO SWEAT+CCC (UK)

World workers unite-unions struggles WAR ON WANT – SOLIDAR (BE)

Working class or multitude (or in area 3 with Project K) GLOBALISE RESISTENCE (UK)

Globalisation’s consequences and world crises SOZIALISMUS (GERMANY)

Globalisation and industrial catastrophies PJCNina (FR)

Responding to attacks on Trade Unions and workers rights

In an era of globalisation and deregulation RMT (UK)


Title Association (+ is a merger)
1) People Onu Assembly Tavola pace (it)+
(merge with "UN and human rights" of Legambiente)
2) For a neutral and disarmed Europa Convenzione permanente Donne contro le guerre(it)
3. Europe and Usa in the new imperial order Project K+ (Coordination of european reviews)
Merge with "Empire and imperialism" of Globalise resistence
4. Globalisation and militarisation Attac Suisse-Suisse+ without army
Merge with Globalisatin and enduring war (Cicg, aprés 11/9,fr)
5. The world government Alliance pour un monde responsable (Fr)
6. The Earth il not a globe: the mouvement and the war - Punto Rosso (it)
7. Islam is not the enemy Globalise Resistence (Gb)
8. Europe against war and terror Stop the war (Gb)
9. An other spirituality is possible Agape+altri (it)
10. The violence roots in the religions Comunità di base (it)
11. Fight against war and imperialism Social forum greece
12. 11/9 Iraq-Palestina Solidirarity with arab cause commette (Spanish state)
13. To build the peace in the world Tavola della pace+
(merge with Enduring peace of Unimondo Wsa and Educate to the peace of Sinistra giovanile and others)
15) Volonteers without borders Legambiente and others+
Merge with International cooperation of Ongd, Grupo Sur)
16) Palest-Israele, conflict in the globalis. Action for peace+ (merge with proposals by Warshawsky and others)
17) Consequences of agreements from the euromediterranean partnership Attac, Dwrc, Csca Raid+
(merge with Euromediterranean between research and identity of Legambiente)
18) The fight of palestinian people Cobas Italy+
Merge with How Does Palestina to be free? Of Globalise resistence)
19) Greece, Turkey, Cyprus, the war in the east mediterranean
Greece social forum
20) Schengen and migration Espace Marx/Trasform
21) Repression of the contestation and mouvements Vamos (fr)
22) Against Nato and European Army Balkan antiNato Coordination
23) Balkans mirror of Europe Central-East Europe coordination
24) No weapon for atrocity Amnesty International (Gb-it)
25) The role of corporation in the conflicts Legambiente, Terranuova, Cric, Camp.Rif. Banca mondiale, Beatri costruttori di pace, Carta, Ass. popoli minacciati, it)
26) Dialogo of civilisations Vs clash of civilisations ???
27) War mouvements Rosa Luxembourg+
Merge with for an alliance of intellectual against barbarity (Alliance intell. Commette of Spanish state)
28) Against Plan Colombia campaign European Network
29) L'uso della categoria "terrorismo" per giustificare guerra e repressione del conflitto sociale
(Confederazione Cobas; Movimento Antagonista Toscano; Greece Social Forum; LAB; Globalise Resistance)


a) To build an international structure to decide about the legitimity of the war (many doubts about this title) Le amis du Monde diplomatique (fr)
b) Europe seen with african eyes Emmaus Int-It
c) War and Alca Marxismo Vivo (sp)
d) Welfare state and criminal state Antigone (it)
e) Diamonds in the war Amnesty and Greenpeace

> 1. From the Nice Charter
> 1. Canceled by proponents.
> 2. Democracy and European institutions: CCDF-LDH (FR)
> Convention: transparance and definition of the
> Space for civil society in the debate CCDF-LDH
>> From Europe of the States to people Europe CIEMEN (Barcelona)
> 3.For an European Charter of human responsibilities: ALLIANCE POUR
> 4. Democratising democracy: DRD
> Participatory Democracy: CARTA (IT)
> Perspective for direct democracy in 21°centry LEFT ALTERNATIVE
> 5. Power,classes, multitudes and counterpower PROJECT K+GLOBALISE
> 6. Religions question and new european constitution WE Are THE CHURCH
> 7. Cristianesimo e Islam: WE ARE THE CHURCH; Pax Christi
> 8. The place of Islam in Europa: LDH (F)
> Islamophobia - The politically correct face of european racism Black
> Attacks Network
> 9. Politics as common goods,left and movements: Punto Rosso, FMA,
> 10. Future left: Young people between anticapitalistic left and
> movements Project K, Eastern europe GROUP
> 11. Participation, representation, non violence:
> Alternatives for an other Europa: Rete Lilliput, FMA, FIOM
> 12. Irlanda, Danimarca, Polonia : Resisting to UE Globalise
> Irland
> 13. Included in area 1
> 14. I Balcani, included in area 1
> 15. Le minoranze in Europa dell'Est: contro la discriminazione delle
> minoranze nazionali e per la loro integrazione sociale: Attac-H e -BG
> 16. Ethnical discrimination - a challenge for european civil society
> Amnesty International (UK)
> 17. Imagine another world: what is a true democracy - Globalise
> (UK)
> 18. Social Europe for public rights-work in public education:
> Resistance (UK)
> 19. International Justice: Globalise Resistance (UK)
> Suggested seminars 16,17,18,19 or mergers with other seminars (with
> and other proponents)
> 20. Right to housing, right to cities in the European Charter: HIC
> 21. Charter of social rights: Movimento Catalano (E)
> Economic and social rights and social citizenship: CCDF/LDH (F)
> 22. Unemployemnt, social exclusion and local pacts: Alleanza per un
> (F)
> Excluded speak out: Emmaus Internazionale, Emmaus I
> 23. We have to care about our future.Lesbians,gay and transex.within
> project for a Social Europe Arcilesbica (I)
> Other seminar to be defined: Azione gay e lesbica
> 24. Cities and globalisation: local to global: Attac F
> 25. Social citizenship,democracy,female citizenship: Convenzione
> donne (I)
> 26. Knowledge and citizenship:tools for a democratic development
> Education is not for sale
> 27. Denied childhood: children's rights and their right to happiness:
> Legambiente (I)
> I diritti dei bambini: International Falcon Movement (H)
> 28. Estreme right and populists in Europe: Espace Marx, Transform!
> 29. Europe and nationintegrisms: Les Amis du Monde Diplomatique
> 30. Building a black and white movement against racism and fascism:
> English Mobilisation (UK)
> Against racism: Association of Resistants and Antifascists (H)
> 31. Europe's Haiderisation? Fight against fascism!: Social Forum
> Eurofascism: Attac Pl
> 32. Social movements in Eastern Europe and the estreme right:
> Attac-Pl, Alternatives (Ru)
> 33. Culture, neoliberalism cultural exception: Espace Marx,
> Cultural and language's diversities: Attac-F
> Culture is not a merchandise-OMC negotiation: Arci (I), Les Etats

> de la culture, Attac FR
> Le identità culturali in Europa: LHD (F)
> 34. canceled by the proponents
> 35. Information in the era of globalisation: Liberazione, Carta (I)
> Access to information-right to communication: WSA Ð Unimondo (I)
> Power and communication: Media Watch International
> 36. Intellectual property and redistribution of knowledge:
> Unioni nazionali studenti in Europa
> 37. The question of globalised lexicon: Attac F
> 38. Disturbing their culture, building ours: Globalise Resistance
> 39. Sport beyond the borders: Legambiente, UISP, ICS (I)
> 40. Can music help us in changing the world? Future and fantascience:
> Globalise Resistance
> 41. Women political representation: VADO-WAVE - WWEUW
> 42. Womens bodies under the integrist attack to selfdetermination
> 43. Prostitution between slavery and choice: WOMEN MARCH
> 44. Women identità in the Balkans: YU
> Women conditions in Central Europe: H
> 45. Immigration: Circulation,right to settle,residential citizenship:
> LDH (F)
> Fortezza Europa: Pro Asyl (D)
> Right to migrating: Arci, ICS, Lunaria, ASGI (I)
> Seminar on migrations: Tavolo migranti Social Forum (I)
> 46. Violations of right to house for migrants: HIC
> 47. Native and migrant women, relationship North-South: Which
> Assoc.NOSOTRAS and others
> 48. Immigration, racism and new slaveries:Confederazione COBAS (I)
> 49. Immigration and struggle against racism and estreme right:
> Social Marseille (F)
> 50. Seminario ROM: Arci (I)
> 51. Intercultural mediation and human development: Casa dei diritti
> (I)
> 52. Right to asylum: Arci, ICS, Lunaria, ASGI (I)
> Right to asylum: LDH (F)
> Protecting refugees - Economic social and cultural rights: AI -
> International Secretariat
> 53. Can the racism be defeated by the tool of human rights?: Black
> Attacks (UK)
> 54. Citizenship, migration and demography: Black Racial Attacks (UK)
> 55. Football, culture and fight against racism: Black Racial Attacks
> 56. State violence: Police control on resistent communities: Black
> Attacks (UK)
> Suggested workshops 53, 54, 55, 56
> The following are classified as workshops
> 1. Sangatte-Europe of the camps: Colletivi di sostegno.Gisti, Les
> 2. Biodance (18-20h del 9/11): Punto Rosso (special structures)
Lista para la preparacion del Foro Social Europeo - List to prepare the
European Social Forum - Liste pour préparer le Forum Social Européen.

??? ~ !!! >>> [email protected]

author by babelfish - Babel ESFpublication date Wed Sep 18, 2002 11:55author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Translation - Interpreters and Translators for the ESF

[email protected] and [email protected]

Since we have published a call for the ESF interpreters we have
received around 150 forms already. Some of them (around 25%) are
coming from professional interpreters ready to work for us. We built a
coordination team (babel-fse) made of volunteers coming from 5
countries (languages): two to three persons per country. Their tasks

- to welcome, answer and manage the interpreters when they are

- to be in contact with national organizations in order to provide
interpreters with free travel to Florence.

- to manage translation needs before the ESF

- to organize in Florence the coordination of the interpreters
according to the needs, the interpreters' accommodation and secure the
equipments for the plenary and seminar rooms


>> We need your help in order to forward the call for the simultaneous
interpreters. Please find them at www.fse-esf.org/babel and pick the
one corresponding to your language.


Translation before the ESF

Babel-fse helped by coorditrad will take care of translation works to
be done before the ESF. We will translate only several types of
documents (please do not send us non-relevant documents). Since the
ESF will start in a short period of time, and since the last meeting
in Barcelona (October 5) will finalize speakers and seminars, we had
to set some deadlines.

We ask you not to send us documents before being sure that speakers
or seminars are officially in the ESF program.

A- We will translate if needed:

1- All the official ESF documents in 5 languages (DE-EN-ES-FR-IT):
program or other administrative short documents.

++ Before October 15 we will accept and we will guarantee translation
in at least one other language than the original document, for the
following types:

2-a Plenary speakers' speech and documents for the evening plenary

3-a Documents written by organizations officially preparing a seminar
officially accepted by the Program group. It can be a single common
document or several documents coming from the organizations preparing
the Seminar.

++ Before October 25 we will try our best to translate in at least one
other language than the original document, for the following types:

2-b Plenary speakers' speech and documents for the evening plenary

3-b Documents written by organizations officially preparing a seminar
officially accepted by the Program group. It can be a single common
document or several documents coming from the organizations preparing
the Seminar.

++ After October 25 we will turn away all translation work because we
will not be sure to guarantee a good service.

B- We will turn away all translations for the following types:

4- Document of organizations (or persons) participating to a seminar
i.e. not officially organizing the seminar.

5- Document of organizations (or persons) organizing or participating
to a workshop.

C- After the ESF we will still work in order to translate documents of
the following types:

6- The Social Movement declaration (if there is one)

7- The seminar concluding documents (if there are some) i.e. seminars
might end by a call, a report, some other types of document.

Lista para la preparacion del Foro Social Europeo - List to prepare the
European Social Forum - Liste pour préparer le Forum Social Européen.

author by red dogpublication date Wed Sep 18, 2002 12:57author address author phone Report this post to the editors

any idea on how many are going from ireland to this?

author by Epublication date Wed Sep 18, 2002 14:35author address author phone Report this post to the editors

For information on the mobilsation to ESF from Ireland, please jump to:


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