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dublin / rights, freedoms and repression / event notice Monday March 29, 2004 21:28 by John Meehan
The next meeting of the Campaign Against the Racist Referendum takes place on Saturday April 3 @ 3pm in the Teachers' Club, 36 Parnell Square, Dublin 1 read full story / add a comment
national / anti-capitalism / news report Monday March 29, 2004 20:22 by Alan MacSimoin
At the annual general meeting of SIPTU's Education Branch - which organises 2,000 workers in colleges - a motion calling for no investment in Coca-Cola by our pension funds (or by SIPTU's own pension fund) was carried. This is in support of the campaign by Columbian workers and their unions to halt the intimidation and murder of trade union activists in Coca Cola bottling plants. This is just a start, can you get a similar motion passed at your next union meeting? read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / feature Monday March 29, 2004 19:28 by Cathal Mac Oireachtaigh
An insiders account of the recent Irish Education Forum, hosted by UCD Students Union on Fri. 19th March 2004... read full story / add a comment
dublin / anti-capitalism / event notice Monday March 29, 2004 19:27 by Dublin 1916 Easter Commemoration Committee
The James Connolly Memorial Debate will be held in the Swift Theatre, Trinity College on Wednesday the 31st of March at 7.30pm. read full story / add a comment
international / rights, freedoms and repression / news report Monday March 29, 2004 18:38 by MrParadise
briefing read full story / add a comment
tyrone / anti-war / imperialism / opinion/analysis Monday March 29, 2004 16:21 by Anarcho
Anyone with half a brain can see that Blair lied in order to scare the British (and world) population to support his position on invading Iraq. Yet no matter the phoney platitudes, dodgy evidence and spurious logic he inflicted upon the world, we knew he was talking rubbish. Iraq was not involved in September 11th, it did not have links with al-Qaida, and it had no WMD. The anti-war movement has been vindicated. read full story / add a comment
international / consumer issues / news report Monday March 29, 2004 12:00 by Gearoid
The workers at Coke have won a partial victory. read full story / add a comment
international / rights, freedoms and repression / news report Monday March 29, 2004 11:36 by Charles Arthur
Union-busting in Haiti: for background see - http://www.labourstart.org/cgi-bin/solidarityforever/show_campaign.cgi?c=24 Bosses use armed irregulars to suppress new workers' union at assembly factory working on Levi's jeans. read full story / add a comment
national / politics / elections / news report Monday March 29, 2004 11:24 by Peter Sutherlands Nemesis
In the interests of democracy the 'You Will Not Vote No Again Machines' Will Assist The Public in making appropriate choices in order to protect and preserve our democracy and economy in the face of menace and threats from intelligent articulate sensitive well-read thinking people who would otherwise vote for some bleedin' socialist, who would then redistribute wealth, protect the environment and dislodge us from the Bush-binLaden axis of self destruction and madness.. read full story / add a comment
galway / rights, freedoms and repression / event notice Monday March 29, 2004 02:45 by Orla Ni Chomhrai
Public Meeting on Upcoming referendum 'No to racist referendum, stop deportations' Thursday, 1st April, 8pm. Imperial Hotel, Eyre square, Galway organised by the Socialist Workers Party in Galway Speakers: Melissa Halpin, Socialist Workers Party, and Foley (Nigerian Refugee) read full story / add a comment
national / rights, freedoms and repression / news report Monday March 29, 2004 01:01 by John Meehan
Residents Against Racism organised a founding campaign meeting on Saturday March 27 2004 in the ATGWU Hall, Middle Abbey Street, Dublin. Over one hundred people attended a lively meeting that lasted almost three hours. This is a personal report by John Meehan. Others who attended might like to add their own comments and news, and correct any factual inaccuracies that have slipped in here. read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / news report Sunday March 28, 2004 22:24 by Sean Crudden
Just a simple post to indymedia of a little report I have just prepared for submission to The Dundalk Democrat. Sean. read full story / add a comment
antrim / miscellaneous / event notice Saturday March 27, 2004 21:35 by Republican Socialist Movement
waterford / anti-capitalism / press release Saturday March 27, 2004 14:29 by Roy Hassey
The South East Social Forum have launched a new website: www.freewebs.com/sesf/ The website contains details of the protest and alternative summit at the EU environmental ministers meeting in Waterford in May. read full story / add a comment
international / anti-war / imperialism / news report Saturday March 27, 2004 12:41 by The Nuclear Resister
Support Letters c/- Helen D. Woodson, #03231-045, c/o Bates County Jail, P. O. Box 60, Butler, MO 64730 USA read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / event notice Saturday March 27, 2004 04:08 by Adam Christian
"Promise for Peace" May 29th, 2004. Marin County CA: Promise for Peace is an interactive peace-fair and benefit concert supporting the 3rd annual Indigenous Elders and Youth Peace Peace Gathering, in Humboldt, CA. The fair networks peace organizations locally and nationally into a creative peace festival to educate and inspire the youth community. Come and express your Peace! read full story / add a comment
waterford / anti-capitalism / event notice Friday March 26, 2004 19:56 by Roy Hassey
As part of Ireland's EU Presidency, the EU environmental ministers will be meeting in Martin Cullen's constituency, Waterford on May 15th & 16th. The South East Social Forum is organising a protest and alternative summit under the title of 'People and Planet Before Profit - Another Europe is Possible'. read full story / add a comment
antrim / anti-war / imperialism / news report Friday March 26, 2004 19:36 by Garrett Richardson
The trial of Garrett Richardson took place yesterday Thursday 25th and concluded today Friday 26thMarch. read full story / add a comment
national / environment / opinion/analysis Friday March 26, 2004 17:44 by safer world
You might have seen last night's Prime Time Programme or today's Irish Examiner articles about Sellafield. the main news is about a huge pond holding high level nuclear waste. The pond, which holds thousands of gallons of various nuclear crap is decaying and according to Dr. John Large, a nuclear expert and former Sellafield Worker, it contains up to 5 tonnes of Plutonium. read full story / add a comment
international / rights, freedoms and repression / news report Friday March 26, 2004 15:32 by MrParadise
a summary of the events read full story / add a comment |