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offsite link News Round-Up Thu Mar 06, 2025 01:19 | Richard Eldred
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offsite link ?Two-Tier Justice? as Ethnic Minority and Transgender Criminals to Get Special Treatment in Courts Wed Mar 05, 2025 19:30 | Will Jones
Judges have been told to consider the background of ethnic minority offenders before passing sentence in a move Robert Jenrick has slammed as "two-tier justice" with an "anti-white and anti-Christian bias".
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offsite link NHS Staff Should be Given ?Enforced Career Breaks? for Their Mental Health, Says Prince of Wales Wed Mar 05, 2025 18:23 | Will Jones
The Prince of Wales has suggested that NHS staff should be given "enforced breaks" in their careers for the sake of their mental health to help prevent burnout.
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offsite link Trump Compares Starmer?s Britain to Communist China in Podcast Wed Mar 05, 2025 15:30 | Dr Frederick Attenborough
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category national | miscellaneous | news report author Saturday June 01, 2002 21:32author by Stewart Duffyauthor email stewartduffy at mac dot com Report this post to the editors

Heavy spraying of chemtrails over Irish east coast

There has been heavy spraying of chemtrails over the Irish East Coast at least since March of this year. The photos attached here are proof that something weird is definitely going on in our skies.

Ireland's skies are regularly pounded by tanker aircraft spraying toxic chemtrails. (For anyone not familiar with chemtrails just type this keyword into a search facility on your web browser and you'll come up with a myriad of sites dealing with the subject).
Many people feel that these chemtrails are being sprayed to counteract the effects of global warming as they reflect sunlight back up into the atmosphere. The one thing that is sure, however, is that the substances contained in these chemtrails (aluminium and barium, apparantly) are posing a major health risk to people on the ground.
I think we must ask the following questions:
1) Why are the skies over Ireland being sprayed with chemtrails?
2) Where are these (military?) tanker aircraft taking off from?
3) Is there any 'official' explanation out there as to what exactly is going on, and who could possibly have the answers?
These pictures are of chemtrail spraying over the Dublin/Wicklow area since last March. And anyone watching the skies over the Wicklow Mountains this morning (Sat. 1 June 2002) will have noticed the same thing going on. At least we know that the planes were not Aer Lingus!
More to follow soon...




author by clintonpublication date Sat Jun 01, 2002 22:06author address author phone Report this post to the editors

em, I think they're called clouds.

author by Stewartpublication date Sat Jun 01, 2002 22:19author address author phone Report this post to the editors

C'mon man. Clouds don't come out of the back of aircraft.

author by lislawlesspublication date Sun Jun 02, 2002 09:28author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Nice photo's and all. But I have to ask, where are the planes? The issue is a serious and worrying one, but without evidence of planes, the argument remains that these are simply photos of clouds. Having said that, I will be looking up more often!

author by stewartpublication date Sun Jun 02, 2002 09:39author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Go look up clouds in the encyclopedias, and see can you find any resemblance between all the major known types and what you see in the first picture here. Yes there are SOME clouds in the pictures, but for Christ's sake people, take a closer look and ask yourself a simple question, especially of the first picture.
Go research chemtrails on the web (have ye actually gone and done this yet??), and take a look at the second posting on the newswire (out later today).

author by firewomanpublication date Sun Jun 02, 2002 10:53author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I have seen those exact kinds of trails before they are from a jet exhaust, or the west coast we are sprayed by chemicals at least 5 times a day.someone would have noticed. Nothing wierd just run of the mill pollution. Thats bad enough.

author by stewartpublication date Sun Jun 02, 2002 13:39author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Well it's not exactly a bird or John Wayne we're dealing with here.
OFCOURSE IT'S JETS, OF COURSE IT'S POLLUTION, just not the 'run of the mill' type.
Three words for you 'firewoman' ....
It's not that hard.

author by Robpublication date Sun Jun 02, 2002 15:10author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Conspiracy nutcase material. Aren't there any real news and happenings going around the country.

author by silopublication date Mon Jun 03, 2002 11:47author address author phone Report this post to the editors

The first "Chemtrails" post starts by saying that the photos are "proof". They aren't proof of anything. They're evidence, and very weak evidence at that. It goes on to say that "Ireland's skies are regularly pounded by tanker aircraft spraying toxic chemtrails", without showing any aircraft, any actual spraying, any evidence that these trails are in fact toxic or any demonstrable evidence that they might have been toxic in other places where this spraying has supposedly taken place. (Medical evidence/opinion, studies, research etc.)

Anyone with a vague interest in meteorology could explain these trails, probably in a variety of different ways. (cirrus/cumulocirrus clouds, jet trails, ice particles, etc.). Even if they are "chemtrails", (the burden of proof to demonstrate that these are in any way "toxic" or otherwise harmful is on the person making the claims.

Positing the theory that "chemtrails" are the result of a plot to poison us with "toxic" substances is a ludicrous inference without any basis in any evidence.

Provide the evidence (preferably independent and conforming to normal standards of research) and we will gladly listen to your case.

The evidence provided (mostly at http://www3.bc.sympatico.ca/Willthomas/UN/Fitrakis.htm) seeks to infer that "chemtrails" are related to the militarisation of space. The House of Representatives bill referred to (HR 2977) is available for all to see (go to http://thomas.loc.gov/home/c107query.html and type HR 2977 into the "bill number" search query box), and mentions the word "chemtrails" once, without any reference that they are anything to do with spraying and are included in a list of "exotic weapons systems" - that is, weapons that are not in use but could be developed.

The pages on the internet about "chemtrails" generally propose that these trails are a vast conspiracy (e.g. from http://www.rense.com/general4/fre.htm "Many theorize that it s part of a clandestine operation to implement the New World Order (NWO) by eliminating society s "useless eaters" and the infirm and/or to reduce the population to a support level for the "elite"."), but they never provide conclusive evidence, just lots of pictures of clouds and sky, without evidence, context, research or any other form of rational persuasive argument.

Please use the newswire for news. Please make the news "radical, accurate, and passionate tellings of truth". Note the second word.

author by unknownpublication date Mon May 10, 2004 13:07author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Clouds?... It think not!
there are thousands of sites WITH pictures INCLUDING the planes spraying the chemicals!


the chemtrails that are sprayed are poisonous! tthey contain pestisides that were banned in the 80's because they were classified as carcinogenic!!!

author by Homerpublication date Mon May 10, 2004 15:25author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Those aren't "chemtrails". They're contrails, which far from being chemicals being sprayed (or "exhaust" as some people seem to think), is the result of the heat of the jet engines causing water vapour to condense into wispy clouds.

There is SOME evidence that these can seed larger clouds and contribute to climate change but it's not a very widely evidenced theory, given the chaotic nature of weather systems.

Surely such conspiracy theories do not constitute news... what's next Bigfoot's lunchtime date with the Loch Ness Monster?

author by Maxpublication date Mon Apr 09, 2007 16:41author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I took this photograph from the entrance to the Tesco carpark opposite St. Vincents hospital in Dublin on April 4th 2007. I had witnessed airplanes criss-crossing the sky all day leaving these trails. Except for the trails left by these airplanes the sky was a clear blue and had been for most of the day.

trails left by airplanes
trails left by airplanes

author by Kerinapublication date Mon Jan 18, 2010 13:56author address author phone Report this post to the editors

How can anyone call this a conspiracy when all you have to do is look up to the sky? and just google the two chemicals named used in chemtrails and their effects on human health. dont diss something because it sounds out of the ordinary, research it.

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