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Is the Shell to Sea Campaign going anywhere?
A brief analysis of where the campaign is and how it got there
Shell to Sea has, from the very start, been about more than the fact that a community in a remote area of Ireland were being used as guinea pigs in a vast experiment to see if natural gas could be processed on shore.
What was at stake was whether the state would support the needs of big business against its own people. The central question of the campaign has always been whether communities are expendable, not in the interests of the nation, but in the interests of the shareholders.
How far, the campaign asked, is a European government willing to go to support the desires of a multi-national, when these run counter to the demands of its own citizens?
Could the Left in Ireland use the energy of the state's unquestioning support for Shell to expose and undermine the state's apparatus of control?
 Between the events described in the Garda Review article ( and the morning of Monday November 20th, the Shell to Sea campaign was gathering momentum, thanks to the hard work of the support groups throughout the country and abroad, and the brave local people who, with support from visiting activists and campaigners from the Rossport Solidarity Camp, were up every morning to protest at the refinery site.
It was evident in October that a lot of preparations had been undertaken over the previous year, with leaflets, stickers, flyers, and posters available quickly, as well as core groups of dedicated activists ready to travel to Mayo and also carry out actions in their own areas.
The media was hostile in the main, but thanks to the state's fear of the prospect of using injunctions and arrests, the sheer obviousness of the plan to use violence to force the project through was making the serious issues of the campaign plain to the general public.
Positive support for the campaign was also being attracted to the campaign by events, which are often overlooked, like the garage pickets, the debates in universities, the putting up of posters around the place. Coupled with news pictures showing protesters being brutalised, the non corporate media's support, and the work in preparing the ground by activists who had travelled far and wide in the previous year building up a network of supporters, the plan to brutally "break' the campaign within a couple of weeks was proving much more difficult for the state than government ministers had been led to believe.
The first day of action on the 20th of October attracted a huge public to the issue, and made it clear that the campaign was not going to be destroyed easily by sending in violent police to control the site, and protests would continue. The fact, for example, that a whole bus load of activists from UCD were prepared to go down to Mayo to be pushed around in the rain for a bunch of people they didn't know sent a clear signal to the establishment that this campaign could easily de-rail plans for a quiet election in 2007.
In the midst of all this, we had a call for the policing cost to be charged to Shell, a quite clearly ludicrous idea put forward in the most cack-handed way by Jerry Cowley; and then a call for a commission of enquiry, which, while a broadly interesting idea, was poorly presented and badly thought-out. Shell to Sea groups around the country had no idea about it before journalists started ringing them up about it, and details are pretty scarce on who or what the commission would comprise even today. We were also treated to the strange spectacle of one protester claiming she was seriously injured and then, supposedly concussed, grand-standing on a radio phone-in show, doing incredible harm to the base support of the campaign. Those in the pay of Sir Anthony O'Reilly and other corporate media (isn't it amazing how many people who work for the state broadcaster also write newspaper columns, and participate in corporate events?) queued up to mislead the public the about the pipeline's safety and the pressure under which it would operate, while the public was busy learning lessons about police control and media manipulation.
The only thing that was working in the campaign's favour was the regular protests. The only story getting in the papers was the blockades. After the first day of action, there was even interest from the British corporate media, the type of coverage that makes executives in Corrib House very nervous.
The second day of action was obviously going to be an even bigger media event, and the combination of protests around the country and the Ken Saro Wiwa anniversary made the campaign seem, in the public mind, to be not only strong, but also right.
Concentrating on Shell as the villain reminded people that this wasn't some ordinary corporate entity, but a company with a serious history of community and environmental destruction. But activists cannily also targeted the minister for the marine at his giveaway conference for the oil bosses in the Burlington Hotel, showing that the campaign was not going to be limited to a debate about a refinery site in Mayo, but would insist on being the cockpit for a national discussion about the husbandry of the country's natural resources.
A huge wave of support came to the campaign in the aftermath of the baton charge. As stories trickled out about even worse Garda excesses away from the cameras, the stage was set for a serious political crisis, as campaigners around the country rallied to the task of building for an even bigger showdown on November 24th.
The press conference in Dublin showed the range of political support from right across the party spectrum, and people who'd struggled to get the name of the campaign in the national consciousness couldn't believe it when "Shell to Sea" became a household catchphrase, bigger than the Rossport Five had been.
Here was something that everyone from David Norris to Gerry Adams could support, that students, environmentalists, economists, and journalists could agree on. And the discussions weren't about whether you can build a refinery in a bog, or how thick the walls of the pipe need to be. They were about how the country was being run, about what the Gardaí were for, about whether the govt should be more than a committee to organise the affairs of the rich and powerful while others would be beaten if they questioned the status quo.
In the few days between November 10th and November 20th, the country woke up to Shell to Sea, and the stage was set for a huge conflict between the state and its supporters and those who question the authority of the powerful, rich elite.
Who would blink first? Would the Fianna Fáil backbenchers in places far from Mayo who were waking up to the ramifications of the campaign on their own electoral chances keep supporting the government? Would the corporate media realise it couldn't keep printing lies when the people could see with their own eyes what was happening? What would the reaction be to another baton charge, or a deployment of the army? What were the prospects for huge support demonstrations in Dublin, for further days of action in the New Year and in the spring? It seemed the campaign had the state in a no-win situation, with public support gathering, and all the nonsensical stories and smears not amounting to much.
The mud wasn't sticking to the campaign, but the issues of the resources sell-off was sticking in people's minds.
But it was the campaign that blinked first. Prominent figures in this "leaderless" group had always been uneasy of the campaign being a focus for wider agitation, so they engineered the decision to "stand down" the protests and blockades. No more days of action were planned. A strategy of concentrating on the internal politics of Norway has been adopted. Lobbying the state through the corporate media is planned, but it is not clear how this will be any more effective now than it was when the campaign was in the doldrums back in the summer.
Those in the campaign who sought to use the state's own violence and energy against it have been sidelined, and it seems Shell can look forward to a quiet time while they remove the rest of the peat from Bellanaboy.
It is extremely uncertain whether the campaign can be resurrected. It is now only really of interest to activists and the micro-left political parties, who having come a bit late to the possibilities inherent in what had seemed to their blinkered views to be an obscure environmental campaign are now busy fighting over the scraps, rather than putting any effort into advancing the cause of fighting Shell, and causing a genuine political crisis to expose what Fianna Fáil (and the other factions of the business party) are capable of doing to stay in the good books of their friends in the multi-national business world.
The people of the country, who had been so willing to get behind the people of Erris, now ask why they should be expected to give any support to what seems to amount to a local campaign where the protesters aren't willing to stand up for themselves, preferring to let outsiders lobby in the parliament and the newspapers on their behalf. "If the people of Rossport aren't going to resist the work", people think, " then why should I?
"Last year the Rossport Five were willing to endure prison rather than agree to let work continue unimpeded. But this year the only thing the campaign can agree to do is go to Norway (to meet politicians and academics there) and write letters to the newspapers. Why should I get involved in something that clearly even the locals don't care too strongly about?'
Public opinion is sophisticated. People know when they arte being asked for too much. Decisions taken in the early part of 2007 will decide whether the campaign will be a footnote in history or the beginning of something much bigger and more important than even Shell might believe.

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Comments (17 of 17)
Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17Nobody but a complete and utter political neophyte would try and organise a march in Dublin a couple of weeks before Christmas with a fortnight's notice. You'd have to be a dangerously ignorant person to even suggest such a thing. Happily, Dublin Shell to Sea decided not to hold a march. Hence, the picket. A march is planned for the New Year.l
The campaign goes on day by day led by people to whom safety and health matter. On Tuesaday morning 17 january 2007 they will travel from Rossport to the High Court in Dublin. Let us follow them and support them there. Show them a big banner welcome.
that piece(sic) illustrates a firm belief of mine, that paper will not refuse ink. furthermore, i can now deduce, that keyboards will not refuse pushing. p.s. shell to sea, by its very nature, cannot be extinguished. Seasons Greetings. J.P.
Some interesting points are brought up in your post. I dont think campagains ever fall into nice neat categories.
At times in the midst of conflict people want to get very militant and on other days the very same people will want
to scale things back and reach some form of accomodation no matter how imperfect.
Something very positive about Rossport is how organiations in solidarity geographically based mushroomed in the last
year or so and they have all been very inovative be they in Galway Cork or Clare, The tactics and overall programe can only
be worked out by the people at each location and in the end final decisions about Rossport has to be in the hand of the
residents of the Rossport and surronding area themselves.
What will become critical I feel if something grows out of this after next year when the immediate issue of pipes and refinerys
at Erris will be resolved on war or the other , is for the networking to continue in each geographic area and for all the members in
each area to keep in touch both by e-mail but more importantly in face to face meetings where there can be consideration of a cluster of isssues concerning the natural resources of the country , the enviornment , human rights etc and what does activism mean.
These local ( branchs if you like) would be able to mobilise quickly and effectively based on their experience and shared friendships
if another community or individual or district becomes the focus of another outbreak of injustice. This activism would be base on a process of learning and mutual support on practical and emotioal basis.
I believe these groups should avoid Electoralism like the plague. We should celebrate that it brings people together that have different attitudes to Religion are both Urban and Rural includes those that have been to University and those who have not and manage to avoid
hierarchial sturctures. (As far as I know a lot of people in Mayo dont take a blind bit of notice of Jerrry Cowley though I know that it dosnt come accross like this on the media.)Getting back to my point the groups would not need to aggree on everything but still be able to make a big impact.They could put pressure on certain individuals with power (both elected and unelected) at appropriate times and
above all prove that people are resoursefull and can organise themselves in a way to make politicians heads spin when they put their minds to it. The spirit of Michael Davitt is far from dead. Dont let the establishment divide and conquer us.
this "leaderless" group
your punctuation not mine. Shell To Sea does not want your leadership. Your ideas were not "ignored" they were democratically and repeatedly voted down. At a meeting pre Dec 2nd only ONE person ( you can guess which organisation) was in favour of a suicidal national march.
"It is extremely uncertain whether the campaign can be resurrected. It is now only really of interest to activists and the micro-left political parties,"
What, now that you're gone? You've an awfully high opinion of yourselves. The campaign will continue and go from strenght to strenght. Any further attempt by yourselves to disrupt the campaign will be resisted.
this is one of SWP/Ahearns infamous open letters used to stick the knife in trample over people above them.
Thoughtfully, shell 2 sea will endure, it is easier to put out the tide with a hay fork, than
to " dismantle " or see the demise of this organisation with nothing other than the human spirit
at its core. Seasons greetings. J.P.
P.S. F. Fahey, F.F., please resign immed.
All the best for Xmas/Yule, well done all the time you've been campaigning, looking forward to a victory for S2S in 2007! Beir bua! Keep solidarity, keep pushing!
Took up a copy of the Western People on , Dec 19th and it was with much disgust I came across the following article,
' A lot done on Corrib but a lot more to do' Terry Nolan, Deputy Managing Director, Shell Ireland
Talk about a P.R excercise, he states that he believes that the safety and environmental concerns are
'greatly exaggerated'
What's even more appaling is the fact that the reporters name isn't even mentioned.
He states that Shell is planning to hold more 'open days' in Mayo ,Jan 2007'so that the public can express their opinions and concerns.
Shell in Ireland has no longer a Face. Shell Ireland was bought out by Topaz Oil. Shell UK is the problem. There are approx. 11 people left of Shell Ireland. Protest at their offices. Make the scandel an internationally known issue. Protests in Bally-go-Backwards means nothing to them. Bring the problem to the public, hit the pockets of the Company. Nothing more works finer.
Couldn't Agree more,
It was discussed at Ballenaboy last week, the locals thought it would be a good idea to boycott certain shops in Bellmulet and the surrounding area, that is, the ones who supported Shell.
Hope to see everyone at the meeting in Glenmoy on the 3rd of January.
Don't be too quick to judge the article above as the work of a Trot hiding behind the mask of Indymedia's annonymous author field. This article raises interesting questions about the way in which a militant grassroots movement relates to the broader layer of sympathisers around it and how we may exploit a resultant political crisis in ruling bodies.
Does a militant movement try and provide mechenisms for the activities of a wider layer or does it insist its own paths of militancy are avenue enough for the more passive yet awaiting a radicalisation? These are all fair questions and grassroots, non-hierarchical movements tend to avoid them with an undeserved urgency that dismisses the room for discussion around tactics and theoritical development in the long run.
The gap of practice between the actionist currents of the GNAW and the mass mobilising capabilities of the early IAWM led to the creation of AWI which tries to play both angles. This would suggest to me that in the anti-war movement one strategy of political action clearly was not enough.
In the post-Feb 15 world direct action could not occur in a climate dominated by unmobilised resentment against military refueling. If it could then actions like that at Baldonnell over Easter would have carried more weight.
The issues that the above article raises should be responded to politically and not with the sort of 'SWP2Sea' idiocy that too often characterises annonymous political response from the anti-authoritarian left.
Basically, if you leave the organisation of mass movements to the Trots then do not be surprised when their failed tactics for the advancement of struggle in this country again carry the day.
"This article raises interesting questions about the way in which a militant grassroots movement relates to the broader layer of sympathisers around it"
This article relates to a problem one group has with the democratically decided tactics of dublin shell to sea in particular.
"These are all fair questions and grassroots, non-hierarchical movements tend to avoid them with an undeserved urgency that dismisses the room for discussion around tactics and theoritical development in the long run. "
Indeed, they are fair questions. Debate has taken place over them and decisions on how to move forward were taken democratically. The idea that "non-hierarchial movements" avoid the question is false, although it suits the author to believe that its true. Because a non-hierarchal group democratically discusses and then votes down suggestions from one political organisation repeatedly, does not mean that the issue has been "ignored" simply because we didn't follow that partys line.
"the sort of 'SWP2Sea' idiocy that too often characterises annonymous political response from the anti-authoritarian left."
The "idiocy" is the backhanded way in which this article was written and the issues preceeding it. People involved in the campaign know the issues involved and why this article was written. It says more about methods and tactics of that one group than any "annonymous political response from the anti-authoritarian left" could say. Just like having plants in meetings to suggest things repeatedly, or having sock puppets on indymedia, lying about meetings not being advertised or deliberatley misrepresenting "the will of the people" from a certain area, ye are fooling no one.
But why do we have to read this in the Irish Times and why not from the Rossporters themselves via corribsos etc? We never know what is going on up there (unless the answers is that very little has changed). We want to hear from the Rossporters regularily.
GardaI have denied that force was used during yesterday’s early morning protest at the Corrib gas terminal in north Mayo. Lorna Siggins , Marine Correspondent, reports.
Shell to Sea campaigners say that one of their local supporters was injured when a garda drew a truncheon and hit the man several times on the arm and leg. Mary Corduff, who was at the protest along with her husband, Willie, condemned the action and said it was a “very sad development, coming up to Christmas”.
The incident is said to have occurred shortly before 9am yesterday, an hour after workers on the terminal project had arrived on site under Garda escort. Up to 30 people witnessed the incident, according to PJ Moran, local farmer and member of the Shell to Sea group. The garda’s number was recorded.
“It seems as if the gardaI are getting annoyed with us now, as they haven’t succeeded in doing what Shell wants them to do, which is to frighten us away,” Ms Corduff said.
“They tried to justify using force before by saying that outsiders were causing trouble, but the protest involves up to 70 or 80 local people on most days now.”
GardaI had also been making “personal remarks” about protesters during this week, Ms Corduff said, while Mr Moran said gardaI seemed to be trying to provoke trouble.
Several complaints are currently being prepared by campaign members who were injured during the “day of action” on November 10th last, and one demonstrator, who was hospitalised, is still receiving medical treatment. Campaigners are expected to hold a short rally outside the terminal on Christmas Day.
Chief Supt Tony McNamara, head of the Mayo Garda division, denied that a truncheon was used yesterday and said he absolutely rejected any suggestion that gardaI were behaving provocatively. One incident in which a man’s glasses were broken had been reported.
“There has been a lot of intimidation of workers going on to the site which is not being picked up by the media,” Supt McNamara said. “Our staff are also being intimidated but have been instructed not to engage with the protesters in any form.”
Shell E&P Ireland announced plans yesterday for an office complex costing 1 million which will accommodate up to 25 administrative staff in Belmullet, Co Mayo.
The offices, to be located on an Údaras na Gaeltachta industrial unit, will serve as regional headquarters for the partners in the Corrib gas project and will replace an existing temporary facility at Bangor Erris.
People are reading too much into this relativly quiet period at Bellanaboy. Be in no doubt that next year will see things sorted out one way or the other. Its been a very tough couple of months for all involved as I'm sure people can appreciate that batteries need to be recharged for the undoubtly tough year ahead. The bad weather during November and early December undoubtly disrupted work at the terminal and that coupled with the run up to Christmas meant that upping the ante at that stage would probably not achieve its full potential. Beleive me as a local we all needed some R and R over the Christmas period after such astressfull few months for us and our families, but the goals remain the same and people will not be found wanting including the ShelltoSea campaign in 2007 when things will no doubt come to a head. The same goes for all our friends and supporters throughout the country who deserve a good rest over the festive period given all their hard work during the year. Beleive me, days of action etc. will be an integral part of the coming year at Bellanaboy along with every other avenue which will be explored thouroughly as we reach a critical stage in our struggle.
PS - Supp - As far as I'm aware the people who run the website have been having technical difficulties during the run-up to Chrismas but I' have been informed they are just about sorted which will hopefully mean a smoother information flow in the new year.
Despite all the efforts of the state and the media ( especially Kevin Myers) to thwart and sully the 'Shell to Sea' Campaign, the message is loud and clear 'Shell' we are still united and working for the common good of the community in Ballinaboy. We will not go away, the more guards you send in, the more we will resist.
'The Truth Will Out' and you will be exposed, for the greedy, lying, hypocrites that you are,
Courage, to everyone involved,
Every citizen, show your support for the campaign, no matter how small you feel your contribution is, small changes do make a difference, Please can we see the whole of the country out supporting the Rossport 5 on the 16th Jan. Anyone who has a sense of justice, respects human rights and want's to make a difference to Irelands history, SHOW YOUR SUPPORT.
Shortly, Ill be posting details of a environmental seminar, that is to be held in Sligo, which aims to inform the public about the hazards caused by the proposed refinery and the blatent breach of human rights.
Anyone who would like to help with set up, donations etc, is more than welcome to contact me on the following numbers.
01-8392782 or 086-8828038
Etain J. Feeley
In response to the above comment, do you think sitting on your backside and doing nothing constructive works. It is you who as you so quaintly put it ,NEEDS TO WAKE UP! The silent voice who sit on neutral ground and do not have the guts to voice their opinions, COWARDS! This is part of the whole problem with Shell To Sea, Let the people of Ireland make their voice heard, Loud and Clear and let us send a message to the corporate predators Shell and other abusers of the planet. That we won't be bought. FREEDOM DOESN'T COME WITH A PRICE TAG!