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national / miscellaneous / news report Sunday August 04, 2002 14:24 by Jake from Canada
I am sick and tired of Indy Media and human Rights Groups being hijacked by the Pro Arab Lobby. There are already many many Arab sites that are Hate-Filled. read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / news report Sunday August 04, 2002 11:30 by James Petras
This leads to the last and greatest paradox: The Bush Administration's use of war to resolve the domestic crises might just exacerbate all the internal contradictions... read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / news report Sunday August 04, 2002 01:40 by Irony is dead
CHAOS IN SELFRIDGES OCCUPIED AGAINST THE OCCUPATION Over 200 people disrupted business in Selfridges on Oxford Street today. They held a large demonstration outside the main entrance of the store, displaying banners saying ‘Murder Sponsored By Selfridges’ and handing out thousands of leaflets to customers and passers-by. read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / news report Saturday August 03, 2002 23:18 by PGA/Eurodusnie workgroup
This newsletter contains the recent conference related news and should be seen as a supplement to the previous two newsletters. Have a look at the conference website for a complete overview. read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / news report Saturday August 03, 2002 19:41 by McMean
The UDA, using the cover name of the 'Red Hand Defenders', has said it would make a "military response" to the Thursday attack by republican dissidents on a British Army base in Derry. read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / news report Saturday August 03, 2002 18:57 by Anti Nato
Draft proposal for Demonstrations Against the NATO Summit in Prague, Czech Republic, 21-22 November 2002. read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / news report Saturday August 03, 2002 17:34 by Wayne Price
Anarchists engage in direct action as opposed to voting. This anti-electoralism (or anti-parliamentarianism) may seem strange and even perverse to many. After all, virtually the whole left believes in the importance of voting. In the US, liberals and state socialists have voted for the Democrats with a steadfastness that is almost religious, even as the Democrats have steadily moved to the right. In Western Europe, they have voted consistently for the Socialist or Labor Parties (social democrats), or Communist Parties, or, more recently, ex-Communist Parties. As a reward, in 1997, 12 out of the 15 members of the European Union were governed by left parties--including Britain, France, and Germany--or by coalitions with left parties in them. In the words of the old British Labor Party hymn, did they build a New Jerusalem? Was Europe on the verge of a new age of equality and justice? To ask the question is to read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / news report Saturday August 03, 2002 14:31 by dc critical mass
attacked read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / news report Saturday August 03, 2002 12:55 by Donal de Roiste
For 33 years I have been trying to clear my name. I have been publicly labelled a terrorist. The Irish Army refuses to release my files from 1969. After my family, led by my 83 year old mum, held a press conference recently the Minister for Defence announced that he would release my files: to my original tormentors, the Army. Not to me or my lawyers. Irish way and Irish laws are very secretive I fear. Please help me get Justice to be seen to be done!!! read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / news report Saturday August 03, 2002 08:42 by McMean
Sinn Fein's Martin McGuinness has called on dissident republicans to stop 'skulking' behind the names of anti-agreement organisations and to explain their actions. read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / news report Saturday August 03, 2002 08:39 by McMean
Thousands of people turned out for an anti-sectarianism rally at Belfast city hall. read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / news report Saturday August 03, 2002 08:35 by McMean
The loyalist gang which assassinated lawyer Patrick Finucane also planned to shoot two more lawyers listed in British army intelligence files as being "sympathetic" to the IRA, according to a report today. read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / news report Saturday August 03, 2002 02:07 by Darran Oisin Anderson
Criticism of Monarchy's parasitism and the hounding of so called "dole cheats." Comparison with Ireland's own social parasites the Ansbacher criminals. read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / news report Friday August 02, 2002 23:26 by Alan Caruba
Who was Salah Shehade? He was responsible for hundreds of Israeli deaths, including the Sbarro Pizza Parlor, the Dolphinarium where teenaged Israelis were torn to shreds, the Passover Eve attack in a Netanya hotel, and countless other attacks. His targets were always civilians and children. read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / news report Friday August 02, 2002 23:12 by David Vance
The accommodation of the wishes of terrorists has been an over-riding doctrine within Irish political life. For seventy years, Europe's most vicious and deadly terrorist group, the IRA, operated with absolute impunity from the soil of the Irish Republic. Not only did it launch a campaign of genocide against the people of Northern Ireland from the Republic, but there are disturbing accusations of the Irish State colluding in many brutal murders committed within Northern Ireland. read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / news report Friday August 02, 2002 21:07 by Justin Moran
40 members of the banned Basque youth movement Segi are in Dublin tomorrow (Saturday). They will be holding a protest outside the Spanish embassy tomorrow at 2pm. Tomorrow night, there will be a function (Of sorts) in Conways. Due to a fuck-up at Conways' end they double-booked the function room so the 'function' will take place in a reserved space downstairs. You can't miss 40 Basques anyway. All are welcome to attend both the protest and the social. The Spanish government, using Septemebr 11th as their excuse have been cracking down on the Basque Independence and Socialism Movement. Show your support. Further details can be obtained by calling my number. read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / news report Friday August 02, 2002 19:33 by John Wheat Gibson
![]() -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Below is a "copy" in its entirety of a very important letter to the New York Times from Jewish intellectuals including Albert Einstein, Hannah Arendt, and Sidney Hook that appeared on December 4, 1948 While it is quoted from in brief on several web sites, it appears nowhere in its entirety, and it deserves to be disseminated as it originally appears. read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / news report Friday August 02, 2002 19:07 by aut.
Bolivia, Mexico, Information Feudalism, Italian Hacklabs, Situationist International, Hakim Bey, Mike Rupert and Indymedia read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / news report Friday August 02, 2002 18:35 by ciaron
Fr. Daniel Berrigan SJ will be speaking at the Royal Dublin Hotel 7.30 p.m., O'Connell St. on Wednesday August 14th. 7.30 p.m. For going on half a century Philip and Daniel Berrigan have been a prophetic thorn in the side of political, military and church elites in the United States. Their nonviolent militant insistence on the sanctity of human life and the criminality of modern warfare has been non-negotiable. read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / news report Friday August 02, 2002 18:00 by Eoin Dubsky
As on every other day since September 2001, on Thursday 25 July a group of peace activists found the civilian airport at Shannon contaminated by military troops and cargo. Clearly though Aer Rianta haven't been spending their US military blood money on security, as the airport's protection measures against responsible citizens and terrorists alike are pathetic. read full story / add a comment |