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international / anti-capitalism Sunday February 13, 2011 - 19:01 by WPI
With the stepping down of Hosni Mubarak under the crushing pressure of the revolution, people of Egypt have achieved their first goal. A dictator, who for nearly thirty years had made life hell for people in a country run on the model of market economy capitalism with the full political and military backing of the USA and other western governments, was forced to resign. Eighteen days of people’s massive protests in Cairo, Alexandria, Suez and other cities, their smart and brave confrontation with all the regime’s vicious ploys, and the workers’ massive strikes finally brought Mubarak to his knees and forced him to flee. ... read full story / add a comment
international / rights, freedoms and repression Friday February 11, 2011 - 19:04 by Yassamine Mather
Given the events in Tunisia and Egypt the campaign in support of Iranian political prisoners has taken on a new urgency. So has the campaign for democracy in Iran. Iranians are just as entitled to freely choose their own leaders as Egyptians and Tunisians. Any change must come from within Iran and from below. John McDonnell MP will launch a new campaign at the Hands Off the People of Iran (GB) annual conference this coming Saturday (February 12). The 'Free Panahi! Free all political prisoners!' initiative is expected to pick up significant international support. Renowned film director Jafar Panahi has had a savage six-year jail sentence imposed on him, plus a 20-year ban on making films and travelling abroad, for the 'crime' of planning to make a film about the mass movement for democracy that spilled onto the streets of major Iranian cities in 2009. ... read full story / add a comment
international / anti-war / imperialism Thursday February 10, 2011 - 15:46 by newsmedia
Dozens of U.S. human rights groups will present an open letter to the Spanish public to consulates and Madrid officials on Valentine's Day. They will encourage support of Spanish courts in prosecuting U.S. officials who authorized torture. ... read full story / add a comment
national / politics / elections Wednesday February 09, 2011 - 21:22 by Charlie Williams
Fís Nua ( lanched its election candidates on 5 Feb 2011 in Buswells Hotel, Dublin. Fís Nua is Ireland's newest political party and was entered on the official Register of Political Parties on 4th Feb 2011. F?s Nua stands for an end to the bank bailout, for social justice, sustainability, a steady state economy, greater democracy with devolution of power and an end to corruption. Cordelia N'c Fhearraigh welcomed everyone to the launch and introduced Cllr. Pat Kavanagh who made an opening statement. Each of the candidates then made introductory comments about their reasons for standing for Dail Eireann. Those candidates are (left to right): Ian Clotworthy - Dublin South East, Gerry Kinsella - Wexford, Pat Kavanagh - Wexford, Liam Johnston - Dublin Central, Dr. Ben Nutty - Waterford, Donal O'Riordan - Cork South West. ... read full story / add a comment
cork / history and heritage Wednesday February 09, 2011 - 21:02 by Seán Ó Murchú
Clonmult Martyrs Commemoration Committee, members of Republican Sinn Fein, relatives and friends met recently in Midleton to organise the 90th Annual Commemoration for Sunday 20th February 2010 at Midleton. ... read full story / add a comment ![]()
international / rights, freedoms and repression Wednesday February 09, 2011 - 15:25 by Kev
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The Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign (IPSC) today condemned the decision of the European Commission which stated that “Israel provides an adequate level of protection of personal data”, thus giving the green light for “the transfer of personal data of EU citizens to Israel”[1]. The Irish Government had previously attempted to block this data-sharing relationship, but to no avail. ... read full story / add a comment ![]()
national / arts and media Wednesday February 09, 2011 - 04:06 by Fred Johnston
Margaretta D'Arcy and John Arden have put together a series of plays, kicking off in Gort, Co. Galway at the upcoming festival, which resurrects the memory of George Moore ... read full story / add a comment ![]()
national / rights, freedoms and repression Tuesday February 08, 2011 - 23:30 by RNU PRO
The Republican Network for Unity (RNU) held it’s second Annual General Meeting or Ard Fhéis on Sunday 6th February, 2011 in Belfast. The national conference was a successful event bringing together Activists from cumain around the country to chart a progressive way forward to end British rule, imperialism, partition, political imprisonment, political policing in Ireland. ... read full story / add a comment ![]()
national / worker & community struggles and protests Monday February 07, 2011 - 15:46 by PRO
A wide ranging SIPTU delegation including many community workers from across the north attended the 'People's Congress' in Belfast's Kings Hall on Saturday 7th February, using the event to network and build allies. The event was organised by ICTU with the aim of bringing together Trade Unions and Communities to organise effectively against Tory imposed cutbacks. The hundreds of trade unionists and community activists listened to addresses on a number of topics including 'Myths used to Justify Cuts', 'Towards an Economy which serves society', 'Big Society, Small Future' and 'Rights in a Time of Recession.' Among those who spoke were Economist Dr Andrew Baker from Queen's University, Belfast, Paul Nowak who is head of Organisation and Services for TUC. ... read full story / add a comment ![]()
national / miscellaneous Monday February 07, 2011 - 15:11 by Vol
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Recession, depression, corruption and climate change - Ireland needs some super-heroes to save the day and the pioneering web driven youth organisation is today starting a nationwide quest to find them., a non profit youth organisation which provides information, support and opportunities to over 500,000 young people each year, is launching a unique new micro-grant scheme designed to support the country’s young people in becoming active to bring about social justice in Ireland. ... read full story / add a comment
international / anti-war / imperialism Friday February 04, 2011 - 09:30 by London Catholic Worker
February 4th. 2011 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - NO EMBARGO PRESS RELEASE "FREE ASSANGE! FREE MANNING! FREE SPEECH!" Four Days of Action announced for Julian Assange and Bradley Manning 4th, 5th, 7th and 8th February ... read full story / add a comment ![]()
tyrone / worker & community struggles and protests Wednesday February 02, 2011 - 20:04 by PRO
Ireland's leading Trade Union SIPTU delivered a presentation on their campaign against cuts to communities to Omagh District Council on Tuesday 1st February. The presentation was delivered by local community activists, Siobhan McDermott, Barry McColgan and SIPTU Lead Organiser Martin O'Rourke and aimed to build awareness and cross community, cross party support behind the community campaign. A cross section of Councillors were present with all the main political parties represented at the engagement. and SIPTU believe the presentation was enthusiastically received by all. All the Councillors speaking at the meeting expressed their support for the campaign and many noting they were active members of community groups. ... read full story / add a comment
international / anti-war / imperialism Tuesday February 01, 2011 - 21:10 by "Free Manning! Free Assange! Free Speech!"
Feb 6/7 - INTERNATIONAL CALLOUT - "Free Manning! Free Assange! Free Speech! Close Guantanamo!" - Solidarity Vigils at U.S., British, Australian embassies/consultes/high commissions & sites of significance in the "War of Terror" ... read full story / add a comment
international / rights, freedoms and repression Tuesday February 01, 2011 - 20:25 by joe
Cageprisoners has received news from the Tora Istiqbaal prison complex just outside Cairo, Egypt that hundreds of prisoners are being attacked by the security forces in a pre-emptive action taken against political inmates. ... read full story / add a comment ![]()
national / animal rights Monday January 31, 2011 - 19:44 by Bernie Wright
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SAY NO TO TESCO GREYHOUND RACING PROMOTION Greyhound Action Ireland appeal to Tesco Clubcard Deals to remove their Irish Greyhound Racing deal from their brochure. Apparently 10 euro in clubcard vouchers will get you 40euro to spend at the Greyhound track. They say ‘experience the pace, the thrills and excitement that is a night at the dogs’. We say racing causes the deaths and injuries of thousands of dogs annually. Dogs regularly found with mutilations, some drugged, burned, drowned , shot or just dumped in Ireland. This is well documented in the press. Over 25,000 Greyhound pups are born in Ireland annually. These are just the ones who are registered, others are killed at birth or as saplings due to no prospects at the track. See for videos and more information in our IRELAND section. ... read full story / add a comment
international / anti-war / imperialism Monday January 31, 2011 - 17:11 by Ciaron
*Please circulate to those who maybe interested! Flyer for event..... WHERE - Giuseppe Conlon Hall 49 Mattison Rd. Harringey, N4 1BG * Speakers/ Muscians to be announced Thursday Feb 3rd. ... read full story / add a comment ![]()
national / rights, freedoms and repression Thursday January 27, 2011 - 00:37 by RNU PRO
REPUBLICAN NETWORK FOR UNITY (RNU) Spokesperson, MARTIN ÓG MEEHAN has demanded that Veteran Republican, Martin Corey be released immediately. ... read full story / add a comment
dublin / anti-capitalism Wednesday January 26, 2011 - 19:18 by éirígí PRO
The socialist republican party éirígí are to hold a demonstration outside Leinster House in Kildare Street this Saturday January 29th. The protest which will commence at 5.30pm has been organised in opposition to the Finance bill which is currently being fast-tracked through Leinster House ... read full story / add a comment
ALERT - LONDON "AUSTRALIA DAY" 2011 - The Empire is trying to transport Julian Assange in chains to.
international / rights, freedoms and repression Wednesday January 26, 2011 - 10:49 by "Australians for the Release of Julian Assange"
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Oi AUSSIES AND ALL - ALERT, ALERT, ALERT, ALERT, ALERT!!!!!!!!!!!!! LONDON "AUSTRALIA DAY" 2011 - The Empire is trying to transport Julian Assange in chains to an outta sight American Gulag for the term of his natural life! Free Manning! Free Assange! Free Speech! releasejulianassange at ... read full story / add a comment ![]()
limerick / politics / elections Tuesday January 25, 2011 - 22:44 by Limerick Socialist Party
● United Left Alliance Limerick Launch Rally, Tuesday February 1st ● ULA will expose Fine Gael & Labour's conspiring with Fianna Fail to implement savage cuts in Finance Bill ● Call for the Finance Bill & economic policy to be the heart of the election debate ... read full story / add a comment |