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Naked Woman Demonstrates That All Animals Have The Same Parts![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Painted in a Butcher's Diagram, Female PETA Member Urges Consumers to Go Vegetarian This Christmas Stripping down to nearly nothing but paint markings that mimic a butcher's diagram of body parts, a female member of PETA Europe (PETA) just recently posed in Dublin's busiest shopping district to remind Christmas shoppers that "All Animals Have the Same Parts – Have a Heart", and ask them to "Go Veg this Christmas". With the Christmas season upon us and revelers planning their Christmas menus, PETA wants to demonstrate that all animals – including humans – are made of flesh, blood and bone, and that we have the same senses and range of emotions. Every year, billions of animals have their bodies chopped up, labelled as shanks or other cuts of meat, and wrapped in cellophane for supermarkets' chilled cabinets. In the wild, turkeys can live up to 10 years. But turkeys raised for food spend three to six months crowded together in intensive confinement and routinely endure painful mutilations such as debeaking without anaesthetics. The overwhelming majority of pigs raised for food in the EU spend their entire lives in overcrowded pens on a tiny slab of filthy concrete. Lack of exercise causes pigs to become so weak that they can barely walk. They typically suffer skeletal problems and diseases of the legs and feet. This live re-enactment of the famous “All Animals Have the Same Parts – Have a Heart. Go Vegetarian” PETA advert which has featured Jodie Marsh and Baywatch star Traci Bingham, is aimed at encouraging people to view animals as more than walking meals. Animals raised for their flesh have personalities and feelings and form families and friendships – if they are given the chance. "Animals aren't 'breasts' or 'thighs' or 'flanks'", says PETA member John Carmody. "They think, feel and want to live, just as you and I do. We're asking people to celebrate a vegetarian Christmas and give everyone – including animals – something to be thankful for this holiday season." |
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Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10If you don't want to eat turkey and ham this Christmas that's your business thank you very much.
Although I have little time for PETA and animal rights in general I couldn't tell how you strongly I believe more naked women should appear on the streets of Dublin!
Keep up the good work! :-)
I am vegetarian, but I am also a feminist and I'm sick of the way every time PETA do something it has to involve naked women. The gist of this stunt is to portray women as meat, just like the famous Hustler cover in the '70s with a woman being fed into a meat grinder. By using women's bodies in this way PETA is using the same tactics as every misogynist advertiser trying to sell a product. It is a tacky lowest common denominator approach which undermines your cause. Why not have a naked man on Grafton Street instead? Or would that not be sexy enough?
You'll be happy to know that PeTA-type stunts are not too popular within the animal protection movement as a whole.
Are you familiar with the work of Carol Adams?
Thanks rogY- that's a great website. I wonder if she ever comes to Europe?
She did.
I saw her in the late 1990s at the University of Sheffield.
Her later book, The Pornography of Meat is worth checking out too.
just writing to say well done for highlighting animal cruelty and vegetarianism, pitty there isnt more doing something like this to get animal rights into the media
Thanks to everyone who has commented good and bad on yesterdays fabulous event in Dublin.
If you'd like a free vegetarian starter kit please visit
Thanks and keep all that posting up!!!
There is little regular criticism of highly sexualised advertising targetted at our most vulnerable citizens solely for the purposes of making money but when it is done (by a brave woman who does it by choice and strength of conviction) for a cause which doesn't suit the powers that be then suddenly it is terrible and sexist.
Go figure!
Animal rights are deemed anti business. Thats one reason why they are hated so much and lumped in with terrorists at the drop of a hat, even though they are mostly by definition non violent although they may consider property damage in some cases.
But they really get a terrible time in the press. Well what would you do if your profitable business was threatened by a bunch of disorganised do gooders? You'd discredit them in the media of course!!
And I can see why this demonisation is necessary to maintain the status quo because so much of what goes on in our so called "humane" society is based upon cruelty and exploitation somewhere down the line where we can't easily see it.
Personally I do believe Non Violent Direct Action is sometimes a necessary and a good thing when it comes to standing up to unacceptable and immoral behaviour in the name of profit. There is only so much you can achieve giving out flyers to a jaded public and such actions have minimal effect on these enterprises. Although that doesn't mean you won't get a hard time for doing so.
It's a huge threat to the profit orientated status quo when somebody is prepared to damage property in the interests of safeguarding the unvoiced, exploited or the environment. Doing real stuff for the sake of ethical principles not profit. That makes you a real threat. This applies to the shell situation too.
Some ecoactivists in the US have gotten longer sentences than some of the the nazis who were arrested in hitlers bunker. And for what? Well in this case, for the heinous crime of setting fire to a few SUV's
So if a young lady (or gentleman) freely chooses to make a completely peaceful personal protest for a good cause, which hurts nobody but gets attention then I salute them.
It seems in this age of highly indoctrinated short attention spans, the only techniques that are successful in getting our attention are the same techniques the advertisers use.
In my book, If it's ok for them then its certainly ok for PETA or ARAN. After all, It's for a far better cause than profit.
I tried to be vegetarian and I kept getting sick and they told me at the emergency room that I am a lesser common type of blood type O and that I don't have the genetics that can allow me to be vegetarian. They said that a lot of people are this way. Not everyone CAN be vegetarian. So it pisses me off when I am trying to search for porn and I get these disgraced "PETA girls"!
Sounds like the usual ignorant knee jerk advice issued by GP's. As a measure of the kind of mistakes they make, a relative of mine visited her GP and was diagnosed as having a sore throat. She nearly died. It was actually pneumonia. They are not infallible!!
if you ingest the same combination of nutrients through a vegetarian diet, your digestive system does much the same job.
Sometimes individuals lack specific enzymes and need to avoid certain foods. But these foods can be both animal based as well as vegetable. And in my experience its mostly dairy products. Unsurprising considering what gets into them.
Sounds more like you had a bad diet or a specific allergy to me. Or perhaps you lack a specific enzyme.
If you do go vegetarian, you need to eat a well balanced diet. Not really much of a problem these days unless you are unable to read labels and are terminally lazy.
The only things extra you are getting by eating your nutrients through meat are growth hormones, antibiotics and the knowledge that you are complicit in the perpetuation of cruel factory farming practices and that many more calories are used for every one calorie of meat that lands on your plate than if you had chosen a vegetarian diet.
Also, your dinner spends it's life farting out methane which is 23 times as potent a greenhouse gas as CO2.
If you ingest your meat from McDonalds then you are complicit in the destruction of important rain forest areas among other large scale corporate criminality.
If you must eat meat, at least buy local and organic. Then there is some hope that the animal was treated well and you are not poisoning yourself, or contributing as much toward environmental destruction. Although the abysmal record of Irish dairy or meat farmers in wilfully destroying Irish lakes with run off or sewage dumping is well known
show these to your kids:
Sorry, can't help you with your porn problem except to say, If it's a mix of porn and nutrition you are interested in then some folks recommend googling for "two girls one cup". Hope that quenches your appetite!!