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G8 Scotland: Text Message/Photo Blog
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Friday July 01, 2005 11:47 by eeekkkkk
texts to 00 353 86 1941702 / Photos to 00 353 87 7409102 First Text:
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The last time Mr Blair appeared on MTV a globalised music television channel committed to the extension of liberty, justice, fashion and education, was during the Iraq war when he used the space to justify preventative wars and assured the youngsters he really could make "the iraqi war history".,15709,1518874,00.html
it has long been observed that you know people do different things on Sunday. Years ago, before the Spire, people in ireland were more galician like, and only got a three hour special of MTV on a sunday afternoon which was selected by RTE2 as the second tv station used to be known. Oh well it all started then, within a year, kids were demanding condoms with the kelloggs, small farm owners in the west were being imprisoned for illegal extending the broadcast range of television, and the FF&PD coalition started. It was all MTV's fault. Put it this way, you see Geldof and Blair on AlJazeera chatting to kids, you know something historic has happened. Meanwhile, you'd be better off on drugs this July 6th in a darkened room being stroked by very close friend.
MTV Thursday 30th June 2005 - The iraqi war is history, now poverty will be history too.
But seeing as I'm conducting interviews by mobile for these Audio files maybe they should be linked from this blog?
I hope to have a 'getting on the ferry' interview in around 5
This is an interview with Finbarr (Dissent Ireland) who has been there for the last couple of weeks helping set stuff up.
rest assured anything we recieve we will make sure it is where it can be found. Please spread around this phone phreaking tech and spread around the mobile numbers for irish to report and send photos back.
also forward any messages you get that are of interest too after stripping out anyhing you think is 'sensitive'
;-) looking forward to listening.
all of us photographed and details taken.
{whatever happened to dual citizenship- Ed}
This was done just after 16.30 - talks about atmosphere on bus, the Galway bus being stoppped and his reasons for going. Unfortunately there is a fair bit of background noise but you can make it out.
The direct link for the above interview is below, its 2.5mb, around 3 mins
and are driving along a beautiful winding coastline bathed in sunshine. Next stop Edinburgh.
happened coming off ferry where we were picked out by the police. Though the police were polite we went through an hour of intimidation including full luggage searches, sniffer dogs and videotaping of each individual.When we tried to videotape them they stopped us. Though we still got footage. Interesting to note that while G Browne welcomed protesters we quizzed the police and their instructions came from . . . .
{message interrupted at this point strangely enough - ed}
. . . home office of the Uk government. The intimidation however just got people revved up and some inspiring speeches followed on the bus about what we are at. This was followed by poetry readings, discussions on peak oil and various other topics with people saying whatever they wanted from an open mic. The cops won't stop us.30,000 people dying a day. Nothing will stop us until all of those deaths stop.
when you rang the bus was stopped for us to get cash and while you were talking to me the bus drove off without me! Luckily they remembered me and stopped up the road ;-)
I'm in contact with the Dissent bus which is about to dock - have passed info on what to expect on to them but would appreciate any extra details to pass on.
On standby to do interview with them as they are being searched
Thanks Redjade!
Anybody got pictures from somewhere else in Ireland?
Petrol stations have lots of room for redesign,
especially the Shell ones with their empty yellow and red facades.
at these yokes. We hear they're searching buses on the scottish side. someone in the ferry port said five irish buses had gone through already. Then came the roumour sterling was flooded, panic spreads and a simple phonecall quashes it. Were going over the sea, having one of those meetings about what to do if the cops stop us - do we lie and say we're going for MPH? Friends of Bob? What about people who didn't have passports? Message ends.
for a quick pit stop before we hit edinburgh. Unfortunately due to cop stop boat delay we will mis G8 alternatives opening rally but we will be attending other events. Need to get our camps set up quick. Beautiful evening but it is going to be crap tomorrow. (I assume person means weather will be crap - ed)
"Send G8 text reports and phone cam photos to Text: 00353861941702 and photos: 00353877409102. Tell your travel stories" (and any other stories - ed). Seriously If you are reading this blog take 10 minutes to do this. It is important.
came down to write a story on us. Moments later a horse cop strolled bt us - coincidence or not? We picked up bitchin kitchen's equipment in belfast along with lots of bags of skipped pastries and scones. Leaving ferry now. Seems the iawm bus was searched for an hour. so we're expecting some 'fun fun' on the other side. will text in photos and details of what the cops say and do. However many G8's later not much changes
Before you all start wetting yerselves, can i just remind ye that ye are only going to a protest, not a fcuking revolution. As for iawm busser - an swper straining for some credibility - wot you on about? Sure you'll be back long before the real protests begin.
Up the Shell protesters!!!! Should be heading to Mayo girlies and boyos.
{ed note: Please others and this person eave this thread clear for g8 texts and photos please unless it's newsworthy. And stop with the either / or bullshit already)
Describes search procedure etc, interview was finished at around 19.15 about to contact them again
Eight pm. twelve hour trip. Niddrie is the town outside edinburgh we're staying in. There are signs up by the locals welcoming us. In stark contrast to the police!
Everyone is being taken off the bus individually to identify their gear, then taken into a cabin where everyone waits until bus is searched. It seem they are just doin a scant search, the standard fare for state intimidation. But they are filming everyone individually as they get off the bus - real close up and in their face. we also had to fill out a landing card issued under 2000 terrorism act [2001? ed]. They took 'days of dissent' magazine off one individual. The cops have no id. One is wearing just a small yellow bib, a very tidy suit under it. Does not look like a joe soapcop. They also just took a sample of 'red and black revolution' from someone.
This segment is recorded a little bit later (ending at around 21.50 GMT just after the person in the first interview has been searched. In this segment he describes how the police confiscated a copy of the Irish anarchist magazine 'Red and Black Revolution' which you can read at
Interview at
they're searching everyone's bag individually. Two hours to sterling.
site well organised for us. but we are a bit late for tonights events so it looks like the politics will have to start proper tomorrow!
"Early in May, 16-year-old South Korean Lee Chun-Kil slyly text-messaged his friend during class. He was so skilled at it, he didn't even have to glance down at his cellphone keypad while punching in the following: "Gwanghwamun station. 6:00." "
Finbarr reports from Edinburgh train station before and after the arrival of the Dissent train from London. Describes what is happening in the station and the intensive police survellance going on all day. I finished recording this around 20 minutes ago.
Everyone on the train was also photographed.
dissentbusserliz: we got best bus so far award from cops at stranraer :-) despite red and black magazine stash. Expecting another half hearted bus search. beautiful here.
iawmpossemick: it is all gone crazy in edinburgh now. REDACTED NAME and REDACTED NAME are giving it loads with a bunch of local lads on the dancefloor singing the fields of athenry! To all those who aint over here. Be here next time. The crack is mighty!
Anon Activist in Dublin: Am I the only one in a cynical bubble: Cringing at the thought of a "protest" with the rubber stamped approval of the 8 states largely responsible for unfair trade; tied aid; arms profiteering and forced utilities privatisation. It feels like a PR excercise and I predict minimal change.
dissentbusserliz: In stranraer filled out language forms as gaeilge. name, address, date of birth purpose of visit no ID check. were filmed and gave names as gaeilge. no big deal
last night. Not much got - too muchcrack but everyone is up and accounted for at 9.30.
We are now marching out of the camp in the sunshine. About 150 of us from anti war movements in several different countries / movements in several different countries.
[ed slept in - that message 9;34 this am]
crew going to edinburgh. The plan was to squat a train, romantic as an idea it fell through due to cops. Now we pay.
[this one recieved 10am - sleepy ed]
around 250,000 at present but early days and very hard to judge.
[10.30 recieved - ed]
so far but crowds still pouring in. A sea of white. (message cuts)
[11.41am - sleepy ed]
Just getting vague details of this now - hope to have audio interview up in 30 to 45 minutes
on people in side alleys off the main streets. Cops are all over the place. Have overheard them saying their lines were weak. Think it's diffused now. SDome legged it back to main march. main march is incredibly bland. Bloc is now split in three.
and moving in the direction of one of the other blocs.
An interview with one of the Irish Dissent crowd who has just been harassed off the MPH march by some very personal attention from the MET
Nice one andrew for the great reports - brilliant breaking news. Nice one indy for the updates. Although can I plead for a moratorium on photos of Dave's belly?
Interviews with WSM members which gives two different persepectives on the break up of the black bloc in Edinburgh. Includes reports of uses of batons and pepper spray by police
What would you expect? It had been billed as the march of millions, and well accordng to some woman yelling through a megaphone 500,000 turned up. The sun is splitting the stones and there was some debate as to wheter or not to head into Edinburgh. The place is buzzing. THe cops had showed up at the Sterling train station and stopped the squating fares mularkey, hopping on the numbers of people heading into the event was palatable leaving politics aside.
IMmediately getting into the city off the train the DIssent block was tailed by spotters from the Met Police in London. Photographers took up close and personal photos, and repeatedly harrassed certain individuals asking them for their name and details, the level of pestering was so high that they had to leave the march.
The march itself was everything you'd expect, a field full of people in white t-shirts. Handing out DIssent leafletts in a style mimicing Make Poverty History with the slogan "Make HIstory Shut Down The G8" the standard reply was "..shut down the G8? Why would you want to do that?"
There's a report of what happened to the black blockm contingent below..
by text "Cancel that pepper spray wasn't used but they are using extending batons. Bit of confusion there"
Savage updates people, really insightful. Keeping up to date in Belgium.
. . . around the indymedia centre to acid house blasting from a window. The infamous infernal noise brigade are back, peoples spirits are notably higher. It seems most didn't expect more than the crap experience of queueing for a crap stadium rock band from the march today. It's clear that things are only kicking off. Tonight there is a party in Sterling, tomorrow a meeting in edinburgh to plan blocades.
Interview with anarchist returning from the Make Poverty History march in Edinburgh today. He gives an overview of the day and in particular a very critical look at the black bloc action. Also talks of what happens next
looks fun! (photo from yesterday July 2)
but not sure who from
First one!
McDowell Voice: 'Bogus' - repeat to infinity and beyond (FF/PD).
Finbarr on how the campsite is working out, who is there and what are the plans for tomorrow
the weekend was a greatsuccess. One could feel history being made in the closing rally last night. There were tears as heidi guiliani spoke. such a petite and humble woman she is. And galloway delivered a curtain raiser at he end to a packed auditorium. [11.29am recieved]
But enthusiasm the whole way through the weekend and in particular the closing rally was nothing short of electric. Susan George reminded us of the short time frame in which this movement has come about. It just now needs to continue growing and growing and real success can be achieved. Activists came back on the bus charged up. Fake doctors notes were being wrtten so a few others could stay till wedenesday! [recieved 11.36]
But we are straight back into action for a demo on wedensday for the jailed mayofarmers. Postering starts tonight at 7 from the teachers club on parnell square. And same time tomorrow night. But only a few buses left from Ireland. Next time we need many more buses. The movement must spread and spread and spread. Thank you indymedia for helping to make this massive spread possible. Victory is possible.
[recieved 11.44]
Im behind the guy in the white hat behind the banner!! : )
[Recieved 12.49]
riot cops and mounted cops have split the demo. They took the medics van, batoned clown block, pulled away two from ucd. The mounted cops are gone, loads more riot cops have just arrived and penned us in.
[recieved 14.18]
Whats new with this Orwellian behaviour from the establishment of "justice". Fuckin criminals.
Loads of riot cops and hassle - short audio report coming in around 15 minutes
They're with us now. the rumour mill is crazy here.
Could you give a quick vivid description of whats happening? pass on my regards to the two UCD lads, me being one myself.
call 0861941702 and i'll pass on his no if you want to interview for text report - andy doin sound
I will contact dissenter at a later point. Any reports coming in from Faslane?
Interview with two of a group fo 7 people surrounded by 50 riot cops describing police tactics. Cuts straight in and straight out as the battery was running out
That one's pretty hard to hear with the encoding artefacts, seems worse than the others for some reason. Was there anything different about the way it was recorded?
I tried to improve it by filtering out the high tones - the original was very noisy (it is on a mobile in the middle of a 'riot' after all). But what I hear is probably not what others hear - what sort of noise do you get?
Is that it's like a high-shifted, delayed echo of the speaker, probably about a quarter to a half second lag. The frequency shifting is high enough that it sounds like an electronic squeak rather than speech at times.
Someone will fix it up I hope ;-)
Even Fox news found space for the park incident this afternoon, using it as beginning footage to a piece on Bush's choice for Supreme court judge, the newscaster, an irishwoman as it happens, said-
"protest has already begun in scotland ahead of wednesday's G8 meeting, as anarchists clased with police but it could be a walk in the park compared with President Bush's troubles at home".
Spanish tv has varyingly described the protesters as "anti-system" and "anti-globalist" & has foccused on the gate to the park. The gate was the natural boundary. If at the point the police had held the line rather crossing it, they had I am informed already covered the exits to the park, and they could have achieved _containment_ without injury. The Spanish telly (including regions) happily showed a basque flag at one of the police lines.
Spanish telly thoughtfully contrasted and compared the police attack through the park gate with the rock concerts of the weekend, which have also been the topic of the day's newspapers, (many wondering why spain had not joined in the collective vindication of Britain's africa policy) with the preG8 summit of Putin, Schroeder and Chirac, the cost of the US mission to hit a comet (asking had this more propaganda value than scientific worth) and coz the decision is on wednesday-
who will get the Olympics?
Paris leads, Madrid is second, London is unpopular, and both NYC and Moscow have very bad reputations. President Zapatero has reminded all spanish (& catalan after they caused a boycott of local champagne "cava" after not being politically wise and totally supporting the madrid olympics bid, ra ra ra olé) fans of the olympics, that spain faces "very powerful rivals".
The French for their part, have given G8 telly time to the Chirac / Shroeder / Putin meeting, the olympics, a look at global warming, and have squeezed the scottish police into less than two minutes on average.
The Germans have opened with Chancellor Schroeder at the tomb of the prussian philosopher Imanuel Kant in the company of Putin, and have shown the pictures terming them anarchist with looks at both African hunger, lack of water and climate change. They also paid short attention to the "G5" (those G8 who are EU members) decision to enforce immigration controls, the majority of migrants entering Europe do so from Africa, thus German, French, Italian, and Spanish telly looked at Colonel Qadaffi, who has hosted the African Union meeting of 53 nations who today looked at "re-entry" of migrants.
(c/f latest comment tothe article "bob marley is going home")
Italy for their part have not shown the pictures and have focussed on the message of friendship on independence day sent by President Ciampi of Italy to president Bush of the USA. He might also have congratulated them on money well spent, the deep impact craft managed to spend the same budget as providing vaccines for one half of africa, and then got blown up. But I doubt it, many people wonder why Italy is in the G8, and it has been termed the "sick-man of europe" from right within the "family" of rich nations for a while. (c/f "sick man of europe nope we're playboy" article-
Last musing thought, spanish telly is showing "independence day" the movie tonight on one channel, and a documentary on water (mediterranean farmers are already suffering from climate change and increasingly reliant on the subsidies Blair wants to end in either G8 or EU) on the other and a catalan channel is following up a genoa 2001 documentary last friday with one on Egypt/Israeli relations, as today Egypt's audacious proposals at the African Union conference were put somewhat in the shade by the kidnapping of the egyptian ambassador in Iraq.
I am awaiting news of the Japanese network telly reports, and if their public position has moved beyon simply ending illegal logging, but its a different timezone. "little hand big hand and all that"
BASTA. (use your natural boundaries) olé!
just off ferry - low key police at port. Blocades due to begin at *am [redacted by ed]. About 20 irish activists on our ferry. will keep in touch. [19.51]
Perimiter is heavily guarded.
or try to get closer? What you hearing.
[This ed hearing shag all - will text him other commenteers no's]
]Sorry these are late - Had to sleep -ed]
. . . who I've already witnessed hit one person with a car door. We escaped round the side shannon style. It's raining and damp. We're all tired and not sure where we're going. Liket the shannon cat and mouse.
managed to avoid being corraled. Still moving but confined to camp area for now.
About a quarter came back. Rest on industrial estate. Only one fuckin way out. Who chose the location? It couldn't have been worse.
The hills are lovely this morning. Soft day thank god.
six km from site. Road blocked by demonstrators.
Moving with pagans and clowns - gonna try an action at the fence. Not as imposing as we were led to believe. Long sections thinly policed.
from Kitten and some guy
text here:
near the scene
Legals estimating 5000 but at least another 500 on various roads interchanges and verges. good vibe. All shades and colours here. Legals say thousands more at bus and train stops throughout scotland prevented from travelling.
Thousands of people hemmed in on a narrow residential road. Won't let the march go forward.. We won't return to a park after the day we've been through.
deployed to intimidate. Great pictures - no injuries. The state is exposed. The night is young.