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Comments (16 of 16)
Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16You care more for a bull than fellow human beings who were almost killed.
The real hero is the bullfighter who finally killed the crazy beast.
"You care more for a bull than fellow human beings who were almost killed."
yes i do. this was a discerning bull: he attacked the richer ghouls who had come to slobber while he was to be slowly and painfully killed by a matador.
"The real hero is the bullfighter who finally killed the crazy beast."
the beast was not crazy per se. any craziness in it was caused by the torment it had suffered in the ring. nothing heroic about a matador who has picadors on horseback assistants and clowns to help him dispatch the bull.
You seem to be delighted that people were almost killed.
Bullfighting is cruel but i don't delight that fellow human beings were almost killed by the bull just because I don't have the same tastes.
the bull jumped into the crowd because it was crazed with fear from being tormented. i honestly dont care if people who take pleasure in observing such torment are themselves trampled and gored by a bull. its known as poetic justice.
sorry folks I'm with Pat here: I don't celebrate people being injured but they got their jollies from seeing an animal tortured and killed. If you went to see bare nuckle fighting and got splaterd with blood you'd not complain about needing to get your Designer suit dry cleaned.
I must agree with the earlier comment - if you are ghoulish enough to watch a bull being killed as sport, then if it turns round and attacks you then tough luck - I feel the same when a foxhunter in the UK falls off his/her horse - anyone who kills or supports killing of any type for fun deserves all they get !l
Sorry - I hadn't seen "ron's" comments before - he calls the matador who stabbed a trapped bull to death a hero !!! very amusing, do you actually thinks its heroic to kill a creature who is trapped between some seats and cannot even move ?? My my ... heroism isn't what it used to be... About as heroic as the guards at Belsen......
Ron, i believe ignorance and selfishness are the roots of our problems in this planet.
You talk, you despize this bull, but do you actually know what you're talking about?
have you ever been to a bullfight? can you stop talking for a second and just feel what the bulls have to endure so some disgusting cruel people can entertain?
I am from Spain, i've seen my grandparents watch and enjoy this pointless game lots of time. you should watch it yourself and see how the animal suffers, put yourself in his situation and see if you would like it. If you're unable to feel the pain and compassion, then don't talk to me about "fellow humans", cos you're not civilized enough to be one, you're just primitive to my eyes, looking for a reason to defend your equally primitive "fellow friends".
i believe in karma. What goes around comes around. the matador wants to kill the bull to entertain sick people, the bull fights for his life and kills first. You would do the same. So please, before talking, THINK.
I don't like bloodsports. I think we should be past all that now. Delighting at the torture to death of an animal simply isn't right.
That said, reveling in how some people were injured is equally getting your jollies, only from humans suffering instead of animals. Of course, you've reduced and dehumanised them in your eyes because they are fans of the sport.
Are you so different?
if they hadnt been present watching an animal being torturted then they wouldnt have been hurt. its good that the bull decided to declare class war and headed for the most expensive seats.
I'm Spanish and I completely against bullfights. If you want to help us to stop this horror, please, visit this websites:
You can find usefull information to help these nice animals.
Thank you.
Helena Escoda
Coordinator of the area against cruel traditions of Animanaturalis Spain.
Been to a few bullfights in my time . Got quite into the spectacle and I have to say I enjoyed them . Not in a football type of way but more like a " holy feck this is pure mad crazy stuff" . I hate foxhunting and hare coursing but the bullfights were amazing , in a weird sort of way Ill admit . Maybe growing up round my grandfathers farm seeing bullocks getting castrated and dehorned makes me think at least the bull went out with his boots on , so to speak , meat and 2 veg intact with a bit of honour . All I know theres worse things in the world than a bullfight but I can understand people getting a bit pissed off about them .
I just have a few question for you all what kinda nut names a two ton bull little bird ? Oh and the bull was not mad or crazy ? All creatures instinctively choose fight or flight when threatened! If some one attacks you with out cause you choose to fight or to run. This bull choose too fight and I rally in his spunk. What grand intelligence this bull was blessed with...
He could see his real enemy was the crowds and with out them there would be not bullfighter no sport. There should be a statue in honor of Little Bird the bull who fought back ! I hope all of you live like little bird and fight for against what you know is wrong even if you loose !
The New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy, Third Edition (2002) defines the proverb "every dog has his day" as meaning, "Even the lowest of us enjoys a moment of glory." I would like to alter this proverb to read every bull has his day. Why feel so bad o mean during the running of the bulls humans are the target and can be killed no bulls get held accountable for that. This is a tough world where innocent women, men and children die everyday in far more humiliating ways then That bull. Save the people first then we can worry about the bulls ! If I don't loose sleep over people getting killed every day, I'm not gonna loose sleep over a bull ?! Plus they use the meat for food !
Hey! what is the problem with the bulls. It is clear that if you wanna be rounded by violence and barbarism, then u can't say "oh! poor humans;" you harvest what you sow. My God!!... What's happening!! It ain't necessary to tire, torture a bull, and make it a kind of entertainment if u only need one hit to kill an animal to be eaten; I mean there are many other ways of killing faster and without so much suffering. Many say "it is a beautiful and splendid tradition", what stupid things are they sayin'? Because we're talking about an animal, it doesn't mean that it is splendid to massacre a bull. Then war and genocide would seem like a tradition, don't you think? Well, I know that every bull has to day; in fact, every human has to die, that's natural, but the thing is "I restate it again" why an animal have to suffer so much only to be eaten. I hope these bloody traditions were erased from this world, maybe if people were able to understand what unfair is to kill an animal in that way, this situation would change.
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Feel what a bull feels and post your comment later
To eat a bull it ain't necessary to torture the animal
This practice is cruel and barbaric and should be stopped
as for the bull attacking.....
what goes around...comes around