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international / anti-capitalism / press release Tuesday November 24, 2009 18:14 by Bolivia Solidarity Campaign
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Michael Dwyer was an employee of Irish based company Integrated Risk Management Services IRMS through whom it appears he made contact with international mercenaries and travelled to Bolivia. Bolivian civil society groups in Europe have called on Minister for Foreign Affairs Michael Martin to fully investigate the activities of this company which also provides security services to Shell in Rosport as well as to Fianna Fail during its annual conferences. read full story / add a comment
cork / environment / press release Tuesday November 24, 2009 15:12 by maire
While we all reel in horror at what has happened to the inhabitants in Cork City because of flooding' why on earth has it taken 8 years and hundreds of thousands of euros for the inhabitants of the harbour of Cork to get someone in planning to recognise that building a toxic or municipal plant on a flooding site on a crumbling coastline at a time of climate change is lunacy. read full story / add a comment
national / worker & community struggles and protests / press release Tuesday November 24, 2009 13:19 by PRO Workers Solidarity Movement
Anarchist organisation Workers Solidarity Movement has congratulated public sector workers who took part in today’s 24-hour work stoppage and called for further stoppages “in order to force a change of direction from the government”. read full story / add a comment
international / rights, freedoms and repression / press release Friday November 20, 2009 10:04 by Witness Against Torture
Justice Delayed, Justice Denied Witness Against Torture Responds to Obama’s Statement that Guantanamo Will Not Close by January 2010. read full story / add a comment
national / animal rights / press release Thursday November 19, 2009 20:43 by Laura Broxson
***NATIONAL ANIMAL RIGHTS ASSOCIATION PRESS RELEASE*** ACTIVISTS TO RETURN TO CHARLES RIVER ANIMAL TESTING LABORATORIES WHEN: Tuesday 24th Nov. First protest from 12noon - 2.30pm outside Charles River in Carrentrila, Ballina. Second protest outside Charles River in Glenamoy, from 4pm - 6pm approx. Contact N.A.R.A. spokesperson: Laura Broxson - 086 8729 444 - 2 months after they organised Ireland’s first ever protests outside these laboratories, activists from the National Animal Rights Association are returning, as promised. They will be joined by other groups this time, such as Donegal Veg and Animal Rights Northern Ireland, as well as activists travelling all the way from the U.K. read full story / add a comment
national / worker & community struggles and protests / press release Thursday November 19, 2009 16:15 by Jolly Red Giant
One hundred and twenty delegates attended the Socialist Party National Conference this weekend in Carlingford, Co Louth. The Conference discussions ranged over the crucial issues affecting working class people on this island North and South and in particular the acute economic crisis which is having a devastating effect on the livelihoods of ordinary people. read full story / add a comment ![]()
national / animal rights / press release Thursday November 19, 2009 14:45 by Bernie Wright
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national / anti-capitalism / press release Thursday November 19, 2009 10:53 by Workers Solidarity
We carried out an anti-Lisbon campaign involving the distribution of 15,000 copies of a special edition of Workers Solidarity and putting up posters advocating a no-vote. Our activity was designed to begin a discussion about the sort of Ireland and Europe people would like to live in, and was centred on the needs of working people. The vote may have been lost but several thousand people got to hear about the anarchist alternative. read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / press release Tuesday November 17, 2009 23:41 by Ógra Shinn Féin
Last weekend saw in excess of a hundred young republican activists, gather at the Felons Club in Belfast for the Ógra Shinn Féín national congress. The weekend was the conclusion of a significant year for Ógra in which the republican youth movement remembered the 100th anniversary of the foundation of the original republican youth movement, Na Fianna Éireann. read full story / add a comment ![]()
international / animal rights / press release Tuesday November 17, 2009 16:15 by Bernie Wright
SHAC PRIORITY TARGET DEMO at ASTRAZENECA DUBLIN. WHEN Tuesday 24th NOVEMBER 2009 from 1-2pm at College Park House, Corner Nassau St., Dublin 2 (Entrance is off South Fredrick Street) from 1-2pm. ASTRAZENECA read full story / add a comment
sligo / miscellaneous / press release Monday November 16, 2009 20:35 by North West Red
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Cathaoirleach of Sligo County Council Gerry Murray to hold a civic reception tomorrow for the former DUP leader Ian Paisley in Tubbercurry, County Sligo read full story / add a comment
cork / rights, freedoms and repression / press release Monday November 16, 2009 14:55 by People Before Profit
Special needs child, 11 year old Angel Mc Donagh faces into another week without schooling because of the failure of the Department of Education to provide the necessary resources to St Michael’s House, the special needs school, which her father was told could cater for her needs. read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / press release Monday November 16, 2009 14:38 by Republican Network for Unity Dublin
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One of the worlds biggest media and music corporations, MTV, is actively recruiting for the British Army in Britain and in Ireland, MTV UK and 'Ireland' which supposedly comprises of the corporations branch in Britain and Ireland, is using a television and internet advert campaign to recruit its viewers into the ranks of the British Army. read full story / add a comment
national / crime and justice / press release Monday November 16, 2009 00:21 by Ardoyne Republican
“Earlier today a Republican Network for Unity Ard Comhairle delegation, returning from a series of meetings in Glasgow, was detained at Belfast International Airport arrivals by a group of approximately twenty (20) uniformed and plain clothed RUC/PSNI members. As one an Ard Comhairle member from Derry was being questioned, the plain clothed RUC/PSNI man menacingly told him that he was well aware of the make up of the individual’s family and of the details and names of his children. The same plain clothed RUC/PSNI man then inquired if he had any information on those he was travelling with and/or of the RNU in general. read full story / add a comment ![]()
national / worker & community struggles and protests / press release Friday November 13, 2009 14:54 by ASTI
65,000 teachers and lecturers working in primary schools, second-level schools, further education colleges and third level institutions will participate in the one-day strike on November 24th called by the Irish Congress of Trade Unions. The ASTI, INTO, and TUI announced the results of their ballots on industrial action today (November 13th). All three unions have voted overwhelming in favour of industrial action. IFUT already has a mandate for industrial action. read full story / add a comment
Youth campaign for jobs slams Minster for Employment’s “vampire” comments about unemployed young peo
antrim / worker & community struggles and protests / press release Thursday November 12, 2009 14:06 by Daniel W
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Minister for Employment labels some young people vampires. read full story / add a comment
national / rights, freedoms and repression / press release Thursday November 12, 2009 13:26 by Richard Walsh
Proposals which could see the DNA profiles of those acquitted of engaging in activities aimed at securing Irish national liberation retained for life have been criticised by Republican Sinn Féin. read full story / add a comment
national / environment / press release Wednesday November 11, 2009 22:05 by Donegal Alternatives to Pylons
An Bord Pleanála Board has overruled its own Inspectors and given the go ahead for a high voltage power line to run through South and West Donegal. This ESB Networks and Eirgrid project is not, as they maintain, to supplement the energy needs of County Donegal but rather to facilitate wind energy developers in their rush to profit at the expense of people in Donegal and their environmental heritage. However local opposition is strong and Donegal Alternatives to Pylons is not going away. read full story / add a comment ![]()
national / anti-capitalism / press release Wednesday November 11, 2009 18:15 by Workers' Party
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Hanafin cancels Christmas for 2 million people - decision to scrap annual Christmas Bonus condemned by the Workers' Party read full story / add a comment ![]()
international / rights, freedoms and repression / press release Wednesday November 11, 2009 02:04 by AKBAYAN
An administration that shall not enter into any compromises with Gloria Macapagal Arroyo (GMA), her family and her cronies. A government that shall commit to reverse the political and economic damages wrought by the Arroyo administration. A political leadership that shall use its authority and shall exercise political will to introduce basic reforms that would restore our faith in our own capacity to lead decent and honorable lives. read full story / add a comment |