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Senior Garda Clerkin of Store Street Garda Station not wearing a number at the Disco Disco eviction
dublin |
anti-capitalism |
news report
Tuesday July 15, 2003 01:47 by Indymedia Kevin - IMC Éire
Plus ca change, plus de la meme chose... It seems as if nothing at all has changed from the RTS Mayday demo in 2002. The Garda are STILL walking around without their identification numbers on their shirt shoulders. |
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That Building was unused for the past 11 years, non used space are waste, reclaiming wasted spaces from the thugs is a duty. Stop organized house price rising.
Hey Seainin, respect for others is held far higher by the people who owned the DAZ house than respect for other's property. It's a pity the hired thugs didn't hold such a respect.
I don't see how trying to make better use of disused wasted city space is anything but inventive, creative and positive.
Property, me arsh. It's our fucking city - I live in the city centre and I don't see why I have to accept the existance of run down shooting gallerys lying vacant, especially when I also can't stand the fact that the number of young men I see sleeping rough in Dublin and begging for a hostel is rocketing every week.
To board up a derelict house that people while this goes on is an even worse kind of violence.
That absentee landlord probably lives in the suburbs. He's no better than the English cunts who leased our lands to rent agents.
moving from the Wolfie versus Little Piggie
to the popular board game Monopoly is most
You are no longer little piggie.
But being a materialist dialectician
piggie remains.
You may discount thus the wolf.
.·:i'm very experienced aren't I?
If the editors are going to move the audio pieces around, can they please check all links beforehand, thanks.
Sorry about that. I've changed the link so it goes straight to the UK site, rather than linking to an IMC story that links to the UK.
hes an inspector, his refusal to give his name, is in itself a disciplinary offence. push this one withe garda complaints board.
...owned by someone else, probably waiting years for planning permission, anyone injured inside it, the owner is liable for prosecution. Grow up.
Shame about the thugs,but people will try anything if they think they can get away with it. Otherwise, regarding the building itself, grow up.
shame about the choice of music.
For starts Kev an inspector doesn't have to wear ID. Don't ask me why they just don't.
What staggers me here is the moral outrage "Splutter splutter Cops defending the status quo" "It's indecent". "I'll write to my TD" You people are supposed to be anarchists and expressing shock when your behaviour is met with force from the cops is just laughable.
Cop the fuck on. Kev I've seen you at demos you're always the first screaming "fucking pigs." Expressing moral outrage at their behaviour is a bit rich.
Secondly sod whoever said this was a well oiled machine. I was there on Sunday and it was a bunch of people sitting around getting drunk. Fan fucking tastic. Thoughts on security, what the reaction would be were far from most minds.
You took over a piece of property worth at least a million. You were expecting what?
You picked a piss poor location would that would face certain harssement. You made little or no moves to defend or secure it, you didn't have cameras or have a hotline to legal representives which should have been obvious.
As per usual good idea badly executed.
I learned this pretty simple fact from a bunch of pissed up Irish people in genoa 2 yrs ago outside the diaz school.
I was there all day on Sunday and nobody was drinking at all. After the place had been occupied and made somewhat secure, a couple of trays of beer were bought - you can hardly say that people shouldn't be allowed to celebrate - but I certainly wouldn't say that people were getting pissed and sloppy.
As for Kev's moral outrage, we need moral outrage when we come across blatant hypocrisy from the state. I am VERY cynical about the state / capitalism / whatever and find that this often means that I forget that what may be just another hypocrisy of the system to me, may be the most shocking outrage to somebody else. Most people have at least some faith in the system. Moral outrage is a valuable commodity, long may Kev retain it.
The squat episode certainly did highlight some oversights in the planning. In particular not having a lawyer to hand was a mistake. However, the situation evolved in an unexpected direction as it was thought that the corpo was the only owner and if that had been the case, there wouldn't have been a problem until they got an injunction or an eviction order. Unfortunately events took an unexpected turn. However, this is the first attempt at setting up a political squat in Dublin in the last 10 years - and considering the lack of experience it was very well organised. Certainly it wasn't perfect, but it is a learning experience and I don't think that the appetite for squatting is sated yet. Roll on the next go.
Finally, KM, I have noticed that you very frequently complain about the piss-poor organisation of these things. Maybe you expect these actions to be carried out with military precision. I don't think you will ever be fulfilled if that is the case, these types of actions just never work like that in my experience. Anyway, it also strikes me that I've never seen you praise anything on indymedia. You must be a hard virtual activist to please.
Chekov I'm invovled in several campaigns and I and others vent spleen using this name.
I'm tired of this ra up with us criticism bad attitude. It could be worse I could be that annoying postive and right on guy anonymous. Fuck all gets done without criticism.
Chekov it was bleeding stupid to assume that that was corpo property when deeds of ownership can be checked it was stupid to assume that You could take over an extremely expensive piece of real estate without hassle or trouble
You're just another one of those fucking bleeding heart liberal scumbags masquerading as an 'anarchist'. I say fair play to An Garda Siochana. If anything they were too well restrained giving the outrageous behavour that many of you engaged in yesterday. I concur totally with the excellent comments of Seáinín the first and only rational contributor to this increasingly irrational debate by stoned out hippies masquerading as 'anarchists'. The sixties ended in 1969 man! Thank God.
That the above two posts aren't from the same person.
understood that anarchists in Dublin had opened an abandoned house as an action on homelessness.
Now I have talked through this type of thing a few times with like "the others".
& we came up with a little almost theological formula catechism question list.
You squat for somewhere to live?
You squat for somewhere to meet others?
you squat to pee or poo?
you squat to bring attention of greater society to problems which are being "overlooked"?
You squat as direct action against state or institutional office?
You squat for a party?
Now the good anarchists of Dublin aren't homeless themselves, so they weren't appropriating prime real estate in Dublin to the possible value of in excess of 2,000,000€ and more.
They were bringing attention by a ·disobedient action· to a problem.
Was attention brought to the problem?
Yes. A LOT OF ATTENTION has been brought to every of the first squares of the game.
Now for those who dislike anarchists for their books, cups of tea, discussion and haircuts think about this.
If you do not bring the attention of society at large to society's problems the problems get worse.
There _ARE_ people in Dublin who need somewhere to live. It is unlikely they will try and set up home in prime real estate, which is why the lovely house on Ailesbury road was left empty for so long. It is also _very_ likely that those people will find themselves treated as if not worse than our disfavoured anarchists.
So. That is what occupational protest is about.
Dublin need an autonomous space, it has had several "autonomous like/friendly" spaces for many years, varying from bookshops to theatres and cinema /dance/arts spaces.
Dublin does not need more "shooting gallerys".
IT has many.
Now I (being very far away) can sometimes get things wrong, but I really don't think ·anyone· is in the "political" position to place a "ne plus ultra" on that wish.
Monopoly works this way.
you go around the board noticing how many of the houses belong to the same people. You learn a lot about the people on your square that way.
You must also always avail of Community Chest and Chance.
(I carry the very nifty get out of jail free card with me @ all times).
Now that we have so much _added_ interest in homelessness, we may resolve to go look at the other issues now as well.
We do not know enough about the owners of flats houses and land in Dublin, Ireland or for that matter most of Africa.
And there is a class and community of common interest which is acting to the detriment of Dublin's general good.
And we are going to explain to you why.
All these exercises are really useful for WEF.
(that's what they do you know=exercise the power)
& King Mob whoever just relays "grape vine" vibes.
I loved the Disco Disco. Great place.
Great work / idea / result everyone.
My criticism is sometimes excessively negative. I read back over my posts and I realise I have been giving out about the tactics on the day - without giving constructive alternatives for people to use. In future I'll try to give the positive along with the negative.
And admittedly I wasnt there on Sunday, I just assumed people were drinking from the picture of someone opening a bottle of wine inside the building.
I think that criticism is always valuable, it is just that organising these things, especially for the first time, is not easy. Give people the benefit of the doubt sometimes. The matter of the deeds was actually researched, but what was not clear from that research was that there was a dispute between the corpo and the former owner about the building. Again this could have been avoided, but there aren't too many conveyancing sollicitors in the squatting movement!
Also, KM, nice to see that you've got a new double. Smart enough to copy your name, but not smart enough to write anything vaguely plausible - bless him.
I know the building was not in use but does that mean that after a certain period of time if they dont use the property then its ups for grabs?
The gardai taking their numbers off to prevent identification is wrong and they know it.
Shame on them and shame on the people who thought they had a right to take the house from the rightful owners. Theres no winners here im afraid
When an empty house is occupied as a home, the moral right housing takes precendence over the right material possession especially if that material possession is an empty unused house.
Disco disco was an attempt to open some type of auntonomous centre in Dublin and highlight these issues. Squatters do not "steal" the houses of others. The act of living in occupation of disused building and restoring that building within a greater community far outweighs the benefits that property speculation might promise "some day down the line".
It is one of the most simple errors that many on the left make when misunderstanding occupation for a home and occupation for protest.
Those who okupy emtpy houses in their community bring hope, dreams, energy and commitment to the process of recuperation of regeneration.
We reject completely the idea that recuperation or regeneration of either city or rural area is the concern of capitalist or speculative activity.
Thus occupying an empty property is direct action, it is clearly disobedient it is most certainly political but it is never theft.
look @ the link.
Link to a taz like space.
little irish interest last night.
have a look:
[the slogan reads you will never evict our dreams]