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international / anti-war / imperialism / news report Thursday April 22, 2004 11:01 by Jim
BAGHDAD, IRAQ — Cars spin down the street at night, tricked out with blue neon lights and sporting CDs dangled from their rearview mirrors. Thriving shops blare 50 Cent's In Da Club, while the young techie at one of the numerous local Internet cafés prefers to blast Nirvana. Cell phones with personalized ring tones and text messaging are literally everywhere. And teenage gamers while away their afternoons playing Vice City and Tom Clancy's Medal of Honor. Anytown, USA? No: Welcome to the new face of Baghdad, where, to quote Army Sgt. First Class Woods, the kids "want to be like Mike, not like Mahtma." read full story / add a comment
national / anti-war / imperialism / opinion/analysis Thursday April 22, 2004 05:22 by Deputy
"Proven medical fact: Reading indymedia will make you go blind and insane. For the love of christ, don't do it." Irish Military Online......trolls galore read full story / add a comment
dublin / arts and media / event notice Wednesday April 21, 2004 23:33 by Grace Kelly
The Pirate Puppet Company presents The Quest For The Last Dodo in Liberty Hall @ 7.30 pm til Friday ……………a night of music and theatre from a motley crew of artists and musicians from Spain, Brittany and Ireland for a wonderful puppet adventure on the high seas read full story / add a comment
national / summit mobilisations / press release Wednesday April 21, 2004 23:06 by another europe is possible
Press Release- May Day protest organisers meet Gardai to demand right to march April Members of Another Europe is Possible, the alliance which is organising a Carnival and march on May 1st will meet the Gardai tomorrow (Thursday) morning at 10am to demand the right to march to the Phoenix Park as planned. read full story / add a comment
international / eu / news report Wednesday April 21, 2004 20:20 by Someone
Read this piece of news from yesterday(Gara.net) and tell me what you think, cos it looks rather dodgy!!! read full story / add a comment
limerick / environment / event notice Wednesday April 21, 2004 19:19 by Eoin
Takes place at 8pm on Wednesday, 28th April Room 4, SU Building, University of Limerick All welcome read full story / add a comment
clare / anti-war / imperialism / news report Wednesday April 21, 2004 19:06 by Mary Mac
Just published in current edition of New York's Irish Echo newspaper. See link for full article. read full story / add a comment
dublin / summit mobilisations / press release Wednesday April 21, 2004 17:33 by Dublin Grassroots Network
On Sunday May 2nd the Dublin Grassroots Network will be opening a temporary No Borders camp to welcome asylum seekers and refugees to Ireland. We will be assembling at 11am SHARP on Customs House Quay (at the Memorial Road junction at the Matt Talbot Memorial Bridge, just in front of the IFSC). Tickets for the return trip are 15 euro per person. Please assemble on time. We will be back in Dublin by 7pm for the No Borders film "Holiday Camp" in the Indymedia Centre, which is about the Woomera Detention Centre in Australia. All are welcome to attend. read full story / add a comment
national / rights, freedoms and repression / news report Wednesday April 21, 2004 15:05 by GreenMan
After repeated interuptions from the opposition The debate surrounding the upcoming referendum started in the Dail today. In response to a barage of heckles McDowell referred to those involved as cry-babies, "your behaving like a baby' quibbed McDowell when he couldn't get the undivided attention of his playground. read full story / add a comment
national / crime and justice / opinion/analysis Wednesday April 21, 2004 12:22 by P.j.
While republicans are dragged through the mire for electoral purposes the violence of the loyalist paramilitaries continues. Here are three stories taken from today’s papers to illustrate that point. read full story / add a comment
national / arts and media / opinion/analysis Wednesday April 21, 2004 12:09 by Brian O'Nolan
Kevin’s conversion - why has Kevin Myers done a flip-flop on George Bush? He has turned on his intellectual mentor and now thinks him a political madman (on the basis that it takes one to know one?). Why has this happened? What is the source of this conversion of Uncle Sam’s best friend into his foe? read full story / add a comment
dublin / anti-capitalism / event notice Wednesday April 21, 2004 11:39 by Trinners Anarchist
The Trinity Anarchist Society will have a meeting on the topic of Mayday, with speakers from Indymedia and Dublin Grassroots who will describe the preparations that have been put in place in advance of the Mayday weekend. An AGM and social will follow. read full story / add a comment
national / crime and justice / press release Wednesday April 21, 2004 10:50 by Rick Lines, Executive Director
The IPRT is pleased to welcome Baroness Vivien Stern to deliver the organisation’s 2004 Annual Lecture. She will be speaking on the topic of criminal justice and social justice. Baroness Stern is Senior Research Fellow at the International Centre for Prison Studies, King’s College, London. She is honorary Secretary General and co-founder of Penal Reform International, a network established in 1989 to promote prison reform throughout the world which currently has projects in 40 countries. Baroness Stern’s lecture will be held Thursday April 22nd in the Swift Theatre, Arts Building, Trinity College Dublin at 6:00pm. This event is free, and open to both members and non-members of the IPRT. read full story / add a comment
national / rights, freedoms and repression / event notice Wednesday April 21, 2004 10:45 by Rick Lines, Executive Director
The IPRT is pleased to welcome Baroness Vivien Stern to deliver the organisation’s 2004 Annual Lecture. She will be speaking on the topic of criminal justice and social justice. Baroness Stern is Senior Research Fellow at the International Centre for Prison Studies, King’s College, London. She is honorary Secretary General and co-founder of Penal Reform International, a network established in 1989 to promote prison reform throughout the world which currently has projects in 40 countries. Baroness Stern’s lecture will be held in the Swift Theatre, Arts Building, Trinity College Dublin at 6:00pm. This event is free, and open to both members and non-members of the IPRT. read full story / add a comment
international / consumer issues / news report Wednesday April 21, 2004 10:32 by Gearoid O Loingsigh
Yet again the paramilitaries turn their fire on the union read full story / add a comment
national / summit mobilisations / news report Tuesday April 20, 2004 22:32 by redflaremist
national / summit mobilisations / opinion/analysis Tuesday April 20, 2004 20:45 by Mark Paul
As a freelance journalist with an interest in anti-globalisation issues, I wrote an article about the tabloid coverage and hype in the run-up to Mayday. Two of the Sunday broadsheets initially showed interest in it, but then rejected it upon reading it. I don't subscribe to the idea that all journalists are spineless etc. etc. etc.......... However, I do feel that it was a balanced article. Yet the media still wouldn't touch it. As a part of the media, I feel that there is the need for reasonable, sensible debate on the role the mainstream media plays, how it can be improved, and comments from other sections of the media would be a good start. read full story / add a comment
dublin / eu / event notice Tuesday April 20, 2004 19:34 by Nicki Jordan
All are welcome to join a fundraising table quiz for Habitat for Humanity Ireland on Sunday April 25th at 8pm in Mother Red Caps. Test your knowledge on the culture,history, sport, music and geography of the 10 Accession States and other topics... 20 Euro for tables of four. Prizes courtesy of Accession State Embassies in Dublin. read full story / add a comment
national / politics / elections / opinion/analysis Tuesday April 20, 2004 17:08 by Local Tallyman
The Socialist Workers Party and the Socialist Party have now declared their candidates for the upcoming local elections. http://www.swp.ie/html/elections.htm http://www.socialistparty.net/elections/elections.htm read full story / add a comment
international / politics / elections / news report Tuesday April 20, 2004 16:26 by BelgianDemocrat
The electoral registration office in ‘French-speaking’ Wallonia rejected the signatures smaller parties had collected to legally stand in the forthcoming European elections. According to Belgian law, parties – in order to be able to contest the elections – either need the signatures of 5 members of parliament or have to collect 5,000 signatures of people who are entitled to vote. read full story / add a comment |