being part 6 of the series on Berlusconi's Lust
Just before you reach for your pay-4-view digital TV zapper and start flicking through the Italian news channels to find coverage of these latest revealations, let me tell you, if indeed you needed to know, that Berlusconi's media empire have hidden the story from Italian viewers salicious and prurient interest.
Nonetheless, Patrizia D'Addario, an experienced sex worker of certain allure & also a candidate in Berlusconi's party for the municipal government of Bari, attended a court hearing investigating charges of corruption laid against one of Mr B's party who doesn't have immunity yesterday. She brought along half a dozen video and audio recordings, in the best tradition of citizen journalism recorded on her mobile phone which attested to Mr B's escort service habit.
Today's "Corriere de la Sera" centre right newspaper has reported that one of the five women who have been paid to accompany the prime minister of Italy to dinner, supper, snacks, fondue and / or oysters has now left the state of Italy, "fearing for life" should her testimony of a more damning nature be leaked to the press.
I hope you're blushing.
Today's image shows Mr B in that pose with which this series began. He could be miming a thirst which may only be quenched with the enthusiastic knockling back of half a litre of water. Or he could as I suggested in first the caption be looking for sympathy and privacy and relief from scandal . Or maybe in the worst tradition of lechers in Mediterranean cities who solicit women on the street he is simply making a common gesture which is understood as proposing felatio. For those readers who don't read latin, felatio is a technical term for having your willy / mickey / dickie sucked. But of course that image
Naturally today's image of Mr B with her making that pose ought be considered along with her testimony in which she charmingly described complete with her little mobile phone photographic evidence how Mr B. (after oysters and fondue) brought her back to a bedroom in the Grazioli palace (official residence of the Italian premier). Wherein a bedroom he can be seen quite sweetly sitting with her, his party hopeful, on a big comfy bed, under a huge picture of his estranged wife.
That wife of course would be the very same woman whose open letter accusation that he was unwell & consorting with minors & unfit to hold office started this whole affair.
Today's centre left Repubblica newspaper has fished out some images from a calendar done by Berlusconi's political party hopeful for the city council of Bari, Ms Patrizia D'addario back in 2004 when for some reason she wasn't considering a career in politics. This is probably because she was too old even then to be considered as a TV presentress and perhaps he wasn't far enough into the viagra dotage to be handing out such nominations. Lest you go wet your pants or panties, the calender images are pretty typical of the erotica catalogue and can in no way be considered pornographic of either the soft or hard variety. She mostly wears black lace lingerie and wears that slightly pained expression as she sits on sofas and in front of motorbikes.
Naturally any Italian who notices the difference between their censored TV news and the crap in their print media will agree wholeheartedly with leading spokesmen (not spokeswomen for no female not even Mussolini's grand-daughter has spoken in his favour for months) that Mr B. has never paid to be with women. Naturally. He wouldn't have to. He's irrestible. Tanned. Fit. Witty and "in charge".
Anyone who says otherwise is obviously jealous.
links in Italian :-
Background stories : Czech ex prime minister admits his nude photo in "El Pais" : leftwing plot
Italian police sieze 700 photos of Berlusconi's Christmas party girly
"Politics and Showbusiness a deadly embrace" : Berlusconi's Lust