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Pentagon Block Youtube & My space![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Yet more bad news if you're a serviceman or servicewoman with the US armed forces. The Pentagon have drawn up a list of sites which their employees will no longer be allowed access from company computers. Though facing off advocates of freedom on the web, the Pentagon were quick to clarify the ban will only apply to US base computers. A regular soldier or officer in Iraq or Afghanistan will still be free to log on to the "banned list" from any internet café they can find in Baghdad or Kabul that are still occupier friendly. The news is sure to overshadow the other little titbits of news from the hive this wednesday evening ; Sarkozy's wife didn't vote in the second round and wants a divorce & Prince Harry of the half-blood Windsor is not afterall to be allowed join his regiment of squaddies in Iraq or active service. Too many threats - too much danger. The list of sites which from now on are "off limits" for US service personel are :- |
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Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5Unless you run a site or contribute to one or a blogspace where the ISP of a US military base has appeared on the log you probably didn't really take much notice of the article above. But this evening the West Virginian attorney general Mr V McCabe joined a long list of US and other prosecutor offices who want the website "my Space" to surrender the information they have (& have or not collated as same) on emerging sex-crime rings and communities. Alas, the worst crime of all which I long wondered if it would ever go beyond letters "A.b.c.d.. etc" or as I put it then in the article of th esame name "phsyiognomy" - is forging new links and becoming more effective in its criminality and depradation by using the internet. In the last month German courts were alerted by an investigative journalist who found paedophiles using the popular avatar based cyberspace "second life". This article published in the last hour in English highlights some of the issues touched and to be touched by criminal & other intelligence agencies and reports on a cryptology lecture by a specialist who is employed by Sun (& you know he's got pals at the NSA)
Most of us don't like thinking about the worst crime. Suffice to agree it is the worst. Of all the mythical clubs which have found their place in the author required sections of comments and articles on indymedia irealnd in the last five years there have only been 3 of the 8 listed by wikipedia as "imaginary clubs". One the "phoenix club or society" was referred to in less than one sentance with a supporting link of dubious paranoia and due to its crossposted nature evaded the guidelines. The other "the diogenes club" has only appeared in the last two days. Yet one more "the hellfire club" has thankfully lost all the hour it once afforded any person of our class, not just in Ireland but throughout Europe.
it's not about physiognomy. Nor is it as President Sarkozy suggested in his election campaign a matter of genetic predetermination. The worst crime and those who facilitate it either knowingly or unknowingly is just that - the worst crime. I have learnt over the years that no time is a good time to suggest reviewing the extent of the privelages our access to internet and cyberspace. All too often we speak of internet use and access in terms of the human rights to freedom of expression, association and so forth. When our website and foreign policy concerns so regularly see us baulk at the enemies of cyber-freedom in Africa (Tunisia - Zimbabwe - Egypt - Mauritania &c.) or Asia (Iran - China - Malaysia &c.) in that those freedoms are the expression of the universal struggle for liberty.:. it may be difficult for us to wnat to deal with the horrifying fact that - the worst crime. and that - the worst criminals have found in our vanguard their space - their tube - our kids lost lives
We've all got some thinking to do. Indymedia though has no action to take in my considered opinion since it has never attempted to portray itself as a "family website" - indeed this particular node went over that hurdle long ago. But the sites which make the most money. I'll repeat that to make the point. The internet WWW sites which rake in the highest profits in the name of entertainment, society, cyberspace, culture, commerce - are increasingly those who linked by a mesh of computer viruses, worms, trojans & other malware have facilitated both the capitalist expansion of "the man with golden member" porn billionaires and the "physiognomy monster nonce pederast and paedophile" who lives down the lane.
As always I hope I have made myself clear.
This has nothing much to do with your election - but it has everything to do with the future of our nation and our humanity. The primary enemy is not war, nor is it hunger nor thirst. The primary enemy which saddled the horses of apocalypse has always been slavery. It has been a long time since Donald Rumsfeld correctly observed that the Iraq war was in the news simply because videocameras were cheap. It's been a long time since I linked very clearly emergent criminal phenomena especially amongst the younger and cheap video equipment and the snuff fetish the Iraq war presented us with. Well as cassandra the prophetess might have told "the diogenes club"
"I told you 'twas going to get worse". We've enough mythical clubs. Let's disarticulate the newcomers.
She did this through Youtube of course & on the website of her party (Nee). Nee are a protest party based in Antwerp who wish to bring attention to the idiocracy which as we know is found in all states.
I suppose there are feminist issues. But we won't be worrying about having those explained to us for a while. The Belgian senate elections aren't today, yesterday or tomorrow & probably don't need elucidating clarifying or muddying comments attached to them.
Think of this as your Election Day "human interest" special.
Youtube has survived nitpicking to launch a few portals throughout the world - here is the Irish one
Just to keep this very odd thread cohesive it might be worth linking to this rte news at 16h23 Irish time which reports Mary Flaherty, the CEO of The Children at Risk in Ireland Foundation Mary Flaherty's call for serious funding and end to complanceny in Ireland at the online hazards and pitfalls of internet and mobile technology use.
It is unrealistic to expect parents to police the whole internet. It's really big and mostly not written in english. It's in little noises and flashes of light that we think of as "on/off" pulses and then represent uising binary an invention of the philosopher Liebniz who thought it helped represent God.
So breaking down the big wide internet in manageable little chunks is a good thing. You can put that rest together yourself. There can be neither complacency or resting on laurels after a month which has seen a 3 year old disappear and only one international network of 700 of the worst criminals disarticulated.
bah! you kiddie sex obsessed fruitcake. Get some balance willya?
surely blowing up live women and children in real life for money and power is far worse than playing a pervert in the online game "second life" where nobody gets hurt at all (its just pixels)
or far worse than some sad git lusting in his/her bedroom over pictures of some nasty occurrence 20 years after the event,
The usual programmed selective response to reality from a kiddie sex monomaniac
here's a slightly better discussion on the subject:
"As an analogy despite numerous ‘beheading videos’ being produced there hasn’t been a demonstrable increase in beheadings occurring in other parts of the world. There hasn’t been a greater desire for ’snuff’ movies simply because someone logged onto liveleak. It is one of the ironies of our time that we can accuse someone of being an ‘abuser by proxy’ for possessing a picture depicting the rape of a child yet if that child had been decapitated by a bomb or beheaded by a terrorist we’d never think of inflicting the same ‘thought crime’. This is before we even consider the actions of photojournalists.
One of the most laughable aspects of this hysteria is the fact it is illegal to possess an ‘indecent image’ of a 16 year old yet it is perfectly legal to have sex with them. Regardless of what justification you want to use to support these laws, I’ll leave you with this. There is no Statute of limitations on child pornography. Quite simply you are not only held responsible for something you did not do, you are held responsible even if it occurred before your birth. It is brutal and absurd to suggest anyone born today is responsible for the worst images that were apparently produced decades ago. I simply cannot justify that a person who is born 20 years from now could be held culpable for a rape that occurred 20 years ago.
The rape or execution of any individual are grotesque acts that should be punished, but unless we start to question laws that hold us accountable for merely possessing documentary evidence of something we didn’t do we risk going down an ill-thought out road where horribly injust decisions are supported."
At no point have we properly talked about emergent replicant terrorism or extreme violence in terms of a fad or fashion. However, the networking abilities of those who before had not "emerged" has increased exponentially with the extension of cyberspace and digitial technology in our edges of the world markets. The electronic frontier of contemporary life has long past the stage of its first stockades and fences. In no small part close examination of cyberorganisations and networks such as are well-exemplified by indymedia at both global or local level assisted allbeit unwittingly the development of electronic monitoring which as of yet occupies a shadowy area of both individual state and trans-national global proportions.
Nit picking of Youtube in the last calender months led to Google's prepurchase budget for copyright enfringement claims near gobbled by a combination of Viacom's resentment of MTV style content and the Japanese Authors Society freaking out over just how much of their society & culture wasn't going to return royalties or goodies. & this is before Bollywood & the enormous Indian entertainment sector has joined the fray.
The disappearance of an English child in Portugal has been followed by both international investigations and campaigns. Quite normally there have also been reactions and effects observed and detected amongst those emergent networks. The child was abducted in a resort whose name translated from Portuguese to English bore specific links to emergent code words used by these criminals & even the cloaked name of a website. - the network of 700 who have been arrested represent a broadly distributed real world demographic and psychological and if it be so genetic sample for appraisal as well as full prosecution of the law. That breaking of that network followed smaller group arrests throughout Europe of telephone picture exchanges and inticement of supply of such images through "anonymous pay for call" mobile phones.
The concept of "children at risk" does not alter much as technology changes our role as securing the future of all. In our culture we warn them of wolves and forests and then move to strangers and sweets. For more than a few generations we have warned them of cars and drivers. We now need to pay attention to the frontier of our electronic world which is I suppose a reiteration of the wolf and jackals of the forest. The networks of individuals which have emerged dedicated to the distribution of child pornography, snuff, police cell tortures, animal baiting etc - do not appear content with remaining small groups. Their criminal nature has led to the exploitation of security features and spyware with which our whole information world abounds. Youtube in its last phase of unprecedented global growth at no small profit to its inventors saw inappropriate content definition and contact explode.
We at the Diogenes Club doubt anyone wish meet real vampires, monsters of frankenstein, or have their children skillfully profiled or their natural curiosity end in the cauldron of abomination. This thread has now had its wick burnt & stubbed.