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dublin / miscellaneous / event notice Thursday November 27, 2008 21:25 by Elisa O'Donovan
Picket called for by 'Save Sligo's Cancer Services' group as Harney opens the 4th All Ireland Cancer Confrence read full story / add a comment
cavan / miscellaneous / press release Thursday November 27, 2008 19:06 by Richard Walsh
Claims by 26-County President Mary McAleese during a visit to an Orange Hall in County Cavan that it is possible to be both Irish and British are nonsensical, a spokesperson for Republican Sinn Féin has said. read full story / add a comment
cork / miscellaneous / event notice Thursday November 27, 2008 18:35 by modonoghue
Cork People before Profit Alliance is inviting the public to participate in a series of protests over the coming weeks. The first of these pickets will be held on Green Party Office (Dan Boyles Clinic), 99 Douglas Street, Cork on Saturday 29 November 12pm. read full story / add a comment
national / eu / press release Thursday November 27, 2008 17:39 by Richard Walsh
The findings of the sub-committee charged with reviewing the future of the 26-County State within the EU is clearly designed to pave the way for a second referendum on the Lisbon Treaty, a spokesperson for Republican Sinn Féin said. read full story / add a comment
galway / anti-war / imperialism / event notice Thursday November 27, 2008 14:11 by Sarah
Amnesty International Ireland and the Galway Rape Crisis centre are organizing two events on Dec 5th to mark the international campaign ‘16 Days in opposition to violence against women’ . The first event is a candle lit vigil in solidarity with the people of the Democratic Republic of Congo - this will take place at 5 PM at Lynches castle, Shop Street, Galway. read full story / add a comment
dublin / arts and media / event notice Thursday November 27, 2008 11:16 by Comhalmh debates
The second of this years Comhlamh First Wednesday Debates will take place in Bewley's Cafe Theatre on Wednesday 3rd December at 6.15pm read full story / add a comment
Why are "opposition" parties silent on corporation tax increases, instead of cutting public services
national / worker & community struggles and protests / opinion/analysis Thursday November 27, 2008 11:06 by party animal
It was well known in political and media circles that drastic cuts in corporation would not be sustainable when the economy went into decline, however the 'spin' put out at the time was that these cuts in taxes paid by business would create greater profits and that this would mean almost full employment. Now that we know both the spin and the theory are nonsense what are the opposition parties saying? read full story / add a comment
international / anti-capitalism / opinion/analysis Thursday November 27, 2008 10:05 by Workers Solidarity
The financial markets have taken a hammering. Speculators (that’s a rich person’s word for ‘gambler’) lost incredible sums of borrowed cash in bets on everything from mortgage values to the possible price of wheat in 2011. Banks who lent out far more money than they actually had needed governments to step in with billions to bail them out. In some countries the state took them over. read full story / add a comment
national / education / news report Thursday November 27, 2008 09:55 by J.Carax
On October 22nd, in the biggest show of student strength in many years, over 15,000 third level students marched through the streets of Dublin. They were united in their opposition to the Budget’s 67% College Registration Fee increase and Minister for Education, Batt O’Keefe’s threat to bring back full college fees by September 2009. Last month, he announced that the return of fees would raise €530 million in revenue at a family income threshold of €120,000. To his embarrassment, he later had to admit that these figures were wrong and that in fact the maximum revenue would be only €130 million. read full story / add a comment
limerick / history and heritage / opinion/analysis Wednesday November 26, 2008 22:22 by Jack
Why is Hidden History hiding ? Last evening, Tuesday, 25th November, I flicked through the TV listings for something worthwhile to watch. I came across a docudrama on RTE one at 10.15 pm. It was entitled, ‘DEATH OR CANADA’. I switched on RTE one at 10.15 and discovered that the docudrama was actually another of those terrible Hidden History programmes. I was surprised to see that it was Hidden History and though it unusual that it was not advertised as so on the TV listings. I immediately checked last Saturday’s Irish Times TV guide. The programme was listed on RTE at 10.15pm under the title DEATH OR CANADA, no mention of Hidden History. On the top of the page under the heading, TV CHOICE by David O Dwyer I see a review of the docudrama, it reads as follows. read full story / add a comment
dublin / anti-capitalism / press release Wednesday November 26, 2008 20:33 by WSM
Worried about your job security ? Want to find out just where all our wealth went? Fancy learning more about practical resistance to this unjust system or market democracy? Want to meet up and maybe get involved with other people interested in reclaiming back our lives from the control of bosses and politicians? Then this is for you!!!! As part of the WSM Financial Education Campaign WSM hosts an open discussion. All welcome!! read full story / add a comment
national / anti-war / imperialism / press release Wednesday November 26, 2008 16:56 by brendan Butler
WAR PROFITEERING GROUP TO BUY INTO BANK OF iRELAND read full story / add a comment
international / history and heritage / opinion/analysis Wednesday November 26, 2008 15:43 by Jim
After the death of Kennedy it seemed that everything was going wrong. Vietnam, Watergate, the race riots, the cultural chasm between young and old, rich and poor, the collapse of traditional family values and the explosion of drug culture and sexual license among an angry disillusioned generation of baby boomers who should have inherited the American Dream that the “greatest generation” including Kennedy had sacrificed so much for and the rise of nihilistic violence by Manson, the Weathermen, the slaughter at My Lai, the assassinations of Martin Luther King and Bobby Kennedy himself who seemed to be the last of idealistic liberals left after the end of the war. All the problems seemed to have burst to the surface following the death of Kennedy when the hopes and dreams of millions of the young who had been brought up to believe in a safe rational world were shattered. read full story / add a comment
international / crime and justice / other press Wednesday November 26, 2008 13:46 by redjade
''A US appeals court has ruled that the Vatican can be sued for the sex abuse committed by US priests. The Vatican had tried to block a class action lawsuit alleging that it orchestrated a cover-up of sexual abuse by clergy with the argument that it was protected by laws granting sovereign states immunity from most US civil proceedings..... read full story / add a comment
national / anti-capitalism / other press Wednesday November 26, 2008 11:41 by Michael Taft
A new 10-point programme for economic recovery and renewal read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / opinion/analysis Wednesday November 26, 2008 11:40 by Davy Carlin
The Stormont administration is at a critical juncture, with the Executive not having met in several months. It seems an eternity since Paisley and McGuinness chuckled their way through meetings and joint events. Yet much of that public display of togetherness has little substance when it comes to real and beneficial change for working people or in dealing with the issues which have now re-surfaced and are the cause for the recent financial instability. read full story / add a comment
national / anti-capitalism / news report Wednesday November 26, 2008 11:25 by Workers Solidarity
“This Budget serves no vested interest. Rather, it provides an opportunity for us all to pull together and play our part according to our means so that we can secure the gains which have been the achievement of the men and women of this country. It is, a Cheann Comhairle, no less than a call to patriotic action.” With these words, Minister for Finance Brian Lenihan concluded his Budget speech in the Dáil on Tuesday 21st October. Just a week later Lenihan and his colleagues were left in no doubt whatsoever what people thought of his ‘call to patriotic action’ read full story / add a comment
fermanagh / rights, freedoms and repression / event notice Wednesday November 26, 2008 11:20 by éirígí PRO
The recent release of Steve McQueen’s critically acclaimed movie Hunger has led to a renewed interest in both the 1981 Hunger Strike and the broader prison struggle of the 1970s and 1980s. read full story / add a comment
international / miscellaneous / news report Tuesday November 25, 2008 20:49 by Nopasarambo
Solidarity Demo with arrested Anarchist attacks police station in Iceland read full story / add a comment
national / anti-capitalism / press release Tuesday November 25, 2008 15:10 by éirígí PRO
![]() éirígí chairperson Brian Leeson today (Tuesday) said that Twenty-Six County minister Seán Power’s pronouncement’s that Ireland needs to increase its indigenous energy resources flies in the face of his government’s behaviour on the issue. read full story / add a comment |