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national / miscellaneous Tuesday November 05, 2002 - 15:03 by washington post
Now that Ireland has voted for Nice, the agenda can move forward... ... read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous Tuesday November 05, 2002 - 14:53 by mook
Gardai are currently investigating, rumours that a critical bug exists in the traffic points software. ... read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous Tuesday November 05, 2002 - 14:43 by Billy Bantam
Tribune Newspapers Plc confirmed today that Matt Cooper has resigned as editor of the Sunday Tribune. Matt leaves to become full time presenter of the popular current affairs show "The Last word" on Today FM from January 1 next. Jim Farrelly, Managing Director, of Tribune Newspapers plc said the company was grateful to Matt for the significant contribution he made to the development of the newspaper during his six years in the editor's chair. ... read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous Tuesday November 05, 2002 - 14:38 by wowser
incredible... ... read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous Tuesday November 05, 2002 - 14:33 by AFA
Fair play to TCD security for refusing to provide security for the proposed Irving meeting. They realise that the grief involved is not worth it to indulge the annual idiocy of some brattish 'debating society'. ... read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous Tuesday November 05, 2002 - 14:00 by IMC Zombie
Today celebrate and honour Guido Fawkes, the only person to enter Parliament with honest intentions! ... read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous Tuesday November 05, 2002 - 13:52 by John O'Neill
A few anti war activists based in Finglas are trying to start a locally based campaign against the war anyone interested? ... read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous Tuesday November 05, 2002 - 13:08 by Mags
Please support ... read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous Tuesday November 05, 2002 - 12:32 by McMean
The plaque on the front of Belfast's Linenhall Library says: 'The Belfast Library and Society for Promoting Knowledge, founded 1788'. It is one of the oldest libraries in Ireland, has one of the finest collections of Irish history books and has played a not insignificant part in the literary history of Belfast and Ireland as a whole. ... read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous Tuesday November 05, 2002 - 12:07 by jenny b
Despite the release of loyalist LVF neo nazi right wing extremist murderers, such as greysteel mass murderers Torrens knight, Johnny Adair and Robin king, under the terms of the peace process good friday agreement. The forgotten prisoner ex INLA man Desie O Hare, imprisoned since 1979, in Portloise Gaol, is still behind bars. Why? ... read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous Tuesday November 05, 2002 - 05:44 by mike montagne - PEOPLE For Mathematically Perfected Economy
Here we stand, willing victims of a system which not long ago collapsed the world's "economies." ... read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous Monday November 04, 2002 - 21:40 by Danielle Ni Dhighe
IRSP: Report on the Costello Commemoration ... read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous Monday November 04, 2002 - 19:46 by LF
The first openly gay member of Knesset, Uzi Even, was sworn in today, replacing retired Meretz MK Amnon Rubinstein, HA'ARETZ reported. Prime Minister Ariel Sharon congratulated Even on becoming an MK. Knesset House Committee Chairman Yossi Katz (Labor) will hold a special meeting to ensure that Even receives all the benefits, since many of the Knesset's pension plans and other perks do not grant benefits to same-sex partners. Even, 61, has lived with his partner, Dr. Amit Kama, for 18 years. He served several years in the military where he held scientific positions. ... read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous Monday November 04, 2002 - 19:05 by ESFer
The following schedule explains what’s happening at the "nO WorK No shOp" space which is taking place in Florence between November 6/10 at the Visario Hippodrome (Parco delle Cascine area). Frequencies - Global Tv: Hot Bird 13°E Downlink Frequency: 12.520 Polarization: Vertical Symbolrate 27.500 kSymb/s - GoldBox channel 150 Global Radio: Hot Bird 13°E Downlink Frequency: 11.095,91 Polarization: Horizontal Symbolrate: 27.500 kSymb/s. ... read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous Monday November 04, 2002 - 18:32 by depp
The world will not be healthy until the vast majority of people realise they have a role to play, and they play that role ... read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous Monday November 04, 2002 - 18:18 by Dirk Adriaensens
Stop the United States of Aggression! No war against Iraq! Three peace inspectors who visited Iraq last April, launch an international appeal against a new war on Iraq. ... read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous Monday November 04, 2002 - 15:45 by sw
THOUSANDS of people from across Europe are heading for the European Social Forum in Florence in Italy next week. They will be taking part in one of the biggest international gatherings of campaigners and activists Europe has seen. The forum culminates in a major Europe-wide anti-war demonstration next Saturday, 9 November. ... read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous Monday November 04, 2002 - 13:08 by multibattito
FIRENZE: 8th november, 12.30/13.00 A.M., in the HUB SPACE, Piazza libertà: MEETING ON CITIZENSHIP INCOME. ... read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous Monday November 04, 2002 - 12:42 by Cork SWP
The Cork SWP will be hosting the next Socialist Forum in Cork city this Saturday 9th November. We will be showing a video of John Pilgers’ latest film "Palestine is still the Issue", exploring the issues and exposing the truth on the situation for the people of Palestine and their fight against the US backed Israeli war machine. The video will be shown upstairs in the Spailpin Fanach on South Main St at 3pm, followed by an informal discussion of the issues raised by the video. All are welcome to attend. ... read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous Monday November 04, 2002 - 12:15 by M60
Twenty seven years ago today the Provisional IRA launched a strike against members of the Official IRA and Republican Clubs in Belfast. ... read full story / add a comment |