Heavy spraying of chemtrails over Irish east coast
There has been heavy spraying of chemtrails over the Irish East Coast at least since March of this year. The photos attached here are proof that something weird is definitely going on in our skies.
Ireland's skies are regularly pounded by tanker aircraft spraying toxic chemtrails. (For anyone not familiar with chemtrails just type this keyword into a search facility on your web browser and you'll come up with a myriad of sites dealing with the subject).
Many people feel that these chemtrails are being sprayed to counteract the effects of global warming as they reflect sunlight back up into the atmosphere. The one thing that is sure, however, is that the substances contained in these chemtrails (aluminium and barium, apparantly) are posing a major health risk to people on the ground.
I think we must ask the following questions:
1) Why are the skies over Ireland being sprayed with chemtrails?
2) Where are these (military?) tanker aircraft taking off from?
3) Is there any 'official' explanation out there as to what exactly is going on, and who could possibly have the answers?
These pictures are of chemtrail spraying over the Dublin/Wicklow area since last March. And anyone watching the skies over the Wicklow Mountains this morning (Sat. 1 June 2002) will have noticed the same thing going on. At least we know that the planes were not Aer Lingus!
More to follow soon...