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Berlusconi paid at least 5 women & 1 sex-worker (& candidate) to go to "Dinner"
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Thursday June 18, 2009 17:20 by scorchio - ( iosaf )

being part 6 of the series on Berlusconi's Lust
Just before you reach for your pay-4-view digital TV zapper and start flicking through the Italian news channels to find coverage of these latest revealations, let me tell you, if indeed you needed to know, that Berlusconi's media empire have hidden the story from Italian viewers salicious and prurient interest.
Nonetheless, Patrizia D'Addario, an experienced sex worker of certain allure & also a candidate in Berlusconi's party for the municipal government of Bari, attended a court hearing investigating charges of corruption laid against one of Mr B's party who doesn't have immunity yesterday. She brought along half a dozen video and audio recordings, in the best tradition of citizen journalism recorded on her mobile phone which attested to Mr B's escort service habit.
 keen readers will recall this Mr B pose - but the woman with him is political party hopeful & professional sex worker. Today's "Corriere de la Sera" centre right newspaper has reported that one of the five women who have been paid to accompany the prime minister of Italy to dinner, supper, snacks, fondue and / or oysters has now left the state of Italy, "fearing for life" should her testimony of a more damning nature be leaked to the press.
I hope you're blushing.
Today's image shows Mr B in that pose with which this series began. He could be miming a thirst which may only be quenched with the enthusiastic knockling back of half a litre of water. Or he could as I suggested in first the caption be looking for sympathy and privacy and relief from scandal . Or maybe in the worst tradition of lechers in Mediterranean cities who solicit women on the street he is simply making a common gesture which is understood as proposing felatio. For those readers who don't read latin, felatio is a technical term for having your willy / mickey / dickie sucked. But of course that image
Naturally today's image of Mr B with her making that pose ought be considered along with her testimony in which she charmingly described complete with her little mobile phone photographic evidence how Mr B. (after oysters and fondue) brought her back to a bedroom in the Grazioli palace (official residence of the Italian premier). Wherein a bedroom he can be seen quite sweetly sitting with her, his party hopeful, on a big comfy bed, under a huge picture of his estranged wife.
That wife of course would be the very same woman whose open letter accusation that he was unwell & consorting with minors & unfit to hold office started this whole affair.
Today's centre left Repubblica newspaper has fished out some images from a calendar done by Berlusconi's political party hopeful for the city council of Bari, Ms Patrizia D'addario back in 2004 when for some reason she wasn't considering a career in politics. This is probably because she was too old even then to be considered as a TV presentress and perhaps he wasn't far enough into the viagra dotage to be handing out such nominations. Lest you go wet your pants or panties, the calender images are pretty typical of the erotica catalogue and can in no way be considered pornographic of either the soft or hard variety. She mostly wears black lace lingerie and wears that slightly pained expression as she sits on sofas and in front of motorbikes.
Naturally any Italian who notices the difference between their censored TV news and the crap in their print media will agree wholeheartedly with leading spokesmen (not spokeswomen for no female not even Mussolini's grand-daughter has spoken in his favour for months) that Mr B. has never paid to be with women. Naturally. He wouldn't have to. He's irrestible. Tanned. Fit. Witty and "in charge".
Anyone who says otherwise is obviously jealous.
links in Italian :-
Background stories : Czech ex prime minister admits his nude photo in "El Pais" : leftwing plot
Italian police sieze 700 photos of Berlusconi's Christmas party girly
"Politics and Showbusiness a deadly embrace" : Berlusconi's Lust
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Comments (11 of 11)
Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11That really is the little detail which hops out at me from this latest addition to the coverage of peccadillo & astoundingly corrupt mixture of media and executive power which is the ongoing tale of Berlusconi's lust. Then I also notice how much Patrizia D'Addario looks like a younger version of Berlusconi's estranged wife, Veronica Lario, that long suffering women whose dignity has been so besmirched by the old smoocher.
Then I think that perhaps there are many readers, both male and female who in this season of Bruno the movie, might like to know how to pose erotically and perhaps earn a few extra euro in these times of international economic crises. It's quite easy for you to be a pay4view guest at fondue or oysters. From now on instead of saying "cheese" every time someone takes a snapshot of you or you send off photos of yourself in portfolios to TV or model spotters, simple say douche .
Try it out now. Find a mirror - say the fondue "cheese" - result is an ingratiating display of periodontitis and yellowed teath. Now say "douche" - result : the sexy erotic "I'm hot for it pout", give me a council seat.
I am sure the Corriere de la Sera readers are having their money's worth these days. This is getting to be more erotically explosive than the 1960s Profumo scandal in England, when the Secretary of State for War, Jack Profumo, was revealed to have slept with sex worker Christine Keeler, who later also slept with the Soviet naval attache Yevgeny Ivanov.
It is also a more sexed up affair than our own homegrown Charles Haughey-Terry Keane tryst of the 1980s. I look forward to the movie version.
Berlusconi has been a dangerous buffoon with too much media power. It is poetic justice that rival media should be exposing his dodgy erotic lifestyle in this way. I hope he is embarrassed into resigning.
Berlusconi is not under investigation at the moment, because he passed laws giving himself immunity. So all these court cases are seeing allegations against key personel aired. For example the English lawyer who falsified his testimony to assist Berlusconi pass his immunity law was found guilty of accepting a bribe from Berlusconi and then imprisoned. But Mr B. himself is immune.....
The evidence of Patrizia has now been considered trustworthy and accepted by the tribunal and is it is reported locked away in a vault under the courthouse. I suppose it will be very safe there. Thus it is now established that women were paid by party organisers (both political and social) to attend to Mr B's needs and wishes. The investigation has now moved on from the procurement of sex to the procurement of drugs, not the prescription Viagra kind but the illegal Cocaine variety.
a note on the Italian press to just make it clear yet again :-
"Corriere" is a centre right broadsheet. It's comparable to the "Irish Times". It's not a tabloid and this really isn't "sexed up politics". Behind all the macho stuff there is an appalling conflict of interest and obvious corruption. Most of the investigative journalism has been led in Italy by the centre left broadsheet "Repubblica" equivalent to "The Guardian" and the most daring taunts have come from outside Italy from the centre left "El Pais" in Spain which is also an equivalent of "The Guardian".
Oh and a note on the macho stuff too. If you read this from a male perspective it is possible your understanding of the latin term felatio, which I explained yesterday was a technical term for having your willy / mickey / dickie sucked will be phalocentric Of course should you not have male genitalia, it is plausible mention of felatio is causing you either some "Envy" in a Freudian sense or anger in a feminist sense. You might like to be reminded of the illustration I put up at the beginning of this series on Berlusconi's lust in which we can see him suggesting cunnilingus all be it of the soft breathing rather than the tongue wriggling kind, the day he answered journalists' legitimate inquiries with the line "Mussolini had blackshirts I have ballerinas" :- & the comment
All joking aside - This is very much a Feminist issue. From the outset of a humiliated wife's open letter decrying the debasement of political selection and the accepted meritocracy of those whose only allure is the ability to sexually attract the prime minister of Italy.
This whole story started out with an open letter from the estranged wife of Mr Berlusconi and how it was reacted to by both his camp and a strange combination of the left and the RC church. The Bishops' newspaper "Avvenire" whose editorial at the beginning of May w bore the wonderful title "showbusiness and politics a deadly embrace" hsa now issued another scathing comment is putting the latest set of revelations on its first page & is clearly alligning itself with those on the right who favour a caretaker government this we know as the "rightwing plot". As Italians vote today in a referendum to approve changes to municipal governance which are supported by Mr B to make it easier for his party to form governments (a first past post adjustment) the coaltion partners of the "northern league" split and oppose him.
Meanwhile the "left wing plot" hasn't given up either. Patrizia's evidence is in the vault and it emerges though she normally is paid for sex, she wasn't by Mr B or his fixers, instead she was promised assistance with a business. That assistance didn't transpire, hence her "escort girl scorned fury". Her friend Barbara Montereale has now come forward allowing the jewellry which Berlusconi infamously makes be photographed along with all the little gifts. The gift ritual was explained very articulately two sundays ago in the Spanish El Pais newspaper a translation of which you can read here
Barbara posing with the jewellry, which honestly surprised me for its tackiness, when I had read of the butterfly necklace I had expected somthing small, discreet and made of fine metal - instead we see naff crap which a bored 11 year old girl is encouraged to make as part of her gender assignment activities. Looking at Barbara and considering her tales of how mr B hands out bags of money to the girls who are invited, procured or get to his parties makes me think of how styles and gender have changed during the 72 years of his life. During the heady 1960's the only answer to the sexploitation movie genre of Russ Meyer in the USA came from Italy. These movies fell short of the porn which is ubiqitious today yet had slightly more plot line than the Betty Page era before which was also paralleled in Italian "naughty postcards" in the development of erotica and "adult entertainment". But it so clear how the idea of saliciously presented womanhood has changed through mr B's life through all these years since he began his career as a rock musician of the showband type. This ideal of Womanhood has noticeably got thinner, more conscious of celulite, more plucked and shaved, waxed and hairless. & now Barbara sports tattoos too.....
Naturally she was born in 1986 and is as much a 21st century girl as anyone who has never wondered where tampons came from and what life was like before lubricant.
Now you watch the video which is dubbed into English in which Barbara tells you as it is - "I work with my image
or just read English coverage from today's Observer : "Could Barbara Montereale's revelations break Silvio Berlusconi's grip on power?"
The referendum on electoral reform, which would have turned Italy into a two party state by using a "first past post" system akin to the British, celebrated over two days last weekend only saw a 23% turnout. The reform which Berlusconi had favoured with the words "the referendum gives the prize of majority to the strongest party, does it seem to you I could vote no? ok to everything [=say what you want], but you can't think I'm a masochist" = "Il referendum dà il premio di maggioranza al partito più forte. Vi sembra che io possa votare no? Va bene tutto, ma non si può pensare di essere masochisti"
Since then the catholic right wing members of his own party and smaller coalition supporters have become even more clear that they can not continue under Mr B. Editorials in foreign press speaking of the degradation of Italy's image because of the Berlusconi Lust show are now occuring every few days.
& So Mr B went on TV with one of his few female cabinet ministers, she who runs the brief on equal opportunity and what amounts for feminism in a land where you can't the morning after pill without a bribe and the adress of a secular doctor and even more secular pharmacist.
He declared how he completely supports the current criminal penalties aimed at men who use sex workers.
Just over his left shoulder you see a fresco of one of those women in robes who began to drape continental governmental offices from the mid-19th century onwards. When she was first painted the drape didn't cover one of her nipples. Indeed it stood as a symbol of liberty as potent as the French revolutionary image by Eugène Delacroix, indeed his best known painting of that woman hald draped in a curtain leading a peasant, tradesman and bourgois over a barricade.
The exposed breast and nipple in the fresco behind Berlusconi and his minister for equality was painted over in 2008 at the orders of Berlusconi after his election victory. He felt it was sending an undignified and frivolous message that every time he gave a press-conference TV viewers could see a big tit next to his sincere smiling youthful loveable rascal face.
Barbara Montereale the 23 year old whose testimony prompted "the Guardian" to ask would she the straw to break the donkey's bollox is without a car today. According to the latest news, this morning at about 5 of the clock the windows on her Honda Jazz were broken and flamable liquid entered which was thereupon ignited. She is reported as being upset, scared, terrified, intimidated & probably wondering when will she wake up with the decapitated head of her childhood "my pony" next to her on the bed. Or the bed of her child. For she is an unmarried mother and those who watched her video dubbed into English in the penultimate comment will remember that's exactly what Mr B. wanted to talk to her about : the difficulties of being a lone parent in a state which provides little support.
Moving on from Barbara, (but not much), those photos which were confiscated at Berlusconi's request by the Sardinian journalist Antonello Zappadu (c/f ) were eventually divided into different categories; those which breached privacy and those which did not having being taken at the northern Sardinian airport of Olbia. Though we are still awaiting the exact list of guests who used official aircraft, today pictures of groups of leggy booted girls not unlike pantomime puss in boots are being oggled by Italians as they alight from and then aboard official state aircraft. They do not appear to be accompanied by anyone the Italian taxpayer actually supposedly pays to use these aircraft nor do they appear to be going through normal security protocols. Indeed if they had been wearing much more they might have had the chance to smuggle a smallish weapon such as a sharpened mascara brush. The Italian "Expresso" newspaper has produced a video of Duran Duran's Simon Le Bon karaoke-ing it up with Mr B, which really brings giggles to my knowing leerish face.
You see Duran Duran was named after a pivotal character in the cult science fiction cartoon "Barbarella" of the 1960's, a 1968 film version saw Duran's name adjusted to Durand. The lead role was played by Jane Fonda who toured the universe in a spaceship which looked like a fluffy hairdryer armed only with her cat suit and the orgasmatron machine, indeed most of Barbarella's time is spent in the pursuit of sex. Fortuanately for her reputation, Ms Fonda discovered the Vietnam war and politics thereafter and then keep fit vids.
Oh yep, short but plucky Jose Maria Aznar, he who is sueing a Morrocan magazine for saying he is the mystery father of the ex French Justice minister's baby (but not sueing a French newspaper which published the same story) has now sort of come into the Sardinian villa cast of stars and starlets. His daughter Ana not only attended the Duran Duran gig but has since become a frequent visitor to the lair. I hope for the sake of Spanish catholicism she is never found to have been in the same place and time continuum as the ex-prime minister of the Czech republic's half errect willy.
& just in case I didn't make it clear, with only a 23% turnout, the referendum to turn Italy into a two party state was invalidated. Not only do the Italians not vote for Berlusconi now, it seems they don't even want to vote anymore.
We truly are witnessing either an end of Mr Berlusconi or an end of Italian liberal democracy which everyone can fit into their narrative.
here's a photo of what is left of Barbara's car
Let's hope she paid protection money, sorry - insurance.
Mr B. didn't know though and quite probably is very quick when he reads his hospitality bills. That's today's wonderful revelations anyway. Mr Tarantini is also admitting the cocaine thing too now which went with the women booked. They were working on bonuses too. Minds must boggle really.
But there is one thing amiss.
Below is the image going through the European media industrial complex this evening. I got this one from the "Unita" Communist daily front page. Look at it carefully and compare it with how it was published in late June with this article at the top of this page. Now ask yourself how did that man's suit and wedding ring get into the photo of Mr B doing the obscene gesture bit? During which time we almost forget we would some day get to read this statement when in detention on July 29th.
how are you voting on the EU big job leader thing?
minds bust boggle really...................... it's a big job.
The English Times newspaper as we all know is a rag, but if only due to its historical longevity and prior place it is often quoted fondly by European commercial newspapers. They're delighted with today's "Times" editorial "Rome Burns" subtitled with no irony Berlusconi’s survival is a sad comment on the state of Italian democracy . Meanwhile the Irish Independent quote a figure of 30 prostitutes now accounted for the prime minister of Italy has today described himself as "the best prime minister Italy has ever had".
Who is your Pappi?
Earlier this year when the story started out and seemed fresher than a show band era re-usable prophylactic, so full of promise did it spell than the deposal of Berlusconi in a sort of velvet revolution twitter of universal indignation, Berlusconi had to face a variety of "question lists" not only on the truthfulness of many allegations, his suitability for office but also where he thought this was all going to stand in his ambition to a permanent president of the council of the European Union. It could mean extending the patio on the Sardinian lair if we don't decide who pays, waters, feeds, guards and houses the forthcoming founding fathers of the EU.
Who's your daddy?
Not all the 7 founding fathers of the USA got their own dollar bill portraits. You know the first one. 2 later were related by blood being a father and son outfit. The last one came from Kentucky annexed Florida and left the post quite defined for the ages. At this stage of Mr B's never-ending prostate glandular wonder of patrician influence, we could all be forgiven if we read tomorrow that
Every guest who ever crossed the threshold of Berlusconi's lair or office was a whore, thief, monster or boggled out of their minds on something illegal.
of such material are presidents made.
on so fine a fabric were are founding fathers weaned.
On such a list Mr B could be quite the most recognisable name.
Which is why he's up there in jocular cotnrast to our Tony.
He's our Pappi springing out of the Treaty of Rome via the Treaty of Lisbon like a sort of naff venus on the half-eaten platter of sea-food. smelling rank like a re-usable prophylactic from the show band era..,
Charles Haughey's love life was tame compared to the big B in Italy.
Berlusconi said his insistence that he "didn't pay a lira, a euro, for a sexual favor" and never had.
Is it me or does he seem to be more upset at the implication he had to pay for sex than the fact he was caught cheating on his wife?
Could it be that maybe paying for sex is a crime and cheating on one's wife is not? Maybe that being charged with a crime can lead to him being turned out of office? You think that there is a big difference between the two?
I don't know which sin is worse, paying for sex or cheating on one's wife. Both are shameful masculine proclivities. I'd say that breaking the 11th commandment "Thou shalt not be found out" is in democratic politics a cardinal sin meriting instant resignation or dismissal. Berlusconi should walk the plank.
Charles Haughey's lifestyle vanity drove him to borrowing large sums of money from capitalist friends. It is not known that he did anything corrupt for his benefactors, but he presided over a deepening culture of nod and wink practices, sometimes for brown paper bags, by his cabinet colleagues and by bent city councillors that Dunlop his press secretary met. His trysting with socialite gossip journalist Terry Keane was a cheating relationship between high-flying equals, unlike Berlusconi's dalliances with attractive social inferiors. Nevertheless Haughey hurt his wife by cheating and brought her and their children into the embarrassing limelight when Keane gleefully spilled the beans. In my book cheating is cheating is cheating and I sympathise with the one cheated on regardless of their station in life.
I hope they get Berlusconi, who uses his press power like a sledgehammer against honest people who campaign for decency in Italian public life.