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offsite link North Korea Increases Aid to Russia, Mos... Tue Nov 19, 2024 12:29 | Marko Marjanovi?

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Promoting Human Rights in Ireland

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Lockdown Skeptics

The Daily Sceptic

offsite link Publish or Be Damned Tue Mar 25, 2025 19:00 | John MacNab
Academic publishing is in crisis. Now a multi-billion dollar industry where researchers pay journals to publish their papers, the old guarantees of quality and accuracy have been stripped away, says John MacNab.
The post Publish or Be Damned appeared first on The Daily Sceptic.

offsite link NHS Hauls Nurse Over Coals for Calling 6ft Transgender Paedophile ?Mr? Tue Mar 25, 2025 17:00 | Will Jones
An NHS hospital is being sued after it hauled a popular nurse over the coals for calling a 6ft transgender paedophile "Mr" when discussing a catheter with a doctor ? despite him lunging at her and calling her a "n****".
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offsite link Deport All Foreign Criminals, Says Labour MP in Attack on ECHR Tue Mar 25, 2025 15:20 | Will Jones
Keir Starmer should set aside the European Convention on Human Rights and deport all foreign criminals, Labour MP Jonathan Brash has said, as Left-wing voices opposing the 'criminal rights' charter grow.
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offsite link Toby Young Was Given his Peerage for the Wrong Reason Tue Mar 25, 2025 13:00 | Alexander Norman
Toby Young was given his peerage for the wrong reason, says Alexander Norman. He deserved it for creating Lockdown Sceptics in April 2020 ? a lonely refuge from a world taking a new and cruel delight in preventing joy.
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offsite link Defective Heat Pumps Will Be Fitted in New Homes Under Net Zero Plans Tue Mar 25, 2025 11:13 | Sallust
Defective heat pumps will be fitted in new homes under Net Zero plans, the Government has been warned, after it emerged that installations in new builds are unregulated and can be installed by any cowboy.
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Lockdown Skeptics >>

Voltaire Network
Voltaire, international edition

offsite link Western Europeans Deprived of Defense, by Thierry Meyssan Tue Mar 25, 2025 06:04 | en

offsite link Voltaire, International Newsletter N?125 Fri Mar 21, 2025 11:48 | en

offsite link The London Virtual Summit for Ukraine Fri Mar 21, 2025 11:19 | en

offsite link After Ukraine, Iran?, by Thierry Meyssan Thu Mar 20, 2025 11:34 | en

offsite link Voltaire, International Newsletter N?124 Sat Mar 15, 2025 05:56 | en

Voltaire Network >>

sunday papers

category international | summit mobilisations | opinion/analysis author Sunday April 04, 2004 15:29author by I macdiarmada Report this post to the editors


We all make our regimes.
We are the Mass.

This weekend is when people remember the Palm.
The United Nations, child of Roosvelt, adopted the symbol of the planet seen from the north flanked by two palms as a symbol of peace.
The United Nations, has not served to unify nations, only to be the forum for protracted and tortous relations between states.
Meanwhile since the days of RoosVelt death and terror and division have stalked this earth.

The Palm is not only a symbol of peace, it is symbol of cleansing.

Your ancestors each Spring took the Palms from the walls and roofs of their houses and burnt them. Some were kept aside and woven into complex representations of fertility, birth and nature.

Your ancestors realising the transcendent truth within these reptitions of behaviour, deemed to continue their presence in the program.

You don't need Horoscopes because you don't know either the Stars or Planets.

You need Sport.
You need Art.
You need reminding on a regular basis.
You need your true beliefs.
You need your children.
You need your Liberty which begins as the word "auto-nomy" with "self".
You need your Logos.
you need your Music.
You need your Science.
You need each other.
You need remember this is
Your Regime.

Make it.
There are no Utopias nor Dystopias
Just what you may remember
what you May Be.
for May Day for Every Day.

Basta! as Marcus who accompanied the 23 Zapatistas told you,
of little boots, Caligula
who as the 4º Caesar
is rememberd for
oderint dum metuant
"let them fear and hate us."

rather now:-
not by military might but the quality of its friendships is the security of a kingdom.

= You were All once Kings.
Your Regime.

Thank you for the Space

have a nice Week.
A Happy Monday
a Ruby tuesday
a creepy wednesday
a thursday
a Good Good Friday
and the Weekend.
and of course your non banking day nexy Monday. when the whole "cycle" starts again.

author by I know who I walk with I know where I walk, step by steppublication date Sun Apr 04, 2004 15:55author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Central Africa is not on the tourism menu.
You will remember Rwanda.
You will remember Cambodia.
You will remember Vietnam.
You will remember Congo-

The uncertain project of Barcelona's major Joan Clos, for Forum 2004, which has invited certain of the most untrusted corporations on this planet to "sponser" a building of quite unusual architecture in this most wonderful city is nearing it's _official launch date_.

Meanwhile, on March 19th the various social assemblies of this country, launched their Forum, Fotut, counter Forum whatever it is to be called.

On the street, away from the TV away from the glowing twinkling Electric Lights of RazzmaTazz away from all that which offers us so little. You are invited to take part.

Bilbao for many years now has housed some of the best examples of Art on the Planet. You are invited to visit the Basque to meet the Basques and if it takes your fancy you may also see some of the best examples of Art on the Planet in the now quite famous guggenheim Museum.
You will also be able to get public transport or indeed hire a bike or maybe make friends with a cheerful local and go to the Pyrennes which stretch from the Atlantic to the Mediterranean passing through the Basque Aragon, Andorra, France and Catalonia.
Beautiful views to be had.

You are also welcome in Greece, where the fires of the Olympiad have been lit, which symbolise the entreatment of the ancient Hellenic peoples who have long since passed into other countries to those they understood as Gods upon that mountain that they might guard and favour the endevour of sport and play.
Fair Sport and Fair Play.

You are also welcome in China, where people will be happy to share their food, water and genius with you as is the meaning of Hospitality.

You are not particularly welcome yet in the Western States of the Union, for they have long suffered problems which soon will be forgotten.

Your pennies to help make the black babies white, (which the older amongst you shall remember) have been well invested in the main, despite the presence of more than a few father Teds. Not a single baby is going to be white unless it's parents are, and you know if white parents have a black baby, well you just wonder and say-

I really don't know.
I really didn't know.
¿Why the fuck do I think I know now?

author by $=€publication date Sun Apr 04, 2004 16:25author address author phone Report this post to the editors

on the online pages of Euskal Herria's
indymedia, if you've spanish you'll be able to read it and tell people about the nasty western states plan for Colombia.

The explanation of this plan, has been hindered much by people like that alledged racist, and confirmed drug addict of the Fine Gael party, who sits not too far from the pseudo Democrats and Progressive alledged racists and confirmed black balled, and not too far from the Fianna Fail who as you know aren't the "fianna fail" in the houses of your government which is easy to find between the street of Kildare and that big square where punky Oscar sits on the rock watching the American funded institute.

They hindered the explanation by bringing drugs into it.
They hindered the explanation of the plan by bringing in terrorism.
They hindered the explanation by protecting the "pro-Coke multi-national lobby" rather than the poor effin farmers who grow, have grown and will grow one of the plants of the copia, known as the gifts.
They hindred the explanation so many ways that they have come to be seen as what they are.
¿'tis a vicious circle to be trapped in no?
If they can't even bottle water without putting in poison, do you trust them with a secret formula?

If you've no spanish, you could just look at some of the best examples of Art on the Planet which are housed in Bilbao on this nice english language site:-

author by ipspublication date Sun Apr 04, 2004 18:40author address author phone Report this post to the editors

hope you're all reading the books, and enjoying creative commons, copyleft and so on from last week.
but ye still have time for good music, and gladly the vinyl is still knocking around, so listen to Brother Bob, Mr Marley again.
His LP (long playing recording) Legend is really very good, as is Exodus, and lots of your new found non Spanish or non English speaking pals would love to read the lyrics and know what the great man was singing about.
so if you feel like doing something _good_,
go translate Brother Bob Marleye for your all your brothers and sisters, I&I sort of stuff.

"& if you don't like my fire, don't come knocking around, coz I'm going to burn one down." is another popular reggae/ska (what category is it in now) singersongwriter who said it quite nicely too.

If you don't want to translate these lyrics, then @ least phone your local radio station and pressure nicely that this be on the wavelengths. If you don't want to use a public telephone having been psychologically damaged by watching and rewatching Matrix on dvd or pal video, then you could just get your guitar out, light that spliff and go and sing it on the street. You may feel less paranoid, ¿who knows?.
who ever thought it wasn't over till the phatlady sang?
u know who and what to do, and where you want to go today.

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