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Lockdown Skeptics

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Stormont continues to crumble under its own contradictions!

category national | miscellaneous | opinion/analysis author Wednesday November 26, 2008 11:40author by Davy Carlin - WSM (WS 106)author email wsm_ireland at yahoo dot com Report this post to the editors

The Stormont administration is at a critical juncture, with the Executive not having met in several months. It seems an eternity since Paisley and McGuinness chuckled their way through meetings and joint events.

Yet much of that public display of togetherness has little substance when it comes to real and beneficial change for working people or in dealing with the issues which have now re-surfaced and are the cause for the recent financial instability.

The Executive, having been set up on the basis of institutionalised sectarianism and ‘parity of esteem,’ is now seeing that very sectarianism causing chaos in the corridors of Stormont. While the DUP and Sinn Féin squabble over issues ranging from policing and justice through to the Maze Prison, working people are suffering in their daily lives on bread and butter issues.

The credit crunch and the global instability in the financial markets are an additional worry to the hardship that many people are already facing. The rise in house repossessions is going hand in hand with the rise of fuel, electricity and food bills. The increase in numbers of citizens in debt corresponds with more falling into poverty and despair, and as prices continue to go up, wages are going down in real terms.

The administration’s neo-liberal priorities where set out from the beginning, to meet the needs of business e.g. water charges and the privatisation of water supply. Such is the priority of all governments.

Many of us have lived through the recent conflict and the hardship and despair that came with it. Now we have a so-called peace process, but the gap between ourselves and the rich continues to grow.

This situation has seen radio and TV shows inundated with working people who are angry and appalled at the squabbling and the lack of delivery on the issues that are affecting their every day lives. Many are calling for action to be taken to end the squabbling while others are calling for marches and protests to get government moving and working for the interests of its citizens.

Yet this anger needs to be channelled and mobilised on the issues of real concern at the moment, against the lack of social housing, against the low wage economy and against the poverty resulting from privatisation and the rest of the neo-liberal agenda.

It is through acting together as the working class that we can fight back against the neo-liberal agenda inherent in the Stormont administration, and build a future for all. The WSM will be playing its part. Will you?

This article is from Workers Solidarity 106, this is its first online publication

Related Link: http://www.wsm.ie/
author by macky - non-affiliatedpublication date Thu Nov 27, 2008 16:37author email ghengismckhan at gmail dot comauthor address author phone Report this post to the editors

England has been trying to have a reliable government in place for years in Stormount but, despite all the best efforts by people like Mo Mowlam, it has not happened. it will take another generation of politicians, brave enough to face down the old guard on all sides of the paramilitary divides to actually achieve anything. there is no belief in the current administration. the set up precludes this. even if one takes the view of first and second minister having to be either sinn fein or unionist, this detracts from the best people running the country. it allows for the continuance of bigotry. the tradition of pointless 'historical' finger wagging and accusations must stop. if it does not, this system of politics is just as interesting as a drunken pub discussion and will alienate the voter's from these overpaid under achievers. perhaps this is what these so-called politicians want. money for nothing.

author by Malachy Steenson - Workers Party publication date Thu Nov 27, 2008 17:30author address author phone Report this post to the editors

North parties must move on from narrow sectarian agendas says Lowry

The Workers Party have said that too much praise is being heaped on the parties in the Northern Ireland Executive for doing what would be considered normal business in any other legislature.

Workers Party Belfast Chairman John Lowry said Northern Ireland Secretary of State Shaun Woodward was totally wrong when he described the deal done between the DUP and Sinn Fein to restore meetings of the Northern Ireland Executive, as an historic day for Northern Ireland.

Said Mr. Lowry, “Such extravagant use of language illustrates all that is rotten about the current political set up at Stormont and just how much language has been debased by those who spin about the alleged achievements of the DUP/Sinn Fein coalition”.

“The truth is that pressure was growing on the two sectarian parties. People looked on in bewilderment as the DUP / Sinn Fein stand off continued whilst the rest of the world faces up to the growing economic crisis and its impact on peoples daily lives”.

“Pensioners gathered at the steps of Stormont to demand help with winter fuel costs, help denied to them by the refusal of the DUP/Sinn Fein to meet because of their differences over the devolution of justice and policing powers. That they are now meeting again is to be welcomed and we must hope that the Executive and Assembly can apply their minds to doing something to alleviate the economic hardship facing the citizens of Northern Ireland. Unlike Shaun Woodward however, The Workers Party will not be showering undeserved plaudits to those who continue to play out their own narrow sectarian agendas”, Mr. Lowry said.

“The vast majority of people in Northern Ireland cannot understand the refusal of the Executive to meet in the first place. Many are left to reflect on the quality of the local assembly we have. It is a long way from the euphoric and optimistic days of the referenda North and South which overwhelmingly endorsed the Good Friday Agreement. Let there be no mistake. Things are undoubtedly better today by virtue of the ending of the terrorist campaigns. That people are not been killed on a daily basis is a major improvement. But we rightly expected more than just the ending of violence important as that was. The Agreement held out the possibility of a transformation of Northern Ireland society, of a leaving behind of the past and the failed politics which were the cause of all our problems. We have not had that. Instead we have a continuation of sectarian unionist and nationalist politics by unarmed means”, stated the Workers’ Party spokesman.

“Recent sectarian rioting in the Short Strand / Newtownards Road and the debacle surrounding the British Army homecoming parade in Belfast city centre demonstrate just how raw sectarianism still is. No attempt has been made to address, let alone eradicate, sectarianism. But why should we be surprised at the persistence, indeed the growth in sectarian division throughout society when the political institutions themselves are built upon those very same sectarian fault lines. The Workers Party expressed our concern at the time that a major and potentially fatal flaw in the Agreement was that it was built upon and would perpetuate sectarianism”.

Said Mr. Lowry, “Unless there was a serious assault on sectarianism and its manifestations we said, then in reality very little will have changed. The D’Hondt system of electing the Executive, the requirement to nominate as either unionist or nationalist and the myriad of voting procedures in the assembly which are all based on the existence of unionist and nationalist voting blocs, were all temporary measures which could be replaced as soon as our new political dispensation matured and confidence grew. The opposite has happened. Sectarian extremism has grown and the centre ground of the SDLP/UUP/Alliance has been eclipsed. It is time to dismantle these sectarian aspects of the Agreement. Unless we do so we are faced with perpetual sectarian polarisation as represented by the DUP/Sinn Fein”.

“The SDLP/UUP/Alliance cannot sit idly in the Assembly whilst the extremes of unionism and nationalism destroy the hopes of a new beginning which thousands of people throughout these islands thought was possible. There is one political institution of the agreement which has been totally ignored and sidelined, the Civic Forum. It is time that those in civic society were given a voice and a role other than to act as cheerleaders for those in the Assembly”, said John Lowry.

Related Link: http://workerspartyireland.net/index.html
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