Immigration Bill violates human rights
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Sunday April 13, 2003 10:46
by Cllr Eoin O'Broin - Sinn Fein
eoinobroin at hotmail dot com

O Snodaigh calls on Government to defy EU Directive
Sinn Féin calls on Minister for Justice to defy the EU and withrdaw the proposed Immigration Bull.
Immigration Bill violates human rights
Sinn Féin Spokesperson on Justice, Equality, and Human Rights Aengus Ó Snodaigh TD has called on the Minister for Justice to defy the EU and withdraw the proposed Immigration Bill debated at second stage in the Dáil this week.
Deputy Ó Snodaigh said:
``There is no doubt that immigration and asylum policy in this state needs a massive overhaul, to reflect a genuine commitment to equality and human rights, and Sinn Féin has called for a positive, compassionate, and anti-racist immigration and asylum policy. But the Government's new Immigration Bill is in no way positive, compassionate, or anti-racist. It also does not conform with Ireland's human rights obligations and may cause unnecessary deaths. It is a Bill of questionable legality being introduced under an EU imperative, to comply with the 1990 Schengen Agreement. It not only acquiesces to, but seeks to enforce the Fortress Europe Agenda something that Ireland as a nation should actively oppose as unjust and hypocritical. The Bill debated in the House today is totally unacceptable to Sinn Féin, and we strongly oppose it.
``Ireland must defy the European Directive and refuse to introduce such legislation as it violates international law. If we are then taken to the European Court of Justice, this would allow us to take the lead in challenging it at European level, as we should have done at an earlier stage. I urge the Government most strongly to reconsider this Bill, to withdraw it, and in its place to introduce positive immigration reforms such as those advocated by Sinn Féin.''
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Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6How come Sinn Fein hasn't issued a squeak about the grossly unfair treatment of Argentinians of Irish ancestry, who for years have been trying to get the opportunity to work in the land of their ancestors ? These are people from communities who have kept up their links with Ireland despite the enormous geographical distance from us. Yes SF seems to prefer that we admit an endless stream of people from countries who have not the slightest interest in Ireland or affinity with this country.
the racism in ireland is terrible - just ask people on parnell street and you hear the stories.
Good to see Sinn Fein taking up this cause, since few others on the left will.
Quite possibly the silliest posting this year.
Diego by your bizarre reasoning it is hypocritical for a political party to respond to a bill which is regressive, reactive and a rolling back of human rights as we understand them beacuse nobody said nothing ever about the descentants of irish famine survivors.
Well why don't you enlighten us all about the irish/argentians and their struggle. Alternatively you could email any of the tds (sf or other) in leinster house and ask them what there attitude is.
would that be aon who was happy to shake berties hand last thurs in dolphin house? roll over james connolly& tell larkin the news,perhaps he couldnt speak for his right hand?
would that be aon who was happy to shake berties hand last thurs in dolphin house? roll over james connolly& tell larkin the news,perhaps he couldnt speak for his right hand?