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Water Cannons at Ashtown Gates - Photos
dublin |
summit mobilisations |
news report
Sunday May 02, 2004 01:00 by Noise Machine
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What magnificent pieces of Machinery. I really hope that we get to keep them on a permanent basis.
despite the fact that this was the first time the guards used them, they used them effectively against a group of criminal thugs
Great trial run for George Bush Visit
I agree, pity the gardai felt restrained this evening due to last year.most of my freinds and I hope for a few crusty deaths or serious injuries at semlly fuckers are pathetic. anyone that wants so experience real brutality, please come to rathmines bridge tomorrow.I should have had the brekfast around midday. Ill be wearing a navy baseball cap.So if any of you smelly,useless, defective, lazy, shit stained crusty fucks want some real pain, come along.I dare you.
The only criminal thugs there, were the ones in blue uniforms. they used violence and aggression against a peaceful rally, which was excerising its' democratic right to free assembly. Do you really want to live in a forkin' police state cabhog??
Oh by the way, after all that bollox about demonstrators/wombles coming armed with incendary bombs and bleach and loads of other made-up nonsense (quoted in the paper as being from police "intelligence" sources..). What happened? a couple of placards and a few empty cans were apparently thrown. Ho feckin' Ho!! But the police, who supposedly serve and protect us were dispensing beatings and random acts of violence on a public and PEACEFUL demonstration. What twat ordered the use of water cannons and horses?? How on EARTH was that necessary??
Still it gives the gutter press (which is just about the whole damn lot) something to stick on their front page...other than jacko etc,etc..
To all those who took part....Peace and Love, and remember - Apathy Kills, let your heart and your mind guide you, and don't let their infowar grind you.
To those - like cabhog - who don't even care and can't be bothered to have an informed opinion... Stay sleeping. We don't need your ignorance, I'm sure the two of you are very,very happy, blissed out I'll bet ;-P
there was alot of first time protestors who got arrested hope they didnt' get further hurt?
Wow thats a lot of aggression you have there noel, I think you need therapy....
Or at least a muzzle...
How can I tell that you are not very bright??
Thanks for all of that nice information you have decided to give us about yourself...
Can you read yet? (other than looking obscenities, oops..swear - words... up in the dictionary)..or do you just look at the pretty pictures and make up everything in your very, very, tiny brain....
Go back to surfing for porn and being a won't make you so very upset...
Meanwhile, soldier boy, if you bother to look, you will find plenty of reasons for this demonstration...But that doesn't matter when you have a gun in your hands eh??
Nothing matters except you own hide...
Stick to playing wargames and pretending to be Napolian or Rommel or some other warmonger...Like Bush.
Peace to those who care.
Fuck those that don't.
This is the 21st century, not the 20th anymore..War is quite frankly - fucking pointless...We are damned if we don't learn from the mistakes of history..Got that soldier boy? Stick with your computer games, you can win at those...
Have to disagree with you, Sharrow, when you say "The only criminal thugs there, were the ones in blue uniforms". Don't forget the thugs sitting inside Farmleigh in their pin-striped suits. The ones outside in blue are just convenient fools, well-paid convenient fools perhaps, and they are regarded as disposable by the thugs inside.
And all the abuse and trolling aimed at indymedia tonight is generated for one purpose, and one purpose alone - to deflect the public's attention away from the real issues, the greed of those who want to privatise everything and line their own pockets at the expense of the majority.
Sorry um, Lets..I forgot about those particular thug kings..
Maybe I should rewrite that to "The only OBVIOUS criminal thugs there, were the ones in blue uniforms."
I agree with you about the trolling and other nonsense..I will refrain from engaging such plonkers with anymore feedback.
I forgot for a moment, sorry...
Oh dear, poor Sharrow. You have no idea what the role of an Irish soldier really is, do you? FIrstly it's the defence of the state.. and that includes YOU. See that word.. defence? Know what it really means?
As for my firearm, it has saved more lives than you could know. Now YOU go back to your silly little fantasies... and we'll continue to quietly do our work. You do waffle a bit don't you? Think first next time you decide to have a waffle here.
I still haven't found a reason for the thuggery. I heard one of your compatriots bleat something denigratory about "big business". He was wearning Nike trainers! Nuff said.
Chill out a bit Sharrow, high blood pressure isn't good. I wish you well as you grow up and mature.
Gosh, the fascist guardians of capitalism really went over the top, didn't they? And those water cannon! Lethal. High powered jets of water just, oh I guess, TRICKLING down on the peaceful protesters. Standing all of 10 feet away. So bravely resolute that the force of the waterjets couldn't move them. If I didn't know any better I'd have thought they were enjoying it...........
Just patronizing twaddle from the squaddie.
Go READ somemore you great hero you...
Go and die for the state as well, if you like lemming...
Defence?? AGAINST WHO??
Aliens? Ants?? The Loch Ness Monster???
Oh..don't tell me... "Terrorism?" how passe
War is only fought now for cash, land and god
It's better to communicate than exterminate.
It is you that needs to mature...
Over and out. Got that dingbat?
as a relatively new reader to the site forgive me if I dont understand fully, the haterid between "crusties" (in my opnion the people with the any real credibility left in ireland) and the "security forces" LOL!!!
I'm a typical working class bloke from the north side, i work me bollox off from one end of the week to the next just to get a few quid and i agree totaly with the "crusties" ye see NOEL, WER not a brain washed state lovin wankers like yourself, anyway im gettin away from the point, if yer as hard as ye build your self up to be ILL DEFINATLY see ye at Rathminse bridge tomorrow about 12 a clock
You hit the nail on the head Chris. It's often put out by the media and trolls like Noel, that the only people against the state or the "fortress europe" are "crusties". This is wholly inaccurate, and pretty much a media lie.. It's easy to destroy a movement if you can turn the populace against an stereotyped image ie: "crustie"
But you may want to be careful about that wanker, it sounds like a setup to me...
Take Care,
notice a tanned guy in brown leather jacket in the front line, he got nabbed. we went along for the fun, thaught their would be a party or something, when the wombles broke the police line, they split back behind the rest of the protestors. those batons hurt like fuck, but it was good fun, when the water canon was unleashed under the gleaming sun, it looked like a music video in slomo, guess thats why everyones initial responce to it was to start dancing, i did anyway, we were alos playing lord of the rings, yelling HOLD and REFORM THE LINE while the shields marched forward, (we drank some buckfast on the way).
by the way, the cops broke my buddies left elbow with a baton when they took him away, hes still in jail after five days, refused bail, even though hes only being charged with disturbing the peace and drunken disorderly.