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national / miscellaneous Tuesday August 13, 2002 - 14:10 by A sports loving Anti capitalist, see ya all at the RTS
Following the latest revealations from Roy Keane's autobiography that he deliberately set out to cripple Manchester City player Al Parland for life with a horrific on pitch tackle the question we need to ask is Roy Keane just a spoilt brat who's become too big and arrogant for his boots (excuse the pun)? What do ye think? ... read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous Tuesday August 13, 2002 - 14:10 by Ruairi
Vigil at Netherlands Embassy, 1.00pm - 2.00pm Thursday August 15th *** PLEASE FORWARD *** There will be a vigil outside the Netherlands Embassy from 1.00pm to 2.00pm (please note time) on 15 August 2002, the 40th anniversary of the New York Agreement concerning West Papua. The Netherlands Embassy is located at 160 Merrion Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4. The Netherlands signed an Agreement at United Nations Headquarters in New York with the Indonesian Government (the West Papuans weren't involved in the Agreement), where they agreed, inter alia, that an "act of self-determinaton in accordance with international practice" would take place within six years in West Papua. It never happened. The Netherlands government did nothing, and continue to remain silent, 40 years later. It is time for the Netherlands to call publicly as a matter of urgency for a proper act of self-determination in West Papua in accordance with international practice as they ... read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous Tuesday August 13, 2002 - 14:01 by Pat C
The following piece for the "Phoenix" deserves wider circulation. It was sent to me & I don't have a link for it. I'm not posting this in any sectarian spirit. I think however SF should justify their support for capitalist candidates. Is LIR unionised? What are Whites views on other issues? On what basis dis SF choose her above others? ... read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous Tuesday August 13, 2002 - 11:20 by hopespringseternal
Meeting to help organise another free party ... read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous Tuesday August 13, 2002 - 10:23 by don't mention the war ... or else
The defence secretary, Donald Rumsfeld, has complained: "If people start treating war plans like they're paper airplanes and they can fly them around this building and throw them to anyone who wants them, I think it's outrageous. It's inexcusable and they ought to be in jail." ... read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous Tuesday August 13, 2002 - 04:29 by AFA, Molotov
At the end of August (28.8.-1.9.) no-border camp will be held in a small town called Sredisce near Slovenian-Hungarian-Croatian border. ... read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous Tuesday August 13, 2002 - 02:03 by Just Another Poster on the IMC...
Looking at tactics in the run up to Car Free Day 2002. ... read full story / add a comment ![]()
national / miscellaneous Tuesday August 13, 2002 - 01:49 by Nagosh Naito (c) 2002 All rights reserved
The elephants and donkeys, also known as "Party Animals", that came popping up in Washington, D.C. in June, are beginning to come popping up with protest signs of the times. ... read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous Monday August 12, 2002 - 17:45 by international socialist
SOME 5,000 people joined a protest against sectarianism outside Belfast City Hall in Northern Ireland on Friday of last week. The rally was in response to the sectarian murder of a young Catholic man, Gerard Lawlor, by Loyalist paramilitaries. The Loyalist death squad, the Ulster Freedom Fighters, appeared on TV wearing balaclavas and combat gear and wielding guns, claiming responsibility for the murder. ... read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous Monday August 12, 2002 - 17:31 by Hazel Croft
THE BATTLE of Lewisham, which took place 25 years ago this month, was a decisive turning point in the fight against the Nazis in Britain. On 13 August 1977 over 10,000 people-black and white, old and young, women and men-joined together to physically confront the Nazis and stop them from marching. The battle showed how the Nazis could be driven off the streets and it marked the beginning of a mass campaign to smash the Nazis. ... read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous Monday August 12, 2002 - 16:35 by Dathi
Article for your information from yesterday's "Sunday Business Post", 11 August 2002, page 18, by Mr Emmett O'Connell ... read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous Monday August 12, 2002 - 14:07 by kahootz
TRIDENT PLOUGHSHARES Press Release: 8th August 2002 ... read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous Monday August 12, 2002 - 01:28 by Joe Murphy
See Cockburn's website, Counterpunch, for a criticism of Bono's support for Nice treaty. ... read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous Sunday August 11, 2002 - 22:20 by althea and donna
as september looms ahead, the working class permanent residents of the holylands, belfast wait in fear, as money grabbin slumlords cram as many as 10 students into each tiny 2up2down terrace house that they've converted into HMOs. ... read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous Sunday August 11, 2002 - 21:57 by Paul O'Connell
President George Bush and his cronies have plans afoot to use federal troops as scab labor in order to break the back of one of Americas strongest Trade Unions. Now that’s consistency for ya. ... read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous Sunday August 11, 2002 - 15:17 by Ed Manning
KILKENNY ARTS WEEK ... read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous Sunday August 11, 2002 - 15:11 by John Jefferies
According to Ireland on Sunday (11th August 2002) the two US Navy ammunition ships bound for Cork have changed their mind about the visit. ... read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous Sunday August 11, 2002 - 12:14 by Al S
OF ALL THE ‘ISMS’, militarism is the most poisonous, destructive and dangerous. When active it destroys people, cultures and rational thought. When relatively passive (though it is never truly passive), it enters the minds and value systems of society in a way that reinforces conformity and obedience. Military values require uniformity, not only of appearance but also of attitude and values. The armed forces expend considerable effort in ensuring that soldiers at al levels accept without question the inherent and unquestionable superiority of their methods, aims and ideology. In the heat of battle there is no scope for questioning the validity of the campaign or particular action. Robot-like acceptance is paramount. Militarism, the glorification of military values and methods, has a long history. In Europe, Asia and South America that undoubted symbol of militarism, the military uniform and with it social prestige, has existed for thousands of years, as witness Assyrian... ... read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous Saturday August 10, 2002 - 20:07 by mohock
In recent weeks there have been articles appearing to suggest that the death toll of civilians in Afghan was in the low hundreds.These articles were never backed up with detail or method of collection of data.There is however an authoritive report by a US academician,Marc Herold which is well researched with full methodolgy which give the above total of civilian deaths.The article by Prof.Herold is from The Guardian August 8 and also details on the above links. It is important to debunk the myth of accurate 'smart weapons' which will be recycled by the mainstream media in the current pyscho ops. to prepare for US invasion of Iraq. ... read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous Saturday August 10, 2002 - 19:16 by O AS IF = iosaf
As Irish readers resident in BCN will know the Parc Cuitadella has been under attack for the last two weekends. This central BCN park is traditionally a meeting place, and site for musicians and drummers every Sunday afternoon. Two weekends ago Police attempted to disperse the people. no-one was injured. Last weekend arrests of immigrants without papers were made, instruments were confiscated. The Barcelona Indymedia community, Reclaim the Streets, and just about the whole colourful tribe is asking for people to defend a common space for our enjoyment. 17h30 Parc Cuitadella. BCN Sunday. ... read full story / add a comment |