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offsite link North Korea Increases Aid to Russia, Mos... Tue Nov 19, 2024 12:29 | Marko Marjanovi?

offsite link Trump Assembles a War Cabinet Sat Nov 16, 2024 10:29 | Marko Marjanovi?

offsite link Slavgrinder Ramps Up Into Overdrive Tue Nov 12, 2024 10:29 | Marko Marjanovi?

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offsite link US to Deploy Military Contractors to Ukr... Sun Nov 10, 2024 02:37 | Field Empty

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offsite link News Round-Up Thu Mar 20, 2025 01:21 | Richard Eldred
A summary of the most interesting stories in the past 24 hours that challenge the prevailing orthodoxy about the ?climate emergency?, public health ?crises? and the supposed moral defects of Western civilisation.
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offsite link The Government is Making Itself a Laughing Stock in its Battle to End Apple?s Encrypted Privacy Serv... Wed Mar 19, 2025 19:00 | Dr R P
The UK Government is making itself a laughing stock in its use of Snoopers' Charter laws to end Apple's encrypted Advanced Data Protection privacy service. Fortunately, there are alternatives.
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offsite link Covid Vaccine Damage Consultants Paid Millions More Than Victims Wed Mar 19, 2025 17:30 | Will Jones
Consultants assessing Covid vaccine damage claims on behalf of the NHS have been paid millions?more than the victims, it has emerged, after US-based Crawford and Company dismissed more than 98% of cases.
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offsite link Biological Sex Erased From Official Data on Health, Crime and Education Wed Mar 19, 2025 16:30 | Toby Young
Professor Alice Sullivan has completed her review of data collection by public bodies and found that because the word "gender" has started to replace "sex" cancer referrals have been missed and convictions overlooked.
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offsite link The Study Showing the mRNA Vaccine Cancer Link That They Don?t Want You to See Wed Mar 19, 2025 13:00 | Rebekah Barnett
A study from Japan shows the link between mRNA vaccines and cancer. No wonder it keeps getting censored, says Rebekah Barnett ? they really don't want you to see it.
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offsite link Voltaire, International Newsletter N?124 Sat Mar 15, 2025 05:56 | en

offsite link "Kristallnacht" against the Alawites in Syria Sat Mar 15, 2025 05:38 | en

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offsite link Voltaire, International Newsletter N?123 Fri Mar 07, 2025 14:41 | en

offsite link Arab League summit for Gaza Fri Mar 07, 2025 11:53 | en

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national / anti-capitalism / news report Saturday January 15, 2005 12:59 by Terry   text 4 comments (last - monday january 24, 2005 02:59)
James Wolfensohn, president of the World Bank, immortalised in anarcho riot porn classic Crowd Bites Wolf, is due to be in Dublin at the end of the month. read full story / add a comment
international / anti-war / imperialism / press release Saturday January 15, 2005 12:33 by Tracey Ryan & Niall Harnett
Activists are gathering in April at The Boghill Centre, Co Clare, Ireland, for what promises to be a special anti-war meeting. Organised by Gluaiseacht, and as part of the EYFA Wintermeeting, this conference will take place from Thur 7th - Sun 10th April 2005, in order to revive common purpose and friendship, and to establish a European network of anti-war and peace activists. The meeting will culminate in an action at Shannon Airport on Sun 10th April. Please click on 'Events' to see the 'Call Out Invitation' and for application details. All are welcome and we hope to see you there.

Your friends at Gluaiseacht. read full story / add a comment
national / sci-tech / other press Saturday January 15, 2005 04:01 by R. Isible   text 10 comments (last - friday may 13, 2005 09:55)
Slashdot (News for Nerds. Stuff that Matters) has a good article written by an insider about the closing of MIT Media Lab's sister institute based in Dublin. read full story / add a comment
dublin / environment / press release Friday January 14, 2005 18:37 by Assistant Publications Officer   text 1 comment (last - sunday january 16, 2005 01:37)
To all residents of Donabate,
Take action now to ensure proper planning in Donabate!

Next week, County Councillors in Fingal will vote on a number of motions pertaining to the Donabate section of the draft development plan 2005-2011.
Donabate Parish Council wants to see proper planning in Donabate and North County Dublin in general.

E-mail, phone and meet Fingal County Councillors and ask them to vote for motions 5.29, 5.30, 5.31, 5.43, 5.47, 5.48, 5.53.
Motions on pages 51-62 of Agenda Dev Plan 20th Dec:

Donabate Parish Council has done its piece, now please do yours. read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / other press Friday January 14, 2005 18:29 by Keith Harris   text 1 comment (last - thursday march 31, 2005 15:02)
Fine Gael Foreign Affairs Spokesman Bernard Allen TD on has called on Ticketmaster to consider waiving its service charge when booking tickets for Tsunami Aid events, or else to contribute the profits from the charges on these particular events to the appeal fund.

But event organisers say the profits are being made by the banking, credit card and telephone companies who have declined to waive their own charges for Asia-relief charity event bookings. read full story / add a comment
national / crime and justice / news report Friday January 14, 2005 17:07 by Libby   text 37 comments (last - friday april 15, 2005 16:38)
Judge Murphy also noted that garda Daly had been involved earlier that day in mid-afternoon in what she called was obviously from viewing a video recording was "a very frightening incident" as a result of which she thought senior gardaí should have excused him from further duty.

Judge Murphy said she endorsed the hope expressed in evidence by senior officers that garda Daly would return to his work as a community policeman at which they said he had "an exemplary record" without any blemishes on his record. read full story / add a comment
international / anti-capitalism / news report Friday January 14, 2005 16:38 by Dissent! International Networking Group   text 2 comments (last - sunday january 16, 2005 01:32)
Here's the full version of the invite and the draft agenda.

Note: To register, email: [email protected] for all other comments and questions, email: [email protected] More info below. read full story / add a comment
international / rights, freedoms and repression / other press Friday January 14, 2005 00:01 by Sean Mc Aughey   text 7 comments (last - monday january 17, 2005 23:43)
Sources and friends close to Northern Ireland lawyer Padraigin Drinan are saying the official reasons behind an enforced closure by the Northern Ireland Law Society of the offices of Ireland’s foremost human rights defender and solicitor remains wide open for damaging speculation.... read full story / add a comment
international / anti-war / imperialism / news report Thursday January 13, 2005 22:08 by Solidarity   text 13 comments (last - saturday january 15, 2005 03:16)
Dear Friends;

I got set free from the Polk County Jail Wed. Jan 13th at 12:40 a.m.

It was not an easy time - County Jails rarely are.

Below is a published jail reflection of mine.

It's great to be free! read full story / add a comment
international / rights, freedoms and repression / press release Thursday January 13, 2005 16:38 by
Today the danish High Court decided the following dates for the upcoming trial that the christian sect “Faderhuset” is leading against the alternative culture center Ungdomshuset in Copenhagen, Denmark: the 21,22,25,28,29 nov. and 1st of dec. 2005
Ungdomshuset is now facing the biggest and most concrete threat in the history of the house... read full story / add a comment
national / environment / event notice Thursday January 13, 2005 15:48 by tracey   text 1 comment (last - sunday february 06, 2005 16:15)
an invitation to take part in the tree walk read full story / add a comment
dublin / anti-war / imperialism / event notice Thursday January 13, 2005 13:15 by anti war
World Social Forum 2005 Fundraiser

Tens of thousands of people from all over the world will be attending the World social forum in porto alegre 25th-31st January. They will be discussing ways in which we can build movments of solidarity to end war, poverty and environmental destruction.

Come to the fundraiser gig and video screening

Thursday 20th January, 8pm
Mother Red Caps, Christchurch
entry €5

Video screening of world social forum 2004 and music from Strapa, James o Toole his band, Tomo and more....

Funds raised go towards costs of Rory hearne and Michael o brien from the Irish Anti-War movement going to the forum. They will be available to do report back meetings for local groups. trade and student unions and organations. Rory Hearne is also making a documentary of the event which will be available

for info or to donate contact 086 1523542 or 087 2400331 read full story / add a comment
sligo / worker & community struggles and protests / event notice Thursday January 13, 2005 02:06 by D. Hevers   text 5 comments (last - thursday june 23, 2005 04:33)
The writer and former RTE radio presenter Mr Pat Feeley, will speak at a Connolly Forum public meeting on ‘Jim Gralton – the Leitrim Socialist’, which will be held in the Trades Club, Castle Street, Sligo, on Wednesday the 19th of January at 8.30.p.m. read full story / add a comment
international / miscellaneous / other press Thursday January 13, 2005 00:36 by hs
At a mass rally of 10,000 people on Monday January 10, Venezuela’s president Hugo Chavez announced a new decree aimed at speeding up land reform. Since the Land Act was passed in December 2001, the National Land Institute has already distributed 5.5 million acres of land to peasant cooperatives. Up until now all the land distributed has been state-owned land and there have been no expropriations. The new decree is aimed at the large landed estates (latifundia) that have been left idle or are poorly used. (January 12, 2005) read full story / add a comment
derry / worker & community struggles and protests / press release Wednesday January 12, 2005 23:10 by Derry IRSP   text 10 comments (last - sunday march 13, 2005 03:35)
The Irish Republican Socialist Party representative John Hogan hit out at
the way in which a young Ukranian woman living rough on the streets of
Coleraine in Co Derry had both her legs amputated after turkey factory
bosses sacked her. read full story / add a comment
international / anti-war / imperialism / other press Wednesday January 12, 2005 18:01 by Libby   text 2 comments (last - thursday january 13, 2005 19:15)
The search for elusive weapons of mass destruction in Iraq has officially ended, the Washington Post says. read full story / add a comment
international / anti-war / imperialism / opinion/analysis Wednesday January 12, 2005 10:34 by righteous pragmatist   text 16 comments (last - sunday february 27, 2005 02:42)
Take an anonymous Pentagon leak from a “high level military officer,” add an appalling lack of knowledge of history, and compound it with ignorance of special warfare tactics. This process describes the article published by Newsweek breathlessly revealing that a “desperate” Defense Secretary Rumsfeld is “considering” employing the “Salvadoran option” to thwart the “growing quagmire” of the Iraq War. read full story / add a comment
dublin / miscellaneous / event notice Tuesday January 11, 2005 22:37 by Eddie Sheridan
Upcoming bands get together to put on a gig in Eamonn Dorans on Sunday 23rd of January in aid of Irish Red Cross read full story / add a comment
dublin / summit mobilisations / news report Tuesday January 11, 2005 21:52 by Killian D   text 8 comments (last - saturday january 22, 2005 16:22)
After nearly a week in cloverhill pison and signing-on over a period of six months, three times a week, i finally appeared in court last Wed 5th January. I pleaded not guilty to two public order offences resulting from Mayday last. read full story / add a comment
national / public consultation / irish social forum / news report Tuesday January 11, 2005 20:44 by Barry Finnnegan
Dublin Social Forum (DSF) Working Group minutes from post October 2004 ISF and December meetings.

NEXT MEETING: 7.00 to 8.30 p.m., Thursday 13th January 2005, in the Comhlámh offices, 10 Upper Camden St., Dublin 2.

In general it was agreed that the October 2004 ISF was actually more of a DSF. That is to say that the groups, organisations, collectives and individuals that participated and did the background preparatory work were primarily Dublin-based and were not in fact reflective of the global justice movement / anti-neoliberal forces on the island as a whole. In light of this and in conjunction with the learning experience a number of us had in Workshops with Local Social Forums from around Europe during the European Social Forum (ESF) in London last October, we decided to bring the focus down to a more local, Dublin-based level. read full story / add a comment
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