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Were you at Mayday events? Add your perspective or upload your images by clicking "Publish" or adding comments to stories on the newswire... ***EuroMayDay compilation of reports by IMC UK *** ***Live video stream from IMC Barcelona *** More *** Mayday Around The World *** Int'l reports on Irish actions
11.15 Garda statements say some of those arrested are to come before special sitting at Cloverhill court tonight 10.52 March is at Dorset St., reports of a confrontational and provocative attitude being taken by police. 10.38 Crowd Now Passing the 'Joy' - 'The Rocky Road to Dublin Whack Fol al de Da'. Large group of riot police following; some emerged from vans as passed the prison.
10.35 From The Newswire: Firsthand Account of Events 10.00 RTE News Reporting 25 Arrests. Supposedly bad 'Internationals' rather than good 'Irish' 9.45 Bloc of 800 or so coming back into town en masse. First time Protesters have Gathered into a Coherent Group in an Hour. Going Down NCR. Mountjoy Direction. 9.42 Police getting Bored and Impatient: Feigning Baton Charges but not Carrying Through. Some injured people still behind Police lines 9.28 Messy Situation Developing: Horses being Used: A small group reports (unconfirmed as yet) the Gardai Attempted to Force them backwards into Horses. Slow process of pushing Crowd back the way they came. Various reports confirm that a few missiles (empty cans) from body of crowd was awnsered with a Police Baton charge. (8.40-8.55) There was NO concerted attack on Police at any stage. Riot Police 4 Deep following Slowly Retreating Crowd. Water cannon still in use 9.12 Irish television (RTÉ) showing images of riot squad and use of water cannon, reporting on unknown number of injuries and arrests: Reports from Scene say crowd are now marching back the way they came followed by Riot Squad and Cannons: Some still trapped by Police in Sidestreets. DGN legal support and Sky News both reporting 13 arrests. 9.04 Crowd Moving Back 20m or so:' Brave' People throwing stuff over heads of the frontline protesters: Report from Medic of two bad headwounds from Baton Charge: Cannon trying to walk Crowd Backwards: Snatch Squads Appearing From Sideroads according to a Medic: 'You Must Leave This Area Immediately' sez the Wag with Loudhailer: Crowd not Retreating: Police trying to force People down Side Roads 8.55 Last Warning Given: 2nd Cannon Now Deployed: Protesters sitting on Ground Taking Force of Cannons: 'Spokespeople from DGN and AEIP Pleading with Protesters to Leave. Not Working for Now
Further reports at "feature continued" link below - as it happened! 8.50 'RUC OUT OUT OUT' being chanted: This is a reference to provenance of the Gardai's New Toys 8.45 2nd Cannon Being Deployed: Baton Charge Took Place: One Bloody Head Injury Reported so Far 8.45 Crowd are standing Ground Booing Watercannon and Gardai : Batons Drawn : 'Water Water Everywhere and not a Drop to Drink' ;-) 8.40 Water Cannons Deployed and In Use: Crowd Retreat: Baton Charge Coming Now 8.40 RIOT Police moving up to Front Line: 30 in Padded Bloc: Tension Very High and Atmosphere Confrontational 8.35 WOMBLES Have Appeared at Front Line 8.32 Barricade in the Way: Crowd Advancing Anyway: No Riot Police there Yet 8.27 Face-Off with Gardai Now On: Tension High: Protesters Deciding if they will 'Continue'. 8.18 Gardai Getting into Formation: Tension Increasing: They got there on Double Deckers. They are 5 mins from Protesters 8.07 The march has now paused at the top of Navan Road - just at Ashington gate. Having a sit-down 200 yards from Park.
7.27 Bring The Noise now on New Cabra Road / Navan Road 7.07 Bring The Noise now on Berkley Street Heading North: Classy Atmosphere
7.00 Bring The Noise Marchers Have Made it to The North Circular Road 6.40 Bring The Noise is now Hitting the Road North on O'Connell St. Estimates of numbers still varying between 1000 and 2000. 6.10 5000 have hit the street in Barcelona for their EuroMayday March. Black, Pink and Catalan Blocs. There is an English Language Filter on their Site. 6.00 Big Crowd Gathered at GPO, O'Connell St for beginning of Bring The Noise March to the EU Summit. Estimates so far at 1000- 2000. Better estimate soon hopefully. 5.15 No Borders Group Numbering Well Over 1000 now off to Top Oil at Amiens Street - Photos / Report
Another Europe is Possible Photo Report
4.40 No Borders Group (Now est. 1000 ppl) leaving Fitzwilliam SQ - Destination Unknown. Fitzwilliam Square Photos Here 4.00 Live Streaming Audio from EuroMayday in Barcelona (Spanish Lingo). Reports from Milan indicate 100,000 are on the street for EuroMayday. Milan Audio in Italian Lingo 3.50 IMCer on Scene Estimates No Borders Travelling Demo Grown to 500 or more. 150-200 people have now invaded the 'Private' Fitzwilliam Square with the assistance of a friendly passer by. Reclaim the City Indeed. Irish RTSers have been talking about doing this for Years. Police around but still all calm. 3.40 US Citizens have been warned by USGOV to stay out of Dublin Today 3.30 Stuck at Home? Get your Avatar On and Join the Very Rockin' EuroNetMarch 3.20 Banner Drop at old Magpie Squat - Homes not Jails - Reclaim Derelict Space - Police and loads of Press there - all quiet and relaxed so far. 3.00 No Borders On the Way To Leeson St for a spot of Squatting? 3.00 From The Newswire: 2.50 No Borders moving off from Stephens Green at 3.00 2.35 Bridge at Heuston across to North of Liffey Sealed Off By Police - Lots and Lots of Them 2.30 No Border Crew chilling in Stephens Green till at least 3.00 / Jinks Lennon (Dundalk Massive) Rocking at Heuston - 'I was in a sex shop on capel st. / when the twin towers blew up-ah' 2.30 Another Europe is Possible related Radio Show 2.00 No Riot Squad in Sight on AEIP March. Great Sunshine and Drumming - Estimates of Numbers have gone up to Two Thousand+
1.30 Another Europe is Possible March Has Kicked Off Estimated numbers of 1000-1500 at gathering point for the AIEP March/Carnival AEIP Statement - 'We will not be Intimidated'
AEIP and DGN Photos from Dame Street
No Border Demo Photos |
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To destruct the nation state is to destruct culture, history and sovereignity.
The nation state is the preserver of all these.
Otherwise we shall the destruction of whole languages and ways of life.
If you think you are militant about this, by God you shall meet some resistance to your idealised utopian socialist nonsense.
Ignorance is bliss.
Interesting timeline there.
I hope I'm not the only one who noticed the turn in events.
I'd like to build the world a home
And furnish it with love
Grow apple trees and honey bees
And snow-white turtle doves
I'd like to teach the world to sing
In perfect harmony
I'd like to buy the world a pepsi
And keep it company
(That's the song I hear)
I'd like to see the world for once
(Let the world sing today)
All standing hand in hand
And hear them echo through the hills
For peace throughout the land
That's the song I hear
(That's the song I hear)
Let the world sing today
(Let the whole wide world keep singing)
A song of peace that echoes on
And never goes away
(Repeat 1st stanza and Chorus)
Put your hand in my hand
Let's begin today
Put your hand in my hand
Help me find a way
(Repeat Chorus til fade)
The protesters at Ashdown gate - what a bunch of fuckin' idiots. Confrontation is not what May Day is about. The Wombles-idiots. Those who marched with them-Idiots. The Gardai handled the situation extremely well and were in no way confrontational. As a member of the official organising committee I went to Ashdown and was disgusted by the actions of many. It is my believe that the Gardai were restrained and should have been tougher on those who threw rocks and petrol bombs. The idiots reporting events on this site were obviously not present - there was no gardai intimidation just masses of paranoia on the part of the 'protesters'
not a chance mate. you were definitely not involved with the grassroots organisation.
There were no petrol bombs thrown, there was no violence from the protestors.
I don't know what Dave is talking about.
Pictures don't lie. Protests seen throwing bottles and kicking the riot police shields. For the few protestors looking to give out about the heavy handed tactics and force used by police on the day...well you'll be clutching at straws. yes, there were alot of police but if there wasn't we all know there would have been more trouble. The protestors looking for violence and cuase hassle only looked stupid, were observed acting violent themselves, and got very wet.
Can someone paste up maybe as a seperate item info on what charges people are facing? Locations of their detention? a contiued upadate of what part of the legal process they are in etc etc???? if bail has been set? Is there a fund/bank account to contribute to help people make bail? etc etc
May Day is about confonting capital. the Trade Unions calling off the march. The authoritarian left herding us into a rock concert at Euson Station seemed to be making sure that didn't happen.
The vibe on the long march was generally good and mutually respectful of the different groups that make up the movement. If you don't want somone's leaflet it's probably best to hand it back. (Free speech wise/enviromentally etc.) Granted folks are pretty tired about getting screwed by the SWP after the war etc.
When confronting overwhelming force it's probably best to be a little bit more prepared.
Some folks spontaneously joined and probably got involved in scenes they weren't prepared for and the legal consequences.
So now it's up for the movement to make sure what folows is an experience of solidarity rather than one of isolation and demoralisation at the hands of the state.
For those of us who are pacifists, it was great to have Starhawk present. She has written well on how pacifists can operate in a scene where not everyone is commited to nonviolence etc.
There has been a lot of good direct action, & solidarity in the past few days..lots to reflect on.
Don't let the cynics get you down.
I was there, and I also had a camera with me. I saw things being thrown, bottles etc. and that person who said there was no ppetrol bombs thrown must be blind. A few make-shift ones were thrown, no one was hurt though. but there is no point in denying what happened. apart from that, I think everyting went well. No one was seriously injured, and we made our point. I think everyone involved ahould be happy with how the day went.
It is true to say that the only reason the police were restrained was because they had no reason to attack! There was NO volence from the the vast majority of the crowd. I was there on the frontline. I look the gardai in the eyes. It was my right to do that it was my right to protest freely. I saw something yesterday that incrimenated both sides. I saw a riot garda hit a girl who was no older than 14 with a baton. I saw a elderly resident of the area come down the road on his bike and to his bewilderment be ment by a wall of riot police that then procided to hit him with their sheilds till protester, yes i'm the protester got him out of there. If u believe that this so well handled than all u have to do is look at the picture on the first page. Look at where the water cannon is shotting. To the left of the protesters there was a high wall that must have been 10 foot at least. People (including curious residents of the naven road) were standing on this wall. I saw the water cannon hit these and many people fell. As the protesters retreated back to town they passed the garda station on the naven road which was surrounded by gardai shouting at the crowd "you are the weakest link, goodbye". I see how that is professional. I will admit there were people there to cause trouble and did throw missles, but there was NOTHING of the sort as petrol bombs. Anyone whos has already refered to there being petrol is (in the nicest way i can put it) stirring shit. The water cannon was deploded before any voilence happened, was only preforming two duties, to stop our right to freedom to protest peacefully, and also the gardai had to use their new toy.
how do you do that? unless you have petrol or something just as flammable. i didn't see any fire, it would have been pretty noticable.
I threw two petrol bombs (not makeshift- were u guys who argue this even there?) one was put out by the canon, dunno what happened to the other. was annoyed by garda action....and lack of response by the protesters. violence is the best way to get the worlds media to listen. fuck concerts. the wombles had it right. they distributed petrol bombs and came armed and ready with knives in the event of confrontation. we should take note
are you mad?
wombles are not stupid enough to bring knives to a demo! and they did not distrubute petrol bombs...
get back in your paranoid / misinfo bunker and close the door.
Loyalty Day, 2004
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation
As Americans, we work to preserve the freedom declared by our Founding Fathers, defended by generations, and granted to every man and woman on Earth by the Almighty. On Loyalty Day, we are reminded that we are citizens with obligations to our country, to each other, and to our great legacy of freedom and democracy
Loyalty Day encourages citizens to demonstrate their commitment to our country by supporting our military, serving each other, and teaching our young people about our history and values. Being an American is a privilege, and our patriotism is a living faith in our country's founding ideals and the promise of the American Dream.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, GEORGE W. BUSH, President of the United States of America, do hereby proclaim May 1, 2004, as Loyalty Day. I call upon all the people of the United States to join in support of this national observance. I also call upon government officials to display the flag of the United States on all government buildings on Loyalty Day.
all u guys need to go get a job and stop acting the fuck around the main cities. most of u aren't even irish from what i gather from the navan rd, and yes i was there and much closer to it all than u think
.. but hallo to all the lying yellow throwback scum who are peddling fiction about petrol bombs and knives at the demo.
"diarmuid" - yeah right, what cop shop or dirt rag are you working in?
"Loyalty Guy" - truly sad and deeply pathetic, I feel for your pain and your empty life you unbelievably sychophantic embarrassment to human enlightenment.
"Dave2 - Another lying excuse for humanity, I suppose one of the drawbacks of free speech is that everybody, including fuckwits like you can vent their idiotic fantasies to the world.
Congats to everyone who stood up to the lying, neo-fascist appartaus of repression unleashed over the last few weeks and protested. The sneering throwback sacks of shite who have had a trolling frenzy over Mayday will never attain in their lives a fingertips worth of your integrity.
has anyone else yet noticed?
noticed yet - have you - did ye?
that the Baathist flag, yeah you know
that one that caused all the fuss,
has the same basic design as two other countries.
Oh yeah you did, you've said as much.
Egypt Syria and Iraq. You've all made the connection.
Good. Now get _*"really observant"*_ and go look at the front/main/home page again.
One star on the troublesome flag.
Now if we hadn't suggested to you.
(the way we do)
that this was all about Iraq,
you being the clever sods you are
would have clucked:-
that looks like the flag of "-
the rest of the team won't let me upload anymore flags. I've uploaded to many now, and it's time to say "less flags".
But where do you think that country neighbours?
back to the beginning with us all:-
I was one of the few who threw petrol bombs, they contain water supplied by the watter cannons!!!!
Unless it got wet before it hit the ground. Petrol floats on water, the water would only have made things worse. The water cannon Never fired behind police lines, which would theoretically be where the petrol bomb would have landed.
Anybody claiming there were pre-meditated attacks on the police are lying cops or fascist provocateurs and deserve contempt
we dont wont your violence; be more creative
FUSPEY is FOR something, inform more people, excite them, get them involved
fuck off and play with your petrol bombs at home
then join us in non violent action
artistic ahimsa
there wasnt any petrol bombs on mayday... thats just laughable. dunk dont rise to the bait...