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Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14Answer: US and it's allies which include Saudi Arabia, Israel, UK, Qatar etc.
And now, since the EU removed the weapons sanctions, it's a free for all to supply weapons to Al Nusra (Al Qaeda)
It's so funny (if not tragic) to see the folks who manufactured the "war on terror" (US) falling over themselves to supply money and weapons to the same people the war on terror is meant to be waged on, i.e. Al Qaeda,
And all this hypocrisy, in spite of everybody in the world and their dog being able to watch Al Nusra execute people, get kids to behead people, and eat people's entrails on video. And now, more proof of their use of chemical weapons.
I totally stupid do they really think we all are here?
Personal responsiblity has to be taken,you are just further using false vicimhood for the islamists.
They make the choice to use these weapons and actively acquire them,im not saying what the US (et al),is doing is right.
But personal responsiblity has to be taken,are we to blame for their cannibalistic behaviour,i seen a youtube clip of a guy eating someones heart.
Do we blame the west for those actions too?
If it wasn't for the facilitators this behaviour would not exist.
Just as if it wasn't for the dealer, drug addiction could not exist.
These guys are on a power trip fuelled by US / qatar / saudi / money and weapons and knowing they have the support of imperialist power makes these lunatics feel they are invincible.
190 liters of dimethyl methylphosphonate, a CWC schedule 2 chemical used in the synthesis of sarin nerve gas, was discovered in the cargo of El Al Flight 1862 after it crashed in 1992 en route to Tel Aviv. The shipment was from a U.S. chemical plant to the Israel Biological Weapons Research Labs under a U.S. Department of Commerce license.
In 1993, the U.S. Congress Office of Technology Assessment WMD proliferation assessment recorded Israel as a country generally reported as having undeclared offensive chemical warfare capabilities. Former US deputy assistant secretary of defense responsible for chemical and biological defense, Bill Richardson, said in 1998
"I have no doubt that Israel has worked on both chemical and biological offensive things for a long time... There's no doubt they've had stuff for years."
When should we start the bombing of Israel , Felix?
CLEARLY these Jewsih Extremists and Murder Gangs are a DANGER to EVERYONE in the region with their TONNES and TONNES of DEADLY CHEMICAL WEAPONS!!!!!!!!OneoNE111ONE!!!
Obviously if ZioNazi/US backed Islamo-mercenaries are putting the shits up you up, with their mere 2 Kg of Sarin, then the FACT that the JEWISH State next door possesses TONNES and TONNES (Metric tonnes to boot!!!) of DEADLY CHEMICAL WEAPONS must make you absolutely shit yourself night after sleepless night.
The US Congress Office of Technology Assessment records Israel as a country possessing a long-term, undeclared biological warfare program.
Israel is not a signatory to the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC).
It is assumed that the Israel Institute for Biological Research in Ness Ziona develops vaccines and antidotes for chemical and biological warfare.
It is speculated that Israel retains an active ability to produce and disseminate biological weapons - (and is therefore a THREAT to EVERYONE in the region, and in fact EVERYONE in the WORLD, since Biological Weapons are not stopped by Political Borders and once released into the environment, could prove deadly to THE WHOLE OF HUMANITY!!!!!!!!OneoNE111ONE!!!
When should we start the bombing of Israel , for their blatant disregard for the health and happiness of THE WHOLE OF HUMANITY, Felix?
CLEARLY these Jewish Extremists and Murder Gangs are a DANGER to EVERYONE in the region with their TONNES and TONNES of DEADLY BIOLOGICAL WEAPONS!!!!!!!!OneoNE111ONE!!!
Obviously if ZioNazi/US backed Islamo-mercenaries are putting the shits up you up, with their mere 2 Kg of Sarin, then the FACT that the JEWISH State next door possesses TONNES and TONNES (Metric tonnes to boot!!!) of DEADLY BIOLOGICAL WEAPONS must make you absolutely shit yourself night after sleepless night.!!!!!!!!OneoNE111ONE!!!
[The "JEWISH State"] may be behind Syrian chemical weapons use in SYRIA -
05/04/2013 23:30
Former Bush administration official says Syrian chemical weapons use might've been "false flag operation" of Israel.
A former senior official in the Bush administration said on Thursday the use of chemical weapons in Syria might have been a "false flag operation" of Israel, meant to implicate Syrian President Bashar Assad.
"We don’t know what the chain of custody is. This could’ve been an Israeli false flag operation, it could’ve been an opposition in Syria... or it could’ve been an actual use by Bashar Assad. But we certainly don’t know with the evidence we’ve been given. And what I’m hearing from the intelligence community is that that evidence is really flakey," retired Col. Lawrence Wilkerson, Colin Powell's former chief of staff, told Cenk Uygur in an interview with Current TV.
Given this "flimsy evidence," Wilkerson doesn't believe a red line has been crossed in Syria, and that the US should not base its intervention in the war-torn country based on such evidence.
Wilkerson criticized Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu harshly, saying there is a "geostratigically, geopolitical inept regime in Tel Aviv right now."
"We saw really startling evidence of that in the fact that [US] President [Barack] Obama had to tell Bibi Netanyahu, 'pick up the phone, you idiot, and call Ankara and get yourself out of this strategic isolation you're in right now, do a reconciliation with Turkey, the most powerful country in the region,' otherwise Bibi probably wouldn't have done it," he said.
He also said the prime minister was "clueless" as to the grave security situation Israel is in.
When DO you think we should start the bombing of the "Jewish State", Felix, for their possible blatant disregard of ALL international legal conventions regarding the use of DEADLY CHEMICAL WEAPONS of MASS DESTRUCTION?
VX, IUPAC name O-ethyl S-[2-(diisopropylamino)ethyl] methylphosphonothioate, is an extremely toxic substance that has no known uses except in chemical warfare as a nerve agent. As a chemical weapon, it is classified as a weapon of mass destruction by the United Nations in UN Resolution 687. The production and stockpiling of VX was outlawed by the Chemical Weapons Convention of 1993.
The VX nerve agent is the best-known of the V-series of nerve agents and is considered an area denial weapon due to its physical properties.
The only countries known to possess VX are the United States and Russia. - BOth the US and Rusiia have large CHRISTIAN populations !!!!!!!OneoNE111ONE!!!
CLEARLY, CHRISTIANS are endangering THE WHOLE of HUMANITY with their TONNES and TONNES of DEADLY NERVE GAS, Felix/"dave"/whatever-you-are-calling-yourself-today!!!!
WE have to DO something, quick!!!
What would you suggest, Felix/"dave"/whatever-you-are-calling-yourself-today?
Bombing, maybe???
Israel, a non signatory to the NPT treaty currently has 200-300 nukes stockpiled. Each one is a weapon of mass destruction.
The US annually gives at least 3 billion in military aid to israel.
It is against US law to give such taxpayer military aid to a foreign country which has a nuclear weapons program but is not a signatory to the NPT.
Israel will not confirm the weapons program but they spitefully jailed Mordechai Vanunu for blowing the whistle on it.
They have been getting this military aid for many years. If Israel formally acknowledged this weapons program then all that aid would have to be returned as it was against the aid terms.
Should we launch a pre-emptive strike and a full scale invasion to destroy the WMD's??
Netenyahoo must go?
Send in the nutjob jihadists, weapons, money, and the Gene Sharp destabilisation brigade to destroy the country perhaps??
''If it wasn't for the facilitators this behaviour would not exist.
Just as if it wasn't for the dealer, drug addiction could not exist.''
Now you are simplifying the issue down to druggie - drug dealer relationship.If it were that simple it could be a situation that could easily be solved.
But it is not.
So let me get this straight,syrians wouldnt be cannibals if it werent for the west??
the cannibals are actually working for western imperialists, the friends of Israel.
And that was actually an Al Nusra terrorist video. Al Nusra are funded, trained and armed by the enemies of Syria.
However, afterwards, they might turn on their paymasters and use their guns to attack mother Israel felix.
You should be with Assad and the russians on this matter I think!!
And your idiot motherland Israel should not be attacking Assad.
Serves them right now if Assad allows hizbollah to attack Israel through the golan heights if they are naughty, or if they shoot down some really expensive Israeli planes with the nice shiny new missiles. Israel brought it on themselves by supporting Al Nusra terrorists against Assad.
You wrongfully and glibly make assumptions as to what side im on.
Im not on anybodys side when it comes to war,there are losers and winners of course but amongst the bloodshed who is counting?
I dont believe it is as simple as west = bad, israel = bad, victim = muslims.
I just don't see it like that particularly after i watched a harrowing video of a man eating the insides of another human being,a syrian committing an act of cannibalism,tell me did EVIL ISRAEL OR THE WEST MAKE HIM DO THIS???
I just dont buy it , its not that simple.
I do however believe the syrian people will have to one day learn to get along with each other long after the war is over there will be scars that will not heal of course,and they will just have to learn how to live with the aftermath of war with their neighbours.
I don't believe there are any true winners,as there will be not one person in syria who hasnt lost someone close to them.
"whats next nazi and racist slurs???"
Wow you're a bit behind the times - we already started on the NAZI-slurs, "dave"/Felix(The well known NAZI) quite a few posts ago. Get wiv the program, dude!
I'll let you in on a little seekrit, my little NAZI friend,:
NO ONE here believes for so much as one second that you are anything BUT Felix Quigley the well-known NAZI and all-round Zionist-Loon
I mean the nuttiness is too obvious - even when you are trying to, you CANNOT hide it, Felix. You're a certifiable loon. The nuttiness just oozes out of every sentence in every post - the barely controlled hysteria, the completely moronic and deliberately dishonest "Logic" that you use etc etc.
It ALL clearly says "Felix wos 'ere" - really, there just can't be 2 separate people that haunt here spouting out the exact same Zio-Loon Nazi racist diatribes,using the same moronic hate-inspired phrasology and the same moronic racist "logic" over and over again., Felix.
It's clearly you.
You ain't foolin no one, you silly little NAZI
If you have nothing REAL to contribute felix then don't post..
It really is that simple.
Like i said before,im not a nazi , i never admired hitler or nazism..
You really are a fucktard aren't you?
Full text at link.
The Syrian Army has seized two containers with poisonous sarin agent in a rebel hideout, SANA said citing sources. Meanwhile, Russia reportedly blocked the UNSC resolution set to slam Damascus’ offensive on the town of Qusair held by opposition forces. Syrian Arab News Agency reports that sarin, together with automatic rifles, pistols and homemade bombs (IEDs) was seized in the Faraieh neighborhood of the city of Hama.
Sarin (or GB) is an extremely toxic, though colorless and odorless, substance that disrupts the nervous system, over-stimulating muscles and vital organs, if it comes into contact with skin. This potentially extremely harmful nerve agent was originally invented and manufactured to be used as a chemical weapon. According to UN Resolution 687, Sarin is classified as a weapon of mass destruction.
The threat of chemical weapons deployment in Syria has become a major international concern, with American President Barack Obama even saying previously that the use of chemical arsenal by the Syrian government would be a “red line” and might precipitate a foreign military intervention. However, in early May an independent UN commission came to the conclusion that Syrian rebels had used sarin nerve gas, while allegations of its use by the government have not yet received any official confirmation.
On Saturday a UN Security Council (UNSC) assembly failed to adopt a British-drafted resolution on the situation in Qusair, which the Syrian Army has blockaded and is said to be eliminating a large group of opposition forces that occupied the town several weeks ago.